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1.2k · Jun 2015
Detatched wings can be sewn
Skaidrum Jun 2015
In my act of
defiance and grotesque penmanship,
I'll be the silver-eyed poet to beckon you from wonderland.

I've written you the universe and I'll
sew the seams to your switchblade shoulders.

"What are these?"


Come Lycan,
time for you to trust in your wings

© Copywrited..
Skaidrum Jun 2015
Twin  vipers on
the windowsill
chasing  young
******  moons
send a  shadow
       off  to fetch  me      
gnashing  gears
'tween ink  skin
  skewing   snake
  tales  so that the
  venom      won't
   kiss   my   cheek
  g o o d n i g h t .
For the twins,
and Lycan.
And Jack Addison...
"Written in my Willow Language for you."

© Copywrite
1.2k · Jun 2015
How I Fell.
Skaidrum Jun 2015
A story is brothers with a poem.
That's all this is, family.

Your soul couldn't get any bigger,
twilight crept over your toes, and
before you knew it---
it was gliding along your throat.

Cliffs aren't made of bones,
they rock and gleam like armor gnashing
twin dragon scales.  The earth growls and lashes, dominance is its domain.

Bellow my legs I view the darkness pleading~
I've never witnessed a starving sea,
it begged to swallow every inch of
my crippled heart of wine.

I'm hanging by the wires we call gallows,
tendrils thinning like my silver lining.
Soon I'll feel the tides swallowing at my spine.
When I fall,
I'll do so

This cliff has lockjaw,
the stones morphing into fangs of a Greek legend.
You're staring at me,
Saturn now makes its home in your auburn depths.
How I'll miss the misty mountains,
because you named them
after me.

A whisper louder than thunder,
lonesome ashes staining venom on my tongue.  
Coughing up my regrets as if
I had lung cancer.

I'm a hanging nightmare.
That's ready to drown.

No wonder they call you daughter of old man winter, you're practically frozen in place.
I've seen the universe, but I think I'll swing by hell for a change.

"Ahkira....Ahkira look at me."
Why must your voice be so drippy?  I thought you were a frost flower.
Since when did you melt when it sleeted?


"Don't let go....Don't let go please...I'm coming."

"It's no use.  I'm going to die,
Oh but darling,
you should've stayed glued to glass.

"Don't say that!  I-"
With a lurch the mottled sky pinned you down,
senselessly, you crashed to the floor, 6 feet away from my hourglass body.

"Give me your hand!"
You reached, but I couldn't hold the wire.

But I was wrong.
Your soul multiplied.
It expanded.

But before I fell into the hug of oblivion, I tugged at your heartstrings my very last time.
I brushed the surface of your being and my words stung perfectly in your ear.
"Close your eyes."
You never did.

This is about two girls, on a cliffside.  One is hanging from the cliffs edge, while the other is paralyzed from fear.  The girl is hanging is the one leading the poem.
As there is a massive storm around them making the area dangerous.
The girl who is trying to save the other finally runs forth, but wind knocks her off her feet.  Out of breath, she reaches for the other while crying and screaming.  But the other is slipping.
Then she falls.

"Close your eyes."
You don't want to see me struggle.

For Lycan.
© Copywrited
1.1k · May 2015
And in my rotten notebook;
Skaidrum May 2015
Ah, but do you want to know my secret?
I draw with cold and unbeautiful silver,

& it comes out red.


Oh?  You want to hear a story?
I wanted to write exactly how I felt,
But I left the page,

                        b l a n k.


And I couldn’t have described,

                    It any better,
                than that.
I found this in the lost pages of my rotted notebook,
thought it might find a place to belong here now.

© copywrited.
1.1k · Feb 2016
Skaidrum Feb 2016
"No one likes your poetry because they don't understand it."

"Congratulations, welcome to reality."
I write for the soul fading out of my own skin.
I am not a popular poet.
1.1k · Jun 2015
Electricity in my City.
Skaidrum Jun 2015
/|\   °
Can't freeze a caludron with only witchbone and cigarette dreams.

No sir; I live in the city not a
surreality.  The smoke can kiss my collarbone, not my vexed mind.

