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Nikita Jul 2018
Come in all

Come and

They are tempory

Your pain
Is tempory too
We all have that voice that says we aren't sick, that we are acting. Mental illnesses are valid and they ******* us more than a broken leg ever could. With a broken leg we can't walk, but with a broken mind, crutches are harder to come by.
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018

No more than plume of smoke
To be wisped away by these august winds

Where prosperity resides only to breed false hope.

A tempory state of mind!
Of weak emotion!

We use to mask what real pain is yet to come!
Where death be the true happiness we’ll

For then our pain no longer be here!

A feeble lie we give ourselves !
Oh happiness
kaylene- mary Sep 2015
I have a nasty habit
of dropping pieces of
myself on other peoples
doorsteps, leaving
frigernails and stray
hair inside their
post box. I always
give a part of my skin
to strangers on the
street because maybe
someone else can love
it more than me.
And I rely on broken
teeth and bottomless pits
to decide how whole
I really am.

So I set up camp
inside their
bones because I've
never been one to
know what home feels
like and I thought
I could manifest inside
sink holes for hearts
but it only made me
fade to black.

I wanted
to make peace with
the torment in my
head, but then the
flood came and sailed
away the only bed
I could ever sleep in.

And I wanted to hold
onto the idea of
making bonfires in
the small confines of
their back but people
don't take kindly to
being shelter for a
storm that never dies.
I come with lightening
strikes and hurricanes

in a three pocket
backpack and knock
on the doors of those
whose mother never
held their hair back
when they cried.

People are tempory,
in every meaning
of the word. They crack
and they crumble
just like me but the
wreckage of them
always seems to land
right beside my
shacking knees and
I sift through the
rubble because I've never
been one to let go
of things too easily.
I burn alongside the
people that I love
and I let them spit
out their sparks
upon my neck and
I rub their ash into
my flesh and I scream
when I get burnt
because I forget that
they were burning
when we met *and I was
bound to get a little
****** in the end.
Excuse the repost.
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
We all lonely, blood
Tis true
Witcha friends and close love family
Each adem a solitaire island
Reaching outta sanity
As they sink into the blue.

We all lonely
Tis true
From Everton Grey ta Tom Driscoll
All the way thru
Then the vision it project
Only red, green or quicksand blue.
We struggle-
We survive-/
But do we want to ?


We all lonely
Dat one we can all pass da clue
Touch is tempory
Togetherness is empty
And millions od family guy
Pretend, as each lickle day pass by
'Cause wit loneliness you find
That da preacher guy tis just as blind
As the offering of a psychotic mind.


We all lonely, De'Anna
Eden da guy wit letter arta tis name
My boy heart it cry 'me soul tis lame'
He study for good, good 20 year education
But him just makin' a reservation
My boy just another at de station
Where trains come and trains go
When the night in his world cloud oder
Tis long, Tis painful, Tis slow.
My boy hold his qualifications hi
But thru the blindness of it all
He fail to spot an obvious lickle lie
Tis not tis mind that hurt
And him guise all the brethren
Ended trampled down
Under 6 foot dirt.


Tis psychology guy
We all stuck inna freeze frame
Where we don't recognise eachother
It no register who talk.
So some woman invents a personality
On the internet - in da gallery
She actin' real cool
Tinking she makin' progress
'I'm happy' she say
'I've friends'
Sooner or later her converse ends
And da computer say wipe clean
And the imaginary places her mind has been
Get drowned by da lickle message she hadn't seen
An she overcooks a dinner for the alcoholic business guy
Who has shared with her this lifelong lie
20 years gone by.

We all lonely, Wendy
We find someone new
But we forget dey lonely too
And both skies seem to rain
Eden tho da sky tis blue
I'm lonely now
Wit you.


And God who gave us life
And God who gave us all
Probably gave us loneliness
Cause he didn't want to be alone.
Aubrey lynn Apr 2013
If i was forced to say goodbye
I had a pen and paper
A cool metal desk
Four walls and a roof
Bars beside
Heres what i would scribe

I regret nothing
I grew until they covered my sunlight, choked the water out, failed to share the oxygen with me.
I chose my way to this place, perhaps upon a path not regularly taken.
I will not lesve without just retaliation, but i give my soul to you, not to god, but you, for my existance i tempory until,
You carry me forward upon time
Hazy houses only contain helpless hope masked by chemical....
Broken bottles like souls remain at our feet on grimey concrete...
We smile thru deceptive instruction
to rally rebellion .....
And like we challenge ourselves we shuttle towards deadends ....
But this is as happy as we can achieve with tempory friends...
But fatigue and famine contain the way our hell ends....
If we could have just believed in upstairs cellars...
Maybe we wouldnt have eased our way down into lower levels..
But welcome mats litter the basements we exist...
While we take another hit .... I kinda remember the things i miss...
Creepstar Feb 2016
Commercial love day
What can I say
If you choose to only show it today
It wasn't real love anyway

What do you get?
A card,a gift?
Do you get your tempory lift?
Before you go back to a lonely life swift

Good luck to you all that choose to bow to corporate greed
Rather than fufilling one another's real need
Showing them love everyday plant a seed
And it'll grow if nurture and feed
Jude kyrie Aug 2016
They sent Michael back to England.
His work visa had expired.
I thought that was
going to be the last I saw of him.
He was way too handsome
for sloughy old me anyway.
I had started to put weight on again.
My *** deciding it was not already big enough.
But my friend Annie said you look really good Kelly.
Your skin is clear and your glowing.

The morning sickness was a clue.
My doctor said three months in honey.
Your having a baby.
The later months were awful I got very sick.
It’s preeclampsia the doctor said.
I was bed rested for three months.
Still no word from Micheal.
I guess he had some English rose in the UK.
Drinking tea in a rose garden or something.
Then the attack came
I went into a coma.
It was three weeks later I awoke.
Someone was holding my hand.
It was Micheal.

I smiled weakly ..the baby I asked?
Fine Kelly they are both fine.
But you
I got a tempory visa last week
But we have to be married in two weeks
Or its back to old blighty for me.

He married me because
I was pregnant I am Sure.
Well double pregnant really
it was twins.
I never thought that he could love me
or that I could dare to love him.
It just felt the right thing to do.

But it changed when the twins arrived
I have never seen anyone as happy as him
well unless you count me in that is.
He was so good looking so gentle
What did he ever see in me?
I was always cheating and losing
on diets to keep myself a size fourteen.
My hair frizzy and wild.
But he made me feel beautiful.
How did he do that?

We went for a Sunday evening walk
It was beautiful fall in central park.
We walked the twins
in their double stroller.
The leaves had turned
to red and amber
under the chilling winds
of late New York autumn.

The late fall sunlight
lit up the park in reds and golds
against the grey outlines of the old city.
A city that had seen many such love stories.
I see Michael holding the twins in his arms.
I could see the love he had for us all
in his beautiful eyes.
The same eyes that had
some major optical defect.
An aberration that
I had no understanding of.
Because he saw me as
beautiful and worthy of his love.

And in that single moment
There in central park on a red carpet
of rustling autumn leaves.
I felt him walk in into my heart
through a door I had always
left unlocked for only him.

As he entered inside me
to a place on this earth
that was destined for him alone.
I closed the door quietly behind him.
Locking it with the only key that existed.
Then throwing it far into the urban woodlands
never to be found again.
Don't you love happy endings
I do

— The End —