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Sliver Jones Oct 2015
I can’t do this anymore
I want to run away before the race even starts
Why are you trying to change me before you get to know the real me
its like you and I don't speak the same language anymore
I'm losing myself piece by piece and its driving me crazy
I’m hiding my true self because you can’t handle all of me
The rushing to commit before I’m ready is pushing me away
I’m slipping between your finger tips and soon I’ll disappear
I keep trying tell you it’s over.. I’m done
But you can’t or won’t understand  
It’s not working.. it’s too hard too fast too much work
I feel so guilty stressing out pretending and lying
You are trying to play house and dress me up to fit in your life
I’m such a good lair and I feel so shamed
It’s better to end this well we still have some dignity....


Rewind And **** it all
i hate you love  **** is like my backpack
no need to cry no tears no water
you keep the park not the ivy paert
i was big red you lie when you speak
im not glad but im not just mad
you ****** with an ugly heart
you went on a lion sleeping
no leap no tea no ******* frogs
i hate that you loved raw no glove
i said takecare no longer
useful no water no sun
Seema Jul 2017
I envy for that, forever sleep
That comes up naturally
From which I wish, I do not wake
In which I lose myself totally
So deeply drowned
Even a thought can not reach
My brain a frozen vacuum
Nothing to it, you can teach
But these eyes do not sleep
The doors to my brain,
Are always active and awake
Only to watch these eyes rain
The aches and pain soothes
My delicate, withered body
A touch brings me shivers
But with me, there is nobody
I crave for that everlasting love
That oneday I'd be an apple
In the eyes of somebody
But it seems it's too late
To takecare of my own body
Weak and paralyzed
Covered in shroud like sheets
I hear the whispers of death
Far beyond,
...............counting on my beats!

Aroody Sep 2015
How cruel has the world become,  
People change ,
Feelings fade,
You are replaced,  
Hearts break,  

And if you have someone then please Takecare,  

Because today they take a bullet for you,  
But tomorrow they are the one shooting,
The ones holding the gun at you,

In a blink of an the one who made me smile while crying was the reason I cried.....

So cruel it is , too much to bear.
6months away :( people change
Seema Aug 2017
My life you hold
Your energy too cold
For the truth was told
Yet a bid, and I was sold

The crawling rigid fear
Year after year, I hear
I'll takecare of you dear
But no one wipes my tear

An orphan, mistreated
With frowns always greeted
My voice unheard, defeated
And all this gets repeated

Each night my heart cries
My soul begs, my mind lies
Things will be ok, with tries
My face sinks as my tear dries

No love of any kind
No happiness I ever find
Too many questions in my mind
This living, is so unkind

Run away is the only option
Drawing a picture without caption
Thinking life spread in many sections
My life sliced in infinite fractions...

I have heard some, sharing their life stories with me.
This write is inspired by one of those experiences.
I'm frozen in time,
When I'm back to present,
We'll meet again,
Till then, takecare, love you.....

— The End —