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Oct 2015 · 442
No fuck
Jana Gracia Oct 2015
You don’t need money
You don’t need love
Love is overrated

You don’t need a fancy car
You don’t need to sleep
Neither to wake up
You don’t need to travel
You don’t need to talk, read or blink
Because we don’t need music
Food is bad
And water is even worst, because if you don’t drink you die
You don’t need to be fat or thin
The richest people are sometimes the poorest
And no one cares about the poor
Unless the tv ad tells to take care
But don’t worry
Ads only last 10 seconds
Because you need money to pay each second
- But you told me I didn’t need money

But you do, and a job, a stable job, also a partner, and 2 kids, and a dog, I don’t care if you are fat, thin, pretty or ugly, we all **** at least once in our life. You will cry many times, and you will think about suicide even more, not a big deal, people don’t give a **** about you, and you don’t give a **** about people.

And only because I’m an adult
Only because of that simple thing
Am I right?
Because I ask that question every morning
My mind is occupied with that ****
And I cry every time I go to sleep

Because I have money
And a job
And a house
I don’t want to wake up
I don’t want to sleep
My appetite died with my 20th birthday
But I’m here
Thinking about suicide
While I’m talking to a 5 year old kid
And you look at me
With your innocent eyes
Please, never forget
You are unique.
May 2015 · 552
La presence
Jana Gracia May 2015
I felt the presence of a stranger in my mouth
begging me to shout that i loved him
How could I be so ignorant?
I couldn't talk
I couldn't feel
I only could see how his blue eyes
were looking at me
begging to love him
but i can't.
May 2015 · 1.1k
XXX century
Jana Gracia May 2015
"Today we do not need another lost generation because no generation is lost, and in this ******* school system , where memory is all that is exploited, there are different minds , ladies and gentlemen, we have forgotten the passion and our heart lives caged, our imagination is stuck in a can of Campbell , and the illusion is bottled in cardboard bottles produced in series."
18thlabel (Jana Gracia)
May 2015 · 818
Love Love
Jana Gracia May 2015
When I first heard about love

I hate it

When I secondly heard about love

I loved it

Now I listen about love

And I feel lost

But isn’t life about love?

Love to me, and you, and you and me, and the family and the dog

Yeah, I think my love is the only thing that loves me right now

But i love love

we all do
18thlabel (Jana Gracia)

— The End —