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Every couple 'a years or so
Our family reunites
It takes a couple 'a years or so
To recover from the fights

A family like our'n
Doesn't party like most do
Ours gets a little out of hand
That's why we have so few

It's a redneck family reunion
everybody has a grand old time
eating grandma's cooking
and drinking grandpas shine
You never go home hungry
If you make it home at all
You go home bruised and battered
And you surely had a ball

There's daisy dukes and forty Lukes
They're racing trucks and burning rubber
There's jugs of moonshine everywhere
And at least a hundred bubbas

There's a smoker fired for the food
the size of two large trucks
It hold 4 cows, and fourteen pigs
And at least a hundred ducks

It's a redneck family reunion
everybody has a grand old time
eating grandma's cooking
and drinking grandpas shine
You never go home hungry
If you make it home at all
You go home bruised and battered
And you surely had a ball

There's pickled this and pickled that
And things you just can't swallow
That used to live down in the swamp
Way back there in the hollow

There's at least ten shotgun weddings there
And the groom might be rail roaded
But, the wedding isn't legal
If the shotgun isn't loaded

It's a redneck family reunion
everybody has a grand old time
eating grandma's cooking
and drinking grandpas shine
You never go home hungry
If you make it home at all
You go home bruised and battered
And you surely had a ball

There's greased up pigs and muddy runts
And at least ten bobby sues
and when they all get greased up
You can't tell which is who

There's horseshoe pits for tossing shoes
And games of every sort
Most of them aren't legal
And would get you into court

It's a redneck family reunion
everybody has a grand old time
eating grandma's cooking
and drinking grandpas shine
You never go home hungry
If you make it home at all
You go home bruised and battered
And you surely had a ball

But, it's the way we like it
Drinking shine and acting out
Tossing things that aren't tied down
And wrassling about

There's music there of just one kind
It's country and that matters
Any other sort of sound
Sets the crowd off like mad hatters

It's a redneck family reunion
everybody has a grand old time
eating grandma's cooking
and drinking grandpas shine
You never go home hungry
If you make it home at all
You go home bruised and battered
And you surely had a ball

There's always someone who's so drunk
And it's normally the preacher
Last year we married him off
To the back up first grade teacher

There's Chevy trucks of every kind
And one covered in sod
Mary Lou showed her tattoo
"Jeff Foxworthy is my God"

It's the best time of the year for us
And it's sad when it must end
but, you gotta haul your *** away
When the cops come round that bend

It's a redneck family reunion
everybody has a grand old time
eating grandma's cooking
and drinking grandpas shine
You never go home hungry
If you make it home at all
You go home bruised and battered
And you surely had a ball
JDH Jun 2017
Some introductory 'food' for thought...

"When people say they prefer organic food, what they often seem to mean is they don't want their food tainted with pesticides and their meat shot full of hormones or antibiotics. Many object to the way a few companies - Monsanto is the most famous of them - control so many of the seeds we grow."
  - Michael Specter

"My grandfather used to say that once in your life you need a doctor, a lawyer, a policeman and a preacher but every day, three times a day, you need a farmer"
  - Brenda Schoepp

"Economically, many folks don't feel they can afford organic. While this may be true in some cases, I think more often than not it's a question of priority. I feel it's one of the most important areas of concern ecologically, because the petrochemical giants - DuPont, Monsanto - make huge money by poisoning us."
  - Woody Harrelson

Who is Monsanto?
Monsanto is a Chemicals/Pharmaceutical/Agriculture company that was established in 1901 in the United States, and over the last century has occupied a particularly interesting and questionable history that has within recent times took to the global scale, growing into a multinational corporation, well nigh on the complete monopolisation of the Agriculture industry whilst having established connections to the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. They are less well known for their creation of Agent Orange, of which they claimed had no harmful effects on the human body, which was utilised very predominantly during the Vietnam War by the U.S. military as a defoliant, however, caused hundreds of thousands of deaths by poisoning, and has now led to an epidemic of birth deformities in the regions of use. Monsanto experienced more involvement in war through their involvement in the Manhattan Project, which resulted in the creation of the first nuclear bombs to be tested on Japanese civilian populations. They also have a background in their production of PCB's (Polychlorinated biphenyls) which once again, had the negative human and environmental effects ignored and misrepresented hitherto 1977 when they were banned, however, was not before many fresh water supplies and the air had been contaminated and was a known carcinogen in humans, along with other health damages. There was then of course their production of DDT's in the post war period that was advertised as a 'wonder-chemical' to be used in agricultural pesticides. However, it was later uncovered that its spraying caused a high percentage of food breakdown in crop and in humans caused breast cancer, male infertility, miscarriage, developmental delay and nervous system/liver damage. They even tested the effects of radioactive Iron on 829 pregnant women in a bizarre experiment. Having no shortage of scandalous and often at times frequenting blatantly corrupt behaviour on their dubious track record, with an abundance of data and study arising in protest of the company's use of dangerous chemicals and genetic modifications in food, it is surely best to question the activity and history of this company.

What chemical poisons are being used?
Some of you are probably aware as to the fact that within many food products today there are various chemicals being used in modification, cultivation and in processing, many of which are harmful, often deadly to the human body and to the ecosystem. So harmful in fact that in cultivation workers are required to wear bio-hazard suits and due to the toxicity of the area in farming these GM crops, are required to ***** signs in the surrounding area warning of the danger.

So one chemical that has been pushed into foods and drink by Monsanto since the early 20th Century is Saccharin, an artificial sweetener made from coal tar which is used predominantly in Soda, Coke and processed foods, and is 700 times sweeter than sugar. In 1907 when Saccharin was first investigated by the USDA it was quoted as,"a coal tar product totally devoid of food value and extremely injurious to health" , and by the 1970's, when the chemical began to garner greater use, the FDA attempted to ban its use in products after discovering it causes cancers (particularly bladder cancer) in animals and humans, however, today is still used as an artificial sweetener, and between 1973-1994 the National Cancer Institute saw a 10% increase in bladder cancers.

