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We Are All Human;

Gender or Wealth,
Religion or Race.

If you disagree,
Then you're a disgrace.
My folding fan
Opens wide.
And covers the smile
I'm trying to hide.
I wonder

How the girl
In the stall to my left
Weeps into a bundle
Of toilet paper
For she simply got under an A
On a test.

Whilst the girls
In the stall to my right
Speak casually
About their experiences
Of being *****.

More than once.

And by the same man.
The vampires are my sisters,
We dance in the night.

The ghosts are my brothers,
We cause folk a fright.

The werewolves are my pets,
We play with delight.

The human is my father,
The scariest sight.

He is the least humane of us all.
I check-

No one’s looking.
An acorn is the only sound
I hear while falling to the ground.
I leap from my tree;
But I’m not quite free;
There’s a lasso around

My neck-
So young.
So pure.
To reach her heart,
You need a lure.

Soft skin.
Luscious eyelashes.
When she hurts,
I heal her gashes.

Daddy issues.
Damaged soul.
I try my best,
To make her whole.

Gentle laughter.
Gentle smile.
Do me a favor,
And stay a while
“Are you okay?”

No one ever asks.
“Are you okay? You never eat snacks.”

“Are you okay? You cried hard today.”
“Are you okay? You owe an essay.”

“Are you okay? You’re quiet at school.”
“Are you okay? You’re used like a tool.”

“Are you okay? You never say ‘cheese!’”
“Are you okay? You’re too hard to please.”

“Are you okay? You’re no hick, ‘cause of plaid.”
“Are you okay? You look really sad.”

“Are you okay? You look like you’ll cry.”
“Are you okay? Just give life a try.”

“Are you okay? Maybe I should go.”
“Are you okay?”

Honestly? No.

— The End —