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Subject: ( I’ll Meet You There )
( I’ll Meet You There )

Across the fields of gold
I see my place of destiny
In my new world of calmness
I will finally find my serenity

Over the shining sea I go
with my wings of pearl white
I’ll fly off into the nights sky
and drift away into the moons light

My spirit within helps me believe
in a world beyond what we see
Across the mountains where I grew up
my soul,it fly’s so high and free

I will meet you there my friend
when the world pushes you away
I know I’ll see you there old friend
and like the old times we can play

No More sorrow no more pain
In this new beautiful world I’ll know
Hope to see the rainbow bridge
And all the streets will glow

The Lost Poet
 Jun 2019 Rachelle
I want to write about what hurts because I think it will
Stop me from hurting. If I put these words on
A page then they will be easier to digest.
Poetry isn't curative by creation, it is
Just confession. Still, these remedial
Lines are what I turn to when I am holding
Too much in my hands. Right now, I feel
Like I am overflowing onto the ground below me.
For the first time,
I don't want to write about what hurts. I want
To keep it inside of me and let it burn me. I want
To carry it in my palms for as long as I can.
I should write
About how we've said goodbye so
Many times that it turned into a threat, a weapon
We made with our tongues.
I should write
About how I lied and got away with it,
How you got caught with
Your hands tied and no one to blame.
I should write
About how it was over before we waved the white
Flag, and I know what it means now
To hold onto a sinking ship.
I've never had anything to die for.
I should write about how I've never wanted
Something so much that I devastated it completely.
We loved in harsh conditions, under sun and darkness and
I don't know how to write about how
The love didn't save us.
I don't write about letting go as much as I write about
Holding on, and I want
That to change.
I don't want to write hurt just to feel it.
The next poem I write about you will be
About me. About how I held on and how I let go.
It won't be about your love, it will be about
Mine. It won't stop me from hurting, but
It is how I make it out
Of my love alive.
 Jun 2019 Rachelle
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

At times,  when times,
When I fight beside the people I wanna trust it ends bad.
Making rumors,
rumors that'll make you **** yourself and ruining things that you had.
Quiet and shy,  shy now even still incased in the big old brute of a shell.
I've been hurting inside, inside of my mind, lost in this mean matrix,
Can't you tell.
My exes lie beside me,  keyword lie,
And I will never trust another girl again.
Filling pieces,  pieces of my heart I threw in the trash in desperate dens.
Love is another form, forms of weakness,
Don't you let it all go to your big head.
Lives are on the line , the line of destruction and you feel your life is so dead.
 Jun 2019 Rachelle
Irate Watcher
I want to be available
to the people who love me.
I want to be there
emotionally, physically, financially.
I want to be their shoulder
their crutch, their solace.
The person who does not drop anything.
I want to give the feeling
of lightness to every being walking this earth.
Every human, creature, and plant
as they grow up fast.
I want to be nutrition,
a steadfast superhuman
so unfazed, so cool-headed.

It infuriates me
that I'm not this person.
It should be so easy to give.
If I just get my **** together,
I've repeated on and off again
the last five years.
But somehow, I always manage
to waste enough time
to get there,
but late.
When I have nothing
left, a hollow person
someone gave too
many tries.

Still, the people I love
tell me I'm wise,
an angel body.
Like they must justify,
who I am,
the imposter
the transient,
always planning,
for when she can
run away again.
 Jun 2019 Rachelle
Hidden Glace
this is important
I really miss you
 Jun 2019 Rachelle
Made in His very own image
Fashioned in the likeness of Adonai
Implanted with light and brightness
The apple of the Father's eyes

Called to shine as light in this age
To live the victorious life in Christ
To show to the world His awesomeness
To usher men and women into His yard
It's a life of beauty and purpose.
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