The only thing I am is the color of lightning and all I have to offer is my glass.

As in hour, not luminous wine.

I'm losing my ******* mind and no one can help.

© Copywrite
1.1k · Jul 2018
Skaidrum Jul 2018

this pain is white noise
sleepwalking through this body-
in search of heaven.
Of the haiku series
**. folding statues.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
1.1k · May 2015
Silver buckets, such as she
Skaidrum May 2015
And it wasn’t nearly reality enough,
    So I skimmed this water of bone
Hoping that the blood beneath
    my fingers would only be temporary.


        But you can’t promise on broken love,
    Could you believe me when I say I’ve known.
        Lie behind your cheap lips and teeth
    Cross your heart and hope to die yet on the contrary.

Your empty threats of wishing to **** me,
    But darling I’m already dead.
You can hope on deeds of darkness but not anymore,
    It’s such a shame a poet must draw her scythe.

        So take a deep breath dear, inhale slowly,
    And don’t worry there’s nothing wrong with just a taste instead.
        I can’t help but smile as the ashes flood the floor,
    Such a beautiful way to die, letting a poet take your life.

Tonight she sleeps with the lions and like before,
    Dark as it may be she laughs when one offers her light.
“I sleep with demons roaming my skin,”
        “Beg your pardon I don’t need this pity.”

            And the truth was not a sin, she really had to pay for.
        A century of this and that really left without a fight.
    I haven’t decided on which degree of hate I let out and in,
But tell you what I digress this country and this rotten city.

    Mistake me for a witch, and how many friends will I lose?
I can hardly tell with all this nihility I now hold dear to me.
    Keeping words on chains, imprison me why not.
A bucket of silver is all I hold in my eyes.

    And keep the hounds in hell dear,
            Just let me say you are quite lovely,
    What can you teach me, what have you taught?
        Beware of the silver in the bucket child...


Beware the poets eyes.
Letters to myself,
are bittersweet &

© Copywritted.
1.0k · May 2018
Skaidrum May 2018

my insomnia
holds a gun to my forehead-
and dares me to sleep.
Of the haiku series
xv. just a sleeping sickness

© Copywrite Skaidrum
1.0k · Mar 2017
Skaidrum Mar 2017
"Grieve while you can"

Don't speak in silhouettes
"Why him and not me?"
Vermouth signature in september
"I don't understand what that means."
Moon asleep while on fire
"That still doesn't make any sense."
Sometimes the beautiful things don't have to
"And what beautiful thing did he do to you?"
Kissed the silver right out of me
a little like all at once
all over the world

"Tell me how I ****** up"

"How could you?"
You mean how could my poetry
"How could you ******* hurt me this way?"
Art is a twisted, underestimated thing
"And love?"
Like a child's coin toss
"You can't compare love to that."
Love is a two faced child that feeds people to the war
"What war?"
Our own

"Dismantle me because you're chasing something you can't have"

"What's heads stand for?"
Carpe diem, Carpe noctem
"And tails?"
Soli deo gloria
"I'm so confused..."
And now you understand
"Understand what, your confusing definition of love?"
Felix culpa

Ask god how this could happen

"I watched you distance yourself from me."
Distance gives birth to gardens
"You've created a ******* forest at this point"
Housing the tree of knowledge
"What are you saying?"
Snake in god's flower crown
Sin of fruit and temptation
"So this is about Adam and Eve?"
Not quite
"Then what?"
Eden grew between us

"Hate him so it makes it easier"*

"He'll be the one that defiles you."
The shattering of soft water
"But you are the moon."
"Then who are you shattering?"
The snake
"What snake?"
I will not eat fruit that is ripe of jealousy

"I wanted you."
And I wanted more.
Lost in the bonfire
© Copywrite Skaidrum
1.0k · Feb 2018
Skaidrum Feb 2018

Full Lakota moon,
unzips me from her womb &
dismantles this love.
Of the haiku series
iii. spells

© Copywrite Skaidrum
1.0k · May 2018
Skaidrum May 2018

you weren't looking but
the universe unfolded
in your garden's bones.
Of the haiku series
xii. to: elizabeth; eden in the flesh

