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Lexie Nov 2015
So it begins:

I miss you above all the stars in the sky

So I must find a way to fly

I miss you friend more than sand

Every grain in every single land

I miss you more each and every day

To find you, I must make a way

You belong inside of my heart

Never far, never ever apart

I miss you more than the moon

You play my heart to a gentle tune

I miss you more than the sun

Of my friends, you are the best one

I miss you less when you are near

Every moment I wish you here

You belong inside my heart

Never far, never ever apart

I miss you like I've lost a hand

So pull me up and help me stand

I miss like I cannot see

I am blind so please guide me

I miss you like I cannot walk

With you thought, I will not be lost

You belong inside my heart

Never far, never ever apart

I miss you my memories clock

You hold my heart and the lock

I miss you my old and dear

Stay with me, just be near

I miss you my precious half

I want you always, to come back

You belong inside my heart

Never far, never ever apart
Lexie Nov 2014
can you hear me
save me
know me again

do you miss me
love me
make it all right

will you kiss me
love me
find me tonight

will we break it
fake it
find a way to make it

we both sleep alone
on our own
in the dark, apart

I wish you goodnight
in the twilight
Lexie Oct 2016
Most days I survive
But it would be unkind
And sort of rude
If I did not take a day
Or a night here and there
Just to grieve
For the heart
Ripped from my chest
And the soul
****** from betweeen my toes
They were mine
And they were stolen
A blessing in a way
But still my nerves
Are frayed and split
And send messages to a brain
Overloaded with drugs
And fill with pain
So tonight a grieve
One candle lit
And one sleeve barred
Goodnight I say
Goodnight you sleep
But you will rest
While my skin weeps
Lexie Jan 2016
We write poems about losing
And then some about loss

We spew out all these words
And never counted the cost

We empty our hollow hearts
Into inked pages and on keys

But the soul we have begun forge
No one, in their right mind ever sees

We dance with pencils and lines to thin
But the bigger picture is unseen

So we must look and search to find
All the things that lay in between
Lexie May 2020
You black iced bandit
Silver tip tongued liar
When you sleep
Do your bones rot
In the shadow of your sins
Does guilt not crush you
I have no hate
To send out into the world against you
You took my kindness as weakness
Now I do not even have regret
Maybe once, the earth said to the sky
Why do you hold all the stars
The moon chimed in against the night
Someone must hold them back
For we are not all made of light
I could of made you a believer
You had no faith in yourself
The person I poured my love into
Never existed
I am a giver
And you, a taker
A leaver
But you burn small
And I am the meaning of a dancing flame
You will drown in the waters
As my spirit passes over
Safely to other shores
I will say nothing
When my tears have dried
I will do nothing
When you raise your arms against me
Except pray
And the splitting of my lips
Is a curtain torn
Find me on the hill
When the suns goes down
For the third time
We do not say goodbye
Know the veil will thin again
I care not to play God
Only to hear his voice
Soft in the tops of the trees
Your ears deaf
To the cry of a good heart
Your calluses rough
To the work of gentle hands
Your feet burning
When you stand before the throne
The only one to claim you
Before the end
Is the earth
The most impartial of lovers
She too tells me
When I lay with her in the sun
The grass tickling my neck
Of the lesions you burned into her skin
Of chasms carved into her surface
By your bleeding hands
Yet, her and I
We know of healing
Our roots run deep
We do not fear the storm
And you will be ash in the wind
Lexie May 2019
And really
How quickly
Can you watch time - go
Lexie Nov 2015
Who is this imposter?
Who pretends to be me?
I didn't make those lines.
It couldn't of been me.