Monsanto are also responsible for the pushing of another artificial sweetener onto the market to be consumed by humans, that being Aspartame, even more harmful than Saccharin, and since being used in Coke, particularly Diet Coke, since 1983, the rest of industry followed suit. When melted down at 30°C into its liquid form in use for soft drinks, it become far deadlier than in its powdered state. It was found that it caused tumours and holes in the brains of rats and is more addictive than crack *******. After a multitude of independent scientific studies arose in protest of the use of Aspartame, Monsanto bribed the National Cancer Institute to produce fabricated data. Here are some of the know side effects of Aspartame consumption in humans according to the US Food and Drug Administration:

• mania  
• blindness
• joint-pain
• fatigue
• weight-gain
• chest-pain
• coma
• insomnia
• numbness
• depression
• tinnitus
• weakness
• spasms
• irritability
• nausea
• deafness
• memory-loss
• rashes
• dizziness
• headaches
• seizures
• anxiety
• palpitations
• fainting
• cramps
• diarrhoea
• panic
• burning in the mouth
• diabetes
• MS
• lupus
• epilepsy
• Parkinson’s
• tumours
• miscarriage
• infertility
• fibromyalgia
• infant death
• Alzheimer’s

As is quite evident, Aspartame not only lacks any nutritional value, it also can have grave effects on humans when consumed. In fact, over 80% of complaints made to the FDA concern Aspartame and is now used in over 5000 products, yet facts are still being misrepresented and as primary producers of Aspartame such as Monsanto produce false data to cover their tracks.

How is their monopoly being secured?
Monsanto within recent decades has somewhat become the archetype of corruption and corporatism, devoting many millions to Government lobbying in order to maintain its hegemony over agriculture, its use of harmful chemicals and to maintain restrictions of food labelling of GM products. In fact, the company seems to have a revolving door between itself and Government now, one example being the FDAs Arthur Hull resigning due to controversy and going straight to an employee at Monsanto as a Public Relations representative. This means that the FDA, the central official force against the use and proliferation of harmful products is in bed with Monsanto, the main proliferator.

Another creation Monsanto have pushed into pastoral agriculture is their Synthetic Bovine Growth Hormone which is a genetic modification of the E-coli virus to be used in dairy products and cows. And in order to make sure this product is pushed onto farmers, Monsanto sues any that do not use it with teams of lawyers. They also, in a far more cunning and destructive method, are able to and have destroyed other, natural crop cultivation by the use of their Genetically Modified crops themselves. What they have done is modified their crops in order that they self pollinate, and that bees that come into contact with their crops are killed, causing mass hive collapses, which then means any natural crop in surrounding farms die off due to a lack of bees to pollinate them, forcing them to join the monopoly of Monsanto's GM supply.

Also, before the aerial spraying aluminium and barium into the skies began in 1998, that has seen a rise in the content of aluminium particles per/cm from near 0 to 30,000 in many areas, Monsanto patented crops that are resistant to soil with such high concentrations, meaning they now have legal ownership over crops, whereas the natural produce may be ungrowable in a number of places where the spraying concentration is high. On a side not, the spraying of aluminium into the sky since 1998 has also caused a massive spike in Alzheimer disease and lung cancers, rising from the tens of thousands to the millions of cases per year.

To Conclude, Monsanto has recently made a very big merger deal with the Pharmaceutical company Bayer, the ones who produced Zyklon-B for the **** extermination chambers. Sure sounds like some safe operations.

- an essay by JDH
Agricultural monopoly with a history of extensive corruption...
Wrong not, sweet empress of my heart,
  The merit of true passion,
With thinking that he feels no smart,
  That sues for no compassion.

Silence in love bewrays more woe
  Than words, though ne’er so witty:
A beggar that is dumb, you know,
  May challenge double pity.

Then wrong not, dearest to my heart,
  My true, though secret passion;
He smarteth most that hides his smart,
  And sues for no compassion.
preservationman Nov 2021
Court has commenced
Everyone is in court and the Jury is all set to begin
Grandmas Lawyer’s is ready
Santa is representing himself holding steady
The Judge has entered the court and the proceedings give begin in the gravel
Grandma is on the witness stand and sworn in
The Prosecutor asked Grandma to identify Santa in the room, and she points on the right
Grandma gives her testimony on what happened on the day in question
I had Egg Nog with a touch of Alcohol for the Winter cold for warmth before going out
Grandma explained as she walking, she was caught by surprise and run over by Santa’s Reindeers and Sleigh
The Prosecutor then responds to Grandma that she wasn’t alert in her right mind
Grandma’s Lawyer responds with an outburst bullying the witness
Judge responds with over ruled
The Prosecutor asks Grandma, Did you hear any jingle or bells in warning?
Grandma abruptly responded with NO
The Prosecutor then responds with, Grandma, I hope you don’t mind me calling you that, “You said you had Egg Nog with Alcohol to keep warm
If you were drinking that meant you were probably unstable
Where were you going?
Grandma stated, I was going to the store to pick up food and Soda’s for the Family get together on Christmas
The Prosecutor reminded that there were no witnesses and just you in the circumstance
You wasn’t sober, have no idea into whether you were run over by Santa’s Reindeers or a car
The Hospital records indicate that you were in fact intoxicated
There is no evidence that proves Santa and his Reindeer are at fault
It is now Santa’s turn to question Grandma
Do you have any personal feelings against Santa?
Grandma abruptly suggested, NO
Your remarks seem to state, that you are the one in question
Santa stated, I don’t drink, and always remain sober at all times
The shoe now is on the other foot
The Judge asks the Jury to deliberate their verdict
The Jury made their verdict as Santa and his Reindeers are innocent
There was no doubt because of strong evidence
Grandma needs to understand to be sob er and alert when going out
At the moment, appraisal from everyone in the court, but of course, Grandma was upset with the verdict
Grandma has a Drinking bout
Santa was cleared of all charges
Judge’s Gravel
Court Adjoined
preservationman Nov 2021
You remember the story of Grandma got runover by Santa’s Reindeers
If you don’t know, let me fill you in
Grandma was walking down the street, and as the reindeers were flying and coming down for a landing, Grandma got run over by the Reindeers
But Grandma wasn’t fully alert before the incident
At that time, Grandma had Egg Nog with her added blend of joy
On Boy
She drank according to Grandma’s account in needing warmth from the Wintery winds during the Joyous Holiday Season
That was then
This is now
Grandma is all well now and Sober
But not necessarily in that order
Grandma visited a Lawyer in getting a case to sue Santa’s Reindeers
Now I don’t know if that will damper Santa’s preserver
Nonetheless, the Legal Papers have been served
Grandma wants Santa and his Reindeers to get what they deserve
But Grandma should have been sober
Santa offered Grandma his apology
But Grandma was thinking Mythology
No Court Date has been set
What impact will be the effect?
Does Grandma even have a case, and will it hold up in Court?
How will Santa respond?
We will have to wait and see
Patience is the only key
Nat Lipstadt Nov 2014
prefer celery to carrots
light scrunch over an orange hard crack,
straw red over berries bluest,
coffee over tea,
skies white clouded
all clear, unadulterated uni-tone,
blondes, brunettes, redheads,
even pink or blue haired,
well, ain't going there
(wink wink,
too smart for that...)

but that's just me

colors viral virulent  over manhattan grey~black,
a good Pinot over a glass of Jack,
beach and sea undefined
over lake delimited, outlined bounded,
ocean caught fresh over farm raised,
city slick over country sweet,
striped bass over monk,
tuna bests salmon,
but both miso coated please...

