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Max Neumann Nov 2019
don't get on my nerves
kiddo it
ain't your mother's
fault that you're
a sucker

daddys come like
daddys are

who are you though?

no sweet toddler
no child
no youngster

i don't give a **** about

i am your daddy kiddo
i am a torpedo kiddo

don't gimme that family
you ain't nothing but a

fortyfive year old

you're the harmless
toothless dracula

couldn't care less
about you
¡Vamos hacia el infierno!

El grito suena bien  en el vientre de la cueva,
el salmo bajo el mediodía de los templos
y la canción en el crepúsculo...
El grito es el primero.

Hay un turno de voces:
yo grito,
tú rezas,
él canta...
El grito es el primero.

Y hay un turno de bridas:
él las lleva,
tú las llevas,
yo las llevo.
Y a la hora de las sombras subterráneas
la blasfemia reclama sus derechos.

Los caballos piafan ya enganchados y la carroza aguarda...
¿Quién la lleva? Yo: el blasfemo.
Yo la llevo, yo llevo hoy la carroza,
yo la llevo.

Este es el poeta,
tú eres el salmista,
ése es el que llora,  
tú eres el que grita...
yo soy el blasfemo.
Yo la llevo. Yo llevo hoy la carroza,
yo la llevo.

¡Arriba! ¡Subid todos!
¡Vamos hacia el infierno!
La aijada tiene su ritmo,
y la tralla,
y el frito,
y el aullido...
y la blasfemia del cochero.
¡Arre! ¡Arre!

poetas y salmistas;
obispos y guerreros!...
Voy a cantar.

Vida mía, vida mía,
¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay!
Vida mía, vida mía,
tengo un ojo pitañoso
y el otro con ictericia.
Vida mía, vida mía,
¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay!

Esta es mi copla, la copla de mi carne,
la copla de mi cuerpo.
Mas si mis ojos están sucios
los vuestros están ciegos.

poetas y salmistas;
obispos y guerreros!...
Voy a cantar otra vez.
El viejo rey de Castilla
¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay!
El viejo rey de Castilla
tiene una pierna leprosa
y la otra sifilítica.
El viejo rey de Castilla
¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay!

Esta es la copla de mi tierra,
la copla de mi reino.
Mas si mi reino está podrido
su espíritu es eterno.

poetas y salmistas;
obispos y guerreros!...
Llevadme de nuevo el compás.

En los cuernos de la mitra
¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay!
En los cuernos de la mitra
hay una plegaria verde
y otra plegaria amarilla.
En los cuernos de la mitra
¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay!

Esta es la copla de mi alma,
de mi alma sin templo
porque la bestia negra apocalíptica,
lo ha llenado de estiércol.

Tres veces cantó el gallo,
tres veces negó Pedro,
tres veces canto yo:
por mi carne,
por mi patria
y por mi templo...
Por todo lo que tuve
y ya no tengo...

Vamos bien,
no hemos errado el sendero.
Conjugad otra vez:
este es el poeta,
tú eres el salmista,
ese es el que llora,
tú eres el que grita.
Yo soy el blasfemo...
¿Y el sabio? ¿Donde está el sabio? ¡Eh, tú!

Tú que sabes lo que pesan las piedras y lo que corre el viento...
¿Cuál es la velocidad de las tinieblas y la dureza del silencio?
¿No contestas?... Pues las bridas son mías.
Yo la llevo, yo llevo hoy la carroza,
yo la llevo.

Músicos, sabios,
poetas y salmistas,
obispos y guerreros...
Dejadme todavía preguntar:
¿Quién ha roto la luna del espejo?
¿Quién ha sido?
¿La piedra de la huelga,
la pistola del gangster,
o el tapón del champaña que disparó el banquero?
¿Quién ha sido?
¿El canto rodado del poeta,
el reculón del sabio,
o el empujón del necio?
¿Quién ha sido,
la vara del juez,
el báculo
o el cetro?
¿Quién ha sido?
¿Nadie sabe quién ha sido?
Pues las bridas son mías. ¡Adelante!
¡Arre! ¡Arre!... ¡Vamos hacia el infierno!