The girl I am is a healer
I have so many band-aids
I can't remember last night
To this pain I say, "I am afraid"
Lexie Jan 2014
Shove your old self in a bag
Tie your mouth with a gag
Pretend to be real
Take it all, steal

Hide the reality
Put it away don't let it be free
Become another person
Pull a con
Lexie Feb 2016
this paper is so thick
your judgements much to quick
just one blink so still
our eyes, the tears fill

you stamp it down
into your mind
those evil words
mixed with kind

you try to sort
inside your fort
you never let walls down
building up and around

you bite your teeth
into your hand
seep the screams in
like you planned

marks you leave
webs your weave
everywhere you go
but no one will ever know

what's in your head
between your sheet
where the lies
and the demons meet

a pile of sparkling gems
roses without their stems
left alone, left to rot
what is alive and what is not

in a garden
made out of thorns
here the flowers
grown like horns

to sting your palm
and break the calm
less than yesterday
more than today

never thought out
not thinking ahead
just afraid of the night
and filled with dread

like drops of white snow
that gently go
inside a crack
and fill the black

I hold your heart
inside of my own
I can't let you out
to be all alone

the protection you desire
the fear you hold like fire
every tempest hotter
without a drop of water

and so we burn
and get stuck
and bind ourselves
in ribbons of bad luck

closer to a core
what you're looking for
my sweet friend
is this the end

shredded to the bone
an empty shell
we build ourselves
a living hell

an imprinted thought
what I am not
maybe we just forgot
or took a wrong breath, and got caught
Lexie Oct 2020
Are you here in this moment with me
The dew in the grass does not know your name
But it remembers you
Lexie May 2018
That this world you were brought into
So easily rejects you
It should not have been this way
Remember you are better than this
I love you
Lexie Jan 2016
I gave up something
I was never supposed to have
I lived a life
Constantly in the past
I danced alone
With my special demons
The only light
Shone from behind my eyes
They were also filled tears
The product of the lies
I handed you my heart
And you gave me a name
A name of fire
To walk through the flame
Never to burn again
Not to bleed inside
To have a smile of skin
No scars, I have to hide
Lexie Feb 1
Tomorrow, before the sun goes down
I will try to build Rome
Lexie Jun 2015
In between sheets thinner than paper
As the candle end their height
All we ever made
Will be born into light

Scars on bodies
And a tempered will
This night is for us
And it won't sit still

Colder than glass mixed with ice
Better than nights
Of darkened souls
And days of lights

Between the collection of
Legs and arms intertwined
If you looked
Is it me you would find

A darker heart a lighter soul
A deeper ******
And a better incision
Memories fade to dust

As ashes rises from your lips
The cigarettes die
And a lung of death
Is brought alive

Thirty five lives
Follow by thirty four deaths
But if you count again
You find none are left

It doesn't add up
I won't back down
Because demons rage
And raise a crown
Lexie Mar 2016
we parted like a kiss
and all I wanted was a taste
of your sweet lips

we separated like two shores
and all I wanted was to reach
for your perfect hands

we cling together
for we are far apart
and I may never see

the sun rise again
Lexie Apr 2018
My mind is filled with the hum of the universe
In the 2am hour
When the souls forget their troubles they carry through the day
Lexie Oct 2018
The anger
It steamed out of my mouth
As screams in the night

Silence is broken
But I needed her
She was my sanity

A bitter trial
Leaves the taste of grass
On the tip of my tongue

The earth will one day
Cleave herself in two
Not until then will I make my choice

I am foolish today
I know naught of tomorrow
But I hope she will make me wiser
Lexie Oct 2019
I am not one
To place my bets
On the end of the world
To put the wages of my toil
Towards the final
Breaking of the dawn
The sun may come up again
Strike no accord against me
And yet, if the darkness remains
I will be no richer, no wiser
Only colder in indifference
That you already see in me
Lexie Nov 2015
I would write endless words
If you made you love me again
To make you notice
I am still here, and alive
Trying to live
Trying to thrive
The same rhymes I share
Over and over again
A repetition of pain
That drives me over the edge
I am going insane
Could you come back?
Come home to my heart,
that is your real home.
Please, please
I don't want to fee alone
So many times
Do  I cry in the shower
Let the water
Rush, hour after hour
Thinking it can cleanse the past
Or find a way
To end the pain at last
This torture, and pain I feed
Inside my heart
I wont evict it
It won't leave
Just like you
I gave it a home
Inside my broken heart
So I won't be on my own
With my knife and my art
Food for my stomache
That will fill
But food my heart
That will ****
I need you
Those three words
I love you
But that to
I need you
I can't live without you
These three words
Say it all
How you are my light
Yet you make me fall
Only to catch me
Need me
Lexie Jan 2022
You taste like forgiveness
If you know my name
Then you know my fears
We need not speak of such things
Lexie Mar 2016
I can't tell you now**