© Copywrite Skaidrum
1.0k · Jun 2015
Skaidrum Jun 2015
Your eyes shift like
clockwork  forcing
December        into
it's    rightful rank.
Frostbite  bursting
from     jaws       of
Sagittarius,    iron
staining         your
crow    -feathered
muzzle.                I
plucked       Sirius
off the face of  the
sinking sky while
weaving           his
starlit   fangs into
steal wolf    teeth
for replacements.
You    swallowed
an oath of loyalty
for        alunakira
so     I   will build
and    reach   into
that        heart of
vintage      glass,
drag the  dog of
war   from    the
sunset  stomach
you           own~
and do as Lupus
told        me  too.
I  will construct
symphonies  of
tiger            -lily
dusks & dawns
to     raise    the
dead  poetry in
  basilisk    heart.
Lycan,          I'll
   withdraw    the
   ashes              of
  Avalaone    just
   to   get          the
  Gears working
  again   in   your
a   u   b  u   r   n
e       y     e       s
You mustn't become a dog of war,
but a lone wolf.
I'm not worth all the silver kin in the sky,
I'm not worth protecting.

© Copywrite
1.0k · Apr 2016
Skaidrum Apr 2016
1.  Can someone
            teach me,  
            to stop the running
            of blood
            from a wound?
2.   I don't like
            the way
            your body
            wears red;
            it's a warm
            I can't seem to
            from your cotton clothes
            my porcelain mind.
3.  Your kindness; I have never realized
            that it was it's
            very own
            of torture.
            Even blood fell
     ­       cared
            someone blissfully stupid
                             like me.
4.   I should've,
            I would've,
            I could've,
            listened to my father's instructions
            but I didn't.
            I still chase it,
            the second glass star
            to the right.
            I wasn't ready
            for what guilt
            I found;
            I never would've
            been anyways.
5.   Captain hook learned
             how simple
             it was;
             and used a
             black gun
             to ****** Peter,
             and rob him of his'
             favorite lost boy.
             He left the weapon
             in the sleight
             of my hand.
             "Time to grow up, my dear."
6.    Nine years later,
              between now
              and long ago;
              I still create
              whenever I give someone
              the power
              to mention
              your name.
7.     Father always told me
              fairy tales weren't real.
              You were mine.
              You were real.
              I still don't listen
              to father.
8.    You are the dauntless touch,
              to my sense
              of adventure
              to my flavor
              of judgment,
              to my frigid heart of
              I don't have what it
              Not anymore.
9.     One day I will join you.
               The sooner,
               the better.
               So how pointless is it
               that I write
               these letters,
               and remind myself
               that I am much older
               and very
              "Do you miss me as much as I
                     miss you?

Headstones do not have mouths;
only ears. 
 Graves are the best
of listeners.

© Copywrite Skaidrum

April 3rd, 2007.
Death of: Jack-Addison.
Cause of Death: Bullet Wound.
Witness:  Me
967 · Sep 2015
Skaidrum Sep 2015
is a ***** liar
  that insists things were
  better than they
Why does it still hurt?

© Copywrite Skaidrum
958 · Jul 2015
Skaidrum Jul 2015
On a night where your teeth left indents on my soul,
I let the peak of my love ***** out the moon.
In the dark I'm pretty sure there are black needles,
poised at my throat.

You're not a dog of war,
It never suited you anyways.
But this means I cannot call you
My Wolf Girl.
Oh no you see,
I am an outcast in the brewing of a ******.

I'm sorry.
I'm coming home, Addison.
Being lost isn't so hard after all when I can't make out the letters on your tomb.

It's alright.
I don't belong here.
But patience is all I have left now.

I'm sorry Lycan.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
947 · Sep 2016
Alpha Beta
Skaidrum Sep 2016
Alabaster teeth at the crack of dawn,
Blossoming storm with a crooked smile,
Can't shake this mist,
Drink the wine that is paradise;

Endure it,
Friends that stray the streets at night,
Grown in the rivers of jealousy,
Hatred is a sword of ink as well.

Is it the way desolation kisses my neck?
Justifying the ghosts on walls as I tire,
Kindness is it's own sort of torture,
Love is just the aftermath of a tragedy.