Italian Indian Ethiopian
Sushi and occasionally Chinese,
all grand,
but my kosher deli and dogs, pickles,
yellow mustard ball parked,
tops them all
especially when serving
over tasting portions...

but that's just me

right over left,
naked better than ****,
polite over rude,
Rembrandt tops Vermeer,
but his light nonethess,
extra over ordinarie...

Swiss over white American,
Gruyere beats goat cheese,
citrus tops apples,
sweet melon my
secret passion,
paprika and oregano,
never ever cilantro,
milk over OJ,
especially, grade A
milk of human kindness,
all flavors

love my poems centered,
(except for this one)
with no sugar added,
but a lot of cream and sweat,
both a necessity, not a luxury,
prefer mesmerizing,
crafting hard, laboring,
me writing, you imbibing,
leaving you oohing and loving
because of the appreciation built in
ditties that are semisweet
sugar nadas that populate the
easy come easy go away
poem of the day

but that's just me

like myself hard
cause when I melt,
to a child's grin shyest,
laughter silly me provoking
it is ever so better so...
tears, any kind, don't mind
laughing and sorrowing pouring,
let genuine be my only test
speed limit barrier unlimited

sorta saved a street crossing
phone-occupied-woman yesterday,
put my arm across her body
fast hard, unasked
so she wasn't
bicycle crashed,
both looks well received,
the *** and the gratitude,
but latter over former,
if I had to choose,
but I dont

but that's just me

Joanie M. over Judy C.,
Amy over Adele,
Eva Cassidy over all...
Zombies over Beatles,
Blunt over Taylor,
Rhyming Simon over Billy Joel,
no typos over flaring,
glaring no caring...

your poetry over mine,
cause it amazes,
cause mine,
just old familiar crazies,
just runaround Sues from yester pester days,
transcribed for a someday later
future grimacing laugh of
good god did I write that!

but that's just me

wrote quite the many
literary escapades
this morning,
like the yore,
good old days,
when every glance,
remark passing
made me run
to tablet them
in perpetuity ASAP

placed them before you
scattered thither and dither,
like all that jazz notes
running hands over planes geometric,
most just average,
but all there in hopes
you would love me better

but that's just me

sneaking inside you with
a wink, a tink-ering whimsy,
a stupid smile, a wicked sinning
humongous grinning
with a belly laughing,
havoc raising, me crazing,

*but that's just me
thinking I like celery better than carrots, and the rest you just read...
Lawrence Hall Feb 2021
Lawrence Hall

  “San Francisco Sues its Own School District to Reopen Classes”

                                            -Associated­ Press

Student Voices:

“I need help in understanding Don Quixote”
“Karamazov for me,” replies her friend
“For Christmas I received the Q edition
of The Oxford Book of English Verse,” says another

(And the Board exclaims, “The Q edition!? Eeeeeeek!”)

“I’m prepping Latin with our parish priest”
“Well, I’m tackling The Faerie Queene this year”
“I’m writing our class play in iambic hexameter”
“I wish I could read Pushkin in the original Russian”

(And the Board asks, “Pushkin? What’s their team like this season?”)

Student Chorus:

“We’ve got to study harder, everyone agrees
Lest we be as dense as our school’s trustees”
A poem is itself.
You put a whole new taste to sugar
Those candy commercials couldn't label the sweetness of you
***** Wonka is drinking himself to sleep
Because you're the superior type of candy when I put you into words
I don't sweet talk to get something
I sweet talk cause its honestly true
Your precensce sticks to me like glue
All those books with Mary Sues
Unrealistically describes you
All the food in the fridge is expired
But not my love for you
Geno Cattouse Jul 2014
****** needed some remedials.
         A b sees and one two threes.
        Some tables and basics
        Lasix...for a swollen ego.
We go.
We  went
We gone.

A wash and wrinse... a manipedi. Exfoliate.
                 Real .
                 To the quick.

