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Sara Jones Oct 2017
I just hope one day,
Someone will look right at me,
Like he used to do.
Ngamau Boniface May 2015
Looking back, I have to stiffle a laugh
Ponder,how did it all get so what-it-was?
You see, I had just a cold gun.
Without a single bullet,yet there I stood.
Formidable foes arising against a little boy
Seeking to snarl and growl all night.
It mattered not to me.
Woe unto them for He was watching
not only my back,but front,beside,underneath and over me
Nobly He walked me through the bullies
For some reason, their barred teeth couldn't bite
In their folly,they took on the wrong One
He made me an overcomer,a conqueror
Sit in heavenly places was His invitation.
He did it all just for me.
La Jongleuse Mar 2013
you remain at all times,
in my mind, not so much
a whisper  but more of
a dull scream that i cannot
stiffle, even after years of
relentless practice

at times, in the night,
i awake frightened,
sweating, my mind
bloated with the fear
that maybe you ****** up

my eyes sore from
raining in my sleep

i reach out to touch
anything that might
assure me that it was
only a nightmare
& that you have
not just yet embarked
on yet
suicide mission

before, these dreams
were my  reality &
you never seemed to
be able to keep the
two apart for very

the sleep,
the bills,
the ***,
the drugs,
the drink,
the endless charade
of doctors, bottles,
& new clothing

i watched in awe,
petrified by terror

despite the promises,
despite the progress,
you are forever hell bent
on sinking & leaving
no captives alive

you remain in my mind
at all times, breeding
anxiety, like spores
spreading their cancer

they are going to
eat you alive &
you let them
how can i carry that in me too?

i fear, maybe
you have contaminated
me as well :
to have absorbed you,
repulses me & i'm forever
purging these feelings
******* full circle

my anger, my void, my mind
bloated with memories of your
half-shell & filmsy pharmaceutical courage
you were eventually swallowing
everything you could devour

your consumption : horrifying

at least, before you
pretended to be full
dollar, appointment =
attention, satisification
if only temporary

now, your eyes lie flat,
you have become absolutely
nothing & it's the something
that rots my joy & agitates the
the demons you've passed on

i ran away but you are never far,
the telephone brings your
contagion, manifest in words
i hear it in your voice
i cringe at the dial tone,
i tremble when you pick up
what bad news now?

at 15, she said she hoped
you would just die, i never
had the courage to agree:
preferring the slow boil;
the one that encourages
the fungal growth of your
disease. it takes root

you put me at dis-ease woman

die or don't.
antidote or arsenic?
Shrey Mar 2018
Us humans are sensitive,
Over little things we cry.
Men walk up to a girl,
And unnecessarily shy.

At top of a skyscraper,
We feel the breeze.
But when little but vital moment comes,
We never sieze.

We come home from work
And are usually tired.
We work our *** off,
So we dont get fired.

Nothing's perfect,
Life's always flappy.
We think it's cruel
And start feeling ******.

We fear death,
But eventually we're all gonna die
Us humans are sensitive,
Over little things we cry.

We all have a dream,
But we stiffle our curiosity
We never take a stand
Or run against viscosity

We either live this world
Or we survive
We can have our dream life,
But we need to strive

A little true effort,
Can change who we are.
And one day we'll be stunned,
We've come this far

We can make our life worth,
Before we die.
Us humans maybe emotional,
But now we wont cry
I'm fairly new to the world of poetry, so not too good in rhyming and making perfect sense in what i write. But i try. Please do leave a feedback, even if it's not good. Would really appreciate it. :)
Kitty Prr Jun 2013
The silence teases me
Like the blank page in front of me.
'What now? Come on!'

So I start something with trepidation.
I only have a few words,
I don't know if anything will come to fill the void once they are used.

And if something comes,
Will my pen keep up?
Will physical limitations stiffle the flow?