Misfortune is the deity with the sun in her veins,
Nothing worth losing in my heart these days,
Open riots in the flesh of old graves,
Purpose is just a nickname for pathetic;

Quickly now,
Rinse off all that happiness in the sink,
Spoken in tongues of moonlight and snakes,
Trust me, death is the poor man's doctor.

Unless, it was fate itself,
Verify my passion for silver,
Weighted by the selfish love for wolves,
You are a paradox in the white twilight,

Z is a broken letter, look at how much we have in common with it.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
937 · Jul 2015
r e f l e x
Skaidrum Jul 2015
You're wielding a double edged sword,
it may **** your opponents,
but it's cutting your soul,
as well.

Can you conquer,
the darkness of your own

A word of warning,
the path of the warrior can be swayed
by the road of the demon.

This ones for the both of you,
Kal, Lycan.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
934 · Jun 2015
Eyes of a Murderer.
Skaidrum Jun 2015
"You have your father's eyes, they're full of nothing but truth."
So that's why they're so ugly.

Thanks for pointing out
my tears.

© Copywrite
911 · Jul 2015
Skaidrum Jul 2015
°Lies dribble down my orange-moonlit chin,°
The truth isn't lingering on
my dawn-ridden lips~
So don't lean in.

◇I'm ready to accept
my nights are numbered
to call you my

I can see the battle
brewing like wildfire
in those lycanthrope, eyes.

A willow cannot compete
with the frost
and an autumn kiss.

¥ Her words felt like
lightning stabbed
a hole through my neck,---¥

When I grasped his intentions.

I have been so
unbelievably *******

To quote an old
memory that I have no remedy for~~
How do I feel about losing you?

"I don't know."

© Copywrite
908 · Aug 2016
8/17/2016 2:04 a.m.
Skaidrum Aug 2016
Scarecrows dance in violet sun rays
in time best broken over my wrists

I steal magic from chalk bones on the sidewalk
and learn to read where children left their roots to become fossils

Clouds sinking into my skin as rainwater floods
my blood and turns my steady heart stream into livid rapids

Fate tapped on my window at 2a.m. last night
and informed me that I still am a poet and I still write to injure gods

Jealous frost infested the soil and trailed kisses of death on earth's cheek
but oh how pretty envy sparkles in hues of first light

But as I beckon stars to lean from their thrones in heaven,
I have realized that it's useless to continue watering a dead flower.
old love.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
907 · Mar 2018
Skaidrum Mar 2018

I kiss gravity,
& the light leaving my bones,
"This is how we fell."
Of the haiku series
ix. a toast to endless cycles

© Copywrite Skaidrum
881 · Jun 2015
Dear Poetry,
Skaidrum Jun 2015
The lips of war will not determine which constellation you slaughter.
I've knotted tears into the dead sea, I'm still crying for

If a god could see us now
they'd see nothing but ink
flesh and stardust.

and maybe
an eclipse
if we the souls

This poem is for you,

© Copywrite
861 · Jul 2015
Play With Matches
Skaidrum Jul 2015
I'll ***** out the candle whicks,
Next time I won't be your match.
It goes to say,
I cannot be lit by light anymore.
I won't let your love strike the fallen fire.

Guess the darkness is more filling than it appears.
If only you knew, Lycan.

Thanks for my empire, Kal.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
826 · Aug 2017
Skaidrum Aug 2017
I've been homesick,

It's been a long time since I've last given birth to gods in my poetry; so to the old truths and the new: 'hallelujah'

My tongue was a slave to lovely things---I'll admit it was easier that way, but now I've been writing it down again; turning spiders into stories and cancer into planets

who was I to begin with,
who was I.

I'll say it now. I will never escape the wolves. Those wolves with their chalk outlines and their lakota moons. They'll try to teach themselves how to walk back into your life again and don't you dare forget the ruin, oh don't you dare forget how the fire kissed you

she was moonlight sonata,
but he was clair de lune.

He fed me to the bullet feast when he saw fit and I left his ashes on the sidewalk; daybreak can have it for all I care now.

