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People have no idea
of the sadness within me
The saddest part is not the missing
but the lack of missing.
My world upside down
only 9 years old.
I have no clue how I survived.
And now it hits me.
Only 3 years younger than you
when you left us.
It has been 17 years since that day.
And now it hits me.
The chances of me getting older,
older than you ever were.
It hits me like a brick now and then.
In 3 years time alot can change
but for now i'm fine again.
I'll tell you all about it
When I see you again dad.
Today it hit me that I am almost as old as my dad was when he died.
maybe it was drugs maybe it was love maybe it was something else

I kissed you that day but I blame you for being gorgeous
everyone is addicted to something, you were mine addiction

the kids were a mess and everything was dark, a good kind of dark
I was cold but you always kissed me, even that forbidden night

nobody was patient and nobody was fine and nobody knew love
we were loving to each other when the others weren't watching

this love was bad, you were bad, I was bad, the world was bad
you could turn an angel into a demon without even trying

and I saw you staring at me again that night, I notice everything you do
it was the same look again and I couldn't do anything to handle myself

maybe I hugged you and it was wrong of me to do that
maybe you kissed me on that midnight street and it felt right

this fairytale isn't finished yet and everything will end up destroyed

so maybe it was the drugs or maybe this is all made up in my head.
fake fake fake non fake fake not.
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
Dennise K
she has a fire in her heart so bright you can see it in her eyes.
The golden fire draws you in and keeps you warm.
She holds the world on her shoulders with her head held high
with every stride the earth rumbles under her wake.
infectious in all that she does, attracting bystanders with a smile
She loves with every once of her soul.
When you find her take hold and never let go
With the blink of an eye she is gone.
she walks one foot in front of the other and never looks back
because the images are actually smaller than they appear the farther you walk.
She has cracks in her skin and cracks on her heart
but her fault lines show that she lasted the quakes.
Because when the fire in your heart burns so bright that you can see it in your eyes
the world seems to be a little lighter.
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
Do not weep for those monsters
Who die in the dark;
Simply because you see them
In the light.
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
"Write and keep writing. Because a pen does not bleed for art; it scars for survival."
a personal quote
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
To feel love
You must know hate

To feel joy
You must know pain

To feel surrounded
You must know being alone

To feel free
You must know being cornered

There is always a negative
To a positive
A good
To the bad
Yin to yang

I've faced my fears
Been to Hell and back
Been pushed to my limits
Been close to death
I've shed so many tears

But don't get my wrong
My beloved readers
I'm no coward
I haven't backed down
And I won't back down

Because I know pain
I know love
Because I know sorrow
I know joy

Life is a series of hardships
Life is a never ending war
Between good and bad
Happy and sad
Love and hate

The pain of yesterday
Makes me stronger today
The sorrow of tomorrow
Helps me value the now

Since I've been to Hell and back
I know the value of love
I know the meaning of friends
And family

Since I know death
I know life

Since I know death
I know how to fight
Even if it is hard

Since I know life
I know what to fight for
Even when hope seems lost
 Mar 2016 Blue Angel
Ree Bunch
Your lies were dipped in bittersweet chocolate;
with a heaping amount of caramel sauce drizzled on top.
I gobbled up more than I care to openly admit;
in fear of what others will think and say.
After enjoying your momentary treats;
came the truth;
with so much salt, it was baffling to eat.


(10 w)

The lies I ate, but
the truth I couldn’t take.
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