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4.1k · Mar 2015
Summer, gone
yokomolotov Mar 2015
It is September,
Summer is over, I’ve spent it all

With a fever pitch of
And a long humid dream
Of murmurs

The season was made of

Wrapping my legs around with a
Studied *****’s precision
I knew the beautiful delicate thing
Was gone

And now I walked

Summer, gone
3.8k · Mar 2014
needle eye of time
yokomolotov Mar 2014
pulling you through the needle eye of time

over my shoulder the dawn,
and the city’s scrapers sky glass have turned pastel

the sun has had a great time
being an agitated red eye
infected and watering, pooling and flooding and


the people asleep and the memories stain
with spells
promises and prayers

all infinite, and finite
wary of sentient
and one

drowsy hive mind
reoccurring dreams- a drive thru memory
passing through with
intermittent lucidity
2.7k · Aug 2013
Clover Bracelet
yokomolotov Aug 2013
I left

because I had to

prove it to


but I see

my reflection

in your

face, a landside.

clover from


torn with grass

and all

tied to your


the delicate


pointing at

the jar

I say, this

is where honey comes from.

(I’ll never

leave you.)
2.5k · Jul 2014
Nasty Noises
yokomolotov Jul 2014
one fist fits all
puke like a pro
you look like my friend
and my friend, she’s dead

and I like the idea
of the world being
with a sound

sentiments aside
you can’t hold me
my *****-  jet powered
my body- torpedo
the no hold of
nets can’t close
you’re the pretty one
let me touch the pretty one

I’m too loud to be creepy
I’m just sneaky
small questions
bare thighs
and nasty noises
2.1k · Oct 2013
red locket
yokomolotov Oct 2013
I’ve had this red heart shaped locket

for 12 years now.

I got it as a gumball prize

at a rundown Chinese restaurant

(maybe in Germantown?)

A lot of the paint has chipped off

and the tiny keys to it are long gone.

What shows beneath the paint

is shinny tin.

When I was a tacky teen

I would wear it clasped around my

neck imitating Sid but not

knowing it.

I always wanted someone to give me

something like this

but I impatiently jumped the gun and

cranked the dial of the machine


and the tiny Valentine rolled out.


No sentiment to share.

Now I’m nearly 30

and it hangs on my key chain,

a teenaged 50 cent memory

amongst adult responsibility.

If you see me standing crossed arm at a show,

and spy my red locket,

know that I’m an advocate of

living in the past,

and harboring silly passions.
2.1k · Aug 2013
State Fair, Kentucky 2013
yokomolotov Aug 2013
State Fair, Kentucky 2013

by Yoko Molotov and David Willams

It’s time for the State Fair,
today is the last day of summer.

love all the animals. pet all the animals.
cook all the animals. eat all the animals.

inflatable prizes on a stick, slowly deflating,
it’s the childhood's defeat-
they are lying lifeless in the backseat.

guess your
weight or age
within 3 days,
20lbs, or 3 years.
junk on tables for looks at-
key rings, magnets and stickers.
Formal complaints.

white people.
Starving ducklings leap and fall
while snotty babies squeal at them.
Obama, I'm a friend of Mitch.
donate 3$ to the GOP.
I fed an estranged Grandpa
roasted pecans.

country people. concrete floors.
legs. legs long and legs glossed.
Thousands of people and two thousands of crocs.
pillars of ivory, blue and dimpled.
sunburn, wife beaters, and university shirts.
(THAT'S IT, I'M TELLING MEMAW, your shirts are beautiful)
beautiful lips
and toothless maws.

half-hearted, half-heated corn dogs and overpriced
beers, I can never finish an ice cream so
I usually leave the cone lying to be
sat in.
Dead bugs in a box and bug puke in my mouth.
A salad made from blue ribbon tobacco and light bulb tomatoes.
everything smells like popcorn, **** and tradition.

Joseph's Dreamcoat worn in some nobody's county.
you're my favorite gingerbread girl.
lover's quarrels are illegal, thanks.
everyone has the right to be miserable, thanks.

bovine pet request,
dumb static and docile eyes, do they ever change?
does any of it really change?
at some point all the cows petted will be digested and shat out.

congested aisles, shoving and trampling,
the mobilized morbidly obese in carts
a fat stone in a brainless trout stream.
the failing pan salesman hawking his wares,
no one in attendance, wearing a headset (a real go-getter)
and holding his pan like a flag.

the really poor families come to the fair
because it's cheap entertainment,
and it's cheap tradition.
and these struggling families
trudge proudly in faded Kmart attire-
an exhibition the pretentious call
"people watching".

separating oneself from the herd of undesirables,
a pasty man
with his head awkwardly on a pillow,
trying to convince an apathetic and bloated crowd
the perfection of his product,
his head a bit like road ****.
he's selling but the
crowd walks on-on-on.