"I don't know if I'm in love with you anymore"

I remember my body as a garden of stars disguised as flowers; my roots merely empty spaces dismantled by the light. I remember the bullets in the soil he planted, and the wars that grew in it's place. I became a walking example of death; a soul in the process of decay.

Who was I,
who was I to begin with.

Dear all that has haunted me all these years: I am ready for you. I have always been ready for you.

Tell me where to sell my soul, and I will meet you there.

---Swimming in the moonlight
you wanted to fix me
you lied

© Copywrite Skaidrum
811 · Dec 2015
Skaidrum Dec 2015
The black sun coiled around you by morning,
Gingerly tending your wounded mind
You basked in the tall shadow of two lovers;
Waltzing along the line of indecisive love

Seven has always been your favorite number,
As we embarked to raise the tiger-eyed moon
That desolate soul wrapped in your inked bones
Couldn't silence the riptide that conquered like our kiss.

You were an addiction that took five months to sober,
Feathering every "I love you" with a pitiful look to me
I guess we just headed off to war in different directions
We were spilling blood in agony for each other.

There are regrets surfacing in your heart
I would know,
It's in my palm, right?

I am unwelcome and detatched, it seems.*"
--                                                                                   Am I wrong, Lycan?
803 · Jun 2015
No. 1. Detatched Moon.
Skaidrum Jun 2015
How come it’s sadistically silent,
when all I want to hear
is the duet
of the moon and your

I’m no wolf,
but my do we both
have something in

We both are star crossed lovers,
of the moon.

I may not entice myself to the law of time,
but it never meant
I stopped listening
at night.

And when you swear
upon a deathbed you know one day,
you’ll be slumbering in---
Just how many demons will be
hungry for your ashes?

Sure we have all have our
filthy little secrets
But since when are we
taking them to our graves?

And I don’t wanna whisper (help me,)
at the stroke of midnight.
‘Cause if you struck that **** clock 12 times,
Lord knows how many shadows

would feast--
On an empty girl at 12 a.m.

Hearts are savage creatures,
that’s why we keep them
caged in our
(Even if our ribcages are secretly made of
dove feathers.

Keep the hounds in hell dear,
for me?

Because if that’s all your duet has to offer,
than keep your lyrics. (But if you can sing, make me want to listen.     Wolf girl.)
Movement No. 1.
Written on December 31rst of 2014.

You sunk your fangs into my heart
how does the moon taste?
Know that I will love you
until time itself meets it's maker.

© Copywrited
788 · Aug 2015
Claws and Knowledge.
Skaidrum Aug 2015
▪In the book of the Lion,▪
¤It's raining violence.¤
○On the fickle moon,○
°Guilt echoes throughout°
♤ my sundial throat ♤
◇A crystal dawning on my shoulder,
♧ Autumn twisting in my dreams. ♧
I'm ill-spirited,

'●I'm waltzing with the pendelum of death,●'
~A noose of wisdom fractures my thoughts~
/|\Gold is splintering/|*

While death cups my cheeks

"Knowledge is frighteningly beautiful."

I beg of you,
Do not kiss
The reaper in
He is grim
and he is

■□■That is why they call it the Lions den.■□■
Nicole, my blood maiden.
This is for you.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
763 · Sep 2015
A Warning
Skaidrum Sep 2015
If you cannot sink pens or blades deep into my heart,
then who are you to cut off our tongues?
We transcend the languages of gods,
and parade our words on our

We are the poets who write our prayers
and send letters to the moon
because in darkness
no one is looking.

"Write me something?"

Be careful what you wish for.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
738 · Feb 2016
Skaidrum Feb 2016
Rotten turquoise hangs like
that promise I made to a
dead man.
I can hear the stars wailing
is heaven a truly peaceful place to rest?
In the fields of grief I found you,
picking dead flowers,
because you couldn't stand the sight of them
I asked you,
"Do you hear him?"
and the words fell like fists
into your silence,

"I died all alone."
What a pity.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
737 · Feb 2018
Skaidrum Feb 2018

My wolf girl was a
lantern among the sea of
ash & the afterlife.
Of the haiku series
vii. to: wolf girl

© Copywrite Skaidrum
734 · Jun 2015
Skaidrum Jun 2015
"Do you understand the sorrow of a star that cannot return to the heavens?"