I was planning on it
Really I was
Something got in the way
Either the stove was left on
The door wasn't shut
Your breathing wasn't even

As little as it was
It made all the difference
And so quietly
I will bleed
#selfharm #regrets #lying
Lexie Nov 2019
You told me you were an abandoned building
Left rotting in the sun
Elements creeping in
On your walls and foundation
Tearing down your roof and structure
I am not so
Come with me
I will show you myself

In the skeleton of my head
Ceramic figures sit
Silent, sentient
On cobweb shelves
Pictures of you hang on the walls
Nailed into a flesh colored wallpaper
*****, coffee stained carpeting
Leading from the attic of my mind
Down the back of my skull
Vertebrae circular staircases
Winding down and around
Through floors and floors
Of keratin wainscoting
Dusty shelves overcrowded with books and trinkets
Plastic dinosaurs and matchbox cars
A room full of doll houses
Plastic mommies and daddies
Driving four seater lithium battery powered doll cars
Cooking over two burner stoves with imitation heat
Playing pretend, I know this game best

Rooms with filing cabinets stacked up to the ceiling
When you pull out the drawers
Files and paperwork going back and back and back
Blue crayon bills of sale
Newspapers and emails color coded for different emotional reactions
Red folders with locks, chains, and warning signs

Rooms empty of windows
***** of string for dust bunny cats
Baby teeth still tethered to the end
Strung between doorknobs and skeletons
The last flight of stairs
Leads straight down to a flooded basement
Salt water filling up cracks in the concrete
Bulkhead door latched shut
A femur stuck between the handles
You'd have to break a bone to escape

You follow your nose down passages
With markings saying 'connect here'
Finding comfort
In the smell of sage burning in between hip bones
Incense rising through chimney stacked ribs
Puffing out through a nasal passage

A few levels above
Curtains and blinds piled on top of each other
Trying to block out light
Pouring in through two blue tinted windows
Hollowed out, stained glass eyes

Mute little birds fly around in a tiny menagerie
Tiny parchment paper scrolls attached to their ankles
House arrest thoughts
Sometimes little rivers over flow
Down a façade of brick walls into little wells
To dry to hold wishes

In the right wing
Traveling down the arm
Little passage ways with doors
Swinging open and shut
Little electric trains blowing stops and whistles
Running around and around
Five little engines
Puffing out coal and smoke
Until they hole themselves up
In tunnels at night

In the left wing
Plates and dishes smashed on the floor
Ceramic shards rearrange themselves
Into mosaics and pictographs
Sliding around on metal tiles
Until they grind themselves into a fine powder
Slipping though the floor
Little skin cells flaking off the siding

Dry scratching noises echo through the tunnel
Back to the skull
At the very crown of the building
Rope makers work tirelessly every day
Stitching brown threads into the ceiling
Packing insulation tight in perfect rows
Until the rain comes in and washes them out
Trying to weatherproof roofing shingles
That act as if they are no thicker than coffee filters

Sometimes the power surges to quickly
Everything goes dark
Batteries overheat
Unable to remember which switch to flip
Which circuit breaker to fix
Which wires to cut, splice, and fuse the ends
Where to put the band-aids so they will stick
Until they get wet
A four battery chamber transformer
Inducting molecules, protons, electrons
Gassing up to restart
Not knowing which end goes to which side
How to get the cover back on
So I don't electrocute myself
Fry the circuits, start a fire

I end up
Sitting in the dark, alarm blaring
Emergency sprinkler system going off
Making puddles of tears
To drown out my fears
All wired up
Overloading and burning out
Turn the wind turbines on
Let them dry up the mess
Blowing fresh air through stale lung chambers

The ache in my stomach refuses to part with me
Empty shelves in the pantry
Don't cry over spilled milk
Tear up, when there is none to spill
Empty glass jars sitting in boiling water
All jammed up
Refusing to cook
Because one time
The gas was, accidentally
Left running, on the burner
Fear is a smell I would prefer die without tasting
A tasteless life no sweeter