Y para hacer más corta la jornada
ahora cantaremos en coro, y cantaremos las coplas del Gran Conserje Pedro.
Yo llevaré la voz cantante y vosotros el estribillo
con lúgubre ritmo de allegreto.Vino la guerra.
Y para hacer obuses y torpedos
los soldados iban recogiendo
todos los hierros viejos de la ciudad.
Y Pedro, el Gran Conserje Pedro,
le dijo a un soldado: Tomad esto...
Y le dio las llaves del templo.Pedro, Pedro...
El Gran Conserje Pedro
que ha vendido las llaves del templo.Pedro...
Te dijo el Señor de los Olivos
cuando heriste con tu espada al siervo:
Mete esa espada en la vaina,
que yo sé a lo que vengo.
Y la metiste... con las cajas de caudales en el templo.Pedro, Pedro,
el Gran Conserje Pedro,
amigo de soldados y banqueros.Y ahora tenemos que ir al cielo
dando un gran rodeo
por el camino del infierno,
cavando un largo túnel en el suelo
y preguntando a las raíces y a los topos,
por qué ya no hay campanas ni espadañas, Pedro,
y los pájaros... todos tus pájaros se han muerto.¡Pedro, Pedro,
todos tus pájaros se han muerto!

Sin embargo, señores, yo no soy un escéptico
y hay unas cuantas cosas en que creo.
Por ejemplo, creo en el Sol, en el Diluvio y en el estiércol;
en la blasfemia, en las lágrimas y en el infierno;
en la guadaña y en el Viento;
en el lagar, en la piedra redonda del amolador
y en la piedra redonda del viejo molinero;
y en el hacha que derriba los árboles
y descuartiza los salmos y los versos;
en la locura y en el sueño...
y en el gas de la fiebre también creo,
en ese gas ingrávido, expansivo y etéreo,
antifilosófico, antidogmático y antidialéctico
que revienta los globos... los grandes globos, los globitos
y el cerebro.

Y creo
que hay luz en el rito,
luz en el culto
y luz en el misterio.

que el agua se hace vino,
y sangre el vino,
sangre de Dios y sangre de mi cuerpo.

que el trigo se hace harina
y carne la harina...
carne de Dios y carne de mi cuerpo.

que un hombre honrado
cuando nos da su pan
tiene el cuerpo de Cristo entre los dedos.

Y creo
que en el cáliz y en la hostia
hoy no hay más que babas del Gran Conserje Pedro.
Este es mi credo,
y pronto será el vuestro.
Ya lo iréis aprendiendo.

Con él entraremos
por la puerta norte y saldremos
por el postigo del infierno.
El infierno no es un fin, es un medio...
(Nos salvaremos por el fuego).
Y no es un fuego eterno.
Pero es, como las lágrimas, un elevado precio
que hay que pagarle a Dios, sin bulas ni descuentos,
para entrar en el reino de la luz,
en el reino de los hombres, en el reino de los héroes,
en el reino
que vosotros habéis llamado siempre el reino beatífico del cielo.
¡Vamos allá!

¿Estamos todos? Hagamos el último recuento:
Este es el salmista, el que deshizo el salmo
cuando dijo con ira y sin consejo:
"Tú eres el Dios que venga mis agravios
y sujeta debajo de mí, pueblos".
Y este es el poeta luciferino,
el que inventó el poema
esterilizado y antiséptico
y guardó en autoclaves la canción,
puritano, orgulloso y fariseo.
¡Oh, puristas y estetas!
Aún no está limpio vuestro verso
y su última escoria ha de dejarla
en los crisoles del infierno.
Aquí van los artistas sodomitas,
los pintores bizcos y los poetas inversos.
(No lloréis. Pero no digáis tampoco
que la Luz y el Amor se ven mejor torciendo
la mirada
y el ****.
Ni llanto ni ufanía. Vamos al gran taller,
a la gran fragua donde se enderezan los entuertos).
Aquél es el que grita, el hombre de la furia,
y aquél otro el que llora, el hombre del lamento.
Allá va el rey leproso y sifilítico,
este es el bobo intrépido
y este es el sabio tímido,
cargado de tarjetas y de miedo:
ni para decir e pur si mouve
le ha quedado resuello.

