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robin Mar 2013
just addicted to lovelessness,
i guess,
addicted to the feeling of something that could be
a distant cousin of loss,
but can’t be loss when it wasn’t there to begin with.
a cousin of loss and brother of bereavement,
a lexiconical gap
in the english maw,
a space where the definition slipped out
but the word never grew in.
a gap where a word should be,
a word meaning missing something you never had,
losing something that was never yours,
grieving for something that never looked your way
or graced you with its pain.

insomnia of the soul,
unable or unwilling to droop into the catatonic stupor
of love,
until my eyes ache with open,
and my heart aches with empty
and just beautiful aches and pains,
like stiff joints filled with sterling silver
or arthritic necklace clasps.
my tongue is tin because the argentine
is in my hands,
silver in the space between the carpals,
oozing precious metals
onto the page.
writing in second-best so that it’ll stay.
writing second-rate love letters
and pretending they’re real,
like the words i moan mean something other than
i’m lonely
who are you?

like i’m not the girl who cried love
because the village had already learned
that wolves are lies,
and vice versa.
because faking it has always been my favorite pastime.
i’ll write love poems forever,
keep feeding my addiction for as long as it stays,
let my loveless track marks bloom cantankerous sores
on my ribs.
while i’m young
i’ll write poems of arthritis and weakness
and death,
because oh now i am immortal
invulnerable and omnipotent,
but when my bones are brittle and my flesh is loose
and my spine makes me bow to the earth,
my poems will be of life and strength
and god
because darkness is only beautiful when it isn’t
an imminent looming
when i know i may die tomorrow,
i will write of bluejays
and of a love that never found me,
though it knocked on all the doors and called all the numbers,
waited on my porch while i hid in the closet,
nursing my ache
trying to fill a lexiconical gap
with bukowski
and insomnia.
supersaturated with emptiness
because all the words in the dictionary
can’t make up for the one that’s missing.
it changed the locks when it came,
shutting me out of my skull,
taking residence in my chest
and growing larger with each slow breath.
every huff of oxygen fed my
every injection of
late nights spent just writing,
every pill popped -
the lies that went down better
if i said them with a gulp of gin.
so my lovelessness cracked my ribs as it grew,
replaced my marrow with sterling silver
and i watched it happen like
a glacier devouring a desert
because i knew i would never survive loving something.
deserts were never made to run bounteous
with water.
just addicted to lovelessness,
i guess.
addicted to silver joints
and words that don’t exist.
Mike Rollain Apr 2016
"State Line"


The torrential kind
In which
You forget
Through overexposure
What it feels like
To see color

Yet remember
Everything else

Clarity in flashes

The earth spills
Its daily struggles
And I bottle mine


"Welcome to Earth"


Breaching and scorching
This tortured sky

Will Smith is too expensive
To save us now


"A Thousand Words"

In the storm
Shadows and highlights
Are nonsensical terms


Black level, high
Contrast, immeasurable
Noise, present



Push it
Go as fast as you like
I'll take my time
And watch you spin
Out of control
Just outside
The point of
No return



Accuse me
Again and again
Convince me I'm wrong

I'll hurl my innocence
Into the storm

Wait for it
It's coming back


"Double Down"

That isn't light
At the end of the tunnel
It's just less dark

Double down
It's not over yet



Persistent color
Through the fog
Shrek on wheels
Snoopy on ice
They pass and
We follow


"Crossing Over"

There is a pain
That comes after

In the relief

In the recuperated vision
An aching remnant of
Stolen senses

You almost miss it



Dreams resurface
Waist-deep in white noise
A melody identifiable as my own

Crickets chirp
Soaked in stagnant thought
A denotation of the passing storm
Eliza Fairchild Apr 2016
It all starts with the condensation of emotions
Cells supersaturated with sadness
Solute buildup presses outward
Overloaded tear ducts haphazardly spill forth
Distilled thoughts leave shimmering trails
before crystallizing leaving
a crust of salt behind.
An ephemeral remnant
bound to wash away
Emmy Aug 2014
Engorged with night sky
The fire supersaturated your eyes.
Warmth cocooned me dizzy as you whispered slowly.
My skin lustfully shivered from your deep vibrato.
A migration of monarchs erupted in my stomach.

Sunlight dimples the floor like the freckles under your eyes.
Surging electricity burning, tingling spastic from within.
Revolutionizing the way my lungs fill with oxygen.
How the blood pulses through the veins in my body.

Waves lip grainy sand
Making love over and over again,
Married to the moon's tide.
But my desire is not periodic
It incessantly permeates my being.

Lucid like soundless motion,
Distance blurred what tumbled from your teeth.
I knew what your tongue spoke,
But I, masqueraded as fool.

A breath caught in my cheeks.
Bright cauliflower moon hanged over you.
I swallowed it all whole,
Struck by our elephant fluttering erratic heartbeat.  

The sky swaddles swollen in sunshine.
Clouds soothe mountain peaks.
But you drift irrevocably across my atmospheres.

“I love you.” So buttery on my tongue,
Such a waterfall set at an astounding height.
Watch my words pour over the edge,
Glistening in the reflection of the wildfire you have lit across my skin.