Was there more guano under the bridge or beyond the gates?
1.8k · Nov 2014
Pale Hook Reminds Me
yokomolotov Nov 2014
under the glint
of a  hook
of a pale moon

from a black
in a white room

the place
the pace
and the pierce

that welcomed
honor and
cherished allure

the cold
thought and night
like a mirror
yokomolotov Aug 2013
While people talked about what Miley Cyrus was wearing

Ben a homeless veteran of war, had a heart attack, fell from his wheelchair
and died and people stepped over him.

While people talked about what Miley Cyrus was wearing

A forest fire burned in Yosemite National park and Sierra Nevada destroying homes, and
threatening wildlife including 200 year old redwood trees.

While people talked about what Miley Cyrus was wearing

Latonya lost her job, and in turn her apartment and in turn the custody
of her children.

While people talked about what Miley Cyrus was wearing

Yu fellated a man in a sweaty brothel who was nearly four times her age.

While people talked about what Miley Cyrus was wearing

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant leaked tons of radioactive fluid into the

While people talked about what Miley Cyrus was wearing

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons on his own people.

While people talked about what Miley Cyrus was wearing
yokomolotov Aug 2013
Summer. bike ride. I’m a child. I live just outside of Churchill Downs in Kentucky. young in skinned knees, pumping a 10 speed in a humid southern town, dodging cracks in the side walk. it’s an old superstition and I still hold it. grass growing in tiny bunches, in cracks. sun peeling the skin. candy rotting the teeth. the city is so *****. the houses dilapidated like fallen, shambling drunks. paint crumbling. and my brother ate paint chips. someone called him *******. rusted cars, playing house. sedan clubhouse, an oven in July. garbage day, rummaging for toys. I once found Quik strawberry milk in the trash I consumed it, and later felt like ****. hot trash treats. cumulus cloud companions, balloons without strings, the heat over eighty degrees, friends none to speak. after school fight. kids claiming coitus in the elementary. country music blaring from a fake wood radio. I found the radio on the curb and was proud of my conquest. all the lyrics incoherent but somehow they resonated. riding bikes all day. no parents. busy, their marriages failing, lives changing. riding through the slums. the houses of broken homes watching me tiredly. boarded eyes. down steep hills. up plywood ramps. kids jeering from porches, throwing rocks, glass, anything. scribbled graffiti. the rain makes everything more loathsome, wet clinging grime.  the dirt sticks to everything. fingertip messages scrawled on cars. s.o.s. twenty foot Marlboro man towering above the block, faded, peeling, half his face gone. like a totem making sentry of the oiled trash, the houses and apartments nodding to demolition. meanwhile, the thoroughbreds are fenced off and protected like coveted family jewels. I stood at the fence and thought, that’s all Kentucky is to the world. just some **** horses. Now and Laters and candy lips stick, my front porch.  the house leans. a drunk on the curb mouth a gape and snoring. is that your dad? no he’s in the tavern across the street. he lives there and its always loud. angry sounding buses threaten to squash the spastic child cyclers as they clutch their Sega genesis desires. cleaning gritty fingernails, I learned that my math teacher was dead. her car she wrapped around an old elm or maple on Southern Parkway the night before. my dad signed me out of school and took me to see the spot where she died. on the asphalt a ripe red stain. did I make this up or was that real? death. learning about death. with cockroaches. the bug-man sprayed and killed your parakeet, Christina. it was stuck to the newspaper that lined the bottom of its cage. I recorded it chirping on a cassette tape. I remember running terrified from rusted sedans. dented and hosting drug addled predators in cut-off jeans, wet legs stuck to torn imitation leather seats. ***** glued them and fueled them. I fled with my flea bitten mongrel friend. fly eaten, **** making. my dog made a minefield of our backyard. in this backyard where every Derby I parked tourist cars, the ladies in fine heals, disgusted and wobbling around the turds, the mud. I stood squat, shabby and I pocketed their money. Kentuckians, that’s all we are; horses, chicken and the cluck, Thompson.
1.3k · Feb 2015
The South
yokomolotov Feb 2015
Find constructed love
a piecemeal beauty
on those winding roads toward
within rolling hills of
the south, of red roads
black birds and white
in the swamp
a shock