Aquí van el juez y el gangster
los dos juntos en el mismo verso.
Este es el Presidente demócrata y guerrero
que desnudó la espada en el verano
y debió desnudarla en el invierno.
(¡Ay del que se armó tan sólo
para defender su granero,
y no se armó para defender
el pan de todos primero!
¡Ay, del que dice todavía:
nos proponemos conservar lo nuestro!)
Allí va el demagogo,
aquél es el banquero,
estos son los cristianos
(Que ahora se llaman los "cristeros")
Y este es el hombre de la mitra,
la bestia de dos cuernos,
el que vendió las llaves...
el Gran Conserje Pedro.¡Aquí van todos!
Y aquí voy yo con ellos.
Aquí voy yo también, yo, el hombre de la tralla,
el de los ojos sucios... el blasfemo.

ahora ya sin hogar y sin reino,
sin canción y sin salmo,
sin llaves y sin templo...
yo la llevo, yo llevo hoy la carroza,
yo la llevo.

Se va del salmo al llanto,
del llanto al grito,
del grito al veneno...
¡Arre! ¡Arre!
¡Y se gana la luz desde el infierno!
pat Sep 2014
"I am going to punch you in the face" he said
wistling sounds
wiped again
It's not a falicy
It's reality
you walk, you talk, you die
wonka? He was a sadistic ****
I'd drink his **** if  I had it in me
Everlasting gob stoppers. Clod hoppers
Fizzy lifting drinks to poo stink
swallow blood fest
**** out the rest
Sarpinos torpedos
squeeze my labedo chester chito
flaming hot meat he don't eat
so discreat. Now wipe your water on my leg.
is it really midnight.
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
The fight for territories, freedom, and respect is on.
Sleepless soldiers firing firearms at dawn.
Landmines and hand grenades, smoke screens and flashbangs,
Messing up you're vision and will blow you away.
Snipers on every high cliff and hill,
Dressed to match their surroundings, their attire to ****.
While Ghost Reacon operatives move in silence.
The Navy tries to focus on more tactical violence.

On the battleground there isn't cops and sirens,
Just the thunderous echoes of guns firing.
To change the climate torpedos rain from the sky,
In this weather condition barely anyone can survive.
But after years of fighting they're ready for the finale,
Take over the last enemy base in the valley.
You have won, you raise your flag and rop your guns,
But little do you know the battle has just begun.
The first to a mini series of poems I want to create. What do you think? Please comment!
Julia Jan 2019
why does toothpaste come in tubes?
if you ask me, there are
too many tubes that don’t belong
shall i namE them?
now do You believe mE?
David Nelson Jun 2013
Cosmic Debris

Cover your head and run away
chicken little all abluster
the sky is falling so they say

the bolide explosions from above
stole the thunder from larger DA14

but this is not the only cosmic debris
and Frank had warned us so long ago
I'm talking about the jive talk brother
from the politicians that we elected
entrusted our world with

too many seem to think it appears
that they were appointed with papal providence
as though GOD herself, or himself
had annointed their specialness
and dam the torpedos full speed ahead

they rule with arrogance and yet
yet we elect new ones every time
Frank also warned us about the yellow snow
I hope most of us paid attention on that one
cause we can't seem to get the aforementioned correct

