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Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

From America I have gone home to Africa
I jumped the Atlantic Ocean in one single African hop and skip
Then I landed to Senegal at a point of no return
Where the slaves could not return home once stepped there
Me I have stepped there from a long journey traversing the
World in search of dystopia that mirror man and his folly
Wondrous dystopia that mirror woman and her vices
I passed the point of no return into Senegal, Nocturnes
Which we call in English parlance crepuscular voyages
I met Leopold Sedar Senghor singing nocturnes
He warned me from temerarious reading of Marxism
I said thank you to him for his concern
I asked him of where I could get Marriama Ba
And her pipe ******* Brother Sembene Ousmane
He declined to answer me; he said he is not a brother’s keeper
I got flummoxed so much as in my heart
I terribly wanted to meet Marriama Ba
For she had promised to chant a scarlet song for me
A song which I would cherish its attack
On the cacotopia of an African women in Islam,
And also Sembene Ousmane
I wanted also to smoke his pipe; as I yearn for nicotinic utopia
As we could heartily talk the extreme happiness
Of unionized railway workers in bits of wood
That makes the torso of gods in Xala, Cedo
As the African hunter from the Babukusu Clan of bawambwa
In the land of Senegal could struggle to **** a mangy dog for us.

Any way; gods forgive the poet Sedar Senghor
I crossed in to Nigeria to the city of Lagos
I saw a tall man with white hair and white beards,
I was told Alfred Nobel Gave him an award
For keeping his beards and hairs white,
I was told he was a Nigerian god of Yoruba poetry
He kept on singing from street to street that;
A good name is better tyranny of snobbish taste
The man died, season of anomie, you must be forth by dawn !
I feared to talk to him for he violently looked,
But instead I confined myself to my thespic girlfriend
From Anambra state in northwestern Nigeria
She was a graduate student of University of Nsukka
Her name is Oge Ogoye, she is beautiful and ****
Charming and warm; beauteous individuality
Her beauty campaigns successfully to the palace of men
Without an orator in the bandwagon; O! Sweet Ogoye!
She took me to Port Harcourt the capital city of Biafra
When it was a country; a communist state,
I met Christopher Ogkibo and Chinua Achebe
Both carrying the machines guns
Fighting a secessionist war of Biafra
That wanted to give the socialist tribe of Igbos
A full independent state alongside federal republic of Nigeria
Christopher Ogkibo gave me the gun
That I help him to fight the tribal war
I told him no, I am a poet first then an African
And my tribe comes last
I can not take the gun
To fight a tribal war; tribal cleansing? No way!
Achebe got annoyed with me
In a feat of jealousy ire
He pulled out two books of poetry from his hat;
Be aware soul brother and Girls at a war
He recited to us the poems from each book
The poems that echoed Igbo messages of dystopia
I and Oge Ogoye in an askance
We looked and mused.

I kissed Ogoye and told her bye bye!
I began running to Kenya for the evening had fallen
And from the hills of Biafra I could see my mother’s kitchen
My mother coming in and going out of it
The smoke coming out through the ruffian thatches
Sign of my mother cooking the seasoned hoof of a cow
And sorghum ugali cured by cassava,
I ran faster and faster passing by Uganda
Lest my elder brother may finish Ugali for me
I suddenly pumped in to two men
Running opposite my direction
They were also running to their homes in Uganda
Taban Lo Liyong and Okot p’Bitek
Taban wielding his book of poetry;
Another ****** Dead
While Okot was running with Song of Lawino
In his left hand
They were running away from the University
The University of Nairobi; Chris Wanjala was chasing them
He was wielding a Maasai truncheon in his hand
With an aim of hitting Taban Reneket Lo Liyong
Because him Taban and Okot p’ Bitek
Had refused to stand on the points of literature
But instead they were eating a lot of Ugali
At university of Nairobi, denying Wanjala
An opportunity to get satisfied, he was starving
Wanjala was swearing to himself as he chased them
That he must chase them up to Uganda
In the land where they were born
So that he can get intellectual leeway
To breed his poetic utopia as he nurses tribal cacotopia
To achieve east African thespic utopia
In the literary desert.

Thank you for your audience!
My heart is but a Hut
Of love amid a desolate Moor
Of loneliness. One whose thatches
Of love, the finest of all that doth glow.

