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anne p murray Apr 2013
Mary Rose, the mighty sailing sea vessel glided majestically across the waves
She had robustly and bravely sailed the briny waves for many a night and day
With the ocean's heaving gusting squalls blowing off proud stern and mast
Sailing victorious and proud - her billowing white sails were cast
The calm, liquid waters of the sea flowed quietly purple for now-
Unaware of the coming storm that would beat furious against her bow

Her alabaster sails whipped violent and furious in the oncoming storm
Impending doom was yelling its cries while the ****** went unwarned
Down below, inside their cabins the ****** peacefully slept
Wrapped in the secure watch that their gallant captain kept
The oceans black, boiling waves beat savage against starboard and port
As Captain Noe standing fearless - at first quake, did not the storm report

The old wooden beams of the Mary Rose began to restlessly moan and creak
While the blackened roaring, rolling waves beat furious against her feet
Her alabaster sails rose proud- beating mighty against wailing squalls and gusts
While deep inside the bow in bunks, the sleeping ****** ******

Suddenly...they heard the captain's distraught voice cry out
When the ****** heard his voice -they heard fear without doubt
“Awake, all of ye’ ”,   Captain Noe forcefully roared
“Alive! Awake… all ye’ ****** come quickly up on board”!

The savage spirit of the sea reigned fierce with rage and fear
While the brave captain fought - loyal ****** brought up the rear
They courageously fought together - not silenced by the eye of death
As the sea raged violently against them with its brutal, menacing breath

To save their mighty Mary Rose, they’d dip their very souls in blood
Leaving themselves merciless against this drunken, mighty flood
With plank and bow standing fierce between them and their fate
The raging ocean’s fierce, blackened waves - the sea they could not hate

The morning brought the warming sun which rose broad above the waves
The winds had tamed their violent voice against captain and ****** brave
With unshakable courage and ******’s wit not once were spirits broke
Each cheered his mate and captain strong as they fought with steady stroke
Their peril fought in days of danger and night filled with pain
Their manly courage did not wane - their fight was not in vain
For all the courageous ****** and their brave Captain Noe
Joined together in hand and spirit to save...their proud Mary Rose
Mari Kiser May 2013
Sometimes, I feel like
I’m not good enough
For you.

You will use me, cast me aside,
Drown me, and wash me out
Clean me of imperfections.

I cannot breath. It’s unclean,
Murky in this place
You banish me to.

*****, Misty, Icky, Dark.

You go to my friends. They are different.
Older or Younger, Skinny or Thick.
Am I not good enough?

After a while, you’ll pick me up-
Dry me off and glance at

Narrowed, exact, trimming, forgetting.

You then decide you’re right.
I can feel the feeling uzzing through me.

Your strength.

Next you glide me away, using
Me. Even more than before.
You let your true being show. Ugly.

Hitting, dabbing, thrashing, scribbling.

When you finish, I’m nothing more.
I’m drowned once again,
Right back to where I was.

I’m cast away, waiting for you.
You got a new one you like better.
But I’m still waiting.
Waiting for you to use me once more.

Used, drown, unwarned, unneeded.

by you.
This poem was created based off my life and also the object of a paintbrush.
Hope you can relate!
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, some words turn to dust--no one to understand no one to value on land:\

hold the words save the rush

throw away turn to dust

in a hint an unwarned gush

leave to decay surrender to rust

upon a flash

upon a sleep

in a thousand nights and one they tear

on a heart of gold to dash

on breast to bare

no more they burn they fast

they swear

Helen Jan 2012
enough of your foolish folly
return to your oyster shell
re~polish your dull exterior
relive the moment before
being wrenched from your
existence. Be glad. Acknowledge
the close confines of which you dwell
Take nourishment from inside
the cage that keeps you warm
Hardened arms that shelter you
from the storm. A closed mouth
that speaks not of freedom
remaining  tight lipped
leaving you guarded but unwarned
Oh, yea pearl uncultured,
unappreciating of the body
that bred, unyielding
such opalescent perfection
once ripped from the flesh
dull will you wink in indescretion
tied to a string alongside other
conquests. Just a trophy
of your latest obsession
Red Fox Jan 2014
Some say there is no such thing as darkness when there is light
but they forget about the shadows that follow you in plain sight
they are always around you, though you may hardly notice
until they are staring right at you, when the sun is at its highest
so be aware when the sun is shining, and all is calm
for the shadows are sneaky and can appear unwarned
the people of the dark are not hard to find
places in the dark are not far behind
but life is in front of me, calling my name
one foot in front of the other, honesty keeps me sane
willingness brings me closer and closer
day after day, my shadows fall farther
and with my mind open, the darkness is becoming grey
and the grey I can handle, if I live Just For Today
Timothy Mooney Feb 2011
This was her stone
her sacred place
high above the
space below
where she would go
when distance
came too close
when life decreed
its need
and insistence.
High up here
She'd relax her soul
and let it flow
out onto
the calm and go
the calm and go
the calm
from when to dawn.
For When was a wonder
always shifting
sifting sandish
with outlandish purpose
at notice
But dawn was and is.
She could smile and sit
with the that and this
of a constant
she would sing
as sun and stone
with her.
And children knew
Children knew.
for the fallen sisters
I stood still and I waited
I listened, I heard
A melodic symphony
Like a bird, but with words
The message was relayed
Acted out and portrayed
In an unusual manner
With clear genius displayed
It gave me the goosebumps
By what all was said
About massive struggles
To feel alive before dead
I was moved, but unwarned
For the performance at hand
To be swept away
By a young British man?
Captivating and impressive
With just his voice and a guitar
Shedding light on his illness
By exposing all of his scars
He’s a vessel to carry
Innovation; through tunes
Attacking each topic
That help heal opened wounds
Things in the present
Or through memories shared
Expressing raw emotion
When most would be scared
The talent oozing, exuding
With every pluck of each string
I’m immersed, baring witness
Watching an angel earn wings
Johnnyqu33r May 2021
This paradox has hands
Dancing and groping
Molesting the serenity
Stealing golden sunshine
Ticking and running
Halting unwarned

And it won't let me go
Holding too tightly
Clinging to my frame
Speaking in tongues

Grandfather cuckoo
Unveil your secrets
Allow me to disrobe
Burst into silver stars
Scattering all around
To never be found
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
In the nightfall, there was a girl,
She wanted nothing for safety.
One day she wanted the world,
Then she realized it’s imaginary.

Once she was out in a dark storm,
She knew as the dark was all fears.
As the creepiness follows unwarned.
Just she feared that she’ll be scared.

Just as the wind blew, she will jump,
Looking for another way out of there.
Creepiness followed all the way home,
Jumping as she wanted daddy dearly.

Following her the way home scarcely,
She prayed to God, her only true friend.
Couldn’t wait to get home for her safety,
She knew if she didn’t, she will be dead.
Dr YumnaKay Mar 2019
There is a gap in my soul,
awfully vibrant, through
which slides everyone
and everything;

the black sticky paws
of an unseen monster
creep slowly forward,
prowling in its wake.

I tilt my head
from side to side,
the blunt edges of
an empty horizon
merge into one...

an optical illusion
and I hallucinate;
my paranoia has
reached its peak.

Within every individual,
I see a monster, lurking..
out there to get me, to
grab me - unwarned.

I look back to see
my own reflection
smiling back grimly;
my shadow grows larger,

with every step I take ...

— The End —