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508 · Apr 2014
From the Depths of My Heart
I lay down on my warm bed
In the wee early hours of night
Where my thoughts will fly
Towards the rebirth of natural light

I fidget as I wonder
And ponder, What, How, and Why
But truly it's no matter
For I never wanted Goodbye.

To the good times even the bad,
all memorable and cherish-able,
Such little time I selfishly carved from
The infinite levels of my past timetable

Such foolery was the past
A huge emphasis on was
Living in the now
Fighting for a cause

Nothing quite big
Not really impacting
But I missed it, this.
I missed this Befriending.

The Questions beg to differ,
Really it's my biggest regret
What I have done is nuclear
And recovery is a long way yet.

I ******* up and run after
Change. Understandably so,
if circumstances won't permit
I understand that life will go.

I wish to bandwagon
but seems like there's no space
Too late, I waited forever
Alas I am in haste.

Curious to where it goes,
plenty of forks down that road.
From oceans and seas, to forests and mountains,
I'll still go on, whether I carry a heavy load.
Writing straight from the heart. I hope it made sense ^_^

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477 · Apr 2014
Surrounded by 3 walls,
he rose from his bed
and shuffled to the front
waiting to be fed

Against steel rod he clanged
routinely with his only ring,
a token from his previous life
one full of fame and bling.

But instead the floors opened
revealing a hole quite small
but enough to escape in
to his home in Montreal

His gut spoke and told him,
"Go! You finally have an opportune clearing"
But The Brain commanded,
"Stay with Know, fear Not Knowing."
473 · Aug 2014
I'm Tired
I'm tired of hearing carcasses that spit out of mouths
I'm tired of baking outside, my feet fried to the cement
I'm tired of having to hide under a hood from humans
I'm tired of waiting for my birthday card every Christmas
I'm tired of having enough rest that my brain functions to tell me
*I'm *really tired
470 · Aug 2014
I've become unfamiliar
to the touch of soft rain
to the uplift of steady winds
to the strength  of the sun.

I've outgrown the rest
away from the frozen direction
of useless eyes
and drowning voice.

So send me to hell
when I say it's fun
to receive food first
and comfort after

Now send me to heaven
when I say I'm scared
of Gluttony for it is real
and my head will be the first to reach.

Turn back evolution to when
we were seedlings
for then there was
no such as

470 · Aug 2014
Passive Overflow
Shaking overflow
of anger that subdue my
physical power.
463 · Jun 2014
Tear down the crimson curtains and drape them over the sun
Snip the black sheet and let the moon filter its light.
Come, let us take our journey
On this broken path tiled with eighty rocks
Fifty pebbles, and dirt to cement in between
that is Weavingly Split.

Like a dream out of a fantasy novel,
how amazing is the Scenery?
Trees as small as our fingernail, grass as big as our forearms
or plants that waved as we walk past by.

Stopping to catch the lungs we left behind, CHANGE found us.
And in one tick, color became legend as Black and the White spread.
First. Everyone.
Finally. Everything.
Only to have realized that CHANGE, really, was your


428 · Aug 2014
On Shameful Display
I've knocked on your doors
I've Rung all your phones
Been looking for free work
A nod for approval.
Word spread around
Fast lips, faster hands,
Entry points barred,
your signal lines jammed.

Frozen in the middle
cemented to the street
I still reached out
my hands, voice, and feet.
Heard all your replies
through my phone which did not ring
"911 assist!
It's the man you've been looking."

Manhandled til my home,
a shanty of square feet,
The raging Pain, Anger
Dose me off to sleep.
They lick my bruise,
They clean my wounds
like mother and father
cooking my birthday meal.

Suddenly, I hear them,
Cold, numb voices,

Knocking, calling, laughing
out my name
just when they need
an extra man for a game.

And I...

asleep from the ordeal
of waking emotions

**Shut Down
"You will never truly understand something until it actually happens to you"
421 · Sep 2014
no spare change left
NO matter* what they say
the wheel will spin only one way.
Despite numerous patented attempts
I fail so I let it be
only for it to cut me.
At this point it's a choice
to wake up the next day.
415 · Jul 2014
Chasing the Moon
The countless pictures I've watched come alive
motivates me to run after speeding cars
on a highway going zero to a hundred
while the bicycles come and land on my lap.