My heart is but a Hut
Of memories amid a desolate Moor
Of nostaligia. One whose thatches
Of love now lost her heavenly glow.

My heart is but a Hut
Of wild longing amid a desolate Moor
Of doldrums. One whose thatches
Of love marred with coldness of snow.

For there came a strange day
When winds of hate in robes of sorrow
Assailed her, buffeted her thatches away
Thus now but a roofless heart evermore.

My heart is but a Hut
Of despair amid a desolate Moor
Of memorabilia. A heart now but a Hut
Plumed with golden moments evermore.
Dan Gilbert Jul 2016
The cherry tree outside
thatches its delicate fingers
into a mesh of pink petal sea,
fathomless to the eye.

The window frames it,
a perfect picture untarnished by
brushstroke, pencil or pastel.
Each line crisp, each colour full

The wind tosses the branches
into waves that break pink spray
into the breeze. The blossom snows
down like a springtime blizzard.

Soon the branches will be bare,
like bones stripped of flesh.
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
He awakens, sighs, bones acreak at every move.
Reaches for the boilerplate, straps on his rapier
wit (but half of once it was), takes an aching
hold of his rusty lance, and mounts the ancient keyboard.
In clattering, staccato bursts, they gallop through
acres of verse:  thatches of haiku and senryu,
prim English gardens of sonnet, manicured villanelles,
and mile after mile of untamed blank verse just like this.
All along the journey, he tilts at the ogres
in his mind, swiping in steady rhythm
at possesive pronouns replacing contractions,
Set to charge full speed downhill from the
Valhallan heights of two courses of college English
at unedited mounds of unexamined thoughts,
he fetches up sharply; slows to a trot, looking uphill
at the hordes of English majors
eyeing him and his keyboard
with malice aforethought.
Who am I to say?  Besides...I wanted something under the letter Q in my profile.  1/13/2011 JMF
P.S.  Hoisted upon my own rusty lance...I found need to edit the **** thing again!  ROFLMAO.
Amariah Clift Nov 2014
Thank fearless love for a passionate life.
Throttles charge the gallows as if oddly shaped feet pour over mountains
There are things, the things no one has thought of before
Thin, thick, the golden gate plays games, give way to distrusting forgiveness
Thrusting and diving, trusting the knifing thief
Thoughts and dreams, whispers and spit
Through mediums and *******
Thinking, inking, chumming, coming
Thumbs are an evolutionary error
The taste of him, tactical and scared, afraid of the ensnared
Thrilling and drilling the president, he’s drowning in his will to represent
Threads rip at the sight of wrong and rotten thicks of ruin
Thistles lump near the top, swinging while ticks sway and swoon
Throw candles, lit fireflies, halt the stop watch knowing desire as we die
Throats bleach with boiling bills, and melodiously drown in melancholy ornaments
Theories prove insane is a thorough man with an open book of blank pages
Thwarting covers, nobody remembers, none have known his face
Thrifty as he is, they thrive on his peace and resistance
Thirty thousand cherries dropping at once, an atomic bomb
Threatening the fictitious fruit and depriving them of their dairy-free dreamscapes  
Thirsty Thursday looks at ******* Friday with a fringe of fear and inevitable fate
This feeling strives for a piece of an idea
Those thinkers, sultry like lively lace purple violet lilacs
Throttle sticks like lit dynamite to the corpses of conscious cornucopia
Thirsting crooked thatches croon about WD40, singing of slippery songs
Thespian facades, escapades and escapes, long catharsis reaction
Thumping metallic beats, drum the dents in my souls
Thermal conspiracy, heating the eggs equally hard boiled
Thin trees fragile nuances manifesting smoldering adolescent passion
Themed leaves seize Victoria’s secrets, branches boast their bulimia
Thorns are for foreign foliage fornication, induced by important imbeciles
Thumps will free theatre floors’ footsteps, and yawn gouging groans between the cracks
Thugs wail woes, worries and warts, sailors chug the tailored mug
Thongs, *** cracks and crackerjacks, sweet till the sweaty end
Thaw the swallows nest, waking feathers from their preening and unrest
This poem has taken me the course of several months to finish. It makes little sense and is strictly put together because I though the words sounded pleasant together
A W Bullen May 2016
The time of the shining of
Wind-summered grasses, has passed,
-To the lark-breast mottle-
The harvested skin of the
Senescent land

The candle-****** gutter of
Hurrying wing sees
The last of the coin
That was minted in thatches
Of deepwood
Of latticing bramble
Of crumbling eve.