I close the doors.
Oaken ribcage of my halls swing shut.
Hinges creaking under the strain
I remember why
I don't let anyone in
It's to cold in here for me
To quiet for them
Hating how I feel
When left lonely
Without a friend
If the dark is all I now how can I fear it
I am not near it
Becoming what I always knew I was
Not a single cut above, or below
Not a mark uncounted
I am the one who makes flowers grow
On the inside of the earth
Down below
Down I go
To dance after death
If you relate to any part of this please leave a comment. <3
Lexie Aug 2019
Plead guilty
For my innocence
When I am mute
I have a bad habit
Of forgetting where I am
Map of skin
Freckle islands sinking
In a pool of sweat
Salty oceans
I have no way to cross
Bridges of arms
Crumbling in uncharted waters
Mast of spine
Scoliosis of will
Tethered ligaments of indifference
Rails made of keratin
Clinging together with
Iceberg cold hands
Tearing apart
A home built
In this cave
A hollow cavern of chest
All that is left
Climbing Incan temple steps
With leviathan limbs
Up the ribcage of my back
A tower with two windows
One doorway in
I have never found a way out
Pulling vines down
Over my ears
I don't want to hear
Music anymore
A trap door tongue
Under the floorboards of my teeth
Lips nailed in submission
Captive, it won't let me out
I have no leverage
Against myself
No femur to pry
Into an iron heart
Veins and arteries wrapping themselves
Around my humourous
Metacarpal judges
Presiding over a court of ligaments
There is no connection
Cartilage sentences, unspecified
How harsh, how long
I tell you
I am innocent
Guilt tears me apart
The gavel falls
Greeting the back of my hand
Bones break
Calcium powder
Mixing with marrow
I am innocent
I am broken
I will heal
Lexie Aug 2017
It had been a long time since she had struggled to fall asleep
Her poor brain though to much of things that did not belong in her head
Things she had not thought in a while
Her heart was sore and her spirit weary
But her eyes so wide open they were like the wings of a hawk
Though she did not feel much like flying
She was low.
Not as low as she had been before, but still there she was, laying in the ground.
I will caution you, a heart is a delicate thing to hold.
Even more delicate to keep it in your chest, for many will try to rip it out of its cage.
There is life, and light even among the darkest of deaths, and truth in the boldest face lies.
Yet you do not return to me as you were before.
Though I am the same, I am pulled.
In the same direction as I have been many times before.
Yet this time I do not struggle, for the same wind blows against different sails and the same flames fuel the fires that did mine.
We are the same, but not one.
And I am sorry, that that is allowed.
Because the water held by the bucket could so easily quench the thirst; and the oars could just as quickly bring the boat to a different shore.
A lass that is not the way things are, nor the way they have ever been, as they should be.

You have been found lacking.
Lexie Dec 2019
Do not assume my innocence
Nor is it yours for the taking
Lexie Oct 2018
You were moss thoughts - growing on the trees
In my mind - just a garden of weeds
Lexie Sep 2014
you can listen to the radio
and hear all the songs
but it won't drown out the noise
of what is screaming inside
Lexie Dec 2017
Who am I to even long for sleep
When I have been given these stars in there ethereal beauty
For such a sight can only be given to a few in the dark
I must keep this secret
Or I to will be extinguished like a  candle to long in it's burning
Sleep is such a sweet comfort
If only the thoughts in my head were inclined as such
Yet I am resolved to this
That every night I look upon the stars in the sky
That I would remember you in my heart
For such a beautiful thought shall not be forgotten
Lexie Jul 2015
Mine will be a child's poems
About kings and mice and cheese
Asking for a book to help me along
I was going to make a copy
Of a story I once heard
But these words are from my own mouth
Reading the words off the screen
As the music fills my ears
Hope and nothing?
Hope and stars?

