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Where's the blessing
when the sun refuses to shine
the birds deny their song
a child chooses to cry?

Where's the blessing
when the stars lose their glisten
the flowers forget to bloom
the pain is unbearing?

Where's the blessing
when a mother forgets her child
then turns and walk away
to a world of unknown?

Where's the blessing
when darkness is overcast
the world's upside down
life becomes such torture?

We tend to forget
the little things in this life
the spark to encourage
the eyes of a child.

What happened
to the blessing?
inspired by the heart of a child
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Gazing upon me,
It pounds me.

The pressure is unbearable.

You are Unbearable.
sinderella Nov 2013
we torture ourselves
and our hurting hearts
to keep ******* friends
we go ******* insane
keeping relationships
from burning up in flames
and turning into dust
we lose our self
put it on the shelf
trying and trying
hoping to receive love
hoping to get back
all we willingly give
but we get none of it
leaves unbearing
feeling of guilt
feeling of disgust
for caring so much
about tricksters
the heartbreakers
the selfish ones
© sinderella.
Monique Matheson May 2016
You used to be so proud of me.
Seán Mac Falls Apr 2017
In whisper— shadow sings a song.
My call is joined within the hollows,
Only tiny dimpled crests of the sea,
My voice, for rains, round familiar                                                       As patch into tune of old shattering
Light.  I search for love, sloe in slips
Thru ******* eyes, outcast beyond
And ghostly move into monumental
Futilities of unbearing, leery in flesh
Undeciphered.  Make me one lattice
To bind the wind and mark shallows
Mine as I trudge into black, blue sun.
This song— I sing is for lost keeping,
Hear my hush as it breaks for darks—
And I shall love in box, buried, forgot,
Kept at one sight so grave, remaining
As smudge onto stone burnt in a dial
Etched by firing rays of timeless star,
Hear my song— whispers of shadow.
Seán Mac Falls May 2016
In whisper— shadow sings a song.
My call is joined within the hollows,
Only tiny dimpled crests of the sea,
My voice is for rains, round familiar
As patch into tune of old shattering
Light.  I search for love, sloe in slips
Thru ******* eyes, outcast beyond
And ghostly move into monumental
Futilities of unbearing, leery in flesh
Undeciphered.  Make me one lattice
To bind the wind and mark shallows
Mine as I trudge into black, blue sun.
This song— I sing is for lost keeping,
Hear my hush as it breaks for darks—
And I shall love in box, buried, forgot,
Kept at one sight so grave, remaining
As smudge onto stone burnt in a dial
Etched by firing rays of timeless star,
Hear my song— whispers of shadow.
Seán Mac Falls Feb 2015
In whisper— shadow sings a song.
My call is joined within the hollows,
Only tiny dimpled crests of the sea,
My voice, for rains, round familiar                                                       As patch into tune of old shattering
Light.  I search for love, sloe in slips
Thru ******* eyes, outcast beyond
And ghostly move into monumental
Futilities of unbearing, leery in flesh
Undeciphered.  Make me one lattice
To bind the wind and mark shallows
Mine as I trudge into black, blue sun.
This song— I sing is for lost keeping,
Hear my hush as it breaks for darks—
And I shall love in box, buried, forgot,
Kept at one sight so grave, remaining
As smudge onto stone burnt in a dial
Etched by firing rays of timeless star,
Hear my song— whispers of shadow.
surei Jul 2011
In the midst of conundrum ,

massive leaks of an unknown entity
invaded the cardia of a lass.
Some say it was an accident,
some say she chose to open her doors.

Yes, that was a fifth of a decade ago.
On a pedestal, this entity stood tall.
Unbearing the word "compassion", yet -
rust of any clear understanding of the world

Vulnerable :
On to that word she had travelled
"In her head", said an entity,
"crushing her own trust in me".
End of story, - or so she thought!

