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Honey bee, honey bee,
How I wish you would come to me,
But I know I must set you free.
Because it is your sting that frightens me.
A yellow and black butterfly has returned,
But last time I was burned.
But it's for you I yearn.
Honey-bee, Honey-bee
You know it was you who helped me,
Did you not see?
Yet I must set you free.
Why has fate been so cruel
to fuel
My love for you?
Do you feel it too?
That fate has been cruel,
And played us for fools?
That we want the ones we cannot have,
Yet we crave.
 Aug 2015 Annie
As I lie,
his last words ventilated my empty cadaver.
Wishing one final request from me,
from the departed.
No rose, no sweet song,
just ash engraved in stone,
carried by unwanted winds,
spoken loudly.
"Here lies a woman whom I loved so hard,
and shall not crossover 'till returning my heart."
 Aug 2015 Annie
Angela Moreno
Please do not write me
And remind me how we were in love.
We were never in love.
We were merely kids
Who knew not the first thing about love.
We were simply victims
Of the seduction of other's words
Who loved to tell us
How beautiful we were,
And to two young, naive, foolish artists
(Who knew nothing of the world)
Nothing was more important than beauty
Whether it be true
Or whether it be false.
 Aug 2015 Annie
brandon nagley
“That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is. Most people love you for who you pretend to be. To keep their love, you keep pretending - performing. You get to love your pretence. It's true, we're locked in an image, an act - and the sad thing is, people get so used to their image, they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forget all about who they really are. And if you try to remind them, they hate you for it, they feel like you're trying to steal their most precious possession!!
 Aug 2015 Annie
Kushtrim Thaqi
Seeing the lizard king move
and seeing him dance,
seeing his wicked laughter
followed, by another wicked laugh
it makes you feel sad;
The fact,
that in front of you stands
the avatar of sadness,
the king of the ******!
I'm afraid that we will run out of fire for each other, that we don't have enough passion to keep us going. I'm afraid that darkness threatens to engulf our flame. I'm afraid that you'll leave me; I'm afraid that I'll leave you.

I don't know what the future holds. No one does.
 Jul 2015 Annie
Henry Brooke
 Jul 2015 Annie
Henry Brooke
When out of luck, we ****** our trust
To bitter pointless Seas,
Objects to objects \ love to love
Oh why cannot we be free.
An insect croaks in the head-jelly,
A cuckoo beats in the chest.
While pearls of salt from children's follies
Come crashing down our necks.

He's mud on **** shoes: Never clean,
And though he loves her
Like a dream, they're still apart;
The grass stays green :
You cannot conquer the unseen.
Watching, the invisible policeman shouts:
Evil is lurking, check your route!
But never shall I ever choose his way
I am human
I seize the day.

Flies will eat our faces,
Truly we all rot. This I said to teach
You something life will not.
Screaming along, the Ugly and vain
The cracking full, or Empty train
Rings the official bell of welcome,
Although it only means goodbye.
And yet lovers still wave across the pier
While some others break a lie.
Wrote this thinking about the one
 Jul 2015 Annie
Beat me
I'd rather you beat me with your fists
Than talk at me with cursed sentences
Because your punches would'nt hurt nearly as much
As the pain you've caused with those words
 Jul 2015 Annie
Kacey M Stalla
I am not alone.

but I am sitting here with no company to keep
and so I feel lonely

I am not ugly.

but still I stare at this reflection as if it will change
and so I don't feel all that pretty

I am not stupid.

but here I am questioning what the hell is wrong with me
and so I feel inferior

I am not crazy.

but here I am.
and again.

I am questioning everything that is me

from the fabric I am wearing to the very fabric of my being
I am laying powder and sprouting mountains

I am surrounding myself with negativity
and somehow I am feeling so alive when I know I shouldn't be

I am not happy.

and I can say everything that I am not
but I can not figure out what I am feeling

I am not okay.

But my heart is beating
and so I keep trying
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