Too many lifetimes posing
A heart that forgot
The forget me nots.
Too many summer in the blazing sun
Many bone chilled winters.
Howling storms became the norm
Sooo.Gold stars and paper cuts
Elmers glue to start anew
Kids need cookies and milk.
Hearts need to be gentle as spun silk.
Open like Dr Sues and simple.
Like popping your first
Julian Aug 2020
“The Revenant”(Ghost Song Inspiration)
Awake yearning Asleep
Barnacles of riveted keel ajar with wonder keepsakes to sweep
Traipsing the moonlit path between equidistant insanities
Billowing fumes of rage fulgurant in the vogue modality
Whispering 9 Billion hymns to an immemorial cemetery
Silenced by shattered quakes rumbling in the deep forest
Imagined long ago yet again…
Surfing the few fragile crestfallen waves Tighter Nooses in tsunamis on Portugal in the eleventh month hanging ten
Fragile swoons of kenspeckel verbatim echoed in hallowed halls of evening Diaspora gilded in excellence
Limit is no boundary to the timeless clock of tilted tendencies towards barbed decadence
Revelry is no artifact tethered to a patibulary pole folded in the pokerish sneakthievery of triumphant owl’s night
We laugh like soft mad children waxing the candlelit vigil of barren Beirut struck down with ultrageous fright
Cackling as misfortune trespasses are shot on sight
That The Remedy asphyxiates National Anthem hues
Slippery in the crevasse of caffeinated daydream sues
Toasting butter cretaceous with wonder a lapse of sentience is its ultimate blunder of 1015 Rooz
Because the tottering paragon overlooks his habitable tomb
Bequeathed in Nero’s fright askew for the itching view
Spawned instants of thunderous applause serenade the weaning night littered with dancing fragments of illusion
Time is no object to objective dimples on Helicopter dime
Swank is no subject because the predevoted pause owes all to cadence of currency in the heyday of sublime
Long-winded but curt
Outskirts to every vacant and inhabited skirt suburban to muses crooning with antiquity destitute with forbidden flirt
Livid with indignation over fallen hands outstretched to unheralded bands
Simpering with scalded water of tattered whisper of the nauclatic heralds of sunrise over moonlight land
Effort is no music without tragedian Shakespearean rebuke
Taylor’s stop-and-go with flashlight frisk a Pharaohs’ Zion too much of a Fluke
Greco-Roman travesty blinks with scary flicker in an alpenglow Apollon stained-glass window summit
Dirges always precede precipitate glamour aflame with spectral filibustered blight and plummet
besieged by fallen wonders
Sunken by echoes of consequence in Heavy Metal Thunder
Glimpsing the Revenant of a future tango with backwards sentinels of séance
Grief overtakes the rejuvenated sunlit hike
Hitched by Horses with No Name Painless by harnessed spike
Of a Roadhouse Blues not Red enough for the Scarlet Letter Hues of Bill the Butcher White with Tweed nullifying his diacopes of spite
Cadence peerless paling to mirrored reflection of recapitulated mated soul
Limpid nexility that ghosts flex with reflective Jazzy soul
Jailhouse rocking Malone swerves with jaunt
Easy to dance easier to flaunt
Dastardly darts four score and seven jerseys ago
The seamstress of violence alacrity to sow
Vindication belonging to orphaned asylum 44th
A King lost too soon because of masons coming fourth
Degrees of Solomon rustling through A Biff’s Palace
Jimpster hitman an Akabu of hustled alarm pegged to wild shadows dancing a delicate filigree of spawn and spark
To the plug anointed by tethered Cable Guy treason
Few vigilantes of Batman’s caliber yet to reason
In the Revenant’s wake of fallen timbers of Sunset Strip
Reapers prowl with the tide of Bruno Mars RIP
That he sprawls in survival a hat too generous to tip
Uptown Chelsea in uproar as auditoriums fill with hedged victims of sense and sensibility etched in Gore
Lone Pine Mall stranded by conflagration of bulletproof lore
Clowns dedicate independence while crowns croon ***** repentance
For a forlorn starvation of cities of jackals sailed to sentence
Dripping with a faucet of ghostly haunts
Kapstone Paper in Kansas verging on misery wants  
Yet Bleeding American with French-British hues
The world’s lovelorn starlet yet too swollen to amuse
Stark travesty in fatuous emoluments to Walter White vanity
A current streak unbeaten because of realism in Virtual Insanity
A Joker’s Gamboled revenge skittish in sketchy chalkboards of ossified prestige
Left to the milk carton missing is yet another Abandoned Pools squeeze
The Young Robot scared to Fly-by-Night in the pathway of terminal poignant disease
A punitive prison worthy of the cackles of Dinosaurs besieged by Mr. Freeze
Folksy natatoriums agape with bathhouse squalor
Every hierodule a ******* to the witwanton bottom dollar
For the buggery of a Titanic warning towering ever taller
Stilted Wilts 50 a game warbles without Chinese glowers of Silk Road Silk
An albatross of agrarian hubris is how Ping-Pong Champions were eventually built
Hollywood’s grotto a despairing bravado
Of a masonry skyscraping a surpassed entelechy of a half-known tomorrow
Escape malingering and dare to dream
Listless maneuvers of space a hipster jam of the rollicking heyday of a fortress of a team
That I brandish with pride and retrospective snide
How perjury Underoath is a much better bribe
Air Force pride against Scorched Earth fallow because of a wayward bride
The Spectrum of Casper is galloping in deceitful degrees of a piety too wide
Swayed by Swayze pretended or lazy
The whole world in centration glistens with the fashionable crazy
Electromagnetic Detroit a rumpus for Notorious donnybrooks of a Gretchen cloaked too tight for Avalanche brawls cemented in burgundy and white
Industrial locomotives bulldozing Buffaloes of a Boulder fraternity too leaky to always be right
Scattered on Dawn’s Highway Bleeding crowded by a sing-song peril by design
That deference is reference to rappers glistening in surrealism ripe and prime marveling at the Ace of Military Base’s glaring Sign
Lethal Killers on patrol roaming Earthquake plodded land
Count the number of hairs of vitriol in silicon purebred amicable handfuls of wafting sand
Drifting in Mescaline ends at the periphery of Desert Movies Goldmines for Choosing
The Native American Jabberwocky or Mulder’s Father’s dying musing neither of which is favorable to boozing
The Brown doctor disfavored by armed aristocrats is always alive and rarely unbuttoned when snoozing
Flynn torches bemuse the tattered knight
Presumptuous Arthur is only on the quorum when consentience of accord is proven right by both deed and prescient light
Hardly a sidesplitter for a curveball time
California Love is plastered with rivalries of NorCal grime
Of the greatest Banana Slug Fiction flagrant with Quinntessential clairvoyance of a deceased 60’s crime
A dead queer lollygag belonging to the advice of a Pearl Jam Jeremy’s erasure of snares of beleaguered blasphemous chyme
Nonlinear spurts fielded by stolen bases of paralyzed rebuffs rather curt
A rapper worthy of the stage rarely an actor beyond a churlish vendetta hurt
Yet I dazzle the lingerie of even the most guarded skirt
The kiln of machination is a wedding of guarded betrayals of Monster Mash extortion
Alexisonfire a harbinger to the world’s belabored victory over corrugated striptease contortion
Thursday is a miraculous noise of shattered glass
Inertia knows ventriloquial varnish of shattered bones and tempted blood dripping in crematorium ash
Yet I survive with a Jive walk and a sardonic wagtail flock
Of the best patronage of cognoscenti shockwaves of bonanza stocks stalked like a swarpollock locket invisible to Tik Tok
I’m the best hip-hop in the game beyond the treachery of retreads of psychobabble inane
I strut like magic belonging to the sanitorium of the edgy swank of modest profane
Granite defected is my cement planet infesting the game like Boardwalks on the revived Titanic
Aliens headbash the gamut of my spangled manic
Ghost Ridin’ Raiders of the Lost Arc leads to hysterical panic
Indiana laughs at Elway’s squirrel because he bolted Baltimore with a baseball pretense for a sexier girl
When the rigmarole of genius aligns infamy bails out the oyster aphrodisiac of a Heart of the Ocean pearl
Time is a self-referential quisling of a monarchy built of subtle curling
A bored sport dazzling with scintillation in recursive zeal unfurling
A Canada Dry livid stargazer dozes on Oiler comets meteoric as hydroponics
**** quaffs the lazy lollygag rarely hooked on the righteous phonics
But no distaste to the canine game
I am well beyond the distance to the lethargy of NV in shame
Bear Bryant on Rushmore flowing high
Jetsetting across Pink Floyd’s lurid Clear Blue Skies
George trampled by Chauvinist monsters
Zuckerberg and Gates are honkies betting on bonkers loud both in Boston and in Yonkers
100 Billion of counterfeit souls sold to slot machine mannequins quite droll
Someone needs to devour their corner like a Revelations sour-tasting scroll
Tagged to apothecary mountebanks of Trey’s on repeat
A hard-won small Utah town harder than Joe Montana to beat
Bypassed hack of time Luminosity the adultress of 1693 regaled as a freakish feat
Time simpers to Spirit of Grace graven kantikoys in Seattle Graveyards blemished by dancing Creep
The Idioteque squalor of bemused negligence in a flooded Avatar Jurassic Park Jeep
I recall the St. Joseph’s brawl not with Sevendust Animosity or a squawk on short-sighted grating flag hooped with haywire lines snorted on Basketball
The marstions of plenilune filigree are 32 Leaves of RINOs of crestfallen dirges of cacophony deafened by Yachted Wedding Crashers’ squall
The swagger of a Vogue Rose kissed by Shadow Dancing ******* is livid in throes
Of a throwaway stretchgrave of Jackson’s crooning on astounding Mike Bossy Bose
Engraved with Islander epiphany that smokestack chockablocks itch every more Leary in gawsy clothes
I rampage through the filibusters of Jerusalem silt sunken by immigrants in tired tattered kilt
That the only famine known to McDonald’s is the demolition of Fireman of young Wayne Enterprises yet rigged to insuperable caverns hitched to the hilt
Soul Kitchen alphabets on Dewey Decimal design swagger yet with a Lugubrious Monkey-Silent Bob’s Feared Spinosity in Sprites of commercial Lemon-Lime
Of a dauntless Decision among many subdued by Prison that the apish caper gouges 20/20 Vision a cacophony dimpled in recessive alleles of a modern prime
That is also primacy antecedent to yoked Cartel SUV’s perfected in acerbic dungeons Monster Mash corners yet death unfurled in matchbox tinder of Futurama slime
Jet Lagged infancy of Nuclear Duff hustling the Illmatic Annoyance of BiffCO ***** riddles Uncle RICO wed boschveldt of Kansas City seen 21-30 with zeal and repine
The Bizarre Inc. of a lovelorn 96’ robbed Liberace into untimely death the spinsters of Key Auditorium Dine
Hemlock sprees of Socratic whimpers of treason of Piraeus marks the infamy of Brutus lagging with conscience diseased
That the marvel of vengeance is the plaudits of swanky New York Times rustling against dead Nevada Subways and Lusitania rollicking seas
Rage itches as Brock is capsized to Hearts of Oceans littered with Sparrow Murders of Ravens Batty with Belief
Mourning the Twister carnage of A Shining City on a Hill printed by Federal Way disclosure by Armada Music without a receipt
To the dozen graves of Monster Mash London Fog the Undeveloped Story of a balcony of Wayne Packer Million Dollar degrees
Challenged to a Final Revolution of a Fantasy terrorizing the Trafficked hand a Coca Cola seizure God spared for “Canceled” Taco Bell automotive brain freeze
Spinsters with vertigo paralyze on the hopscotch kettle of popcorn for amusement racketing squashed Colombia too many lines yet to appease
And too gaping Walls of Chauvin weaning on freckles of Comfortably Numb disease that Love Story castle is the monarchy of allusion to 19-17
Coffins for 24k Carat foresight by the antiquated architects
attacked for 2001 vengeance on Forsberg’s Spleen
Notorious by scores of tourists in aperture for Native American Casinos blankets on Red Scare forests
Apple’s chocolate-box sergeant prescience on brittle Reed Chorus
Sung by the litany of Ima memorialized by punctual Grace of the sashay of Delphinium fountain pens porous.
It's not perfect but some Rhymes are  absolutely untouchable. This is my first real attempt at Rap but with my 160+ IQ I will get more consistent!
bulletcookie Apr 2024
"Man Bites Dog!" Dog sues man. Man counter sues and slanders dog on social media. Dog files second suit for defamation and seeks to gag man on social media. Man appeals gag order and seeks to dismiss court proceedings. Dog files briefs and motions to continue legal actions. Man files motions to delay trial dates and jury selection. Dog seeks resumption of legal remedies. Man refusing to give depositions and stand witness. Appellate judges dismiss "Man bites dog trials". Headlines ..."Dog Bites Man!"