cotton fields span
quiet, still the machines sleeping
the sun seeping
the car were in, **** covered

tall black and pastel along cars
I also saw a prison
carved in a hill side along a skinny
road, Mississippi
barb wire gem stone shine
white sign,
do not pick up hitch hikers

the humidity, heavy guilt
on dried clay
boiled peanuts
sightseeing in a
crime scene
yokomolotov Sep 2013
this very fall reckoned
everything loses its meaning under the
strain of redundancy.

I know this to be a perfect truth
but I still revel
in the images I keep sacred behind my eyes,

with all my autumns boiled down (a bare bone),
to a single one for me
that was warm crisp and altogether virginal-

my last one, as long as I live
for it is replayed as each monarch rests in my sight
and with each bird arrowed south-

and I tongue things spiced to remember
so I can go down with memory’s ship
willingly with collapsed and stunted lungs

tenderly warping it into something it never was
bleeding it dry of auburn reds and gold,
my attempts at keeping myself loved-

but now what do those moments mean?
there have been many falls since that one,
nothing but I love yous on walls-

played back so many many times,
like warped vhs, warbling and clipping
the inherent meaning gone or completely scrambled.
yokomolotov Aug 2013
In a lit parlor you recite pain


She went missing, babe split in the night

I’m placid and have mastered jealousy

this time,

I know a friend best when I can face them leg splayed.

But that old ghost howls,

Old ghost

Old shame

Old photos alone.

I had a unibrow in one and my shirt was too big

but I thought it was stylish

And I thought I could be a model.

Whatever happened to that photo?

Where do old memories go when you toss them out

with the trash?

I always thought the garbage man must have a

fat photo album.

I guess I should be more careful

I guess I should learn to let go

I’m walking with my head held high

My hair twin serpents on my breast

And I stumble over a meaty stump-

It’s alive with larva and its eyes are ripe

And its tongue hangs out of its maw vulgarly

It laps at my ankle

“Remember me? Remember me?”


I hear myself shouting from somewhere totally vulnerable and

Why did I ever let you touch me?

Thanks so much-
1.1k · Aug 2013
Wet Cave
yokomolotov Aug 2013
Wet Cave

I fled from the thought
the way one escapes pain through poison

wondering in cave blindness
if I could ever be patient enough

I save your lines
I plan to keep them close
to mine

because the more I fall in
this shroud
the more my voice falls faint

I need a stand-in
to help hold this together
to help bail water

that the cave in
its caliginous hospitality
has given me generously

my memories of our
conversation water logged and

the ink now indiscernible
now that I can’t remember
what you said

I’m sorry but
I had to tear your face
out of my book

but at least now we know
where we stand-

with cold feet.
yokomolotov Sep 2013
just a nervous swimmer
making threats to capsize
cross legged eaten alive
praying acoustically so you could hear
a ship that plunges
through disaster’s eye
the harrowing digestive pit of the sea
willingly swallowed
lying under the collapsed ceiling
the one that crashed all around us

snow heavy on headlights
blanketing windshields with sloppy mounds
the bitter Christmas
and a night ride, cold headlights
a spelunker’s lantern
watching the masturbator on stage
his back facing the crowd
black curls like a blindfold
he smiles like someone in church
but behind his teeth something

red lipped rosy aloof
(the beautiful drunk who
I’ll write many lines)
I called you the Ouija way
but it was disconnected
Athena poured the milk you made
down your slopes and poisoned the valleys
looking back and tracing photos
wondering if you really existed at

walked in the humidity and
only wished I had said
realized all the time
there was no one I wanted but you,
curious feeling of being
startled awake
boots making me heavy
spent the next few weeks
swimming tirelessly upstream
proud salmon ***** that I am
1.0k · Aug 2013
Now I’m Sweating
yokomolotov Aug 2013
now I’m sweating,

sweating and I remember walking

really heavy and fat at seven-teen-

it was like ninety degrees

a walk-in oven.

what did I know then?

it feels like that time

happened to someone else,

some girl who happened to die

or fade into obscurity

with stretch marks and cesarean scars

a passive husband and grimy faced children-

but then again I catch

glimpses of that girl

in my own long mirrors

and realize it was

my life a long time ago.

