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Nov 2019 · 139
Tracey Nov 2019
Feral love was born in the beating
of his heart against hers
time stood still as moments were stolen
...never to be returned

Formations of energy ripped at the lovers
tearing them apart and leaving sharp edges
that seemed to pierce the soul of all who got near
...tattered and torn, with chin to chest

Madness attached to her every thought
forming cob webs of unnatural reality
voices scream in codes while her eyes rolled
...her silence fades into internal screams

Maiden flowers that bloomed were cast aside
in a pile of past waste, repeated by a weak
tattered soul
...painfully aware of the stench

From that day forward
you'd see her smiling while her lips
moved in whispers...answering her minds chaos
...forever drifting between here, and there

A flower anyone? From a maiden fair?
She laughs...sliding into the water
to just just breathe

Nov 2019 · 91
The fine Art of Being
Tracey Nov 2019
Termites infested her new age aura
taking the cross around her neck
into their mouths leaving nothing
but dust behind

Sacrifice was given on the basis
of who gives a ****

Being ****** to death in this
day and age is so different from
that one know the one

Burning from the inside out
with seared soul on flesh

Seeking alternate pathways
didn't come with a 30 day
warranty or your money back guarantee

Feral thoughts wander aimlessly
unnoticed by any

The gift was seeing and still not believing
trusting nothing and yet everything
jumping over piles of **** but slipping on tears

Down for the count
and it still doesn't add up
to many fingers and toes to count

Then death again
so what...
Sage that *****
#Death #Hate #Separation #Death
Nov 2019 · 152
Delicates dance
Tracey Nov 2019
Ego was stripped from skin
in layers until the trail of tears
was no longer visible to the blind

Monks chant in the distance
as souls dance to the melancholy;
strength of the limb is tested
...wearing Sunday's best

Frayed rope is placed on ivory
rough against the delicate truth
only to be choked before it could be heard

Lover be ******; pained eyes meet
the noose being tightened by hands
that once cupped the breast of the Mother
...betrayal found in man's milk

Foundation is kicked away in one swift
motion; crushing the pathway of life
swaying with eyes wide open

Ego killed the delicate that day
a day of broken promises; dreams
forever became a lie, the lie truth

Delicate is still here in the shadows
swaying between trees in an eternal
dance in Sunday's dress
...waiting for the neck to fully break

Haunting Ego's chance~
Nov 2019 · 138
Where the Demons dwell
Tracey Nov 2019
Saints bow to the hell that rides inside her veins
sinking teeth deep within white weak flesh
licking the coma from lifeless blank eyes

Dying to consume the succulent
his **** gets hard...while ***** fill
with ache and memory

Sip from the lava of Kali
wet your mouth while drinking her in
and you will never thirst again

All she wants is for you to spread her legs
force her hips up and ****** hard into her secrets
****** hair in hand while the smell of blood and sweat fills the air

Wet ******* glisten...
teasing you, tempting you
begging for release of that warm seed
fantom touch

...She walks on fire just for you
could you throw the ***** some water~
Tracey Nov 2019
There is this memory of you and I...a time when all we did was graced...all  that was said was gold and all we felt was the blood of the earth and the sky pumping through our veins
... Simply meant to be  
Now the lines are blurred like the ripples in the water.  I can't see clearly anymore I can't see the defined lines.   I don't know the rules and I'm tired.   I want to know your love and I wish that you could want it as much as I do
But the blood of the earth ran dry and the sky is covered in grey.  
... simple rantings of the forlorn  
Time has stolen the youth on my face. It is taken away moments that can't be recaptured. They say hope will heal that.   I'd like to believe that hope still existed, that there is a higher purpose to be found in these moments of solitude and void. I want to believe... so very bad .
...simply my belief lands on you  
Sadness is irrrelevant here. The madness of letting go of the wants and needs of the mind and the heart... leaves me in shallow water  wandering constantly.  It's the memories and dreams that  make me sad. Thats what takes me into that dark night of the soul where I question everything.  
... simple renderings  
Ankle deep in shallow water... blurred, ripples with each  movement...  I doubt if I could drown here even though they say it only takes a teaspoon of water.
Where I feel my air getting cut off from my body is in the moments when I think of our future...the one we can't have because it's been blocked by fear.

