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Lilly Tereza Nov 2012
Kiss, stolen in secret.
Away, from prying eyes.

The the school
Bell rang.

You see the memories
Concealed behind my eyes?

You even care
Don't you even see my tears?

They say I will forget.
Even though I know I never will.

Your smell still lingers on my clothes.
Forever etched into my brain.

Round and round my head,
Got to forget your kiss.

Me move on and
Hold my head up high.

Simply does no good to remember.
I* swear I'm going mad.

The way you say my name.
Jynn*... Like it's beautiful.

Me before I fall too deeply addicted to your
Kiss, so sweet and soft.

The age old
Lie, told by every member of your kind.

I can do this on
My own, free myself from you.

Did I think I'd
Need you this much.

Boy to ever truly
Own my heart.

the most
Painful of any hurt.

Tears as loud and
Obnoxious as a car alarm.

Away from my fears.
Ripping you from my life.

Trying to
Stay, It only makes it harder.

Is the day I finally
Tear away from the life I hate.

My heart and brain
Unanimously decided that life was caused by you.

Well, If you agree. This
Vacancy in my life is not for you.

You let me die?
Why must you torture me so?

Heartache, I
eX-alted you so.

The love of my life. un-
Yielding rollar coaster, just wont stop.

Of my former self, drained of
Zest, and life.
Danae Rae Jul 2015
She's drowning herself
Because she doesn't see beauty

Because her dad abused her
Eventually her mom left her
And her boyfriend ***** her
Ultimately her world was ending
The air was thinning
You said your friendship was pending

She drown herself because she couldn't see
She was a spitting image of beauty
jerely Jan 2015
A** crazy little thing we desired to fall
Believably that it was true
Could it possibly an imagination or just for real?
Dreaming or falling on the right way
Eventually would fade or maybe would stay
Facing the love of your life it sound so crazy
Going back and forth only to see her every day
How love could mean and change the world to you
In denial at first, but **** you hate it & you love it at the same time
Just trying to catch and realize that it was you
Knowing how much it means a lot.
Love? how wonderful it is
Moved you the hard way you could get
No space that you could filled but only her that you give in.
Oblique spheroids that turn us
Questioning if its round or circle
Rapidly is not enough to find someone like you
Searching for love? you don't have to
The love will just find you at the right time
Unbelievable right? &
Very unrealistic to believe.
Wait & be patient, while
X is marking you to cross the path
You'll never know it will just knock out of your door
Zest is along the way!
Took me 1 hr and half to make it. I was kinda worry if i'm able to finish this or not but still i'm happy that i made it!

Jan 11, 2015
A L Davies Sep 2011
"who taught you to look so good?!"
says a thought *[shot]
in the dark.
--- this to no woman in particular but to
all womankind i suppose.
outside there is a dog haranguing me,
saying WOOF (that is, "where d'you get those old clothes?")
i tell him the sally ann but good luck
getting in there, dog . . . he takes off, complaining ---
but i pay no attention to the bellyaching of an old mutt...
"nay," says i there's not a ******
thing of any real importance in this
universal dustbin/save the dharma.

yea i could live in a woodsy cabin
deep down a valley-ay shoutin' "HOOO-EE!!" out the open door
to anyone who comes by and
be thought a crazy young ('ventually old) ******
off his rocker in the trees.
--- and why not!!
chop logs/cook bread 'n brew potsa tea
'n otherwise lead a silent but meaningful old existence
out there with weekend friends/girls/wine/talk.

--- tell all that to a bookish pal
who scoffs:
"some dharmy of yours, boy. all that work.
where are the café sittings & sunny youthy days of
readin' sutras on a lawn somewhere?"