"Of course."


"It's like you said,
there's no remedy for memory."
Talking to the moon again
at least he answers.

© Copywrite
734 · Mar 2017
Carpe Noctem
Skaidrum Mar 2017
Seize the night
The satisfaction of loneliness?
Like a mellow grey afternoon and knowing no one can take it away from you.
Let it draw all over the lining of your blood
The thing about solitude is that you see it’s beauty with time and it gets sweeter and sweeter.
And let me have a taste of that morning dove honey
It's only offered to those who die every second a little and the world ends every night for them.
And that is why I have decided
to leave your house and home unhaunted
Yet the ghosts resound in your footsteps
you were rain with him but are a hurricane on your own
Broke the spell to find that
nothing changed in me
713 · Jun 2018
Skaidrum Jun 2018
(harvested from my heart)

12:24 a.m. --old friend
Well, if it isn't the moon herself
"Hello Icarus,"
You came home
"Black holes aren't homes."
Yet you were raised here, my dear
"How could I forget?"

1:05 a.m. --past lover
And how is she now?
That wolf girl you adored
"Smoking on other stars."
"Planets as well,"
Does she fancy other moons?
"She fancies all celestial things."
Surely that is not the case-
"Her songs ate silence long ago."
"Her wolfsong for me is but
loose ashes and
an epitaph now."

2:42 a.m. --current lover
Was the revolution delicious?
"Like a glass of unborn names,"
That many?
"The light spared no one."
No one at all?
"All perished under his gaze."
But you fell in love with him, didn't you?
I am a chaser of the light."

3:17 a.m. --state of mind
Why are you here?
"I spent all my faith up."
And you think you'll find more here?
Then why-
"The gates summoned me."
That is suicide, my dear
"I imagine it more like--
salvation in disguise."

4:08 a.m. ---medicine
Too many ghosts are glued to your spine
"I can't shake them."
You can shed them into poems
"They'll just turn into puppets."
But you will be their puppet master
"You expect me to play god?"
I expect you to rule over this wreckage,
like you used to

5:32 a.m. --homeward bound
Have you missed me over the years?
"Only in blinks."
Why's that I wonder?
"The moon sleepwalks across the sky."
So, are you going back now?
"If the night has eaten my name,
and craves these ruins again."
ft. the story behind
why the moon leaves our sky sometimes

© Copywrite Skaidrum
687 · Jun 2018
Skaidrum Jun 2018

Alas, i've written
to infinity before;
but he wasn't home.
Of the haiku series
xvi. pleas on deaf ears

© Copywrite Skaidrum
679 · Mar 2019
catalysts & hangovers
Skaidrum Mar 2019
a dragon's claw;
merely leftovers of the moon
from last night's revolution,
and he beseeched a god long absent:
"how'd you forget my name in the grave
last week?"

i break bones like i break bread,
and hell recoils at the rare mention of me;
"—we're using blood for watercolors baby—"
'cause sometimes,
i don't think they understand
my heart.

god took the world to the doctor,
and asked for a cure he couldn't afford;
for the sun has already set in the palms
of my hands, o' father...
and there can only be so many
bones knitted together in this womb.

recall that,
reality only reveals itself when it feels
like making a fool out of someone;
and i don't know what stage of grief
i'm in—
or if I'm even in one
at all.

i drink tea with ghosts
every other tuesday,
trying to make sense of it all;
because at some point,
—i'll stop eating bullets for
people's whose eyes
pull triggers.

mama always did raise me to be a sword,
and i killed when she told me to.
because, you see—
the fragile things die
in the cold, and what i find interesting
is that i've remained;
and ultimately?
it's a beautiful thing.

and when will i learn?
that mercy is false hope amongst all else, darling,
but enough already;
this poem's got universes full
of emotional baggage.

you said
you're a dreamer?
great, get in line kid,
you'll get a chance to change the ******* world,
just take a number
—like the rest of us;
but, then again...
"the world has always been ready
to receive you, hasn't it?
amen to that,
amen indeed.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
676 · Feb 2018
Skaidrum Feb 2018