4/10- NaPoWriMo - Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem based on one of the curious headlines, cartoons, and other journalistic tidbits featured at Yesterday’s Print, where old new stays amusing, curious, and sometimes downright confusing.
Disciples , Disciples , Disciples . . .
Everyone becomes one
Everyone denies the fact
We all run around
with some kind
of a monkey on our backs
Just like all of the
Marys , Bobs and even all the Sues
we crave to belong
just like they will to do
They gather in the forest
Cutting down the trees
Decorate them in gold and silver tinsel and many colored lights
Then turn them on and worship them in their celebrations far into the night
Is it a made to form idol
of wooden dreams desired
That is tossed out back in the alleys
Or burned up in the raging fires
Man makes the idols
God made the hands that do
jeffrey conyers Jul 2014
Strange, strange thing.
That news takes a twisted story and reported to the public.
Without comprehending that many doesn't listen to the medical establishment.

Some will eat, where they chose?
And could careless about the calories.
Some people just don't pick up weight.

Because our bodies are different.

Same with people that live to be a hundred.
And states , it's because they didn't smoke.
While many of us know others that live to be a hundred.
And smoked and did it all.

Parties like life was built to enjoy.

Strange that doctors loves to advise.
But doesn't follow their own advice.
Whom hadn't notice the medical employees smoking?
Even has an assigned spot.

And they advertise scary commercial to try to tell people to stop.
Heck, whatever happen to the word EDUCATION?
It was taught to a various of us in this nation.

Strange that the news tries to mold people according to one view.
What works for one?
Won't works for others?

Do you see the news trying to change to suit the other channels?

Strange, strange that certain folks are getting wealthy off odd ball decision.
Smokers charging that the cigarette they smoked cause them cancer.
So the sues the cigarette company and win a decision.

Heck, if that the case.
Then many parents and children's should sue the candy companies.
For each cavities their child get and have to visit the dentist.
Why not?
Sympathy plays a lot in juries paying adults for that smoking habits.
Then, with the candy lawsuits, they might try to blame the parent.

Who could then bring a lawsuit against the grocery store?

Strange, strange, strange.
Then maybe it's just me.
Jordan St Angelo Mar 2019
At the party...
talking to my best friend's older brother.
He's a few years out of law school.

He sues small oil companies for environmental reasons.
But represents medium-sized ones
for some reason that I can't care to retain.
Net-neutral enough...
I suppose.

I get the feeling that he feels out of place.
That he'd rather be talking to someone
more similar.
More naturally engaged.

