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 Apr 2020
sugar cane berry stains

lost friends life's bends

mountain still, in the end

there and back, i've been

we were kids, you were teens

we learned a lot, what we've seen

one more shot before we go

that sacred breath you always know-

when to call it a day
 Nov 2019
time   mind   man  
will   moment   day  
love   life   wind  
night   form   sky  
soul   beautiful   light  
left   heart   empty  
clouds   lost   feel  
cast   mountain   tree  
human   trees   sun  
single   divine   sit  
gods   death   find  
water   today   void  
dreams   language   eyes  
songs   king   silence  
free   heaven   pass  
souls   ground   silent  
hold   wonder   air  
god   crystal   eye  
land   hear   speak  
breathe   ancient   skies  
held   people   mountains  
truth   spirit   deep  
pain   thing   flowers  
reach   eternal   earth  
worlds   ways   directions  
bend   moon   hidden  
nature   center   passing  
golden   hills   thought  
magic   forever   true  
war   bring   city  
emptiness   matter   essence  
illusion   clearly   hill  
song   idle   caught  
sure   children   passed  
cold   full   infinite  
story   long   space  
dream   knew   forest  
felt   lies   beneath  
filled   smoke   high  
mother   feet   bound  
round   distant   meet  
chant   warm   heavy  
stories   great   told  
state   things   morning  
thee   winds   cloud  
inside   stand   sound  
remember   path   meaning  
ten   shore   lonely  
kind   unknown   bounds  
darkness   star   blind  
fire   knowledge   angels  
body   born   spoken  
seed   forgotten   rain  
days   leave   walk  
prayer   hovering   peace  
unity   grasp   ocean  
spoke   admit   brink  
surely   small   understand  
lord   reality   return  
stumble   grey   stars  
release   smile   fly  
start   holds   circle  
thoughts   natural   bounding  
separate   call   paths  
face   point   dead  
head   watch   dark  
sounds   friend   spirits  
wisdom   longer   perceived  
sat   constant   needed  
wanted   play   help  
rest   fully   clothes  
reflection   sing   black  
stone   set   open  
ages   fear   rainbow   ideas
here are the words now i just gotta figure out the order they go in

Most popular key words used through-out my poetry of the last 5 years and organized into lines of 3 words each. With the last having 4, adopting the title, because it worked.

Thanks for taking the time to experience some of the unbound imagery from my poetic pain.
 Sep 2019
Vanessa Gatley
September crawled back to me
The vibes died out like summer flame
Now we rest covered in cold breeze
Where vibes r hidden the electric love
 Aug 2018
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
 Jun 2018
I wiped the slate clean
No strings
No attachments

I don’t need those things
 Sep 2017
Madhu Jakkula
To the love of my life,
I carved your presence in my memories,
held you close in my desires,
kissed you in my fantasies and
made you mine in my dreams.
 Sep 2017
Like do you ever just look at me & say well I'm **** lucky to have you ? Probably not I'm too weird , anyway well I do that with you all the time. I just lay thinking about you every night. I could talk to you all day. We wouldn't even have to say anything to each other really. I crave your touch to the point that my body tenses up for a few seconds. I crave you in general. I don't know what I'd be like without you or where I'd be. You make me so angry when you don't reply after 10 seconds.  You make me feel all I need in my life is you (which isn't really true for anyone in reality) but however you're a big part of me, who I am , & who I wanna become. You mold me. You've shaped me into a person who has things to be proud of. You bring so much happiness into my life I quite often ask myself what did I do to deserve it. I'll never get tired of you. Your flaws are what make you perfect. Everything you do is so unflawed to me. I respect you & your hustle.  I'll be there for you through rags & riches. They're always like "be somebody's Sunday not Saturday Night". You my angel, are my 7 days a week , 24 hours a day 365 days a year. You're just always there. You love me & all my broken pieces even if at times they cut you , you love that scar it gives you too.   Loving you will never get old. But even if it does I'll  find a way to start loving you all over again .... ♡.
Our hearts weigh more
when they are broken,

Our minds expand
when they are awoken.

Our souls can be felt
when they are shattered,

Our hearts, minds
and souls are fragile
when they've been battered.

They can be mended
with love and care,

With strength and faith
and with some valuable prayer.

We can learn
from all of our pain,

With our lessons
we can stand tall again.

Showing ourselves
some needed compassion,
patience and love,

Seeking salvation
from God above.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
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