The mourn of the Moorland
Has  feathered a will
With the clot of the Ash,
Where a heather of cinnabar
Freckles the splash of
a simmering tarn

As gravelling Easterlies
Peel the cling of
The verdigris fades,
Some twilight of sepia
Musters the pastel
of Wintering calm.
After a day birding in Brecon with a friend, I wrote a verse of the experience  ( Ravens were there -again!- you have to ****** love those critters, though!), at the time , it was late summer, but  the change was already upon the Uplands. The insidious fading of leaf and grass, the brittle petals of wind-burnt flower, all murmours and rumour of the levelling cold to come.
neth jones Apr 2019

* Living under
  the heady cast of the Juniper tree ;
  an existence founded over sweeter decay

* It thatches a callous scabbing for us to build upon
  but releases gases from beneath
  that humour our sleep-waking state

* Everything is yield to its medicated sterility
  as time passes,
  things become more vulnerable to rotting conditions :
  loose pore attachment
  splits in nails
  soft grey flakings
  withdrawn circulation
  fluctuating body tempature
  unattached thought
  thoughtless and extreme mood
  forgotten bursts of severe aggression  ...

* Fertile tiny flies
  travel through
  the sponge of everything :
  they balance this environment

* Disquieted woozy days
  and slum summer
  and guests who feel foreign
  when our displays spill over...
  it’s all mallatuned

* Small tumbles, injury and self care shelved
* Entertainment is imperative
  jar in mit
  distraction is key
  merry made and merry go round
  and kilter unkeen
  and one patient taking care of the other patient
  crying jokes at each a smother
  unkept nesters
  bruises and guestures
  emotionally infested infantasy
  investment ingested
  under the guidance of the Juniper tree....
  the botchful why of the juniper
Writing The Past into The Past
I dared to start a race,
A race to reach out a novelty Hut
That chatoyantly beamed in the distance.
Of gold were the thatches of the Hut,
Her pair of windows an emerald surface,
And of ivory the floor of the Hut,
A Hut that even a Seraph would fancy;
Ecstatic, I gravitated thus to the Hut,
Hastily than rain in a helter skelter dash
To kiss the earth, so dashed I to the Hut.
But, the nearer I drew, infinite the space,
The space betwixt I and my dream Hut.
Somehow along the way I thus lost pace,
Though yonder I kept trudging to the Hut,
Vying with reality for a happenstance
To ever dwell in such an ineffable Hut.
Soon, I realized there could be no chance,
For the nearer I drew, further the Hut.
Beneath tides of despair I regretted thus,
Regretted the moment I dared to start,
Starting such a game trickier than Chase,
A race to reach out thy Heart.**

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
June 13th 2017
John Darnielle May 2020
I know what I want
And I know what we need
When the first fruits of the harvest
Begin to blacken and bleed
And the purple fruit gives way when you press it
Even so slightly
And through the thatches behind the green leaves
We heard the fire-eyed macaw sing as evil as you please
And his little song
Is a very pretty song
But it's something I won't stand for

And as the sun rises over Colombia
I know we're done for

When the holes started forming in the tent
And you wondered out loud where the sunlight went
I had a mind to tell you
But I didn't want to hurt you
And if I knew how to form the words
I would ask you what you'd come for

But as the sun rises over Colombia
I know we're done for

Yeah as the sun rises over Colombia
I know we're done for
As the sun rises over Colombia
I know we're done for
John Lock Mar 2018
Storm clouds gather on Surrey hilltops
Shadowing the thatches along the street
He hurries his pace over the cobbles
To where she waiting on a pinewood seat
She touched his cheek with shy affection
Love lines traced with finger tips
Lifting her face for his attention
Tasting heaven on eager lips
He took her in his arms once more
Kissed her once- then twice
With arms embracing, hearts a’ racing
Touching the tip of paradise
Drum roll thunder split asunder
Skies torn with lightening chains
Nature blessed, then caressed
Their love with April rain
Eons ago, in the far countryside,
Twixt a sequestered strange bush
Where early boughs grow wide
And rank, there dwelt a Thrush.

