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 Nov 2016 Aztec
Doug Potter
 Nov 2016 Aztec
Doug Potter
Nothing remains,
not  one  rhizome,
stem, or hairy root

travels, shoots, or buries
itself during barren  fall;
only  impending winter

resides in my garden
this unpredictable season,
and it is waiting for spring.
 Nov 2016 Aztec
Among the crowd,
a stranger lurks.
He looks like them,
acts like them,
he doesn’t feel like them.

The eyes in the street are all the same –
“I want someone to know my pain”.
Swimming among the sea of faces,
a ghost moves amongst them.

Taunted by memories of the past,
the rewiring of brain chemistry into a mess.
Voices of torture,
of pain, of sorrow,
the picking of decaying flesh.
What’s left?

Another face in the crowd,
Just another guy with a story,
No more or less special than
the blade of grass that’s underneath him.
Just another name in the wind.
 Nov 2016 Aztec
Kasey Wheeler
It's the thing you feel when he stares
The fluttering of wings that fills your head
Its the goodbye waiting to happen
The one you should have seen coming
Its the life that has no light
That you feel once he's gone

For all this is the way of love
Its tearing down your heart
While trying to mend
The single thing he broke
But that's not right
For he broke more than just one thing
He took the soul you had
Twisting it in two
Leaving it rotten in hell
He broke the heart you once healed
From a previous love
Not only reopening the old,
But making new scars, too
He broke your mind
Scarring your memories of everything you once held dear
Making the new ones in terror

The final thing he broke
The one that really counts
Is this body you hold dear
For he left reminders of his skin within yours
The way he touched
The way he kissed
To the way he stared
Now ever time you say your fine
Everyone will know its a lie
Because he made what he did to you visible
And you can't hide what's not inside

He destroyed me in four ways
First my mind
Second my heart
Third my soul

Fourth my body
He destroyed the single thing I couldn't hide
 Oct 2016 Aztec
Caroline E
You destroyed me; you didn't seem to care
I screamed; I fell on my knees
And even though you saw the blood
flowing from my heart
You didn't let go of the knife that you had
plunged into me
 Oct 2016 Aztec
I am so lonely for your smile
No one can make me laugh like you
Loving your eyes sparkle with laughter
I am so lonely for you

I am lonely for your arms
They are my comfort through my blessings and trials
They are my refuge and my fortress
I am so lonely for you

I am lonely for your faith
You believe in me no matter my sins or failings
Your belief believes I can do all and no army can stop me
My Love,I am so lonely for you
I love you.
 Oct 2016 Aztec
you are the sun
I am nothing but a dwarf planet
I orbit around you and rely on you for warmth
you give me life
 Oct 2016 Aztec
August 28th 2011
 Oct 2016 Aztec
I knew that it was over.
Because when I looked at him I realized,
That I was much more in love with our memories
Than I was with the person standing in front of me.
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