I can't blame him.
I feel the same way
Sainte Thérèse veut que la Pauvreté soit

La reine d'ici-bas, et littéralement !

Elle dit peu de mots de ce gouvernement

Et ne s'arrête point aux détails de surcroît ;

Mais le Point, à son sens, celui qu'il faut qu'on voie

Et croie, est ceci dont elle la complimente :

Le libre arbitre pèse, arguë et parlemente.

Puis le pauvre-de-cœur décide et suit sa voie.

Qui l'en empêchera ? De vœux il n'en a plus

Que celui d'être un jour au nombre des élus,

Tout-puissant serviteur, tout-puissant souverain,

Prodigue et dédaigneux, sur tous, des choses eues,

Mais accumulateur des seules choses sues.

De quel si fier sujet, et libre, quelle reine !
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
all i can say, and i'll make it
there's nothing boring
about my life...
     i'm teaching my neighbour's
kid to stare at the end
of his garden with a blank
   the cat's i own?
              they don't bother
to venture outside the garden...
unlike the conventional
cats of the area...
     my night's entertainment?
when a moth flies into my room
and i catch it with
my bare hands, and then
release it into the night...
  **** the very rare example
of a male mosquito (male
  smaller than the females,
the ones that **** blood) -
oh **** me, i can take to staring
  at nothing in particular
  and hope for a memory,
and then an even quicker-memory
   let's just say: buddha
   with open eyes, although wearing
         10 minutes later,
a sip of *** and ms. pepsi
and a cigarette... and i'm like... huh?
oh right... the clouds shifted.
  it's just the thing,
   the taoists (abhorred by ezra pound,
for reasons i can't quiet fathom...
   these days he'd be against
the feng shui movement) -
   i learned from tao...
   1st and only principle:
  if you want to help the world, i.e. "change"
it? forget the world and
   let the world forget you...
writers only achieve
     fame post-mortem
what, pre-mortem?
      a red carpet,
                  a book made into a movie,
loads of money,
   and then a fake care for
     but if ezra was alive today?
  tao wouldn't bother him,
  but i'm sure as **** that feng shui
     how about this feng shui?!
   how about a dust-bin on every
street corner in a suburban area,
to get rid of the litter problem
   in suburban areas?
                   a change of plan took place
          instead of the usual beer
drank walking back with ms. pepsi
and ***? an apple... one apple, f'oh-tee pence...
i felt constipated,
     i once heard that apples are
good for gas, if not the *****...
    well, **** me, if people think that
reading is boring, or tedious,
and they want to get in on the action,
and protest...
                   i wish i could... i just can't...
be so... so: enthusiastic...
      just imagine finding
a brick wall entertaining...
   or a bee bothering the little flowers
for nectar,
    or a cat sleeping...
                      yep, imagine a drug
with the special effect of not enchancing
colours like l.s.d., but
  a drug that allows you to see
a nightmarish black & white world...
  if you find someone that
        has created a drug that makes
you see in black & white, let me know,
i'm interested...
  or imagine the elevation of frankenstein!
implanting cat's eyes into a human
            that would be a great scientific
    so no, i don't believe science
     is omnipotent as of yet,
  or that it can have this current zeitgest...
it's still a child,
   a child "about" to be born,
  while religion, a father "about" to die -
and of course -
               the mother sophia -
                    in reality a ***** of the state -
the horrors i heard about
the canadian legal system...
   1. there's a worded agreement,
               she's on a contraceptive,
    because she wants to dismissis the middle
man, herr gummi...
2. an engagement ring
   3. she breaks it off
4. she calls the guy: i think i'm pregnant
5. he's a british citizen
  6. she's a russian citizen
7. she becomes schizophrenic
8. she ***** his school friend and lies
9. the school friend lies
          and the inquisitive one
    thinks he'll be taking a short-term effect
   l.s.d. herb of the amazon
10. he gets hurt
11. he sees an english psychiatrist
      and gets mis-diagnosed
12. he sees a polish neurologist who says:
13. anyone who thinks you're mentally
  ill, is mentally ill themselves.
now... probable
14. 30 years later, the scandal,
   she becomes a british citizen
  and sues according to some mutant version
of canadian law applied to british law...
but by
15. he has drank himself to an early grave,
while laughing - bungee!
     ich gebrochen gegen ein todesfee!
i bungeed into a banshee!

   (apologies if the german isn't correct.)
Camden Crouch Sep 2019
I, woke up and I notice
That my eyes were pealed just right,
I noticed, that the sun was still bright
And I noticed, that it’s still night.

I continued down the stairs to fix my hair,
Are the rhymes coming too quickly to our minds?
Oh dear, I did it again and I’m starting to grin
IM SORRY!... Okay so,

This is no “Dr. Sues”
I have started to carry a noose
Is my mind too bland to come up
With a mand-atory way to say
That I am just not okay.
Sincerely, H

So, let’s get this straight
I know that you know that I hate
Who I am, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again,
I’m refusing to hear everything that I see
I know I shouldn’t but I feel free, let’s begin.
I’m bleeding from my mind and my eyes, I have to grind
The time and make everything right but in fact,

I’ve ruined my sight, the light is leaving, my mind is screaming,
That time is grieving, I’ve tried to stop breathing, because the day is seizing.

So, a day to me is not a day to you, the clip of a pen has run me through and through.
So, a clip of a pen to me is not a clip of pen to you.
Sincerely, 8

These lyrics, they probably blew right over your head,
These lyrics make me remember when I wished to feel the lead,
I wish there was a way for me to say, “maybe instead…”
I can feel the metal
This song is senta-mental
Did you catch it? “mental”
My head has just been bent a little,
Why can’t my feels find a place to settle?
I have too much to express to sing
So I’ll bring it into this format of rap
I feel like my lyrics are useless crap
But in fact they uplift my mind, depression can be upbeat
It’s just a matter of will you change the way you sing and move your feet
Will you take the leap?!

So, get the heck on the stage!
And get out of the crowd!
Don’t be the one to say I wish!
Be the one that makes others Proud!
I’m not mad, I’m just passionate
That we are always pass’n it

I’ve ruined my sight, the light is leaving, my mind is screaming,
That time is grieving, I’ve tried to stop breathing, because the day is seizing.

We have all questioned our reason to breath
But can we all please just stop and cleave
I don’t know if it makes me weak but I don’t wanna leave,
Not yet, my time has been set, and it’s not up to me to make that bet.
Not a bet of money but a bet of heart beats, our heart beats better,
When we take the time to talk about or tattered tears,
That drip down the dotted lines designed for our face,
I know I’m asking for a big change of pace, but we need it
Cuz we keep tripping over our metaphorical shoe lace
Take your time it’s not a race.