Like finding a ghost in the fog
chasing machines is a dart to the future
yet everyone's done it
so why not I?

It's during these instances that I want to
pound every key my fingers depress on
and break my thumbs via every bar I find.

*I've tried to break the sound barrier
chase after the speed of light
invented the nuclear bomb
but have not any left for flight.

Cut the paper, burn the trees
Live life normally
Why do you deviate
when everything dies around me
412 · Dec 2014
Crushed Feelings
I've dreamed of Irreplaceable
when the light is strong,
hoping when the blackout turns
I'd sleep on something else.

I need to escape my senses
and experience different sensations,
instead of water running through my fingertips
but acid in my veins;
Not soft dancing grass and flowers
or trees that cool me down,
but rocks and boulders who sharpen
and strip me of my flesh.

Seems like I'm on ADD
can't help but move around so much,
strap me down to the gurney
and tear open my painful chest.
402 · Sep 2014
Right or right?
There are two ways in this fork in the road
the right way
the other way.

The right way
contains suffering
a surgery along the way to get rid of thorns
but peace eternal
for nothing comes back to haunt you at night.

The other way
is full of pleasure
passion that eases your shoulders
lightening the load on your back
but Happiness depends on the
graph of fun
where levels differ based on who
is on the fork.

So which will you choose,
*the brain or the heart?
358 · Sep 2014
Freedom on Wings
I have broken wings
They broke when my heart fell and I tried to catch it.
Fractured and weak
I've not been able to perch up
that I might greet and bid the sun goodbye
with whatever chirp my courage can muster.

But soon I will fly again
and soar high above,


I feel
Pain- though speeding up Healing and Growth.

Comeback, I will,
remember, and never forget that

*I had broken wings
I sat on the age worn bench
Steaming waffles on my hand
chocolate dripping down its side
in the middle of barren land.

Like a spotlight, my head
search out for living company
my neck swiveling
I found myself, myself only.

So my search went deep
to find something of want
in the middle of intense heat
where life isn't Daunt.

In my dark, blood vessels
I found satisfaction
from nowhere came
Busy Passion.
I wanna do what I love doing best and be stressed out by my passion.
341 · Apr 2014
Surrounded by a Shining Sea
I am the only debris
Still afloat 'cuz of what's around
But the foundation isn't sound

For I am the Odd in this equation
I'd rather sink to the depths of this nation
For I remain here still and steady
Regarded as useless and heavy

It's true it's true 'bout what they say
For I am just a rock that is astray
Standing out I do not hide,
As to how, you decide.
Please leave a like and comments/criticisms on how to improve is much appreciated!
337 · May 2014
On Your Bookshelf
I'm an open book,
dusty, from waiting
for you to read me.
I believe the spine of my book is loosening its grip on the pages from waiting too long.
327 · Oct 2014
Tripping on Love
It's so hard to forget the pain
that is sourced inside my heart
when you also bring me
peace and joy.
Pain is addicting.

It's so hard to be honest
after all I've known is to pull up
the strings on both ends of my mouth
and smile so that whenever the doctor came he could say,
"Son, you're perfectly fine." (#AccordingToPlan)
I wanted to keep you smiling, no matter what.

It's so hard ******
to keep looking at you, knowing
life will or will not change
for better or worse.
No one can say for no one has the answer
to the future.
I cannot stay bitter or frustrated for more than a day.

It's so hard to release the pressure off my chest
like a gas tank relief valve
after all the emotions that have amassed
with no other option for alleviation until now.
Thank God for HP.

It's so hard, I feel left out
It's so hard to know what to do
It's so hard to let go,
*I think I'm in love with you.
It's super hard to put feelings into writing but I'm glad I was able to get it off my chest. This has been an extremely tough one. :)
323 · Apr 2014
An Open Invitation
The last few weeks have been quite rough
the food so scarce, the rage wasn't enough.
Of it I wanted more and more
but it just wouldn't store
For it is useless and pathetic
I am a Beast with no ethic
that the Living Forest accepted me
Only that I turn her away with my pride and envy.
She is patient so is she kind
How can I be so blind
to branches wide open, trunks so loving
and so I realized and then stopped running
away from a Home that changes never
And I come back and (hopefully) stay forever.
They claim to strongly stand in what they believe
to set examples for strangers, like what I once was.
And I see them with their wide smiles and hearty laughs
So I approached them only to be hurt by their gaffs.