so I was trying to get a job

at some grocery store

and was walking home from the *** test,

nothing to worry about

such as the vanilla life I was tame-

(a subordinate in denial)

walking from the lab in

a sweltering haze

wanting to die

frizzy hair

stuck and humid

some boy I thought I loved

some boy I thought I would die without

sleeping sound in the air conditioning

in my bed-

and I lurched on

busses passing me

with the mild hope I would never sit in one again-

and that I could please a dandruffed haired

and acne scared boy

who harvested dreams of my toil.

as I showered clean and fell

like a fleshy tree with yesterday’s make up

still clinging

beating self-loathing with sleep,

I woke a decade later,

a slim shadow free

and wish that the old me knew

what I had starved to learn-

I smile and think,

I don’t even have a picture

to remember all this by.
yokomolotov Sep 2013
do you remember our trip to the south
and how much fun we had?

yes, and how the dusk dozed,
turning the cotton fields purple
and the cranes flew like
living paper planes
and every star was real
and as bright as the
humble candle flame

and the bluesmen sang to us
995 · Aug 2013
Best Friend via Email
yokomolotov Aug 2013
by yoko molotov and scott sharp

it would mean a lot to me if you came out tonight, i miss you.
I feel ****** that we havent had a lot of time together.
that our lives have grown so far in other realms
maybe its time we drink and sing and
shout for the good times the
old times and of course
the new times my
dearest pal and
best droog-
I might
This week
Has been a spell
Of stress and masochism
My **** hurts. And my brain.
Karaoke is a great relief in many ways
However, it’s often too loud and crowded
For hangs and ketchup. The backdoor is more seductive
Lets meet at the table outside with wings, beer, and jolly bellies
Lets tell war stories. Lets milk the clock. Lets party like it’s 2003. Let’s puke.
931 · Aug 2013
This is for You, Melon Head
yokomolotov Aug 2013
sappy music

pouring slow from speakers as sap

melon head

I saw you on the bridge

50 stones from the river

and 50 stories you

recited to me

with flight response

I blindly



the sun was setting wasn’t it?

the sun

was nodding

it was slipping

into a sherbet horizon

the clouds swallowed it

like a communion


melon head how did you heal?

sun traded rolls with our lone

cold satellite

its lousy atmosphere- it’s paper thin

laugh at my soggy sway, melon head

but I was trying to balance under

those giants

50 thousand stories

50 thousand deaths
832 · Oct 2014
Sculpted by the wind
yokomolotov Oct 2014
Sculpted by the wind-
bent back and
sprouted high
planted on a curving road.
Sea on the shoulder
beat back with
conifer on the left
twisted and gnarled,
I’ve seen it sculpted in

There are people
sculpted by the wind.
Who drive slow-
who harbor a sorrow
in a blonde slick back
stream of high ravine-
like a maze
I’d give my life to be
lost in,
practicing refrain-
walking a practiced
because oh the intensity!
of being
sculpted by the wind.
764 · Aug 2013
Cinderella Situation
yokomolotov Aug 2013
Cinderella Situation

there is something

totally unnerving to me

about a single abandoned shoe

in a parking lot.

where is the other one?

where is the foot- the owner?

when did this happen?

did the person have to hobble off?

They had to notice they lost a

shoe, right?

was it a Cinderella situation?

did someone race home before midnight-

lest be shamed?

would it be best if I tried the rottenflop

on every maiden’s foot in the land?

was the person kidnapped?

were they forcefully abducted and

torn away from this life-

into a sack,

calling the four walls of a car trunk


are they waiting for a chance of escape


for the final release from ongoing pain

and terror

forever unknown to me?

so many **** questions

but the intrigue, it lingers-

did the person lose it out of a moving


kicked their leg in summer bliss to the beat of song

and laughed about it later,


was someone fed up with the ill-fitting shoe

and chucked it,

and are now being forced to wear a mismatched pair

now that the anger has worn off

and the embarrassment has set in?

was the person crazy?

one of the many escaped or released patients

from the blocks and blocks of hospitals downtown

frothing with fading restraining medication,

and frenzied with ****** motivation-

barking at people in a single scuffed shoe-

I just realized that I still haven’t left my


and have been only staring at this **** flip flop-

for a time longer than anyone should, but

it looks…chewed?