Beneath it all, a fountain full -
Indelible memories alone;
just drift back and forth like a pendulum.
An awful ending?
No, it really is just a beginning.
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2015
In whisper— shadow sings a song.
My call is joined within the hollows,
Only tiny dimpled crests of the sea,
My voice is for rains, round familiar
As patch into tune of old shattering
Light.  I search for love, sloe in slips
Thru ******* eyes, outcast beyond
And ghostly move into monumental
Futilities of unbearing, leery in flesh
Undeciphered.  Make me one lattice
To bind the wind and mark shallows
Mine as I trudge into black, blue sun.
This song— I sing is for lost keeping,
Hear my hush as it breaks for darks—
And I shall love in box, buried, forgot,
Kept at one sight so grave, remaining
As smudge onto stone burnt in a dial
Etched by firing rays of timeless star,
Hear my song— whispers of shadow.
abby May 2015
when i was fifteen i was a lion-hearted girl
with strong bones and love for myself that crossed seas
i carried myself with sunshine and a smile too big
played melodies on the piano and loved people too much

when i was fifteen i was an ashtray
my warmth was used for kindling and my love to put out fires
my skin started turning black and my heart breaking into pieces
i was still wild-eyed and good

when i was fifteen i was a punching bag
fists touched my ribs most days and fingernails scraped away
chipping at my exterior and tearing my seams to bits
i became cold and unbearing and ruthless, with teeth like a tiger

when i was fifteen i became nothing
buried into soil and left not to grow but to be scavenged
bones broken and unmended, parched lips and stony feet
underground, beaten and crying, dead

just thinking about the past and how much i've grown and changed//
Nikki Nakamura Sep 2014
Minutes pass day by day but the same thing remains.  Inner demons tearing the seams of the soul wailing for a chance to be heard. Forced smiles, false laughs, masks painted by the banshees themselves unrecognizable to the viewers eye. The appearance from the eyes looks like summer but feels like the frost from the winter. The words sound of clarity from the rains of spring but represent a dryness from fall. Misalignment, dis-alignment, nothing of the sort to be let known for the fear of disappointment. Not for yourself but for others. Not to be seen for the unspoken truth of not being good enough for the world that took you under its wing against your will. Degraded, suppressed, all worth striped of meaning for those exact reasons that you hide your face in crowds so no one can see the Unbearing truth of reality. It gets worse and worse each day you hear the lie from his lips which only ends in more places to apply your makeup. The shame beats down on you like a blistering flame after its wrath has been contained for too long that you believe the spitting so called "truth" being fed to you on a shinning silver platter. How long do you have til those demons unravel the unseen beauty that nests somewhere unknown? I'm counting down each minute that passes during each day to the final place where your mask can be shed and your worth can be defined.
September 15, 2014
Skyler Aug 2020
Everything may end,
The unknown knows.
All you dread.

You are held aloft.
Seeing the events.
Quiet and tense.

The storm builds,
Thunder softly stirs.
Shy away.

Come down,
Touch the earth.
Unbearing suspense.

Your breath is taken,
You are made blind.
Speech is numbed.

Hide from all,
Seek none.
Hear no-one.
I can only count on myself.
Javier Garza Feb 2022
Dark misfortune may gather up above,
Bleak clouds that shower and beat the oblivious earth
Dread, Pain, and Despair soak and pool together

Yet know that this will pass, though the trials are rough and unbearing
It's essential for life

Wrath may strike across the heavens
And as hope is overshadowed by Anguish
There's no escape from the dark days

This too is essential for life, for rebirth

In time the heavens will be pierced by the rays of life
The pools will fade, the winds will settle, and the silence of peace will return
The storms will concede, the sun will shine once more
The stars will still be there twinkling and gleaming

The reward for endearing the dark stormy days,
Is the profound beauty of life all around;
Life isn't only joy and sunlight
It's also endearing the hard times
fallendawn Sep 2018
That weight
That unbearing weight full of
Doubt,Hatred,Deppression,& Anxiety
Has been lifted
& I have been gifted
To be released
Of pain I didn’t
--AW-- Nov 2018
The light,
It tries.
With it's bright jubilance, attempts to penetrate the dark chaos within the crowded forest. It is daytime,
But within the clutter of pine and evergreen,
There is no light.
And as the darkness swallows everything in it's path,
The monsters roam freely.
Their screams,
Earpearcing, unbearing...
Yet unheard.
Bouncing from tree to tree until silence takes over.
Echos mean nothing.
Visions unclear.
Thoughts become clouded.
And that little light,
It tries.
But even the smallest spec, eventually disappears,
Within the ever-growing chaotic forest.
Talking nonstop
Words after words
Voice to be heard
Discussions here and there
But beware
Talk could be gossip
Makes one fed up
Words of never mine
Words with evil thunder
Lightning strike feel
Talk is so real
Uncontrollable tongue
The Mighty Mouth can be unbearing
No Silence breakthrough
The Mighty Mouth Marvel with the strong voice
No mistake
For Heaven’s sake
Give or take
At stake

— The End —