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Shelby Young Oct 2012
As firetrucks pass
And crowds gather round
The smoke billows through
From the sky to the ground

The town just watches
And silently gapes
At the mansion that’s burning
Right past the big gate

It’s four houses wide
And three stories tall
With a narrow tin roof
It would be easy to fall

The paint was chipping,
There was rust everywhere
But that was all covered
By the smoke in the air

“Is the monster gone?”
A boy asks his mother
She caresses his ear
And whispers in the other

“I’m not sure, baby.”
“But I hope that it’s true…”
She doesn’t finish the sentence
‘…or he’ll come and take you’.

You see, in this town
They suffered quite a plight
Of a demon that takes children,
Steals them into the night

Also in this town,
On the hill past the gate
Lives a solemn old man
Er well, lived I should say

If you guessed he resided
In that rickety castle
Well your guess would be right,
Now was that such a hassle?

He moved in last summer
And that’s when it started
Parents waking to find,
Their children departed

Without much thought,
The town formed a mob
To track down their kids,
Revenge the lives that were robbed

The signs slowly pointed
To the top of the hill,
To the castle past the gate
And the mob grew shrill

“It’s that man!”
“It’s that creep!”
“Let’s take him down!”
“We’ll band together and drive him out of our town!”

But as you know,
Mobs can be hectic
Then there was fire,
That part wasn’t directed

No one pointed fingers,
No one placed blame
For, you see, their goal
Was ultimately the same

Dispose of the monster,
The man in the house,
And now they all watched
As the fire was doused

The body was covered,
All white with a sheet
He was gone, they did it!
Good job, what a treat!

That night, the children,
All safe in their beds,
Slept soundly and safely
Happy thoughts in their heads

Their parents were jubilant,
All worry-free
Their babies were safe,
So they sighed “Yipee!”

But then midnight came,
To that boy with the mother,
When she awoke.
She cried and she shuddered

Her son, he was gone
Not a trace of him left
But an etching that said,
“I’ll be back for the rest”
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Reginald "combover" Twistleton-Smythe
had hair on his head but just on the side
He wore a big hat when out for a walk
Too scared to shave and have a flat-hawk
One day at his Gran's fell asleep after tea
and woke up to find he was combover free
He saw grandmas scissors behind on the shelf
As she looked in his eyes and said "Be yourself!
With that combover thing Reg, you sure do look silly
Go shave your head, you'll look just like Bruce *****"
"But my heads the wrong shape, it just wont do the trick,
I'll look less like Bruce ***** and more like a ****"
"Listen to your Gran for I always know best,
I'm not saying go out and run round in a vest.
Just cut your hair short and wear it with pride,
it'll be like a mohawk but just on its side"
Reggie "flathawk" I've heard people say
now runs round in vest shouting Yipee Kiyay
cheryl love Sep 2014
The turn of the tide
the swell of the sea
the fizz of the foam
we're at the seaside yipee.

The brown fried onions
for the hamburger with red sauce
to steady one's nerves
on the crazy golf course.

The ride on the donkey
wearing a hat that says "kiss me quick"
Now the teeth are stuck together
it's the toffee apple on the stick.

Go on then just push one more penny
To see it topple the rest down and more
They say just one more will do it!
They say there are pennies galore.

Endless cups of English tea on a cold beach
A gale blowing behind the leaning wind break
But not one little moan do we hear
because it's a holiday for goodess sake.

Grandad has his knotted handkerchief
protecting his red, bald, shiny head.
Grandma is yawning in her creaking deckchair
ready for her nicely made bed.

The turn of the tide
and the swell of the sea.
Digging cold sand with a bucket and *****
to make a sandcastle or three.
Olivia Kent Feb 2014
Waiting in anticipation for tomorrow to arrive.
Currently, tomorrow hides, it's lying sultry in the shadows, behind my cobweb eyes.
Tomorrow a day of bounty, falls from money tree.
(c)LIVVI 2014
Thorns May 2019
Another year older
Another year tran
Another year *******...
Another year depressed
Macstoire Dec 2014
Once upon a Christmas Eve
When his work was nearly nigh
Santa had a tantrum
And threw his presents to the sky

His reindeer started rioting
Unnerved from all the stress
And poor old Mrs Santa
Stood witness to the mess

"My love, please, what is happening?
Think clearly with your head
We've not got time to waste now
Kids wait you from their beds"

So Santa stopped and listened
He knew he hadn't time
"But dear, you see I'm starving
And I'm gasping for some wine"

So simple was the problem
He'd soon be his fine self
They called for pie and beverage
From their ever trusting elf

The elf he soon delivered
And even brought his friends
As word spread of presents fumbled
So they knew they'd need to mend

And thus commenced a workshop
To fix a trick and more
The elves they fixed the presents
To take the impact of the floor

So thankful for the time save
Santa loaded up his sleigh
He hearded up the reindeer
They were fed then on their way

Now dashing through the darkness
On his journey through the sky
Santa soon delivered gifts
They were thrown from way up high

With the magic of the elves touch
They would land in their right place
Because thanks to Santas tantrum
This years Christmas was a race

So then parents starting rousing
Not knowing what to think
"Is it really raining presents
Or did we have too much to drink?"

The children sleeping soundly
Heard the presents on their way
So they woke up with excitement
"Yipee, it's Christmas Day!"