Is the owner even still alive?
755 · Oct 2013
who trapped me here
yokomolotov Oct 2013
some people have battle plans
others have battle cries

I mostly have

dreams of two wet hands
wrangling the  
dumb flesh of fish bodies
from the church of Youth
the child warriors
wanting to hide in
our pictures
I’m only a spy of the soul
infiltrating the office
with my lines of paint and type

hiding behind a curtain of hair
and a coffee cup
in the elevator
praying the ties and heels won’t
ask me
about the weather or how my morning
is going

the clock-
captor, friend
my right eye is forever dedicated
my window faces only the broken
face of a letdown building
where no one shifts
only owning the hallow
just a mirror of my grey skin
the fluorescent buzzes

I’m waiting for the sky to fall

drawing it out on
stolen stationary
passing the time
only it’s passing me
eventually it’s all headaches
and the non-flavor of used
(I chewed it too long again)

I have a tiny whole
carved into the wall
and I’ve been leaving S.O.S in bottles
and my bed sheet ladder
is nearly reaching
the lawn
and beyond that
I know I can finally be the animal
I’ve always dreamt of being

I think I’ll **** on every heel
and tie I see.
750 · Aug 2013
yokomolotov Aug 2013
ladybum intimidates

wandering in the median

body bent,

hair coarsely pulled in crooked pony tail.

what happened to your face?

were you born that way?

with cupped hands, pleading-

stopping my car at the intersection,

driver’s side window-

my trying to be cold but guiltily relenting

people are watching and

what will they think?

your crazy eyes pierce me desperately

wild emotion and

something once described to me as crocodile tears-

Tensely clutching the steering wheel,

hastily scooping change and used fuses

to pour them into your hands

wishing you away-

some kinda spell of some halfhearted charity.

depart depart leave my pity intact

so that I don’t see myself

in the gaps of your missing teeth.

the guilt you spill

making my heart heavy

like a gull in petroleum.

I still see you from time to time

and resentfully I examine you,


bent body, missing chin and Baba Yaga legs.

thinking you some kind of witch,

avoiding you like

cracks in the sidewalk.
yokomolotov May 2015
his heart bled into the ground
he held me and whispered
in ****** liquor sighs

go on guapa
as long as there’s one of us
there’s both of us

and I shook like a rabbit
in twilight’s snare
and begged him

don’t go
don’t go

a chant as old
as old
as my bones

once we felt the
earth move

it shook in the late spring morning
and I he warmed my feet
in the sack
when the night was a vacuum

he spilled his seed
on the ground
like some biblical
walk on

and we lived an entire
an entire life
in three days

three days of coughing
and struggling to stay still
in the winters dull
and stingy light
from a pale pale
pane in

is it safe to
give my _ to you?

It’s never safe,
I roughly handed it to you
and you felt it’s
shadow every since

with your busted femur
and long trailing stain
resenting the self-made
bleeding out

on the gray beast
I’m taken
the little rabbit
with a black scar

saving myself from
the tangled
mar that you now
have fallen

If I go on
we both go on
712 · Mar 2014
tea cups like lanterns
yokomolotov Mar 2014
there was a mirror
that reflects every happy day of my childhood
when the golden way
lays its head to sleep on our backs
made silhouette
does nothing for the air
we were happy black things
cut up
under the skeleton tree line
pine away
cold danger
rank mouth

wasn’t it better then?
did then even happen?

with thinner versions of
white ribs
black knots of hair
that summer hold
stick to seats to convince
with song
I thought that I didn’t want to
forget these lines
but to hold on
is slavery
and the loss will return me to fluid
to movement
it’s all the same
holding tea cups like lanterns
a tiny furnace
with tiny forsaking
a tiny freedom
I let it go
675 · Feb 2014
Opheus' Protege
yokomolotov Feb 2014
**** stained and captive
Welcomed the breath
Of black wire and curled mane
Sharp since of loss
It’s my mouth!
It’s too late

But the roaring sea
Is finally aware and has the time
I’ve been there-
an animal maw
Waves and rocks splitting
mouth and jagged teeth
Dreamt of the masturbator
on some Spanish sea
hungry guest
with a Ouija use of amber to discover
Black curling tides, hidden meaning
Of headline trash and our tangled hair
My head bobbing in the waves
Orpheus’ protégé
With nightingales guarding my grave
yokomolotov Aug 2013
Girl with mile long hair and coat hanger undertow

you simply cannot see anything

with you head in the waves.

