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We all lose ourselves,
Somewhere at a certain point in life,
Life at that point seems very different,
It's complicated and difficult,
But what you must know is,
A storm passes and so does will these days,
So don't stop moving and believe that you deserve better,
If you do with all your heart,
Know that the storm has already started to fade
 May 2016 Miss Cornelia
for me, you are
the brightest star
I've been wishing upon
to fall
 May 2016 Miss Cornelia
It was feeling everything and absolutely nothing simultaneously. It was the dam wall of my heart cracking slowly and then collapsing all at once. Hope came gushing out of everywhere and left my soul speechless and empty.  It felt like I couldn't quite place my feet firmly on the ground and I was floating away up and up out of my own body. I don't know how but I can see my crumpled face the moment he let me down once again. A mixture of hurt, confusion and an irreplaceable look of wonder that I can never quite get to leave my eyes when I look at him. It felt like a blindfold made out of duct tape was ripped off my face and for the first time I was looking at him and I didn't like what I was seeing. It hurt to look at him. I was meeting eyes with a stranger. A stranger that I knew and loved so well not too long ago. It was the feeling you get as soon as the roller coaster ride comes to an end. You're breathless and nauseous, heart beating outside your chest. Relieved it is finally over. It felt like the time I realized I didn't believe in God and cried myself to sleep for a week. All the water in my body was replaced by fire that night and now smoke permanently lingers in my veins. Realizing he was never coming back felt like someone was burning the home I grew up in to the ground and all I could do was watch. That someone was me.
There’s something wrong with me
I’m broken somewhere inside.
And, I know it won’t be easily fixed
I know because I tried.
I’m all messed up and in pain
And nothing is going right.
I keep on trying to get better
But it’s an uphill fight.

I’m hurting and I want to cry.
I’m depressed and I know why.
I want things to change right now
But, I can’t fix it. I don’t know how.

I keep wishing it was tomorrow
And my heart didn’t hurt so much
For the feel of you in my arms
And the healing of your loving touch.
I’ve healed all I will ever heal
From drowning in my own tears.
But there is something wrong with me
Since you are no longer here.

I’m hurting and I want to cry.
I’m depressed and I know why.
I want things to change right now
But, I can’t fix it. I don’t know how.

There’s something wrong with me
I’m broken somewhere inside.
And, I know it won’t be easily fixed
I know because I tried.
I’m all messed up and in pain
And nothing is going right.
I keep on trying to get better
But it’s an uphill fight.
Remember, Grace is best when you share it with others.
Remember , Love does conquer all when its unconditional.
Remember Friends always make you richer than money.
For you can not take money with you when you die.
But you can always lead friends to Christ, then meet them there.
Living Life pure is by far by far better then living an hateful life.
Running around with an purpose , fulfills your Life always.
For living an life without any purpose leave you drain always.
For Lonelness is a person worst nightmare , for it drains you.
For we are meant to be in fellowship with other believers.
 Mar 2016 Miss Cornelia
to be a hero
with their
pen and ink.
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