I’m sorry to end on a low note
But I’m feeling a clenched throat
And if you feel what I feel don’t take the time to gloat

We’ve ruined our sight, the light is leaving, our minds are screaming,
That time is grieving, we’ve tried to stop breathing, because the day is seizing.
This song I have only ever read three time and the third time was two days ago. This song has some of my deepest metaphors. One of my biggest metaphors is bleeding through our eye, it referring to what we allow ourselves to see will bleed through the way we compose ourselves and the way we present ourselves. The metaphor that talks about bleeding through our mind is basically the same as bleeding through our eye, what we allow ourselves to focus on (depression, suicidal thoughts, self hate) if we allow ourselves to focus on that we will show it.
(yes...yes...yes, this rhyme
resembles a recent one of mine
     from a previous time,
yet appropriating wands zone writing  
     haint no crime -
at least not yet!)

Okay bull heave me you,
     at this moment
     alm completely unaware
     what the a muse zing
genie of poetic
     inspiration will bring
possibly shelving what Calliope
     holds in store for me,

     meanwhile now
     with impatience it ching
visa vis to discover
     what this Earthling,
(albeit modest) will be amazingly
     graced with, meanwhile aye fling
haphazardly, indiscriminately,
     and jocosely blitz

krieg feebly attempting
     to contrive ingenious emits
poetic prestidigitation in fits
and starts, sans "FAKE" wits
as this humble
     human imperceptibly orbitz
around mister Sun,
     (which about bajillion years

     from now suddenly quits)
shining foisting misery,
     where Nyx knocks
     (paddy whack give
     my dog a bone...) divinely,
     knowingly and spiritedly visits
(believe me you) this trumpeting
     stupid ***** loser

     forever doth taint
after this moment
     (no need tubby saint
lee and suppress any quaint
gut wrenching chortle)
     at what aint
     no farce), nor literary feint
yours truly painfully,

     sorrowfully, and verily avers,
     he now lacks fire and fury
     (as if nettled by burrs)
nonetheless, which ambition
     dust hanker mink thinks furs,
and foremost (Tom
     morrow i.e. purrs
sues tha owl mighty,

    where fame posthumously spurs
     me amidst pantheon
     of great writers
which dream dashed
     into a million,

     bajillion this instance,
     though good guess) pieces
abysmal silence replacing
     (palimpsest like),
     mine over imagination whirs.
(glare ring quasi grim ma tick,
rit tore rick cull, sin tactical glitches -
ear roars aye, corrections overlooked
explains the reason for this improved
NON GMO gluten and Msg free
sturdier version.)

(yes...yes...yes, this rhyme
resembles a recent one of mine
     from a previous time,
yet appropriating wands zone writing  
     haint no crime -
at least not yet!)

Okay bull heave me you,
     at this moment
     alm completely unaware
     what the a muse zing
genie of poetic
     inspiration will bring
possibly shelving what Calliope
     holds in store for me,

     meanwhile now
     with impatience it ching
visa vis to discover
     what this Earthling,
(albeit modest) will be amazingly
     graced with pizazz, meanwhile aye fling
haphazardly, indiscriminately,
     and jocosely blitz

krieg feebly attempting
     to contrive ingeniousness emits
poetic prestidigitation in fits
and starts, sans "FAKE" wits
as this humble
     human imperceptibly orbitz
around mister Sun,
     (which about bajillion years

     from now suddenly quits)
shining foisting misery,
     where Nyx knocks
     (paddy whack give
     my dog a bone...) divinely,
     knowingly and spiritedly visits
(believe me you) this trumpeting
     stupid ***** loser

     forever doth taint
after this moment
     (no need tubby saint
lee and suppress any quaint
gut wrenching chortle)
     at what aint
     no farce), nor literary feint
yours truly painfully,

     sorrowfully, and verily avers,
     he now lacks fire and fury
     (as if nettled and docked by burrs)
nonetheless, which ambition
     dust hanker mink thinks furs,
and foremost (Tom
     morrow i.e. purrs
sues tha owl mighty,

    where fame posthumously spurs
     me amidst pantheon
     of great writers
which dream dashed
     into a million,

     bajillion this instance,
     though good guess) pieces
abysmal silence replacing
     (palimpsest like),
     mine over active imagination whirs.
The following crafted
approximately midway
into the administration
of forty fifth president,
whose crass, gutsy, lewd,
repulsive yawping finds
him squarely poised to
nab the nomination as
Republican front runner
come the 2024 election.

The overstuffed ego freezer
(yes him with the coiffed
windblown hair has been making,
sans daily) regular appearance
in the news oval
hate gambling arrogance
vis a vis spewing,
shouting, and scathing rabidly
foaming explosive handy
claptrap in ascendance,
asserting how incredibly
tremendous collusion between
CIA, FBI and media

(must warrants revocation,
hence heroic intervention,
and emergency das
Pence sing balance
of security fabled
clearances Aesop - Asap)
hounds engaged "brilliance"
in (community) chance
of making an very
usual fool of himself,
viz the "FAKE"

trumpeting dapper Don
expostulating the latest ploy,
raging against the machine
i.e. entire popular culture
will get their comeuppance
being so freely outspoken,
a disgraceful unconstitutional defiance
which oh press
sieve act of deviance
spluttered, thus an extreme

measure to clamp down
on all news outlets,
and immediate disappearance
all the while poor
Melania stoically, objectionably
and lamentably stands
right alongside him,
(nonetheless nonverbally
metaphorically exhibiting
vitriolic livid rage)

as he rancorously spouts
(ala VERY) convincing impression
of la va reenactment qua,
Krakatoa volcanic disturbance
lambasting utter disgraceful disservice
(foxy Dis Putin
commercial stations construe, conspire,
conjure egregious collusion
outlets asper dominance
a pugilistic ringside fan loathsomely

(re: scowling non verbally),
wherein pejorative spectators whether
(moral less minority, and/or
majority whips lashing) weather being
subsequently splashed by
LXXII spittle aged
perspiring ogre) with exuberance
(like some voodoo freelance
sing hexed indigo gurl goo goo doll,
a villainous venal mummified

rattle trap declaring forbiddance
from this moment forward grievance
fomented by via triple threat
to American democracy
sans, intransigence, insouciance, ignorance,
thus taking recourse upon the heads
of "stupid" journalists forcing hand
toward "losers" who spread lies,
hence president signs issuance
analogous to lance

sing (via strong trumpeting arm),
a yuge bigly boil saying believe me
(meaning him - ***** in chief)
asseverating the congressional,
global, and orbital
bulwark acting with noncompliance
necessitating entire military
industrial complex arsenal
heavily reinforced (at
the expense of every social,
governmental, environmental, etc cetera

to manage unruly populace
with mandatory diktat decreeing obeisance
with non dodging demagoguery
huff ford ding auto-da-fé fiat ordinance
this platform to guarantee overdominance,
when November 2020 election
for forty sixth president
takes place with poignance
when courtesy hindsight
transition to Biden administration
punctuated by insurrection.