Is there more to come?
Could I make it mean something?
About God or life or dreams
Questioning each word as it appears before me
With furrowed brow and small smile twixt chin and nose
Now that you explain
Do I understand?
Oh my soul
By my sister
Lexie Oct 2014
The sky is the color of my eyes
But I am pretty sure I rain more
Which is strange because
I confine myself to the indoors
I was always told it can't rain inside
But it proved a good place to hide
Lexie Feb 2014
Your words are sharp
Like a two edged blade
The people I hurt
The choices I made
The words you speak
Are not set in stone
But if you speak anymore lies
You will stand alone
And it is my death
You will have to atone
Lexie Sep 2018
You were born from your mother's religion of peace
You came from your father's belief of war
With a rosary in your hand for your sins
And a bullet clenched between your teeth to remind you of both strength and weakness
Every battle you fight with your hands is nothing
Compared to the war you wage against yourself
Lexie May 2016
and in the moment
when I first met you I died
and it was the sweetest of all deaths
all the longing that had ever been before
lay cold in the arms of the angels

and as heaven fell
into the depths of the ocean
and the birds sung the saddest of all songs
all the dreams that had not yet
even begun to be dreamt
lay still in the heart of the demons

and when the tears showered
on the leaves of the forgotten
and my words died on the lips of all people
all the souls swore ad oath so sacred
and lay it to rest in the bones of a child

and as the whispers faded
on the breezes of the island
and the farthest reaches of the land stilled
and all of time breathed its last dream
and lay to rest in the arms of the angels

and I awoke
like the soul
and the fire
kindled in your eyes
and ever so brightly we burn
Lexie Jan 2014
In the dark I am an elf
Hidden by cloak and dagger

In the light my eyes will glaze
And ears will fade
And voice will change

In the dark I am an elf
Covered with my hair so long

In the light I am just human
I am short
I am real
Lexie Sep 2020
I will turn you into poetry
Because that's the only way
I know how to cope
Every word seems to seal my fate
It is to late for us
I never deserved you
Nothing I do
Will ever earn your love
I'm sorry
I wondered for the longest time
If you had died
If your family would tell me
I know that's a horrible motivation
Now I wonder
When I passs
If you will remember my soul
As it was with you
Or how terribly dark
It is without
Only one of us
Will be burdened
With 'what ifs'
In the end

'In the end
As we fade into the night
Who will tell
The story of our life'
-Andy Black
I'll never get to say goodbye in person.
Lexie Oct 2023
If I told you
I wanted to rip my skin off
I don’t know
How you would look at me
I can be naked
Not vulnerable
Know that when I say this
I have already
Been tearing myself into little pieces
It seems I have been trying
To get the words out
For a thousand years
My throat is full
Of all the things I did not say before
I sit here at the bottom
Of a hundred mountains
I will never climb
A hundred birds come and tell me
Of the beauty on the other side
I ache for something I will never see
I am too tired for the journey
My feet too weary for the path
My bones will not hollow themselves out
I am still empty
What a weight it is
Lexie Dec 2018
Cover me with your wings
In this embrace
I will feel as you have felt to fly
As you learn a young, cloudless sky
May the sun kiss you even sweeter if you depart from me
Lexie Nov 2015
in all of our simplicities
there is some of the intricate
each of us is the owner of a soul
that has been woven
to contain a beating heart
to keep us together
when we fall apart
and when we begin
to spill our stories out
not to control
jus to contain
to keep in our mind
and let out the pain
for our efforts to be fruitful
and never in vain
to keep us leveled
when the oceans rage
a filter of mind
to let out bad
and keep in kind
so search for me
inside yourself
and take me down
off of the shelf
Lexie May 2014
Oh silent wet and milky wash
Running down a glassy face
Doll like features and cold lips
Gently dropped by God's hand
A gift of rain to tomorrow sunshine
Little rivers winding through
Tell me I can still live without you
A poets remorse and empty words
The thoughts he said but no one heard
Could you just listen to a humble story
Could you just watch me cry
My invisible tears and speak silent words
Read my lips and kiss my cheeks
Red. Tears. A potent brew
But is it enough to sting you
Like a shaft from a bow
Like an arrow you pierce my soul
Like a stone from a sling
You leave me to fall
In empty shallow waters
Drowning in but a few inches of sea
Invisible tears on steel cheeks
Rusting as I start to weep
Lexie Dec 2020
There are unlived parts of me
I will bring them to light
Even if only for myself
Lexie May 2014
I remember you and your devilish smile
All the night we stayed up and talked
All the hours in the morning when we cried
I remember your smile how it grew and when it faded
I can see you in my head
But I wish you were with me instead
The thought of you in anothers arms
All but breaks my heart
But I don't have to worry
Cause you loved me from the start
But if I were a poet I would soon forget
How to write the lines like the ones on your hands
The ones that held mine and kept me warm
Then ones my parents grasped as we were torn
But its okay the know see the light
And we can be silent through the night
The day will come when I don't have to remember
But that is far off a distant November

