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 Mar 2019 yellow-thoughts
thank god i can’t write good poetry
the best poetry comes from pain and hurt if you ask me
so although i can’t write like i used to
at least it means i’m doing alright
hurting is healing
If anyone asks,
"What is your favorite color?"

Just reply,
"The Color of you."

With different expressions
You keep on changing
I wonder how you do it
Sometimes I don’t know
What color is it
Sometimes the hue
Keeps on surprising
Close to magic it seems

Sudden change in contrast
From bright moonlight to eclipse
From dark shade to snow white
Puzzles me
Should I trust my eyes?
The two sides of life

The color of you
Makes me concern
What to expect, the next

The best color
Yet to see
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Color of Happiness Vs. Shades of Sadness
who's real and who's fake
people make my head ache
I’ve never received a flower
Or even a rose
But I’m a guy
So it’s acceptable I suppose
No kisses
Or sweets
No treats
That signifies ones feelings for me
No token of ones love
But I have gotten
Watered with hate
Planted in betrayal
Fertilized with lies
And maintained by fakes
Roses are Red
But my roses are dead
And crumble beneath my feet
take it easy
on my heart
i'm not like the other girls
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