When I witnessed capital one rebellion
slack jaw froze mine countenance
when eyes blinded with figurative
daggers asper mistakes in original draft,
hence...this flood proof, fire resistant,
and fever reducing error free version.

Yes...yes...yes, this rhyme
resembles a recent one of mine
from a previous time,
yet appropriating wands zone writing  
haint no crime -
at least not yet.

Okay bull heave me you,
at this moment
alm completely unaware
what the a muse zing
genie of poetic
inspiration will bring
possibly shelving what Calliope
holds in store for me,
meanwhile now
with impatience itching

visa vis to discover
what this Earthling,
(albeit modest) will be amazingly
graced with pizazz, meanwhile aye fling
haphazardly, indiscriminately,
and jocosely blitz
krieg feebly attempting
to contrive ingeniousness emits
poetic prestidigitation in fits
and starts, sans "FAKE" wits

as this humble
human imperceptibly orbitz
around mister Sun,
(which about bajillion years
from now suddenly quits)
shining foisting misery,
where Nyx knocks
(paddy whack give
my dog a bone...) divinely,
knowingly and spiritedly visits

(believe me you) this trumpeting
stupid ***** loser
forever doth taint
after this moment
(no need tubby saint
lee and suppress any quaint
gut wrenching chortle)
at what ain't
no farce), nor literary feint
yours truly painfully,

sorrowfully, and verily avers,
he now lacks fire and fury
(as if nettled and docked by burrs)
nonetheless, which ambition
dust hanker mink thinks furs,
and foremost (Tom
morrow i.e. purrs
sues tha owl mighty,
where fame posthumously spurs

me amidst pantheon
of great writers
which dream dashed
into a million,
bajillion this instance,
though good guess) pieces
abysmal silence replacing
(palimpsest like),
mine over active imagination whirs.
(alternately titled -
today's lesson iz
addressing categorical imperative)

Courtesy of unpleasant he
ping diatribes visited me
from eldest offspring ugh gree
guss vituperations, doth force me
     to admit (and take key
lock, stock, and barrel
     lamentations to heart), that she
(Eden Liat) didst

     perceive (hence nee),
interpret as her reality
     regarding my actions,
     intents, words, et
     cetera men knee
instances of objectionable
     dealing with situations
     of mine mien to thyself

     (lamely, meekly, and nervously
     pleading being oblivious),
     nonetheless purportedly untoward
     fatherly behavior, said kin recoils
     in reaction to extremely re:
pulse sieve, no matter,
     whether paternal behavior
     of mine unintentional (see

ming lee) find
     ding total unawareness
     as poor excuse, which does not
     hold candle box
     three doors down, nor
     bankable, dutiful guarantee
hence this papa, heed decree,
his displeasing, now accepting

     onerous task of child rearing
     inflicted hurtful affects asper,
     mismanaging challenges
     as legal guardian,
     and thus grievously, honestly,
and readily attests averse
     to hold a mirror be
fore my person as

     proof positive aware
     ness, and accept,
     how I usurped carte blanche
     (parental role, no
     matter honest intentions,
     sans welfare of daughters)
     unknowingly shamefacedly interpreted

     as unflattering about me
whom ***** nilly
     bandied authoritarian free
reign (and/or rein)
     recounting mine foibles, viz
despite my best intentions,
     impressions, and iterations
     as even handed sues err un tee

I mint jewel
     lip succoring (suzerainty)
spurring the conundrum,
     que who, what,
     and how does one pre
sent lee define
     true intentions, and whether
neutral stance can be cree
jewel less lee codifies, si?
Joe Thompson Nov 2020
The sand and driftwood on our little beach
Is rearranged regularly
By the tide and wind and waves
While the large stones that abut the sea wall (river wall?)
Seem to hold their ground stoicly.
In time they will shift as well.
A trio of young boys ride their bicycles past us
Casually ignoring the young girl tagging along behind them.
On the news
Stories of people protesting the stay at home orders

Oblivious to the risks they take home to their families.
The streets of major cities become war zones
When activists are joined by rioters and bigots with guns
A new president is elected.
The old one tweets and sues and continues his angry lies
But it's all for show.

I turn off the television.
Aware that behind the black screen the outside world continues to unravel.
sandra wyllie Nov 2019
the day of big float parades, family and
stuffing your face, belly aches,
sitting and sitting/talking too. He’s
eyeing the legs. Which looks better,

the turkey’s or Sues? Extra weight
and too-full plates because you can’t
decide. Everything looks great. Glasses of
wine and linen so fine, in burgundy

like grandma’s lipstick that’s as thick
as the cranberry jelly. That’s as smelly as
your uncle’s cigars. But I’m not in this
scene. I’m all alone/going to nobody’s home –

no polite smiles, and napkins on laps. No
grandpa falling asleep because the drinks hit him
fast. No gossip in the kitchen, while washing the
pots and pans. Just an ordinary day as I am.
SP May 2020
It’s been three months since Sues demise, yet still I see her in my eyes.
She came to my world like a sunrise and faded away with the wind forever from the sky.
But she left a story in my life, which will be told in time with no lies.
I will see her one day when I die, till then I bid goodbye.
Jimmy silker Jan 10
Didn't the fella the Hollies ripped off
Rip off some classical fella?
Tell that to thom yorke
As he sues
Lana Del Rey.
N.A.T.O. Major Roger "Big Nig" Coleman stuffs ****** with hurricane insurance documents before jumping from observation deck of the Empire State Building; lands on street below uninjured; sues borough alderman for 50 million dollars. Barbara Roberts and Ken Carson get realistic genitals grafted on their plastic crotches; Barbie still can't be impregnated due to absent ******, ****** and ovaries; Ken is threatening two dozen major lawsuits. ***** invasion continues: Democrats "import" another half-million East African criminals and psychotic South Sea islanders to rig ALL future U.S. elections. In desperation, N.A.S.A. extorts 30 billion dollars from Social Security trust fund to crash another "land rover" on Paramount studio planetoid. New study confirms: large women are "sleepy lovers." Women in excess of 400 pounds can't feel ***** ******* due to adiposity; new ***** lengthener extends average ***** to 17 inches.

— The End —