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Matt Jursin Jan 2010
Lets stop n slam on somethin' shameful like war and anguish...
'Cause im pretty sure that tremendous termoil and suffering and starvation is the same in all languages...
But something that most of us will never know...
'Cause in this country you tend to grow a fat *** as you grow old.
Give this countries cold dark history a warm embrace, look it in the face!
All this killing, death, distruction, and disease...more war than peace!
Something most of us will never see, much less feel...Because ignoring it is so much easier.
We'd rather be pleasing ourselves than siezing the keys to this country!

Jump in.
Take a sunday drive for freedom.
Sunday football keeps you occupied...
Kicked back in the recliner, while others freeze in the name of the flag.
And your constitution.
And the human condition.
Patriotism is not pretty to the petty.
To...those getting rich, hand over fist...
On your...vacant homes, vacant jobs, and vacant votes.
While they vacate our education with more lousy legislation.

We get lazier and sleezier and sloppier.
We pass judgement on our fellow man...
While we let politicians pass bills that destroy this great land.
Hand over fist, hand over hand washes the other politicians ****.
These dinosaurs with their special interest agendas make me sick.

Stand up strait.
Look at me when I talk to you.

Dont turn a blind eye to all the bodies that once hung from loops...
Remember where we came from.
Re-write history like the bible.
Re-write war and peace.

We call soldiers "property of uncle sam".
Brainwashed to believe in 'the man' and his plans.
Slavery doesn't segregate anymore.
We're all in on this together.
This time.
We stand in unison.
All in on this together.
Revolution is freedom.
"I love this country...but f this government!"
Jodie LindaMae Dec 2013
We writers are insane.
All of us.
We revel in our own sad mess
While picking green grapes
Off the wallpaper,
Smecking away like mad
At the wondrous juices
Of the imaginary, judicial
Forbidden Fruit.

We, like Hemingway,
Take our scotch in the morning
And our gin at night
And try with brutal, lashing effort
To make it through
Everything in-between.

We have put ourselves in shoes
We will never be able to walk in.
We must walk miles as
Linguists, as
Assassins, as
Outsiders, as
victims, as
AIDS sufferers, as
Brutalizers of women.
We must deal with their pain
As if it were housed in our own entity of being.

J.D. Salinger wrote that
His literary son, Holden,
Wore a “people-shooting” hat and
Made it **** clear that he suffered from wild
And erratic fits of overwhelming depression.
Writing from a bunker
Far from his wife, kids and home,
His stories sparked ****** in the hearts
Of already oppressed men
With “people-shooting” hats of their own.
We must toil with language;
Put it in the corner,
Love it, hate it,
Shift it and slave daily with it.
We must lose hours upon hours upon
Days of sleep
Before we find ourselves
Dangerously asleep at the wheel in front of us
In order to make the slightest change in our regular ways.
Even then,
Our handwriting only becomes sloppier
And our words,
Only fiercer.

Kaysen, alone in a psych ward
With women who slept around and
Tried to maul each other,
Wrote diligently
To try to release the the demon
Boiling the very blood inside her veins.
But demons do not disappear easily
And unfortunately,
Neither do the tortuous memories.

Even today,
They attempt to label me
With words of the disturbed.
Floods my synapses and neurons.
Happily urinates on my serotonin levels.
I bring myself to write
The effigy of the ******
Day by day
As my pen scratches paper
And the doctors expect razor to scratch skin
Though it never has
And never will.

Writers are psychos.
We all are.
We remain the mad, psychotic, literate monsters
Who worm our ways
Into your head.
We nestle beside your dreams and fantasies,
Waiting to strike
And tear them apart or,
If you’re lucky,
Build them up.
A woman writer named Sylvia
Once put her head in the oven
Because the writer-demons were driving her to madness
And they wouldn’t leave her be.

Handling us is a torture
Only the most eloquent and experienced reader
Could enjoy.

Love Always,
Salinger and
Plath and
Kesey and
Vonnegut and
Burgess and
King and
Sandburg and
Snicket and
Hemingway and
Palahniuk and
Kaysen and
Gaimen and
Green and
Trumbo and…

Note: I wanted to be able to read this almost in the voice of either Shaggy from ******-Do or like a really nervous like, crazy kind of guy in a group session. So hopefully if you can imagine any of those voices while reading this then it'll make it even better.