How foolish can two people be to let go of those kind of dreams? Maybe we're just the kind of people that like to feel pain, that like to drown in sadness while pretending...that we're all ok.
...simply it's not ok
So today we turn another blank page...while the pen has run dry. The words of all been spoken... so the heart and the voice have fallen asleep...shh
Nov 2019 · 295
Sense of Being
Tracey Nov 2019
Shamelessly the moon pierced through
my skin, invading every cell
Stunned, I stand there now lacking in  
oxygen from the force penetrating so deep
Did I not heed the advice of the wise ones?
Traveling lately with muted footsteps have
left me with a heavy heart
Seeking solace in the moon…and the moon  
pierced me
I was an unwilling bystander
Lessons ensue~
Nov 2019 · 196
Delicates Dance
Tracey Nov 2019
Ego was stripped from skin
in layers until the trail of tears
was no longer visible to the blind

Monks chant in the distance
as souls dance to the melancholy;
strength of the limb is tested
...wearing Sunday's best

Frayed rope is placed on ivory
rough against the delicate truth
only to be choked before it could be heard

Lover be ******; pained eyes meet
the noose being tightened by hands
that once cupped the breast of the Mother
...betrayal found in man's milk

Foundation is kicked away in one swift
motion; crushing the pathway of life
swaying with eyes wide open

Ego killed the delicate that day
a day of broken promises; dreams
forever became a lie, the lie truth

Delicate is still here in the shadows
swaying between trees in an eternal
dance in Sunday's dress
...waiting for the neck to fully break

Haunting Ego's chance~
Nov 2019 · 223
Tracey Nov 2019
Thimbleberry wine on lips
made divine by sweeping tongue
she glides inside your deepest thoughts
awakening in you a belief that its all possible
...her magic tastes like sunshine

An ache so unexplainable fills the well
of souls, forgotten long ago
decrepit screams are replaced by soulful moans

For lifetimes you have waited to taste the cherish
of her soul, rolling essence of; inside a parched mouth
succulentence now moistens the very hunger you once felt

Nothing can be the same again
it has taken you to a cannibalistic frame of mind
always tapping the vein, wanting more heat on ice; burn and weep

She dances in the rain and walks in the stars
tastes like the sweetest of wines
speaks the languages of two legged, four legged
and fae
...can you deny her?

Nov 2019 · 142
You Force Me
Tracey Nov 2019
A beginning made from
all things sweet and simple
...divine, magical

Time raised that vibration
up, just enough to burn dust
from the binds that kept us
alone, and scared

Passion poured from thoughts
turned to words until breathless
gasps seized our contentment

Reality met at the door...chained
from there all had been had
all had been felt and all
had been done

Forcibly my senses were invaded
with a slight blush on pearl
...aching for more

Good-bye was never an option
will never be...yet you force me
into silence
Nov 2019 · 150
Seeking Sanity
Tracey Nov 2019
Pandora's box has been tightly sealed
remnants of what once was
is scattered now in northerly winds is lost

Dying time wages on
like a war between
decay and the stillborn

Fighting something that
cannot be seen
while loving with third eye open
...soul retrieval countdown

Drifting between yesterday
and today
That is where the sun meets moon

Survival of the fetus hidden inside the blind
spots of a road overly traveled
leaves healing as the daily mantra reborn or die

So black and white is the palate
of this life
...the answers lie in the dark side of the moon

Seeking Sanity~
Nov 2019 · 123
Clearance Shelf~
Tracey Nov 2019
Your love was cheap~

Like the prize in a ******* Jack box
highly anticipated but once opened
disappointment ensued.

Massive excuses and the blame game
are the only soul enhancers that enlighten
your facade which cause double vision.

Drifting over and over again into your abyss
left me exhausted for some time like you fed
off of my shine, oh bottom feeder.

Stand inside those many thoughts, many worlds,
lie, cheat and blame and I will be so clear of any
of the feces you flung my way.

Because darling…I’m not breathing for you anymore.
Oct 2019 · 136
I am~
Tracey Oct 2019
I am no ones ***** secret
I’ve been birthed by the same God, Goddess as you.
Standing side by side in the face of scrutiny like so many of our ancestors before us.
I am worthy of admiration and praise for rising from the ashes.
There is no place in my life for people who can’t see that my worth is just as valuable as their own.
I am all things...a survivor of the dark night of the soul and of being the eternal light.
If you can’t recognize me here in this gone.
I am no ones ***** little secret.

— The End —