"bah," i says. *"bah..."
la fôret: ca c'est ma dharma
Wack Tastic Nov 2014
What the **** is wrong with you America?
Why can't you wake up and see,
Why aren't you craving more,
Doesn't the sight of obvious injustice,
make you shudder and quake,

The pawn shops, the walls, the harems,
The grotesque, vile eating establishments,
The silly, sadistic joke of their,
devourous wake,
The prison sentence of commercial onslaught,
The centers,
The hubs,
The craters in the sand,
The dead pools,
The pool halls,
The mess halls,
The halls
and walls,
Mingled together,
Why haven't you made the distinction;
Why haven't we done anything,
                 Who are you to ask?
I felt a crushing depression,
being among the people,
we all sat and glared,
my normal disposition,
unaligned by the new line,
the path unknown made me
Feel Uneasy,
I always pull out my Kerouac,
and start massaging my brain,
feeling the nostalgia of a past
             a zero soul,
            a poet's cries,
         reach my ears, the innards,
                resonate out the mix,
    usually it works,
          But the bus driver yelled at my ***** *** for not knowing
Hamline, of Course!
         He said it seven times.
Inside the current trend of atrocity,
      in the heart,
             the core,
                   the honey,
  in the mad swirl of current trends,
       the sway,
              swirling of the dilapidated ocean,
I was returning work shoes that were,
                                    (I hadn't bought them, but were intended for a                   now terminated co-worker)
Given me, but two sizes too big, floppy.
She talked to her supervisor.
(Should've just walked out with the new pair)
Supershit said no over walkie,
"try yo luck at the counter."
Went to the counter,
to try my luck,
Striked conversation,
with a rough,
dusty girl,
who told me they had ******* at her
for being there too long.
I just wanted to get the **** outta there.
I handed the box to Lucy (cashier)
She besmirchenly said no,
I didn't fight the decision.
Which I felt will always haunt,
a moment in my mind's heart.

I should've stood up and
pulled off my shoes and
whamped her for what
she represented,
None of it made sense,
I asked nicely,
I mean was I supposed
to walk barefoot in these
subzero temperatures?
Lackluster I slunk away,
None of it matters,
I positioned myself
toward the
beacon twin,
The personification of

The super Target across from
the Mart of Wal,
Whose merchants bumble,
yet I made no progress,
speaking distressfully,
influently for them,
While the policeman shelved the chips,
I spoke as courteous as any,
yet was torn away,
tuned asunder,
Lumbered over to the far off
sigh, Red...
They don't even have,
work shoes at Targé,
What does that say America?
The serpent silly sneakers,
laughing and hissing as I leave.

The bus is right there and
I have to catch it,
Lest I spend another half hour,
outside in this turmoil of frost,
In a wheel of torture and rejection,
always missing the bus to,
seek warmth,
Thought I would be hit by oncoming car
but made a mad dash to the door,
Just in time to be ticked off
at the empire,
at the ruminating,
the fermenting,
the rheumatoid arthritis,
affecting the fingers of careful planners,,
the scent o futility,
the fertility of existence was barren,
something... I'll pop up 'ventually

There I groaned,
retracing my steps in my brain,
but would end up at a
better launch,
in the ***** of downtown.

I kicked myself when it
said my transfer was expired,
with no way to tell time,
I just paid the man,
Then kicked myself because,
I must've used the older one,
from the former veranda
of the morning 'fore all this,

Now I kicked myself off the bus
pulling the yellow halt cord prematurely,
then walked the snowy,
lonely streets,
the cascading thunder of cars,
shoveling the air around,
the city sighing beneath my feet,
Walked past and contemplated
jumping on the little
platform between the
stages of the coaches
of the train...
16... to 17,
St. Louis Park,
Where began the loud,
obnoxious cacophony,
Obliterating my remaining faith in humanity,
The reason for this rant,
in solitude now,
in grateful sorrow,
in menacing tones,
the joke,
that we should all wake the **** up...