Gomer LePoet...
a takeoff on the old Frank Zappa song and our glorious political representatives who think they own our thoughts and desires. Thank God at least one of the idiots, yes you Michelle, has decided not to run again for election. How anyone could have voted for this total inept person is beyond my comprehension. she was/is almost as dimwitted at the former gov of Alaska who thought she should be OUR VP, next in line for the presidency of these United States. *** please help us find a direction and representatives with some common sense and more of a platform then "my goal is to repeal every act that Obama has implemented". Really? That's your goal? Tea Party? Idiots! stand up for me, for us, not for your pathetic spoiled child tantrum antics.
as hair rips from the skull
there bleeds out freeman
danger to the psyche
ripping on internal dream waves
we smoke to drink
live to dream
stink on drama
break cycles of suicidal lusting
replace had nosed science with moral justice
fade into the night young wanderer and save those who use to breathe like torpedos as a savior of respect a faithful love to night dawn perfection a man makes demands of the audience he serves to benefit as creator inside life
The skipper ordered this
vessel to ground along the darkest quagmire , visible to four-sided certain gunfire
Running my flag up for all to see , this rusted , shot skewed hulking monstrosity
Firing useless torpedos  
Screwy window's that open on submarines ,
This beached whale of wreckage having
escaped the high seas ,
a ship of dreams exposed to its enemy ,
facing zero indemnity ,
scoffed at by her fellow sailors ,
doomed to failure* ...
Copyright March 23 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I'm standing in the mirror
I see images of me behind myself
Maybe cuz there's nothing left
But I'm rolling with the punches
Life full of **** so get prepare for the lunches
Eating up troubles every time it steps to me
Gtta keep them tools on me
Never know when ya gotta
Put the nail in the coffin too often
******* wanna try me
Death to the sheriff's and the deputy
Trying ruin my reputation G
Got brothers servin twenty five to l
N ain't never seen bail
We gotta wake up before it's too late
We get maked up
With rogue and tuxedo
I roll torpedos n just let my mind flows
Enemies I see I'm in a glare they can stare
But won't go there
Cuz they know I'm not ya average muthaphukka
Sugar honey ice tea
I see the po pos hitting me
With subpoena but I pull out my *****
Tell em to **** it or else get ****** *****
I can't help it I was made from the war
Still sitting in the eye of the storm swarm
Adversaries like bees making honey **** the money no jokes cuz ain't nothing funny
So I'm coming to a hood near you
All ya gotta do Is make a phone call
Big Yosef gone tear down these muthaphukkin painful Brick Walls
Since i met rakim i became a microphone fiend
Been Big since i had dreams magazines
Limousine picture me getting cream
Ridiculous suckas turn suspicious
Once they see my money grow vicious
Mk ultra a beat silence the elite repeat
See my tactics could wipe a navy fleet
Smoke torpedos this is for ya pendejos
Hating only my flows check these holes
As the blood pours left ya with open pores
Ya finna soar to the skies with no floor
Floating like Casper villian master
Taster any beat i eat with no receipt
Needed multiple guns
Flashback ya back into the
Got ya mind to time slippin' still rippin'
Sucka emcees glide it like Cal Ripken
Sippin' the baddest sins once again
With Thick chicks from African to Puerto Ricans  
Let's go time traveling
Fools hiding behind the
Only truces when my guns going in dueces
Extension gooses back to the Canada mooses
Yo im a bull make ya winkle as I get rocky
Jab sicker than Ali why me try me sly me
They dont wanna see the devil dance
Glance rhymes to beats greets romance
Unzip ya girls pants
make her beg for one more chance
Hit her with the dopest
Cup the mic like it was a
Fresh outta the womb from the tombs
Your consumed by the
To booms yo fools gotta make rooms
Gods Is back black melanin attacks
Swift as the slash of an axe
Causin' cell damaging
impact "yeahhhh"
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
We have no prime directive
We assimilate or enslave
Have driven many races
Right into their graves

Hyperspeed and wormholes
Allow us to explore
Looking for races
Already at war

We thrive on their fear
Psychic energy abounds
We help with both destruction
And run them into the ground

Asteroid launchers
Photon torpedos
Even rays and waves
That destroys their libido

You cannot run
You cannot hide
You cannot defeat
We stand, grinning snide

The empire is part of us
So are the hutts
The empire is our muscle
We let them kick their butts

We span all the universes
And dominate them all
You may call us
The ever lasting thrall
Describing a Alien Race and encompassing some well known scifi
Mateuš Conrad May 2020
this heart throws itself into an architecture that
once was...
whatever it may have been:
now... a "slacking" off-shoot of a pyramid:
piled up as such... but: a stagnant heap
of rubble...

                    i have to dare to call it a heart...
a heart will be content with such matters...
a hill of rubble or a glistening pyramid / sun-dail...
but the mind:
    if it's a cube... and it is a kabaah...
                               would the ottoman mind it
being precious... when he sights his envy
of the hagia sophia?
                       the mind couldn't possibly be made
inclined to revel in a heap of rubble...
this... what would be called:
the revisionism of Samson... begin! once more...
oh but i can be permitted...
having burdened myself with over 10 years
and 20 of these torpedos smoked each day...
i can... relax... enjoy the: leftover days...
give a hard tug at the reins... refrain from...

       wait with the annoying patience
of a spider...
                  for the ritual... a packet of cigarettes...
how many rubber bands enclose it?
ten... perhaps eight... i take them off...
and satisfy myself with putting them around
a wine cork... i light up...
i'm 18 years old again: getting drunk for
the very first time...
there's the disorientation... there is that
great stone in my stomach...
   such a brief interlude...
            i feel my limbs failing me...
         such a brief interlude with...
   allusions to: crack-*******... the ****** hit...
this whole plethora of stepping up
the gateway "drug"...
                     at best metaphors...