Tell me where to sell
my soul, and I will meet you
there; ode to myself.
Of the haiku series
iv. odes & suicides

© Copywrite Skaidrum
616 · Feb 2018
Skaidrum Feb 2018

The first lie that my
mother fed to me still tastes
like expired love.
Of the haiku series
vi. flesh & sacrafices

© Copywrite Skaidrum
593 · Oct 2020
Skaidrum Oct 2020
how do I fall in love with pieces of myself
that died many years ago?
emptiness hangs in my mouth
like some fickle aftertaste.
and deep down, my thoughts are like
frightened fish.  
i cut the world out of a magazine and
held it in my hands. . . how easy it seemed;
to crush it.  to crumple it.
turn it into heartache origami.
i suppose i'm possessed;
a mourning era––a morning light,
a bowl full of teeth.
i have laid myself to rest so many times that it seems i celebrate my funeral more often than my birthday.
––From some old religion of mine; v.
"welcome to certain altars"
© Copywrite Skaidrum
Skaidrum Jun 2015
You told me the sky was your favorite poem.
"What do you see?"

Silver switchblade eyes cut the horizon into dozens of little clouds.

"I see a crib and a graveyard."


"Because if you'd think a little harder my love, you'd understand the true meaning of 'this place is both my home and my coffin.'"
I'm depressed again.
How fitting.

© Copywrited.
578 · Jul 2015
Skaidrum Jul 2015

Pain and death aren't so frightening, really.
Unless, you let your imagination run away with you,

Pain in the present can be dealt with.
It's what's we imagine that truly terrifies us.

I'm trying to imagine,
it doesn't hurt without you.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
562 · Sep 2017
Skaidrum Sep 2017
This morning:

The quiet bleeds when you're not looking.
i did not know that the quiet could bleed.

Depression enters my room,
the garden wails in protest, death kisses my stomach,
Sadness whispers that she will not take my chalk outline and teach it how to walk today.
Today the sun stops working.

My mother buries
whatever slowly died in me
under the duvet.

Last night:

i guess,
anything can be a gun
if the darkness surrounding it
is hungry enough

i don't know how i make it to his bathroom
in time, but i can already feel the autopsies
they will preform on me;

i tame ugly screams beneath it all,
tell myselff it's not suicide if
love hangs in my mouth.

The other day:

"i have no sympathy"
"if it's killing you, then why are you still with him"

This particular stain of anger never quite
reaches my reflection in the mirror.
But it sets my clothes on fire.
All the same,
i seethe endlessly; and slit the throat of forgiveness so
it is not an option i could consider.

My father wakes up inside of me sometimes;
i am not afraid to be
a weapon in which i was designed,
a nuclear war in which i will return home from.

A while ago:

"you need to figure things out between just the two of you, none of your girl friends should be threatening my baby boy"
"i would have married a man i didn't love..."

for the love of GOD---

To ALL the adults who have tasted false wisdom
and wish to share it with me;
do not speak to me as if you could translate my suffering
for me, you do not look like a ghost to me,
do not treat me like i do not know that trauma is a thief to my innocence, you do not look like a victim to me,
do not ******* tell me that i am to contain myself to your benefit, because you know nothing but the way my name tastes on your lips,

i will
paint targetson your back,
with your own words--
and i will feed you to
the bullet feast when you least
expect it.

Don't patronize me with your ignorance disguised as watercolors.

Later tonight:

A little like all at once,
all over the world,
i fall out of love with you.

i used to baptize myself in
the things my phoenix would whisper to me,
all his solids and shadows
oh, the world was so beautiful in his eyes.