I remember you and the light in your eyes
I remember you among all the other guys
Lexie Aug 2020
I have always believed
Those who break others
Deserve to be broken

Now here I am broken
Because of how I did you

I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
Lexie Jun 2018
My mind in its lazy moments
Always finds its way back
To the thought of you

While some would trade
Their soul through bars
For just a handful of cigarettes

And other lost stars
Fall from the sky
To give the earth just one kiss

Yet many still run a ragged race
Through streets of memories
Only to rest forever in the cold dirt

I cannot help but ponder
That maybe like how trees try to graze the sky
You would let me grow with you

And such as dew kisses the grass at dawn
You would greet me in the morning
What a sweet sentiment is this

Like a shooting star
Running through the heavens
Such as this, I run to you
Lexie Apr 2019
An elder tongue once told me, you are my delight
The island knew, for the earth never forgets
My own tongue found herself ******* in knots
Will I find these shores again
The isle of the blest
A cathedral for souls, still fighting without breath
The ale will speak, through the mouth of a drunken fool
You wait, on deity foresaken shores, for a mist that will never rise
The sand knows more than you, yet the salt water draws it out beyond hearing
The monsters in the loch sing prayers so ancient your tongue would tremble at the rasp of their words
Will you take your chances with a ******* son of the gods
Singing a gaelic hymn for the nords
Is your thirst quenched by hel fire in the fjords
The old country knows you, to her you shall return
To look in her eyes, inlet of wisdom
Her emerald secrets stare back at you
The cairns of the kelts are sturdy still
Will the faeries bless you
It is a fool's blessing too
Feather your tongue, so your words find flight
This is irish magic, kept in the stars at night
The title translates from Gaelic meaning, you delight me.
Lexie Sep 2015
You still amaze me you running *******.
idk if this counts as a poem :p
Lexie Aug 2018
I scream
It hums through the air
On the backs of razor blade wings

I scream!
It catches in my throat
And pulls my heart out with it

My woes
Into the night that bore them

My anguish is such
All will unwittingly now know

i scream
A futile rasp
Noise is nothing, when follows death

I scream
Still you do not hear me
A broken heart is not a quiet thing
Lexie Sep 2020
Take me to the darkness
In the middle of the sea
Drowning is nothing
When you live your whole life free
Lexie Sep 2014
i stay
i fear
if i leave
for just a moment
this will all
just disappear
if it is gone
then that is the end
Lexie Jan 2014
I watched you get burned by that boy
I watched you get used by a toy
I stood in the shadow
And saw your pain
I saw him carve your name

The tree still stands with hearts a many
I thought he wouldn't hurt you but he hurt many
I stood in the shadow
And looked the other way
Hoping never he would come my way

You were my friend but are you still
Lying buries in a cold dark hill
I stood in the shadow
And look up at the sky
And watched white clouds flying by

We knew each other in a past life
You'd cut me down with a knife
I stood in the shadow
Afraid of the sun
To scared to stay but afraid to run

I see how it works in this world
I watched as another story unfurled
I stood in the shadow
And I looked on in pain
Knowing I could have ended your pain

I just had to speak say one simple word
Even if I could never be heard
I stood in the shadow
I stood oh so still
Hoping and bending the world to my will

The boy disappeared and you looked my way
And I closed in on my prey
I stood in the shadow
I touched her hand
Thin and cold she could hardly stand

I helped her to her feet
And left her at the street
I stood in the sun
And shielded mine eyes
And knew it was worth one last try
Lexie Aug 2020
Will the roses
I lay on your grave
Before they become
Petals in the wind
With my broken promises
Will these stones be skipping
On the shallow waters
When you are gone
And I begin to break
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