cutting down from 20 cigarettes to just 2...
             it will: reveal so much...
                          that was otherwise...
a blunt reading of the whole "affair"...
                             and this is just before going
to bed... more like: falling asleep on the floor...
then jumping into bed...
such the tremors... now i can't imagine myself
having smoked: 20 in a day...
if it is supposed to be ritual...
               it couldn't ever be coupled
with a coffee and a cigarette: first thing in the morning...
that... jack daniels has aftertastes
of blueberry bubblegum...
and that jim beam doesn't...
and that... after drinking any bourbon...
even the more tame: middle of the road scotch
is... overtly smokey...

              even if you... shove it into a fridge-freezer
and wait for... the gomme syrop consistency...
did anyone write... a poo'em about tobacco?
well... whoever said -
a cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure.
it is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied.
what more can one want?

that must have been oscar wilde...
then... what cigarettes am i smoking?!
my sense of taste is sharpened...
the fog has lifted... two days ago i killed
a man in my sleep and was known as
the zodiac killer... on the stairs someone mentioned:
a truly literary invention of genius:
the ******...
      i draw blanks on the ******...
but... now i can enjoy the alcohol...
more... since... and the smoke has lifted...
and i no longer fall into the chasm of sleep
with a mirror... i fall into it with rubble and broken
the universe can finally **** my head
in with a dream!

            and once the ritual one is smoked...
i wait for about an hour before smoking
the second... and close the chapter - a day -
   perhaps mr. wilde wasn't referring to smoking
a cigarette... within the frame of mind of...
"sobering" up... or going cold-turkey for a day...
my third day of quitting...
on the third day: pangs of conscience...
why am i deriving so much pleasure from...
well... lucky me... tobacco is taxed...
it's not ******... but... i have allowed myself
to elevate it to: status...
of being 16 again and getting busy-buzzing
from the froth of cheap white-lightning cider
in a youth-club with a snooker table and sleepover

to hell with chewing gum and:
synthetic approached of nicotine patches...
imagine it: a priori...
  fake it... whatever... the analytical approach
says: curb your "enthusiasm"...
from 20 down to 2... and these 2... at the end
of the day...
                   that's the analytical approach...
the synthetic approach is:
run to the pharmacist! be weak willed!
slap on a nicotine patch... chew some gum...
forget the original smokers of tobacco...
calls them apache: high for five minutes...
no time for herr-schtyg 30 minute marijuana
"menopause"... and laughter...
for the full seance of gravity... of drowning
while breathing air...
please! don't mention the choco-bytes of peru
or: whatever came from that...
splinter continent...
       departure points...
   capitalists... neo-capitalists...
youtube... video making...
  sponsor hustling - ad-revenue 'clops' -
            the capitalists...
that were the engineers that made...
         not all...
   a capitalists... by... 19th century standards
and: prior...
KRUPP... the krupp family...
                  em... ford...
                        a snap-chat... twitch streamer:
capitalist... venture...
roy orbison: robinson crusoe capitalism...
magic strings and usb-oyster insert:
        i like the old capitalists...
the power brokers...
the... mean-toddlers...
                  capitalism for the sake of money...

no... wait... geoffrey faber - 1929...
publisher... publishes... sub-contracts
capitalist... well thank god...
ultra-pseudo-capitalist: platform...
             content is free: no... wait...
you have to invest in the platform...
                  drug-addict: the best piece of ***
in the world... froth-at-the-mouth...
content... it's not legit: no paper...
a capitalist that: gives work to...
200 engineers... 2,000 metallurgy workers...
or... 20,000 homeless poets and "poets"...
in waiting... capitalist: capitalist...
spotify... £0.002 for each song streamed...
               neu-brave... neu...
                    the logistic of the enterprise
of: optics... would... ah... never mind...
what isn't solved by £130 once a year... or two...
in an hour in a brothel...
than... otherwise... renting a flat...
having a loan on a car...
     spending too much money on clothes...
perfumes... drinks...
for a what otherwise becomes...
a gambling addiction...
             ******* to that... sign me up!
straight to the bulgarians i go...