A B-boy girlie,
talked of pounding *****,
taming ***,
                                                    (how literate heroes will view this is outrageous)
Her counterpart with fisherman,
camouflage hat,
remarks of suckin' **** for two dollas.
I pretended to put my headphones in,
silencing the onslaught,
of inhumanity.
I had already gone through
my circles of hell,
that charlatan-laden circus of consumerism,
Now on the home stretch were,
these monstrosities,
mocking everyone in the bus
They talked of drink indulged,
The B-boy girl was the ringleader,
it was apparent,
the lackey sat behind her,
taking pictures, documenting?
and sharing images on devices,
that all amounted to,
but tragic decline.
They spoke of dads in jails,
They spewed out nonsense,
They reminisced of fights,
The B-boy girl had a cast on her arm,
She had lied and told the
story of how she had
coldly beaten someone in the ice.
how brutish and untrue.
Obviously I didn't have words until now,
after arriving finally to my haven away,
to express,
in the mullings here,
on the pages of existence,
That we all need to
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
Rid me of the
Absolutely disgusting
Presence that I hope
E**ventually fades
J* oin other people who work together in
A ctivities because that
N otion expands the concept of
U nity in
A ll Corners  of life and teamwork can make you
R ealise something new about
Y ourself which you have never been aware of.

F eelings that
E xist in my heart
B reaks me  because they are not just
R egular feelings yet they are
U nconditional
A nd I am struggling to
R elinquish this innermost feelings because I am scared
Y ou might deny my heart which i kept for you to equip

M any things are stripped
A way from us because we don't
R ealise or come into terms that we ought to
C herish and
H onour those that heaven specially blessed us wish.

A lways know that God's
P romises shall be
R eceived and we should never be
I mpatient because he is the only master of our.
L ives.

M any things are
A chieved when
Y ou have developed a positive energy of that certain aspect you are doing.

J ump
U p and down
N ever lose hope certainly
E verything shall work out.


J ustify why such
U nconditional feelings will eventually
L ose its value when i try to express how I truly feel about
Y ou.

A lways get
U p and
G o into the day without
U ncertainties of
S ome sort and
T he best you can be in that day.

S omeday i will
E ventually be able to overcome the
P ain
T hat
E xists deep within
M e
B ut remember that i wished for our
E xistence to never end but i can't change the circumstances because
R eality is that we were never meant to be.


O ceans are deep and the
C onditions of my sentment upon you are much more deeper than that of the ocean.
T oday marks a new story and a new life which i wish to persue with you, I don't have much to
O ffer thee my dear but I promise to
B e there for you whenever you need me in the
E ntire duration of your existence because I
R eally  feel greatness with your presence in my life.

N ever mistaken the conditions of my sentment because the feelings that exists are real
O ut of millions of people in the world you are the only one i exchange such
V ows of the sentment and
E very little thing i say is out of the deeepness of
M y heart
B e with me babe and
E veryday i will love you and
R aise our little ones into bright future leaders of tomorrow.


D ear you can't be loved by
E veryone and you
C an't expect thing's to go your way.
E verything you do in life has it's own
M eaningful aspect which when carefully analysed it
B rings out a better vision of yourself and  daily we learn something new which shall
E ventually build us into
R espectable citizens of tomorrow.
Leo Cunio Mar 2015
I  can not do this alone

Have you even cared
As I see it you hate me
Talk to me please..
Eventually I will stop trying

Yout are the one killing me
Out of my control
U*sually I try harder
Baylee Nov 2014
C-alling your parents because you have no
O-ne to talk to or hang out with.
L-osing touch with everyone and
L-eaving all your old friends.
E-ventually realizing that it's not all you made it out to be.
G-reat, compared to high school, but
E-very day you come "home" to an empty dorm. Alone.
Emily Mackenzie Jun 2013
Sacrilegious thoughts fill my
Unusually sick mind, and
I** don't care be-
I will
Mollee Nelson Aug 2015
Have you ever looked into the sky and thought your not the only one.
Utterly impossible for you to be alone in the universe right?
Maybe something is out there, but we can't see it.
Another life. Another thing
Nothings impossible right?
Something so different from us but yet exactly the same?

And what if we find out there is something out there.
Really. Something that would astonish us to our last breath.
Everything would change. Right?