Does it matter?
This isn't a test.
If it doesn't come now, then another time.
ponny jo Dec 2011
actions without words,
let fly spirits bound
trying without sound
feel like shattered worlds
i lie upon a mound
broken dreams float off like clouds
torn sails flutter
like torn wings
i try to stiffle a shudder
Michala May 2013
I want to bite you
Kiss your neck
leave a mark
let you do the same
I need to feel that pain
I'd arch my back
From the lack
Of feeling that
You'd hear the moan
Come from my throat
And stiffle it with kisses
Cause you know I miss this
I miss you
And what we do
I miss your touch
I'm always in your clutch
You control my emotions
Make my body feel awoken
It's why we're meant to be
I only wish that you could see
Shermaine Dec 2015
roll of thunder
stiffle my cry
in your wrath
my solace lies
a short poem for my love of thunderstorms.
We are humans
Let's not slaughter each other
Let's not stiffle others

Let's exchange
Kind words

Yeaa and some flowers too :)
Lexie Dec 2018
I just want to put my hand over your mouth
Stiffle the stupidity as it streams out of your head
Maybe I am just bitter
Time changes things
But a rotten core is good for only swine
The fruit does not fall from the trees
You came back for the truth
It draws you in
But too close
And at what expense
You would light a fire
Yet you have no fear of flames
The apprehension tingles on my tongue and courses through my senses
I pick my words as though they were flowers in full bloom
As sweet as honey
Oh how I wish they would sting
For what is this mess you make of things
Just turning over soil when you could be planting crops
The nuts have been gathered
By those that will devour them with the hunger of a winter
If only I knew how to wait out the storm
I clasp my hands together but they will not clamp
The desperation beads on my forehead and slips into my mind
Salty thoughts and a foolish tongue
Must it be bound behind my teeth
When I would lash it against you like a whip
I want it to sting
That you would turn your foolish head in shame
For your pride carries everywhere you go
You will come to find me
I will be ready
But not waiting
The foolish feet that carry you
Have many lessons to be learned
You will look at me with eyes of desire
And I will burn you alive with the fire behind my eyes
Just to give you a glimpse
Of what is waiting for you
Just one gate away
Ayesha Apr 17
No ceremony
Or invention
Ever stagnant

You, foul Country
Are my skin
You are not tunic
Not shalwar

Not the shame
With which I
Stiffle my chest
Not love

Fumbling, flapping
Forced to sit
And forced to flee

Your tongue burns
As a curse
On my tongue
Your hands

Are *****
With my guilt
Your crime
Was me

Your tears seep
In pillow and they
Weep all night
On my face

There is no grief
In me to spare
You bring with you
Everything hot

You beat
As a breathing
Heart of fire
Your feet

Are defiant
Stained with a Henna
That is red as souls
Your wounds

Are flowers on my
Palms, your laments
****** in my wrists
In beauty, I

Return to you
You, the grotesque
Soil of my sprout
Your sins my scars

Your songs my scars
Your violent dances
Alive as tulips
And the love

That you make
Is borne of silence
Whispered, crime
Your law is grey

Your child looks
At me forever
And it moves
Like winds, it moves

Me, it disgusts
At me, and in there
It examines everything
The streets

In your stare
Are quiet and shut
All the jewels
Are jewels of shame

And I do not
Wear you like a flag
I do not rejoice
When you are green

Release me
Or do not leave
Tyrant, I love you.
You peasant, you fool

Your kisses are petty
Your weight frail
You sob like a railway
And all your people

Are dead.
They were running
To you, their homes
Behind. They

Were all running
For you. You reach
In the quiet for me
But I am bleeding

I have killed the sun
And the dawn is you
Sweet, haggard, lover
Of brisk touch and flame

Your massacre
Is my massacre.
Your foul decay
Is my blood.
Kabiru Aug 15
Wipe these sobs
Teary eyed
Streaks on cheeks
Stiffle moans
Runny nose

Snort the mucus
Clear the sputum
Puffy eyed
Soaky pillow
Hoarse voice

It is alright
It is over
Gone forever
Buried in Dirt
Wasted years

Drenched in sweat
Fever pitch nights
Pillow comfort
Tossing n turning
All night long

It is a new Dawn
Sun is rising
Moon is setting
Birds are chirping
Write a new flow
Find thyself

Live free
Fly your path
New and bright
Forget forever
The past is gone
You are alive

— The End —