Tired nerves in her hazel eyes-

did something slip behind my face or yours?

Splintered resolve from the heavy labor,

beat back disgust

feigned enlightenment.

I will do this for you

as you’ve done for me.

When the night clouds churn like

organs of vapor digesting

and the big yellow moon

stood high and shined,

the anxious tides

thrashing fast- but you kept pace.

A mirror, a fast coral sea mirror.

Bleached not my beauty, your legs solid sea foam.

Flesh honey I can hardly tolerate,

and my eyes can only trace trace trace

and I’m savoring this awkward dance between us

your throat of raspy dead notes

it’s the sound of autumn stomping.

Sporadic messages in bottles littered

your back yard of waves,

Don’t forget your eye on the door

no amount of birthday parties will ever save you.
yokomolotov Aug 2013
in dreams
we eloped

planned ceremony
of simple bands

Southern priest and
lizards basking mausoleums

my father
made us late

by puking his
stored bourbon on my gown

as I was
beating him ruthlessly

our dream
fell apart

like white bread
in milk
597 · Sep 2013
smother the one you love
yokomolotov Sep 2013
I lay my love on the string of kite
I admire the thing
as it glides stories high
but detest the burden carrying it

saw you in my dream again
it was as much you as a watered down
pigment of your skin
I dare slit a pallet to paint you
to make the horrors real

too dense to be sunshine
I’d love to be your dark cloud
anchored to your finger with twine

smother the one you love- a slogan I recite
lay only with me
having doubts snuffed into washed out color
a jungle cat full of ****
no desire to hunt
only to smother

one last thing
hold me tight like a found doll you lost
that had been flattened in the road
many times
I lost my button eyes but now
can see who I really am
yokomolotov Aug 2013
I need some good words ****** into me


I need to find the right lines

to right me.

traveling the tides of time

on the backs of

Bradford blossoms,

the stench of carrion nostalgia-

I heard it was the strongest

of our longings-

to become such as fossils,

to relive what were.

a million reasons to be


a million reasons to

spread my legs-

a million reasons for the

birds to sing-

in which I cannot see

but it churns the tides anyway,

learning to love the

right way, after

being fostered by drunk brutals

or father’s in their own right-

I’ve left that decade

in a grave of lines,

lines I’ve scribed

and lines left unearthed.
583 · Oct 2013
truth terror
yokomolotov Oct 2013
swimming outside the rim of sleep,

head near the undertow of the tides of dream-

thinking of our words in circles

pencil acting as a catheter

of my worry,

I’ve been puking into my journal,

I’ve been barking up the wrong tree,

I’ve been in a cave

with a broken lantern-

and the water’s been around my knees.

I’m all teeth, hair and eyes.

I’ve known well the-

truth terror

but I’m still wanting it dressed up-

I asked you to put a happy mask on it

but you said

“I cant pretend,”
568 · Jul 2014
for eternity
yokomolotov Jul 2014
Back from tide,
Bride of leagues
Wound in a polished ring
Salt and brine in which I am bound
For eternity- for eternity!

I wanted to possess the valley
Contain the wave
The towering volcano
And the forest saved
Pressed in my book, never to change

With people I’ve seen
Gathered and known
All of them a storm has grown
They’re fragile as those sand dollars too-
Tiny hole, pale, consumed

To not possess is
To be free from loss
I can let the
Coral reaper take who it wants
The tide is mine- for eternity- for eternity.
yokomolotov Aug 2013
the moon planned to hide

and it kept its promise

cars, they shot like lethargic bullets on sleeted streets

and I kept my focus on them

like they were the anchor to my ship

I remember the lines of songs

and I sung them to myself

I love you but it’s hard to be near you

so I just stand still and count

one car, two- now three

the colors are mute

and the sky still falls

layers and layers of sleet and I savor

wasting my time

standing outside on mirrors

it breaks, it shatters

and on a shard, my flection-

lodged in my foot, a sick deep cut that’s

making my shoe a well

but I’m waiting anyway.