And how i wish there was a softer metaphor
that could lower me into this grief,
cause isn't heaven heavy enough,
isn't this hurting plenty?


i don't know how to describe the aftermath
other than----

"there is just a lonely hum in my mind
where my name used to be.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
553 · Oct 2020
–fever wolf–
Skaidrum Oct 2020
dead man's requiem,
how does god weep when he's laughing?
shadow puppet queen;
it hurts, doesn't it?
the grip of life loosening
rapidly, rapid fire...
welcome to the bullet feast.
Go outside and play with time now;
chess with the past,
checkers with the present,
poker with the future.
howl at the sun for a change;
smoke on some of that science if you think it'll save you––
eat names for breakfast.
break every mirror
that pities you,
water your houseplants
with holy water.
drink tea sap.
Fever wolf.
––From some old religion of mine; ii.
"the stuff of fever dreams"
© Copywrite Skaidrum
538 · Feb 2018
Skaidrum Feb 2018

Death; just an old dog
still trying to learn new tricks;
To soften our grief.
Of the haiku series
i. mercy

© Copywrite Skaidrum
535 · Jun 2018
Skaidrum Jun 2018

is the mother of terror;"
hums these old nightmares.
Of the haiku series
xviii. oh, what the wicked remember

© Copywrite Skaidrum
529 · Oct 2016
10/11/16 11:25p.m.
Skaidrum Oct 2016
Circles of ash and wire~
cupping the last diamond flame;
in palms outstretched, he'll forgive
but we ourselves decay
"all in the flaw of my love."

Darkness dipping beyond the jaw of the tiger,
Killed so softly by the mountain's hum;
We ask the lotus to bear sky children
unto the bleeding water~
and call the wounds of the world pretty.

"You have a beautiful way with words..."
How naïve, how flattering,
English of dead flowers served on a silver platter,
beautiful is a battle scar my words wear proudly~
tuck the saints beneath my piano and I'll play them all night long

In the dragon's house tonight,
questions claw at the stars, like my fears often do
I'll ask you this;
will you be my shelter?
will you be my open arms?
time waits for no one

© Copywrite Skaidrum
520 · Aug 2017
Skaidrum Aug 2017
And this is it
this is how you lose me.

Wake up my ghosts,
they will hand you what
you need
to end this

and then **** me
when you're angry enough

and do it slowly.

Leave bullets in my body
so i can taste the warm metal
the soft decay
long after
the resurrection

Let me dismantle myself
when you aren't looking,
you don't know
what suffering is

So when you look for me
the next morning and wonder,
why i didn't help you rise from ash,
why i was always so depressed,
why i left,

it was because
i thought i could trust you
to love
everything i was

i remember every single time
i forgave you when
everything screamed in me
to hate

i realize now
i am afraid of you
the same way
i was before

and you lack the ability to understand that,
or realize what damage
you dealt

This is how you lose
this war


i knew,
ever since i let myself
allow you in

that you
would be
the death of
it was my fault

"wolf in sheep's clothing"
© Copywrite Skaidrum
520 · May 2018
bones of honey
Skaidrum May 2018
'cause this is how he loves me

emptiness hangs like a moon in my mouth-
he kisses the stain of night
from my palms;
and turns it

he reminds me that our love-
is the constant tag of
"drowning sun and flowering moon"
between opposite horizons;
and that the sky will always be
our stage.

his heartbeat is the closest thing
to what the universe sounds like;
and he blinks and says instead:
"my love, my one and only,
you always will be
my beautiful infinity"

when i am nothing but
the color of mirrors-
or a broken chaser
of the light-
he finds a way to worship
even the coldest silhouettes of myself
like one would of art.

i am a mural of a target-
i am constantly flirting with death-
yet he has been feasted on by bullets
because he refuses to let
shadows make a meal
of my soul.

he has defied every walking god
in his path to prove that nothing,
and i mean no existing thing-
can place a dent in our love.

the thing about the sun is that
he loves nothing more
than when i paint his bedroom ceiling
with our future.

And when death stands
on the tip of my tongue-
and the nightmares cup my cheek
in the flesh of my own kingdom (the night)
he holds me close;
until all the wars within my bones
turn to honey.
paradise grows in our footprints my love
© Copywrite Skaidrum
500 · Feb 2018
Skaidrum Feb 2018

You have never once;
lost the translation of love
in the moon's phases.
Of the haiku series
viii. oaths from my pheonix

© Copywrite Skaidrum
499 · Mar 2016
9:47 p.m.
Skaidrum Mar 2016
Mirrors are jealous creatures of candor;
beauty is reflected on a pane of self-hatred.
We are forever at war with ourselves.
Don't tell me this isn't denial.
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