Hello, my name's Paul Lauer. This is my first group kind of session so I guess I'll start off by saying I have an addiction ! I can't stop doing it, no matter where I go. In my room, in the shower, in the woods, in my therapist bathroom like four year ago before it was my turn to have my thoughts dissected. I feel so ***** admitting it but I think it's time I washed my hands of this when I say: I love to daydream.

   I know, some of you may or may not be shocked. It's almost obvious to the ones who see through my facade of a confident white teenager. For starters my shaky left hand, constantly gripping my sturdy, hard pen while I put thoughts onto paper. Each word sloppier the faster I write, ink spewing itself then drying awkwardly on my pinky cause lefties drag when they write.

   The more I think the greater intensity the daydream is. It's like I'm in the fantasy itself. Don't get me wrong though, I like romance just as much as the next person does. But there's just something about spontaneous daydreaming that gets me so heated, I can feel my blood pumping faster throughout my body it feels like I might pass out from exhaustion.

   I feel so ashamed but when I whip my imagination out in public I just can't stop. I have to see through it to the very bitter tasting end. Does the warrior save his girlfriend from the onslaught of giant evil robots trying to crush them? I don't know, but what I do know is that I love to use my imagination while I daydream.

Especially in public.
Kitt Apr 2019
she drinks in his kisses like sips of liquor
more potent than the champagne he pours into her mouth
bubbles rising within her

her vision dips
he gives another sip
her gaze drops
like ***** on the rocks

he's in his feelings now
his temper flares
her wrists are bare
the game goes on

the dance gets sloppier
as the floor gives way
they fall through to the mattress
his arms around her

anger fuels passion from long ago
pulsing his blood
the lights are low and red
there's a heat in the night that burns

there is no more dancing
the steps have turned to caresses
drunk on romance
she breaks the lock on her pants

and by morning she is alone with her hangover
Jennifer Weiss Nov 2016
Dear you,
I might not know you yet either,
but this letter will be different.

You will be different

I say that because it is true.
Not because he was wrong, or bad,
but he wasn't you.

You are holy and set apart.
As am I.
You were made for me,
and I for you.
And we will get it right at last,
Oh sweet promise of the Lord.
You have been worth waiting for.

I may not have waited as long as you.
I may have been sloppier with my life.
I may disagree with you and be stubborn
and try to take the lead.
But you will know me
And choose me anyways.

And that is why I will love you,
with a true love that reflects
the love of God.

And for all of that,
and for all that I remain unaware of,
I am waiting.

But I had to write you to say,
I'm not looking.
I am not striving.
I'm no longer searching,
and trying to force things to happen.

I am resting.
And serving,
And seeking...
the face of God

Because you are only to love me as He already loves me.
So, I'm going to the source.
And I'll see you some day soon.
I know you're waiting too.
I know you'll know what to do.
Hannah Lorrelle Nov 2017
At least I'm writing again
even though it's sloppier
than kindergarten scribbles.

At least I'm writing again
even if it's darker
than a moonless January night.

At least I'm writing again
even if it's not
easing any pain.
Quinn Oct 2014
we spent our days
locked away in room-
plywood levels of madness
with red lights lacing the top

i was always seeing double
through camera lens and
whiskey goggles

these were my friends,
the bearded boys that could
have passed for homeless men

butkisses and parades,
that's how we partied,
day in and day out,
sun up and sun down

when one left, he was
never replaced, but a cutout
of his face stood as a
reminder that we would
all eventually go

gloved hands held
cheap bears, and cassettes
filled up all of our fears-
did you? covered in
shaving cream, bras in
the oven, deep fried
monstrosities called
ice cream

we fell in and out of
beds, onto wood floors
filthy with forties, and
labels reminded us of
the difference between
windows and walls

hands printed memories
on flesh and fabric,
as organs were kept
alive in the attic by
a stroke of their keys

i could return to the
porch with no railings
and relive each moment,
each night that reeled
us in and spit us out,
sloppier than the saliva
that landed on the sidewalk

these were my friends-
wasted, wandering and free
Frisk Jul 2014
my mind is an infinity with depths left undusted like
an old library of memories. each book has a specific name
of singular people who has come in contact with me.
some books are coated with dust and probably will
be left that way. my handwriting has gotten sloppier
over the past few years and i don't blame anyone for it.
these hands waiver terribly like the few seconds before
a storm. somehow, i imagine your library to be a pile
of books  strewn haphazardly all over the floor. some
spines are worn out but you still turn the pages. there's
a few books that have been set on fire and burn marks like
cigarettes pressed onto sidewalks. there is always a
few books left open, but i'm sure you forgot my name
and left me sitting on the floor for a while like a gardener
who let their roses wilt because they forgot about their
passion. passion does have a breaking point.