you will be arriving any minute now,

I know it.
547 · Feb 2014
summer waning
yokomolotov Feb 2014
the first verses I penned
were of the dying plants of summer
naked lady stalks
seen standing vigil
in a neighborhood salute
they are late
and they melt
good to wither
along with the dying song
of the cicada
humming to a halt
waiting for hot morning walks
upon monarchs' backs
crumble like burnt newspapers
incinerated old story
under my heels
my summer waning
yokomolotov Feb 2014
how we must hurt
to grow
how we must be gettin old
and early
drink more and talk less
urges to mutilate
urges to disintegrate
the body that's
on loan from the parents

wanted to follow but
the rain wouldn't let me
the wake
the commune
and finally-
the rest
an abbreviated death
as cold as I can make it
so I can walk like Lazarus
in a gray shadow of dawn

so I can surprise you as
easily as I did myself
so I could bring tea
to your daylight
yokomolotov Sep 2013
these little angry blossoms only open

because you proclaim what you’ve done
like you deserve a reward.
it sours the dinner
and it spills my guts through my nostrils.

yeah I know, I know, I know
take our time, we should take out time
in those haunted gardens
behind dive bars
with sour drinks in hand
the bruises we made on each other
fading from black to yellow

yeah we should definitely take out time

letting the doubts shrink
like plastic to a flame

didn’t some old Yankee say once
that the beauty of deceit
begs to be exposed to the light of day?

I’d keep this little thing secret,
a favorite button, a cat’s eye
in my pocket to rub to remember

I only keep whistling the same **** tune
because it’s still stuck in my head, okay?
I was just hoping
someone was still willing to play games-

and run blindly in
traffic with me.
529 · Jan 2014
and then I was Vapor
yokomolotov Jan 2014
Became a vapor
Became a husk
Only moving through things
Given up

The invisible rim of the sky
Your untied shoe
Wild pang of hunger
A vicious nod of sleep

Quiet and prowling
524 · Aug 2014
What is a Poet?
yokomolotov Aug 2014
the poet is
the divine translator

the soothsayer

and momma bird of the
world- of culture

chewing the tough

and feeding the

the world on her
tongue, demystified

the job has to be

the work an
honest gift

otherwise those lines
are only doggerel

and sour
to the ears
507 · Jul 2014
The Black Sail Part 1
yokomolotov Jul 2014
a Black Flight of
swollen tonsil
busy convincin’
the demon to leave
the throat
failing of the
Black Halo

the world of hot neon lines
pickin’ up
Discardin’ the ones I don’t
weaving a poem with Black Hands
a nest
someone has opened The Black Sail
and spilled the dye
The sky a closed mouth
Black Damp

lungs heavy to hang
found sorrow in short hand
some sad Morse code
bury the Black Book and the Black Box
place all my words
down with me in the final Black Room

an itch that’s made
it’s home so deep
a fungal sternum cut and a
cough, a metronome
shrinking from the SHOUT of the Black Sail
started on the rim of madness
Like third kingdom’s gills
sail Flight and Halo
All Black as shadow laid
To defeat
Two days at White Sea
Let my words
Let ‘em shine
yokomolotov Feb 2014
I saw his profile
and with it I turned
like a fish in a stream
he breathes down a beaten down
these paths are
quiet wise secrets
and his face is among
children's paintings, a smear

like I said, I hid
I hid my face
I hid my legs
like the bloodied soiled evidence
buried in underwear drawers

sometimes I go in over my
I trust your tides
I can swim fluently
my land
my county
my language
I am a master

Stupidly believing
that death is such a
far off debt to pay
when I see
your head in dawn's herald
skin a ghoulish blue
face an impish youth
442 · Mar 2015
yokomolotov Mar 2015
an eye anchored with a thick angry thorn
I found you breathing
sick sick sick
you got it bad

the tidal looms
the title is taboo
and you scurry from it like a waxy back roach
and I chew myself
whittle myself to nothing

the stone yard of broken teeth
old names to reuse

he told me the joy
he had with me
is greater than the sadness
he had alone
spoke on the edge of sleep
I recorded it
because I knew I would forget it

and I did

and that thorn
that anchor
is all I have for show
it’s my lone memento
love lost relationship heartbreak
423 · Aug 2013
I Can't Do Nothin Right
yokomolotov Aug 2013
I wanted to say you were beautiful

but that’s what creeps say.

I noticed dogs bark the loudest

behind their master’s fences.

I wanted to love you in person

but it’s easier when you’re away.

I did a swell job at

poisoning the well didn’t I?

I guess blood pacts

are my addiction, especially the flimsy ones.

I tried to conjure the greats
with shadow puppets on my wall.