Darling, there is something remarkable in the way stars kiss the blackness
Of midnight, endlessly forever.
This is you and me.
JoJo Nguyen Aug 2015
we read enough poetry
or short stories from steve
Millhauser, the "as if"s
become like

splotches there, interstitially
holding visceral fragments
together as if by
logical cement.

it's as if our heads have become
saturated, or supersaturated
till the now and then moments
crystallize around "as if"s.

we wonder why
our loves doesn't nucleate
like <from> a more solid rock
or why
our agreeable phrase
spreads as creamy cream cheese
on thoughtless bagels?
Imanuel Baca Nov 2018
Metals touches skin and presses closer once upon a time.
Rocks upon rocks upon golden locks
Suddenly the colors of my life becomes supersaturated
Ticks upon ticks upon tocks of the clock.
I am losing sleep, and pressing up to metal
Like atlas I take the weight of the world up on my shoulders
I feel my heat compress as I breath the stress
The more I dream the more my belief is less
I feel relief at last as I leave my past  
They are aghast but I only laugh
Why would I keep these chains made for demon brains?
When I am living dreams and dreaming pains?
Or growing pains driving me insane.
If only there was some other way I could explain.
If only there was some other way I could explain.
If only there was some other way I could explain.
Jerry Nov 2013
eyes fogged red
crisp air, dead--dry as my
calm, cold skin
supersaturated thoughts
slowly condensing
I watch as they fall
I fall
I fell
afraid to glance towards the mirror
eyes widened
eyes fogged red
Jayne E Sep 2019
there'll be
no saving it
not any
the entire orb
toxins too many
then abraded
gone far too bye
alas too late
to buy time back
no turnaround
11th hour saving
or magical miracle
in denial of why
our planets health
status - critical

we did
what we did
yes we did
shift axis
misuse & abuse
bleed her dry

it is mans(kind)
turn for him
be to wither
carbon nation
in degradation
rock stars erosion
chemical illusions
a weathering of time

Mother earth
will rejuvenate
do (the) over time
yielding to years
millions (billions?)
once more
but...only....if... then...
sans **** sapiens
a non negotiable must

torpid audience enervate
we (manunkind)
made the earth
into 'progresses' *****
pimped her out
for a TV dinner
a 100 inch flat screen
a remote control life
instant gratification
homologating toxic emissions
no ratification
given by nature
override permissions
ego over easy
(supersize default position)
greed gone greasy

not today
not tomorrow
not next year
100 years from now
but in a time
long after you
long after me
when we and
our offspring
(& theirs & theirs...)
long dead too
earth will reset herself
hostile to human life
yes **** sapiens
lease on this fractured land
will for sure expire
but the planet will regenerate
and survive
destructions fire


mother earth will have the last laugh...
bennu Aug 2020
i woke up in disparate pieces,
it was hard to reign them in
we don't always get along
but i can try to reign them in

if you just can't stay together
you'll be leaning on the weather
and your body will point several ways
to teach us all a lesson.

i woke up with that old puzzle
love was buzzing on my nightstand
a project i've been working on,
i need to beat the dead line.

it's cold self-separated,
hope my love can stand the weather
i'm hopeful and i'm naked
will my love come back together?

in time,
in time,
the light will make you cry
in time,
in time,
we fall

in time,
in time,
there's so much more than just your life
in time,
in time,
we fall

i woke up with just one chance
but i didn't respect my love
now i have an ugly scar
because i didn't respect my love

when your heart is just a way
to pump TV static to a wilting brain
then your body will point several ways
and teach us all a lesson.

i woke up past six alarms
love was buzzing on my night stand
a project i've been working on
now it seems i missed my deadline

but i made a teacher of the sky,
she said, "Alright, just this one time
I'll let you slide

Yeah, just this time...
I'll let you slide."

in time,
in time,
the light will make you cry
in time,
in time,
we fall

in time,
in time,
there's so much more than just your life
in time,
in time,
we fall

there's a desolate wasteland
that chokes the land of milk & honey
so it's supersaturated,
not every joke he tells is funny

so if a part of you
should wander off
then call a headcount
and keep your party single-file
'cause there's only one way out.

in time,
in time,
the light will make you cry
in time,
in time,
we fall

in time,
in time,
there's so much more than just your life
in time,
in time,
we fall
Travis Green Feb 2022
I wanna be where you are
Feel my heart interlock with yours
Feel your solid, sinuous hands
Moving everywhere on my body
Exhilarate me when you take me
Into your unsurpassable, magical paradise

Let me take in your spendiferousness
Cherish you like Swisher Sweets Honey Leaf
Like a grand, extravagant, and blossoming rose garden
I pine to feel your divine and lithe limbs rock with mine
Let’s dance and kiss romantically
In the sweetest and wealthiest lands of paradise

I yearn to submerge in your immersive free verse poetry
Taste the stellar passionate words flow down my throat
As I become supersaturated with blissful
And bright sensations, strongly pleasurable moments
Where your love illuminates my mind and body

— The End —