Not far off on yonder dwelt a dove
Whose feathers were as white as snow,
With eyes chatoyant than stars above,
And her nest of feathers of fairest glow.

One colorful morning, in a soft hum the dove
Cooed, “Dear Thrush, how sweet thy voice,
Nighly akin unto those of seraphim above,
Charming than of mermaids of a fairy sea!”

“Dear dove, how fair the hue of thy wings,”
Softly replied the Thrush. “Thrice more fair
Than multicolored maidens of golden rings
That fairly beam through the midnight air!”

And, on yon day in yon sequestered kingdom,
They made nuptial vows to walk down the aisle.
A new nest of thatches of gold was their home,
And there dost dwell evermore with a radiant smile.

© Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California. 02/20/2020.

However too short a tale this poem is, it hath been in my draft of poems for eons lol
Tea and biscuits Jun 2019
The night clouds the skies
The stars blur as I dampen my liver in vines
Idle conversations  just to pass time
My conscience with its eyes closed
Slowly moving into a pit that those who came  before me have filled with spit
Ejecting toxic clouds of smoke  That thicken the  air
I get comfort from giving Smooches to strangers
Sliding my shoes in altramentous floors groin touches  groin
As the acoustic sounds further intoxicate me
I don't yearn for the  thatches
The silence is loud
Irritation to my ears
Intensifies my thoughts
T R S Feb 2018
That's why.
That's seems to be why I'm ******* all the time,
there usually is very little at the end of the road to be had.
I haven't felt so bad in winter wear,
but winter's here and now heat is what I've got to make
a part of my life.
Bearable things are what turn strife into fun.
Making runs onto lakes and fields.
I try to make the words sound like real leaves on puddle piles
Endearing doves mourn duck rapes, wild berry patches, thistle thatches.
So, twirling into a spiral.
Sinking into cones.
Pine trees stay sticky,
and climbing the big ones gets me home.
Strong Winds forecast for tomorrow
Like a hard strong gust waiting to bust
Tie down your latches
or doors and your thatches
Lay low,
stay in don’t go
Out in the blustery wind
Make sure everything is pinned
Because the wind is a demon
Waiting to beam on
Everything in its way
It’s tomorrow they say
It’s angry it’s nasty
How long will it last y
We just don’t know
It’s not a friend, it’s a foe!
The damages it does
Is what bothers us
The danger
What’s stranger
Is we just don’t know
Where it will go
Up down across or all over
From Scotland to Dover
Fast as it comes
It goes
Leaving destruction behind
It’s just simply unkind and entwined
Blowing us all away front back sides and behind!
I poked around in the dark for dark spots, toe-holds & lip-latches, 4
*fat-lipo-******-out patches, unlit red safety matches, straw thatched

*rooves with incongruent thatches & snatched-meaty, gravy snatches
Ryan O'Leary May 2020
When I began my track of green
Two horses pulled a harrow
Since them days I'm in between
Despite my lane being narrow.

When upon me, you are found
Where power poles seldom travel
They'll say I thrive on stoney ground
With potholes and no gravel.

In April/June cow parsley grows
Up high beyond my level
In either ditch, hill water flows
With harmony they revel.

Sometimes when I pass a gate
Where sunlight hits in patches
Pre balding always is my fate
Bare spots expose my thatches.

I wind along like Patrick's snake
Past farm yards prim and proper
Sometimes I smell the morning bake
But I can's stop till supper.

I hear donkey's, dogs and hens
Bray barking and brood clucking
Often sheep enclosed in pens
Or pigs in mud and mucking.

Though my crease is never split
It's often greased and oily
Those leaky sumps and axle grit
From farmer Pat O'Reilly.

From up above I'm rarely seen
When passing under bridges
But rest assured I'm evergreen
A home to ants and midges.

There is no road without a bend
It's here they make a wasteland
Our Emerald Isle is but pretend
Our brooks a septic mace brand.

But I digress, I must move on
And wait beside that junction
Many the likes of me have gone
But I still have compunction.

I went to see if it was better
On the far side of the hill
But no its not and even tattier
What's there’s the same old drill.

I'm Median Green and center-ist
I'm country and I'm clean
So keep your townie offal list
It's not for me to glean.


The green line of grass on the
centre of a road by Courtney
Atkinson's farm in Mallow Ireland
talks about its origins and destiny
and what happens in between
in a day of its life.

— The End —