I’m greedily repentant

I’m hungry, hungry and sorry.
395 · Mar 2015
I couldn't feel a thing
yokomolotov Mar 2015
I couldn't taste a thing
until I found my tongue’s native soil
until I buried you alive
and preserved you
in the mountains of my mind

I couldn't see a thing
until I lost the thing I sought after
until I noticed you alive
and drowned you
in the rivers of my mind

I couldn't hear a thing
until I found the undercurrent of your words
until I forced you alive
and smothered you
in the caverns of my mind

I couldn't smell a thing
until I found your body ripe with hesitation
until I perceived you alive
and manipulated you
in the wind of my mind

I couldn't feel a thing
until I found the merit of lust
until I ate you alive
and sunk into you
in the soil of my mind
387 · Feb 2015
yokomolotov Feb 2015
I miss the
dying light from our footsteps-
I miss the sound of our heels
followed by the evening’s color,
so honest
it's hard to behold,
a life so unreal
that sleep serves
as a release-

I miss the dying light in lashes,
in curls as a testament-
I miss my own stoic profile
hindering passion,
emphasizing restraint-

I miss the invisible barrier
that made you tight,
I miss the secret
that made you a forbidden-

I miss the stutter in
your night tide
the smile in your day walk
I miss your digesting
of my words-
357 · Mar 2014
on this gray day, a road
yokomolotov Mar 2014
and we drove while the clouds rested

on the river’s back

a gray void

a rained out road

washed out

a choke, affront

a station between waves of static

mystery reception

I’m trying to tune it

pulling the hair from my face

driving too fast

buckles and disappears

a wall of rain

the river a grave

it rests

and we travel through

its stomach

veins of river

veins of clouds

gray indiscernible

empty piers

a fall out

just like a drive by myself

until next time

when the sky bleeds true

a tired nod of earth to drive

to blindly rocket

355 · Jan 2014
good news
yokomolotov Jan 2014
Splitting my back
Washed out
Washed up
Birds silent under traffic
Traffic is all I heard
Change in jars
(not enough quarters
Only nasty copper)
My nose an oozing wound
On my face

I’m looking for good news
In every bottle I find
Lifting my pen
To defend myself
Cutting the clouds
With my own protesting
Showering under the pale
I’ll pretend to be a
Bald face moon


Thanks for coming to see
Me yesterday
You looked like a sweet
Tired stain
To my heavy head and
In my favorite story
351 · Jan 2015
yokomolotov Jan 2015
I am still waiting for her to call me
but her cell phone is dead
and I have it
and it once flashed like a beacon
from the pigeon hole of my desk
her house keys are still in my bag
I’ve been carrying them ever since
and If I wanted to
I could imagine that her spirit is locked
in that vacant cluttered mess
or under the phone’s locked keys
instead I hold, look and dread
and when not doing that
I evade
yokomolotov Aug 2013
our home shares the street

with a cool residing wind

that thrives in winter make-believe

and an isolated tall black tree

that stands like brush stroke speak

that can be admired for its figure-its fluidity

the birds erupt from its branches

heralding on the back of beauty, the dew-

it will always find its place as frost

I’m always looking for a sign of life

mostly on afternoon rides- singing alone

is that you parked, are you home?
316 · Jan 2015
yokomolotov Jan 2015
can I read you some of my poems?

behind you face, your cringing
from the corner of your eye
you’re looking for an escape

but I’ve already dragged you to a booth in the bar,
and I got you alone and you feel the
unease rising and there’s nowhere to run

you’re stuck and I’m pulling out my
little poetry book with the fairy on the cover

and I have you alone, all to myself
and I’m sharpening the rusted tools of torture
so squirm

here come the words
they’re bouncing off your glazed eyes
and you feel every one

they’re hard to make out over the bar racket
but the ones you can make out are
I, He, My, Miss, Love, Death, Lament and Autumn Leaves

the words inspire,
the nagging need for more gin
a bullet free from its chamber
splatter brain bits
a death letter

or for someone to save you
and over the slur of my tired lines
you see your friends safely ignoring you
in a group holding beer torches
miles and miles away

they’re laughing and you hate them

because you’re stuck with me
and I won’t stop
no end in sight
I have so much feeling
that I want you to know about

not enough gin
your face hurts from smiling
your head hurts from nodding
a hostage’s sentiment

and then I ask,

what do you think?

— The End —