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vxnce vxnity Jun 2015
You ***** need to stop I'm sorry for hurting your feelings I'm not the one that usually disrespects humans faith and love for something that doesn't even exist - I mean that I believe doesn't exist but you can still live you've got your feelings hurt but thousands of us can not longer hold on or have stopped living - 68 percent of us to be precise have met you speakers telling beautiful stories about saving and love but let your eyes meet ours and you'll have a cemetery party with champagne and cake for my people that unfortunatly met you - so called followers of everything that's right too many of us asked for acceptance nobody wants acceptance anymore after you've hurt people over some old book pushing things on us we're not just don't be ignorant it makes your mind look so small for a person with such a big mouth that normally shouts leviticus twenty:thirdteen those are the numbers numbers we already read, heard have screamed while overdosing on pain,blood and touch by you pedophiles that treat us like some dust trust me too many of us know  and won't come back so bring them back climb your way to your heaven and ask like the angel you are -father is killing your youth right?
Zenobia Feb 2010
When you walk out your door
In the winter, spring, summer or fall
The sun flickers on many shades of colors
In the flower shops, fruit and vegetable stands
You walk down most city streets
People of many faces you greet
Day after day

Then you pick up the cover of a magazine
Maybe even your favorite, tv show, movie
The vanity in most today
Features not one
Woman,  Man or child of color
We still have a long way to go
Though many think, because
Our President, Barack Obama is black
We can forget the past and close the door
Stop mentioning
Racism today
It doesn't exist no more
Unfortunatly, I wish that was true

Like the rainbow in the sky
It doesn't discriminate
Crossing over brightly for many to see
Your eye's light up when you can capture
Such a beautiful thing
The shades of color comes in many variations
We can't hide them behind a cloud
Or in a corner, to collect dust
The vanity in 2010
To believe no one would notice
That there is only one flavor  
Is a delusion that they're not many choices
You can't go color blind
Unless you where born that way

So what are we afraid of
You can't stop it, or make it go away
Cause all the colors blend
Into a mixture with eachother
Like a painted picture
That just looks
Simply Beautiful
In a variety of colors
Gillian Drake May 2015
It's a hot day,
So hot that the sweat on my back
evaporates before it really has a chance to stink.
My only true friend in this feverish heat
is not my broken AC,
or my broken spirit,
but this popsicle in my hand.
When I was a smaller person
with a smaller brain,
and a bigger heart,
all I wanted was the flavor.
Now I am older, smarter, and unfortunatly
more in tune with the heat.
All I want now is this icy pop in my hand,
and maybe a fan too.
Matthew Ellmore Oct 2014
Her voice was flat, like a barren desert of words and sounds. Her hair was a mess, with millions of different threads and tangles of brown curls. These aren't the things that made me attracted to her; it was her eyes, God her eyes. They gleamed with joy and tenderness and they made me feel like the safest person in the world when i looked into them. She was the most beautiful thing in the world; and I was head over heels in love. Unfortunatly, i was just another person to her. I can't blame her. I'm not the next Einstein; i'm not supermodel; i'm not a millionaire. She is a rare gem and i am just another ordinary rock.
Morgan Hillhouse Mar 2013
Someday soon
right around the corner
I'll be waking up to start my day by you.
The alarm may go off at 6am
and I can promise I'll be tired and grogy
but engulfed in your arms embrace-
          will make me smile
and a good morning kiss-
          will make you coffee.
The day will go on, unfortunatly not all by your side
Our lives will pull us apart; work or school
But know that throughout the day,
     even if my body is not by your side...
My heart is always with you
My thoughts are always about you.
It is simply knowing that at the end of the day
     I get to come home to you and snuggle under covers-
          that will get me through my day.
We may not go to sleep right away but;
You'll be the last image I see at night
The first image I see in the morning.
Nothing could make me more happy........
                                                                           ......than you.
Amazing dream lasted forever and i didnt want it to end. My love I yearn for came into my dream, and that's what made the dream so amazing. I came up behind her and hugged her. I looked her in the eyes and she did the same. Then without warning, we started kissing and we fell in love. Everytime I saw her in my dream, I would come up from behind her and we would we kiss and it felt like our kisses lasted forever, it was amazing. I never thought I could feel so amazing, but it I did. I never wanted to leave the lips of my love, but unfortunatly, I had to wake up. But I will never forget the most amazing dream, that will never really happen.....
For my love, Allison Ray Lemmons
josh wilbanks Apr 2018
I want to find a day
where memories don't fade away
where this moment lasts forever
and the sun rise becomes a never
drunken dancing playing pool
moon shining and you're lookin cool
with your 90's jacket open showin
Skin is glowin toastin' boastin
bout being forever young
broke and dumb tired of
feeling so numb you
******* alive
the way you kiss me
makes me miss the
days of witch we
never knew we'd be rememiscing
back when after school naps
was our favorite thing to do
it's hard when i'm depressed
but a little less when
I'm depressed with you
said you love me
And i know it's true
cause what you don't show
in your eyes it shines right through
and i got that rock, it took
all the change in my pocket, look
i don't mean to take it back to there
back to that day with the teddy bear
and all of our pets that i took care
not because i wanted to
but because they made you happy
in a time when you were scared
but now i'm sitting all alone
writing letters in my phone
looking back and taking notes
i'm not to sure what helps
but i know this ain't the antidote

Still i lay, thinking, hoping,
wishing that you would stay
but unfortunatly tomarrow comes
and i'll get lost in the day
then in our bed, all alone, i lay
And think back to a time
where everything felt so safe
Stacey May 2020

A ordinary day to start  
Same as any other 
Dad goes off to work again,
Child goes with their mother.
Vibrant busy city,  busses, cars galore
Workers in the offices,
from bottom to top floor.
Throughout our life situations
Hard times often do arise,
Unfortunatly we never think of saying last goodbyes.
That's exactly what happened on September 11th 2001
A day that turned the world so cold
When tragedy begun.
Twin towers has exploded 
Co ordinate attacks, 
Al-Qaeda behind the planes
That seemed to be hijacked. 
Thousands were killed instantly
Some lives hang by a thread,
Calls were made to loved ones
Onlookers face of dread.
Fears & screams while running 
As smoke fills up the air,
News reports on live tv 
Helplessly they stare.
On the news we hear the voices
of all who are caught inside, 
Lying next to injured ones 
Or sadly ones who died.
One man makes a phone call
My darling wife it's me,
I'm sorry that I upset you
And that we disagreed.
My offices have been attacked they're crumbling to the ground,
A massive explosion hit our floor then instantly no sound.
If I do not make it
I'm stating from the heart,
I love you darling, & in your life I'm glad to play a part.
Tell the kids daddy loves them
Continue well at school,
Stand up for all your beliefs 
Don't be taken for a fool.
The wife is crying down the line
Darling please don't go,
I love you darling so so much 
I've always told you so.
He replied my darling im feeling
really kind of weak,
Breathlessly he's coughing, he can hardly speak.
If you ever need me just look up to the stars,
I will hear your voices 
And heal up any scars.
Suddenly all was quiet
The wife screams down the fone,
Darling can you hear me, don't leave me here alone.
The towers live on tv start to crumble to the ground,
Clouds of smoke then fill the air 
The world in shock no sound.
Crying at the images of all who has lost their lives ,
Mums,dad's , Nan's & grandads, husbands & wives.
Rescue teams included and all those left behind
To All who were among them,  all who did survive,
All who were injured 
All who sadly died.
Never in this lifetime that day will be the same
For ground zero holds the memories
Of every single name.

— The End —