Oh my... I forgot 'twas their kind from before.
The kind that have hurt me, used me, lied to me,
insulted me, and act plastic to me when it is done.
I'm just an example of their aformentioned fun.
This is about what I feel not necessarily what I know to be true and what I believe in.
317 · Aug 2014
I Miss, I Miss
Opening my eyes
kills me on the inside
and it's my strength
to part my lips wide
that lurches me forward.

Opening my eyes
is like opening a dam
on the edge of a waterfall
but without any
water or life.

And for what?
*I. Don't. Know.
I've seen what lies behind Words,
how everyone has given life to them with the push of a button
and I've seen first hand what it's done to

I could feel the words drag my heart
deep into the fiery acids of my stomach.

Life screamed like a child,
running up and down my throat,
waiting for an inevitable accident.
My gut wrenching out the food I had for dinner
while strangers around me were screaming
"Call a doctor! SOMEBODY!!!"

It's been ages since it last happened to me.
The pain never taught me well,
my heart never learned (it never does)
for once it is full
it never
lets go-
      Having the peace of thought of having to look forward to
      hearing her mellow voice jazz up the morning
      seeing her beautiful smile radiate the darkest corners
      feeling her laughter massage the stress off my back
      smelling her fragrance chilling the goosebumps on my skin or
      tasting the freedom surrounded by her warm embrace

(Recalling these memories)
My heart rate further dropped
all my eyes could see was her face,
all my eyes could do was grasp whatever fragments remained as the vision of her drifted away
all my eyes could ever accomplish was blind my brain.
309 · Apr 2014
The Needle on a Mountain
No one came back
No one came back
To help tend the Living Garden
That all you started in Day One

Soft, green, dancing grass
Tall, wide, shady trees
Cool, fresh, living air
Flowing, rich, clear water


But I thought we all were
Strung together no matter if
‘twas a tug or a yank
Lest it was a snip


The past flashed before me:
Orange, Yellow, Green, White
Gray, Brown, Crimson, Black.

for What?

A garden hidden behind a hedge
with vines drooping down from trees
coupled with shoots, erected
like iron bars in a prison

Now only the X-ray can see
Through the denseness

Does not the number of revolutions the hour hand's had have a
308 · Jul 2014
I 'm dreaming, wondering
you'll be crying
past my deathbed.
298 · Apr 2014
Words That Touched the Ears
It snaked and coiled from out to in
Where it reached deep within
Plucking the plugs, unlocking the chain
That held IT, keeping me sane.

But now it's unleashed and rampaging across the
city and souls that mean so much to me.
But now alone, traversing through, and carrying loads,
Towards rocky paths, broken trails, and forked roads.

Now what? Questions will ring
But Answers won't sing.
So alone I travel, a train
that might one day solve this (temporary?) Pain
294 · Sep 2014
Sweet and Pretty, Kaye
I've known you for 8 years
and majority was spent standing
on cold frozen feet.

I saw, through the frost,
that you needed me and
I, you
to keep this fire burning and lit
through our life
because I know, that you know,
that we will be there for each other

And it was when
you brought the first torch towards me
did my feet melt
and I
*fell for you
290 · Sep 2014
Don't Leave
Get off my mind
I can't sleep at night
I've been staring into Space that reach as far as the constellations
only seeing you.

My imagination is playing tricks on me
running scene after scene of what could be.
Conscious or subconscious, your beauty
paralyzes whatever rationale part of my being is left.
We still have a long way to go...
*Please, don't leave
290 · Jun 2014
Speak of Them
Let me lie on the bed-rock
And cradle all my toys
I don't wanna cross any boundaries
Of stout little boys.

Let me hold on to the darkness
push away the growing light
So don't tell me where, when you
Go left I will go right.

The past few days have been like
a storm inside my blood.
Bringing me up, taking me down
lemme write my heart out.

