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  Oct 2017 AK93
Elizabeth Squires
an incident took place
just yesterday
one met a troll
at the site's hostile bay
its verbalization was not
of pleasant greeting
some rather pointed
things said at the meeting

firstly it conveyed
the B---- term
on hearing that term
one did squirm
thence it proceeded
to tell one
in no uncertain terms
one should be turned
out to pasture
midst all the slugs
and worms

well its form of address
did of one not overly impress
and may one place on the record
one felt that one's
hot button got a press

trolling maybe amusing
for a troll
yet one didn't delight in its
unnecessary patrol

the trenchant troll
needs a fulltime occupation
which is more useful
to the writing population
  Oct 2017 AK93
Srijit Panja
there's rhythm
in your fall.

your defeat is so graceful.

--- like a poem
  Oct 2017 AK93
Elizabeth Squires
the gang worked assiduously
on ridding their so called
of those who'd not tow the line
or be compliant with their

they expended much energy
more especially the two in
the methods they employed
had the characteristics of a

pushing out others so they'd
obtain all the popularity
could be said they were lower
than nine hundred feet

they're now ever so contended
with a job that was well
sitting back feeling so satisfied
smugness in what's been

it is supposed that they'll keep
toiling for supremacy's
whilst at the same time driving
a very disagreeable
  Oct 2017 AK93
If a tree falls in a forest
Does it make a sound
When the woods are open and
There's only three people around

One of them remembers it
As clear as it was day
Yet as to wether it was real or a dream
She cannot really say

The second has no memory
But he wouldn't say it didn't occur
And he has the vauge memories of after
When little echoes could be heard

And the third may know the answer
But the other two can't ask
Because going down that road
Is taking the devil out of the flask

So did the tree really fall?
Or more important still
Can anything they remember be trusted
Wen they tell their stories as they will
  Oct 2017 AK93
Rebel Heart
You built me up
Just to shoot me down
Breaking me past shattered
Shattering me beyond broke

Like Humpty Dumpty
Doomed to never recover.
Except the walls were my own
And you gave me the push

You made me feel
Like I was the Queen
But I was nothing more
Than a pawn
In your sick games.

How naive I must've been
To believe in the illusion of love
Your poisonous words
Like honey on my skin

Now I cut off the poison
And distanced myself from you
The feeling of losing a limb
Along with my mind

My heart aching,
My body shaking,
My lips yearning for you
Yet there's nothing left
For anything
Or anyone
So I scream
And scream
And scream
And scream

Till there's nothing left
But the lost tears of my childhood,
Your tainted things crashed against the wall,
A Shadow,
My demons,
And **I
Something stuck between the lost memories of first heartbreaks and losing innocence... Leave your thoughts, especially on how you interpret the last stanza I'm curious... ~BM
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