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Cat Fiske Apr 2015
And though,
Her scars healed,
they left rough,
scar tissue,
wear she was once weak,

And he ran his hands over them,
Kissed them,
And told me I reminded him of the trees,
The kind of tree's to beautiful to cut down,
or carve your name into.

And he told me how,
the Trees kept him rooted down,
and helped the wind wispier,
Mother natures secrets in his ear,

Telling him,
To tell me,
He was standing there
with the most beautiful Tree out there,
Among the all the Trees in the forest,
and he was too lucky,
to have me.

Thats when my tree bark arms,
went around his rope burnt neck,
and for the first time,
we both felt,
like our jungle of emotions,
was as calm as the forest the surrounded us,

I had the wrist like tree bark,
and he and the trees,
had tried to carry him,
with a badly tied rope.

My tree bark didn't let him hang.
the trees knew better,
he needed to stay rooted.
This is just supposed to be a cute little story about two people who are helping each other recover though there attempt in self injury and suicide. I used nature as the medium for this story.
Mymai Yuan Sep 2010
Everything is covered in thick, heavy white mist. I inhale it in, and exhale a wispier, lighter version of it back out; my shivering lips parted in a small smile. I swirl the patterns of the mist in between my pale fingers, trying to beckon them into soft shapes in the air.

When I close my eyes lightly, the mist shows the little hidden stones in it to me. With my eyes closed, I can see the gently-colored ephemeral fragments rolling, tumbling gracefully along with the mist. I can capture one for three seconds with the fast nick of my fingers and read the secrets imprinted on their smooth surface, before they melt away from the little heat of my finger tips; because of this I do not steal the mists of its many secret stones. Some things are better left uncovered.

When I start dreaming away, the mist comes and whispers in my ear. I can hear all the little happenings it has seen as the years past by: stories of great loves, who loved with all of their hearts and souls; stories of children, who danced and smiled from the bottom of their beings; stories of kind hearts, always reaching out a helping hand; stories of bravery, and its many forms.

When my skin starts to go numb from the cold, the mist starts to circle my ankles and coil around my wrists. Little cold breaths of mist wriggle to the space in between my toes and fingers, tickling the soles of my feet and the palms of my hands. It envelopes my waist and runs its fingers through my hair, giving me Death-cold kisses on my white cheeks; and presses its back against mine as an old friend, sitting there, with wordless comfort.

When silence nestles all around, the mist rocks me to sleep, blocking my ears from any noise and from any nightmares to enter into my mind. It forms in thick layers underneath me, so that I can no longer feel the rough ground below me but a soft blanket of mist. It lifts me a bit higher so that I can float. So I float while I dream, and my dreams become serene, floating pictures.

When the ringing of silence grows to a quiet music, the mist curls into the palms of my hand, and the delicate wisps interweave loosely to form a hollow ball, with a parting in its surface the size of my lips. I lift my palms up and place my shaking lips on the oval hole and murmur a secret to the mist. I tell my secret wish; a wish that everybody has, that they hold on with dear lives; one that some follow recklessly, one that provides inspiration and strength, one that some, for the benefit of those they love, place away in a little jewelry box.
The hollow ball colors a pastel, pale blue. The delicate wisps tighten their hold to one another and shrink into a small pebble, sweeping off into the mist.

The mist forms another hollow ball inside my palms and I whisper a message, asking the mist to send it to a soul. I fill the hollow ball with words of beauty of the world’s nature around us and finding the secrets, stories and wishes they’re just waiting to tell you, if you’ll only listen.
The wind carries it off and it appears again: not as a ball of mist or fading rock.
But as a story, written down for you to read.
Abigail Night Jan 2016
I'm screaming for you
because no one ever knew
I'm screaming because i feel your pain
how it cam down like pouring rain
You put a blade to your wrist
You did it after we kissed
You also put a bottle to your lips
and i felt every single rip
of your heart.

So you can't die
cause you were my star and sky
so i wont let you
did you even have a clue?
so you can't die
you have to stay and try

do you remember the life we planned
It's gonna be so grand
you use to wispier to me about it
but you can't quit
not now
not ever
Kaela Warner Dec 2015
worthless and weak
I strive for perfection, pulling it off flawlessly.
Yet there's always something missing.
The glass can never be full.
They see the light I give them
never revealing the shadow behind
Once the the last star is stolen
The darkness swallows me whole
and now lies the proof
help once more I wispier
I look back, seeing nothing
I become an abyss
Falling down waiting for the crash
When he takes my hand
Weak and worthless
He gives me light to treasure and hold
a peace of him to long and behold
to stitch back together a broken little girl
Restoring the stars in her eyes
I dance away smiling
Strong and beautiful
Kay Feb 2019
I hate this feeling
the feeling of nothing
but also the feeling of everything
how is it even possible to feel them both at the same time?
to feel empty, after you felt it all
feeling like you are torn apart, and left broken,
because you could not deal with it all.
i almost wish that it would never stop
the feeling of emptiness
as if shouting into a void and not even hearing a wispier
not even an echo
the emptiness is so stifling, it fills me
the feeling of everything
i wish it would stop.
i wish i would,
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
Winds wispier the cricket's harmonious song, yet, I sit here and think for myself.

— The End —