Weeks without a sight
I wanna know if you're all right
My mind cannot stop wandering
The empty halls of asking
The squirming's very stone wrecked
Oh the past, Deer, what the heck
Dunno why I am this; such a mystery
Is it so difficult to smilingly accept me?

It's a sunny bright afternoon
In a luscious forest of fear
Where rabbits why away
the Moment I draw near


I've run phones with no dialtone
and answered voices of No One
to have heard my neighbors cahtting
to the point their phone bills getting cut.

Oh days where have you gone
when you would have something doing
To keep my eyes off the sun, my ears to the moon
While my body rests in the state called Gloom
where paper is apparently predominant
and the letters I speak are air.
The effort that is cement
is a brittle bendy straw.

So come on, come all
Don't fear Speaking of the Truth
I have readily listened
since the Day began.
I fear this dark bottomless pit
that is split inter-twiningly.
How many a day has it been
since any Sound were heard?

I've fallen on my knees
and blood has spilled
and confusion has run 'round
uncertainty and whatnot but
feeling has never killed.
Just freely wrote and put my heart out on paper.

Hope this is worthy to be called a "song." Feedback is much appreciated :)
287 · Jul 2014
Business Unfinished
Days have gone
When the night's still young
My name is called
and it's time to be old

Sleep the rest off
Sync my heart to my mind
Let the boiling blood chill
Escape my life's thrill

Starve my stomach
of the food I crave
Drink water and satisfy
Addiction that's turned into lie

*The tingles are right every time
as I dive into my pool of Thought
287 · Apr 2014
She Will Stay
Standing strong on the edge of a cliff,
She braves the blowing waves
Shoulders the crashing wind
Staves off the scorching moon
Basks in the pale sunlight

Her tendril feet will stand firm,
Her skeletal arms will dance,
Her hard, rough body will absorb every blast
As her crunchy, colorful hair ,
will eat up every last bit of light.

This tree is here
*to stay.
Multiply "Really" a million times
over and over,
I still cannot describe my
for a field full of flowers
of different colors and species
and bees flying around, sharing pollen with everyone else
Giving life to Life and Growth.

Because in the midst of it all was me:

                                                         Left Out
My actions are simply a reaction to what's really going on inside me.
285 · Aug 2014
Accept LIFE
The War is over
when you know
Fear has shattered
your skull and escaped
into the *world
279 · Apr 2014
The Safety of Distance
Take me,
Take me back to that day
When those feet would spin
Like a flying dandelion
And those hands would dance
Like a branch dancing in the wind

But I fear,
I fear that would cause a pit
in my gut that would
Scream, Claw, Bite
wanting to come out to
release the anger and frustration
hidden behind these lined walls.

But I control,
I control the Sleeper hoping
that I would not experience such a thing.
So I cut the strings that held
these blinds that keep the light out
so there would be darkness
Please like it if you liked it and if not, some constructive criticism in the comments would be much appreciated!
269 · Apr 2014
Crimson trailed  Air,
who is warm and familiar.
Dripping on the clear blue skyline
Like tear drops, but gushing out
of a hole from Its side.
As he continues his journey,
the former will follow the
other way, 6 feet under.
Feel free to interpret it however you like. Please like it if you liked it. :)
268 · Apr 2014
A Father's Broken Gift
When I look at you two
I don't like what I see
For enter my eyes
An eyesore of debris

I see nights where money is
spent on drinks, lights, and music
When you can be happy by
helping the needy and sick.

To make matters worse,
together you'll sleep.
As you failed your promise
One you swore to keep.
Don't throw away your life. It was gifted to you.
253 · Apr 2014
I. O. U.
I owe nothing
for I've given more than I should
Days, Weeks, Months, Years.

So what need is there for you
to reimburse something that
Never. Was.
250 · Apr 2014
There will always be avenues
Glinting and freshly honed
Standing out in the dark for the
Vulnerability that you cant see.
Yet I go the same way
227 · Apr 2014
I Now Understand
Who* he is to me
is Who I am to you
What you are to me
is What I am to him.

How you Toss it at me
is how I Toss it to him
how he Hands it to me
is how I Hand it to you.

But do tell
how different they are
to Someone outside
this funny circle.

— The End —