- kra
don't forget about me.
Alysia Michelle Sep 2014
writing essays is an art form
writing poetry is easy
no real requirements
as sloppy as you'd like
the sloppier the better
emotion shines through
no word count to limit you
no punctuation required
you are free to write what you want
not restricted by a prompt
i would rather write poetry
but it seems with essays, i am swamped.
Shayla Ahrns Nov 2015
I wanted to tell you
In the most poetic way

But you know me,
You know I could never be
A poet out loud

Because when I write
I am sloppy
And when I speak
I am sloppier

My feelings require too much
To ever be a poet
With my mouth

And with fear in my heart
Shaking palms and
Weak knees and
Every dream of what we could be

I am no poet, in your presence
I am simply aware
Of you
Aware of your ocean eyes
And your laugh that echoes for miles

I am aware
That I could speak to you
In a way that I write
And it would not change
The motionless movements I feel
When you tell me
Your feelings for me
Are not equal
To mine for you

I am aware
That I will never be
A poet with my mouth
But with my love.
The Jolteon Sep 2017
The things we used
To say to each other
We would tear
Each other apart
The words that
Came out of my mouth
The words that
Came from my fingers
Cutting you with
My tongue
Just to watch
You bleed
And you would ask
Why are you saying that
Is that what you really
Think of me
Jealousy and hate
All inside of me
I added you too
But you always stayed
My words came from
Resentment and anger
Upset with the way
You were living your life
The only person to blame
For being with you
Is me
In the end
I should have known better
Then to believe
That what you said
Was true
But we ended up
I loved you
You loved me too
So why did we commit
To one another
Moving in
When so far away
You hated being here
Right when I was ready to change
You wanted to go back home
You wanted me to feel your pain
Then came the drinking
The angry drinking
The sloppy fights
Even sloppier nights
Then came the sorrys
The I didn't mean its
The I love yous
The dont leave mes
And that's how we did it
Push and pull
Give and tug
Until the string snapped
You used your fists
To decide how it ends
The next morning
Kicked you out of our bed
sandra wyllie Dec 2018
I cut out pieces of myself to fit in.
I wasn’t me; I was someone else’s twin.
I was a duplicate ran through the copier.
Looking as the rest, maybe a little sloppier.

I didn’t know who I was anymore.
I wasn’t sure who I was doing this for.
I wanted to be me, whoever that was.
I wanted to fit in for no reason, just because.

I wanted to be loved, but at what cost?
Those pieces I cut out got tossed.
I looked in the mirror and what did I see?
An abbreviated version of what used to be me.
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
There are roaring nonsense in the dugout cavities of Congolese skulls; cultural barriers are also deliberately dismantled by the puffing tabloid media! In the luminous sense, slowed-down, otherworldly loads reverse all the way down to the playback of low-cost stages! As an unfaithful companion, everyone was sniffed by infected, phlegmatic indifference! It is becoming increasingly difficult to paddle from the prison darkness of a closed blockade to the liberation workshops of literature! Shows sparking about the monotonous, jerky goodness of the show, and thirty minutes is enough to say, "How are you feeling?" - to get around the issue!
Grinning silly, chirping idiot kittens are already entangled in the barely livable everyday life, and if a cultural bankruptcy guard shows up, they will kick back into the Stone Age without silence! This is how a consumer, multicultural mass society becomes a self-digesting rust graveyard that is always skillful, small-style pimps pocketing the infected benefits! "Who else would faithfully serve in ivory towers produces a forgotten, lasting idea to throw away, and everyone is dizzy by the disgust of their remaining chivalrous good manners!"
It is seldom possible to create the idea of pallorizing the etiquette of tangled behaviors in slums that are sloppier than eggshells, and those who have believed to the death that Man can remain this current money-loving extremist.

— The End —