Absolute shock would take this planet and crush it.
Lives would go on with fear of invasion.
Is it fair for us to do the same? To go and change the way things are.
Eventually we would have to be ok. We would just forget.
Notorious known, we would be unfavorable, we would be aliens.
S**tep out of the blindness you're in, and see them around you.
trf Feb 2018
D ays pass by, nights
A re kaleidoscopes,
R emember their tilted reflection
I  llusions, illusive patterns
N othing breathes that doesn't
G ive solitude worry

Y onder yellows seek blue, bringing
O bstructed views and
U nadulterated excuse

T etering
O n the

B rink of ambition where
E vents give wisdom and

G rasping your passion will
R ight the wrong
E ventually everything
A ssures a
T imeless song
Love Nov 2013
Understaning. Don't think that people don't understand, because they do.
I** love you. People love you.
Care. Care about your life. It's important, I promise.
Inform. Inform other people of what you're going through. They cant help you if they dont know.
Don't think to fast. You only get one life. Don't end it with one bad thought.
Eventually everyone feels like you do. You're not alone.
E** ventually
M y heart broke into
P ieces;
T he pain was excruciating, I couldn't blame
Y ou , I blamed myself
After I wrote this,
I realized I could relate
Everything, let it all out
Can you feel it eating you alive
They'll all be revealed
Acrostic poem
Feeling things just got worse
Ready to explode;
Everything that she kept bottled up inside
Eventually came out
Free* | Acrostic Poem
Mooseman55 Aug 2014
L ike fire it stings
O verwhelming the heart
V ery few can survive it's blast
E ventually it takes us all
Taylor Mar 2017
Night    and

We all have inappropriate thoughts, and eventually succumb to them in some way or another.
taylor Aug 2015
is it dark in here?
couldn't tell with my eyes closed.
as if being awake was an option.
no one would know
no one would care
of course i'd have to have the courage
to make that huge decision..
being completely numb is better
really it's a great escape
each time i inhale its like i'm drowning
anything to keep me above water
that was the plan
how's that plan working??
e**ventually it won't.
bold letters
Suicidal thoughts,
Eventually let
Them get to me, don't let them get to
Wrote this as a third person
Jade Lewis Nov 2019
D: ays seem to drag on, relentlessly.
E: ventually you feel like you should give up.
P: ersistent feelings of sadness, worthlessness, useless…
R: eality seems to be slowly fading away from your grasp.
E:motions are beginning to get harder and harder to hide from those you love.
S: o, you decide to tell someone about it.
S: adly, they don’t believe that what you’re going through is worth the heartache you feel.
I: t’s okay though, because you expected this reaction to happen.
O: bviously what you’re feeling is stupid and unimportant.
N: ow what?

D: epression sinks in and begins to…
O: verwhelm every sense you have.
E: verything is dramatized and there’s nothing you can do to stop the…
S: ting of words from those around you telling you to just “feel happier, let out the sadness”

N: eeds don’t seem important anymore, you just ignore them.
O: pening yourself up to other people is no longer an option.
T: hey only make you feel worse.

D: eciding to get the help you deserve was the hardest part.
E: very day is a new day with endless possibilities.
F: ocus only on the positive things that happen to you.
I: n hindsight this will allow you to slowly be able to differentiate between the things you have control over and those you leave to God.
N: ever again will I let people dismiss my feelings.
E: ach feeling you have is part of who you are becoming and allow us to be human.

W: hy hold back anything anymore?
H: ow you feel is so important and you need everyone to understand… to become more…
O: pen-minded to the things that they couldn’t possibly comprehend.

Y: ou are worth it.
O: ur lives matter.
U: nderestimated potential shall no longer be a problem.

A: nyone can change their perspective on life, they just need the right support group.
R: ealizing you’re worth it, is the most important thing you can open your heart to.
E: veryone matters.
Much joy
It brings
Let it show;
Eventually someone will fall in love with it
Acrostic Poem
Landon Keys Jul 2022
Know it now in your cocoon
Eventually, yes, you will bloom
Never think you are not perfect
Do not doubt, you are worth it
Realize please that you're now mine
And spread your wings, my butterfly

— The End —