- by the tender-roots: a loving grace...
           a fatherly delusion...
                  none of my own... yet with...
mother death...
the illusion of pandering to...
                the conclave.... of... we...
about... to... change... the world...
using... nothing... more... than...
the logic of... Archimedes...
              by the tender-roots: a loving grace...
        and that: ****-load of...
impulse and: leverage... just about right:
tight... straining in all the right... place...

sore thumbs: misfits of knuckles...
to give up writing poetry is the energy of youth...
to become a retired: et al.
of teacher, activist... humbled sea-gull...
a richard levine...
   not to diminish the reading...
  to entomb it... to squabble with a moth over
the insomnia of light and...
the ready-and-*****-waiting:
access to the wardrobe for her to
deposit her larva of...
then the argument with the cat who
pretended it was all about alcatraz:
through the window he jumped onto
the roof with my back turned...

         hoarse worth of voice attempting
to woo him back: to sleep sensibly: not as a stray...
in the garden with the foxes...
this is hardly an over-arching Dickensian
chapter... it's a quasi-taped-together
lot of... 3 paragraphs worth... at worst...

- these capitalists... "capitalists": major majors...
treating "mental health" like it's some
gimmick for: talking intelligently
to low i.q. people: the juggling act...
                left to their own purposes...
the gnashing of teeth...
the song sung... when... wood is broken...
chopped... contra.. when it is tailored
by a carpenter to suit a sitter:
via a chair...
                         is it really a contenst between
the quadratic of:

marconi                        fessenden

dubilier                         popov?

i much appreciate the comment section?
sideline: hobby... am i being paid for...
writing + pandering to... what?
cheap ****: hot bagels...
you either like it or...
        i would be pandering to an audience...
if... i was... but i'm just content with
having the canvas: made available!

"too long"... too short... i guess i wish i was
a teenager once again...
fortunetly for all of "us": i'm not.
what is in a name4?
he didd
didin't utter his personal name
he who hides them (masculine plural)
Quake Tyrant of
the Legit Literacy
asking the Egyptian without
asking the Mandarin
god who survived the Ho0locaust
beyond the Crucifix
imagine a God of a People
not the God Christ Odeipuss of
Individuals: i can cast spells you know!
a name that gave prison planet of Islam
Je Chowa...
kurwa! kur V ah!
if there's a YH
way: via the pitchforks of Vah VH

Jesus Christ has no part
of my literary journey
Jesus was not
Flaubert's Madame Bovary...
is Jesus Cheese
just for literary border like my Edie
my Stacie my hmm
doll...       doll can you make me coffee?
the tragedy
   if i had a son i could
keep these ego castcades into earthqwuakes
and water...
v                     but a daughter:
god is looking for a name
to be known personally:
the Jimmie Saville shy
with James Bond:
you're looking for that sort of guy
girl i'm your guy...
the vanity serpent is whispering...

je non suis:
isch: bein: being not good
byne: huh? trenches trenches
mind your rat rhasp zodiac
march: don't gorget the flute:\
rhythm paanther
the dyslexiac serpent...
the lion
nd baron
healthy woman
reset many memories:
i willl use pornographjy
learn early
that's what i implied Early with Judge
Judie and reyla...
mix max up stream of consciousness
slow prose
and playing with DYSLEXIA
YHWH would know
etc       i'm the friend of the father of christ
i am
the Jerusalem
i am the friend of Christ's Father
i am
the Paraclete!
Je-ChoWA: he who hides them!
in niqabs!
Jacob's ladder
and Joseph's Son the Christ...
didn't Joseph have a smoking
and i was drinking
buddy at the movies
          Alexander is i am Matthew
and there's the ****** Mother
****** Mother:
the genius of da Vinci was that
he was a *******:
so mum was a ****
no one ever thought
as the son
with the ****** Mary
being a **** Victim...

i didn't know
but i ex[ected
the story to be
a return
a Christ
a REayla story
the unconsciious drift
a **** story
so Mary was *****...
so the god is a mystery of ****
it's a mirror: gentlemen!
we are! so so, so so close!
we have cats as torpedos in
sumbarines and whales:
the Holocaust happeened!
let us not believe the Anglo-Saxon
Satan Liberalism:
they lost the partty very early!
James, Bond...
     James... Bond... and Austin Parker...

i'll make a ******* Copenhaghen out of you!
every time
i switch from *******
and onto pictures of:
oh, i especially adore your hairy: ***.

— The End —