Luckily for Santa
It all worked out to be fine
But Mrs Santa knew for next year
To keep him topped up with some wine!
kelly kay keefe Nov 2017
Let me tell you the tale of the man who walked away.
Where he is today, I really cannot say.
He was a very lucky man, yet he couldn't see
All his potential and who he was meant to be.
Lady Luck would visit - he'd turn his cheek the other way
Stuck in the past or present... he couldn't appreciate today.
He was loved by many, whom always extended a hand.
It was not due to pity, simply hope and love for this man.

One day he met Penny, a lovely beautiful soul
Who instantly went into the depths of what this man beholds.
She wanted him to see his light as easily as she
With experiences and conversations, she dreamed change would be.
Penny was preparing for a journey to spread love via song;
What a perfect thing for this man to tag along!
The man jumped in joy when she shared the idea with him
She thought to herself, Yipee! Let this incredible journey begin.

They climbed through the mountains, singing along the way
Moments of love, laughter, and joy happening every single day.
One day up the mountain, Penny spotted a dark cloud;
So quickly the mans mood turned and he began to scream out loud:
"This is awful! This journey can't go on! I refuse. I refuse. I REFUSE to sing another song!"
Penny stared at the man in shock and horror
she turned and said, "it is only a rain cloud, for sure it'll be gone tomorrow"
The man carried on making a scene; Penny found shelter and built a fire nonchalantly.
When the man grew tired from throwing his private show,
He stumbled into the cave and curled into a ball by the door.

The next day they rose, the man said nothing of the night before
When Penny made mention he shot a look that said his thoughts he would not pour.
Penny grew nervous, this was a side she had never known, but,
She knew the journey must go on;perhaps through that night .. He had grown.

Further on they journeyed into the open desert sun;
"No worries here" thought Penny... No clouds, no rain, just spread love and run.
The man asked for a cookie; Penny shared there were none.
The reaction made Penny thank god he didn't have a gun.
"What do you mean we don't have any!? How stupid could you be!?
To not know I would want one... Do you ever think of me!?"
The man began to sob, he fell to be floor and became a crying blob.
Penny was perplexed, she didn't know what to do.
" is only a sweet treat, why are you so blue!?"

This was enough to snap the man to his feet.
He wiped the tears, puffed out his chest...he wasn't ready for defeat.
"You know what Penny, you just don't understand.
You have no idea what it is like to be a traveling man.
No one gets me, and they never will.
Thanks for your time, I'm Also leaving you with the bill.
I know you have fed me, sheltered me too. You build a nice fire and kindly directed me on what to do.
But it is not enough, you don't get what I need.
So I'm gonna go...don't be like the last one and plead"

Penny stood blank with a punch to the heart.
She opened her mouth but didn't know where to start.
From the day she met him, all she did was love and help
And now here is this man screaming and crying a step away from a yelp
She watched him pack while being very emotional-
So many thoughts and feelings none of which could take their toll
He began to walk away from Penny, finally she found words to say
"Where are you going? It's just been a bad day!"
"You know what Penny, I don't care and to be honest, I never did.
From this point on, in your mind...write me off as dead".
With these words Penny could feel tears come to her eyes.
She couldn't understand this harsh and sudden goodbye.

The man continued walking, erasing his path along the way
He burnt all the bridges they had built together since that May.
Penny carried on singing songs of love;
The man continued walking; his soul never full, seeking more from up above.
You can ask her about the walking man,
She will share all the good about him that she can.
She doesn't know where he went, or what he went to see...
But she does hope his time was spent becoming who he is meant to be.

No one knows where the man who walks away is,
But we guess he is alone.
Since he walks away from those who help build a home.
Ottar Apr 2013
I am going to a vacation resort,
                                           of a sort,
    all inclusive, no cost, it is free.
you see it is like this;
The only rating Stars are the ones I did see,
when the blood pressure goes up, yipee.

It is only for adrenaline junkies,
your heart will pound and race,
       you may get red in the face,
your breath will come in gasps,
                 fall short or be a raspy,
                        sounds like f'n fun.

I may laugh, I may cry,
My mind will be distracted
       (a comment redacted)
or even at a stand still.

I won't be able to think at all.
I only bought one ticket,
                      at the wicket,
The agent said I have a lifetime of reservations,
more than he knew,
won't be my last trip,
they are holding my next fares, looking for
available dates,
sorry you can't join me, they meant the calendar kind.

it is my secret hideaway,
and mine alone,
there is a whole industry built around me, myself and I.
The place well it is well named, the village of An,Xiety.
                                                       ­                        population 1.

Oh, I heard there might be an opening at a place nearby,
                                             a little bigger, the town of Wor,Ry.
I break into a cold sweat thinking  we might be on vacation,
so close together!
I just had one of these and it was like a game of frozen tag, but I hadn't been tagged yet.
Mind would not move, body was stopped, glad I wasn't in traffic etc.
No offence to anyone who goes through this more often than I, you are, very courageous.
T R S Sep 2019
Innocent purple, tiny little laurels.

It'll hurt like a pimple when I popped your brightest morsel.

So...Lets linger instead into dreadful fatty food.

Because it'll be the mood, instead
That will shape what we do.


I held a bug and it was dead.

And I was I, you see.

So instead I'll be much better than

what ever you'd thought I'd be....

Yenson Jan 2022
So at the  plebeians' assembly
of the Confederacy of filchers and extortionists
in gainsay association with red-faced scientist
pointy hats sleepers and conscripted cowered populace
are proud to state
that we are all being led by our long and short noses
in our controlling odyssey
we are proud to be controlled to control what we cannot
really control
we celebrate making bad choices and blaming
those that get it right
yipee we are in control

— The End —