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Flood-Tide below me! I see you face to face!
Clouds of the west—sun there half an hour high—I see you also face
   to face.

Crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes, how curious
   you are to me!
On the ferry-boats the hundreds and hundreds that cross, returning
   home, are more curious to me than you suppose,
And you that shall cross from shore to shore years hence are more
   to me, and more in my meditations, than you might suppose.

The impalpable sustenance of me from all things at all hours of the
The simple, compact, well-join’d scheme, myself disintegrated, every
   one disintegrated yet part of the scheme,
The similitudes of the past and those of the future,
The glories strung like beads on my smallest sights and hearings, on
   the walk in the street and the passage over the river,
The current rushing so swiftly and swimming with me far away,
The others that are to follow me, the ties between me and them,
The certainty of others, the life, love, sight, hearing of others.

Others will enter the gates of the ferry and cross from shore to
Others will watch the run of the flood-tide,
Others will see the shipping of Manhattan north and west, and the
   heights of Brooklyn to the south and east,
Others will see the islands large and small;
Fifty years hence, others will see them as they cross, the sun half
   an hour high,
A hundred years hence, or ever so many hundred years hence, others
   will see them,
Will enjoy the sunset, the pouring-in of the flood-tide, the
   falling-back to the sea of the ebb-tide.

It avails not, time nor place—distance avails not,
I am with you, you men and women of a generation, or ever so many
   generations hence,
Just as you feel when you look on the river and sky, so I felt,
Just as any of you is one of a living crowd, I was one of a crowd,
Just as you are refresh’d by the gladness of the river and the
   bright flow, I was refresh’d,
Just as you stand and lean on the rail, yet hurry with the swift
   current, I stood yet was hurried,
Just as you look on the numberless masts of ships and the
   thick-stemm’d pipes of steamboats, I look’d.

I too many and many a time cross’d the river of old,
Watched the Twelfth-month sea-gulls, saw them high in the air
   floating with motionless wings, oscillating their bodies,
Saw how the glistening yellow lit up parts of their bodies and left
   the rest in strong shadow,
Saw the slow-wheeling circles and the gradual edging toward the
Saw the reflection of the summer sky in the water,
Had my eyes dazzled by the shimmering track of beams,
Look’d at the fine centrifugal spokes of light round the shape of my
   head in the sunlit water,
Look’d on the haze on the hills southward and south-westward,
Look’d on the vapor as it flew in fleeces tinged with violet,
Look’d toward the lower bay to notice the vessels arriving,
Saw their approach, saw aboard those that were near me,
Saw the white sails of schooners and sloops, saw the ships at
The sailors at work in the rigging or out astride the spars,
The round masts, the swinging motion of the hulls, the slender
   serpentine pennants,
The large and small steamers in motion, the pilots in their

The white wake left by the passage, the quick tremulous whirl of the
The flags of all nations, the falling of them at sunset,
The scallop-edged waves in the twilight, the ladled cups, the
   frolic-some crests and glistening,
The stretch afar growing dimmer and dimmer, the gray walls of the
   granite storehouses by the docks,
On the river the shadowy group, the big steam-tug closely flank’d on
   each side by the barges, the hay-boat, the belated lighter,
On the neighboring shore the fires from the foundry chimneys burning
   high and glaringly into the night,
Casting their flicker of black contrasted with wild red and yellow
   light over the tops of houses, and down into the clefts of

These and all else were to me the same as they are to you,
I loved well those cities, loved well the stately and rapid river,
The men and women I saw were all near to me,
Others the same-others who look back on me because I look’d forward
   to them,
(The time will come, though I stop here to-day and to-night.)

What is it then between us?
What is the count of the scores or hundreds of years between us?

Whatever it is, it avails not—distance avails not, and place avails
I too lived, Brooklyn of ample hills was mine,
I too walk’d the streets of Manhattan island, and bathed in the
   waters around it,
I too felt the curious abrupt questionings stir within me,
In the day among crowds of people sometimes they came upon me,
In my walks home late at night or as I lay in my bed they came upon
I too had been struck from the float forever held in solution,
I too had receiv’d identity by my body,
That I was I knew was of my body, and what I should be I knew I
   should be of my body.

It is not upon you alone the dark patches fall,
The dark threw its patches down upon me also,

The best I had done seem’d to me blank and suspicious,
My great thoughts as I supposed them, were they not in reality
Nor is it you alone who know what it is to be evil,
I am he who knew what it was to be evil,
I too knitted the old knot of contrariety,
Blabb’d, blush’d, resented, lied, stole, grudg’d,
Had guile, anger, lust, hot wishes I dared not speak,
Was wayward, vain, greedy, shallow, sly, cowardly, malignant,
The wolf, the snake, the hog, not wanting in me.
The cheating look, the frivolous word, the adulterous wish, not

Refusals, hates, postponements, meanness, laziness, none of these
Was one with the rest, the days and haps of the rest,
Was call’d by my nighest name by clear loud voices of young men as
   they saw me approaching or passing,
Felt their arms on my neck as I stood, or the negligent leaning of
   their flesh against me as I sat,
Saw many I loved in the street or ferry-boat or public assembly, yet
   never told them a word,
Lived the same life with the rest, the same old laughing, gnawing,
Play’d the part that still looks back on the actor or actress,
The same old role, the role that is what we make it, as great as we
Or as small as we like, or both great and small.

Closer yet I approach you,
What thought you have of me now, I had as much of you—I laid in my
   stores in advance,
I consider’d long and seriously of you before you were born.

Who was to know what should come home to me?
Who knows but I am enjoying this?
Who knows, for all the distance, but I am as good as looking at you
   now, for all you cannot see me?

Ah, what can ever be more stately and admirable to me than
   mast-hemm’d Manhattan?
River and sunset and scallop-edg’d waves of flood-tide?
The sea-gulls oscillating their bodies, the hay-boat in the
   twilight, and the belated lighter?

What gods can exceed these that clasp me by the hand, and with
   voices I love call me promptly and loudly by my nighest name as
What is more subtle than this which ties me to the woman or man that
   looks in my face?
Which fuses me into you now, and pours my meaning into you?

We understand then do we not?
What I promis’d without mentioning it, have you not accepted?
What the study could not teach—what the preaching could not
   accomplish is accomplish’d, is it not?

Flow on, river! flow with the flood-tide, and ebb with the ebb-tide!
Frolic on, crested and scallop-edg’d waves!
Gorgeous clouds of the sunset! drench with your splendor me, or the
   men and women generations after me!
Cross from shore to shore, countless crowds of passengers!
Stand up, tall masts of Mannahatta! stand up, beautiful hills of
Throb, baffled and curious brain! throw out questions and answers!
Suspend here and everywhere, eternal float of solution!
Gaze, loving and thirsting eyes, in the house or street or public
Sound out, voices of young men! loudly and musically call me by my
   nighest name!
Live, old life! play the part that looks back on the actor or
Play the old role, the role that is great or small according as one
   makes it!
Consider, you who peruse me, whether I may not in unknown ways be
   looking upon you;
Be firm, rail over the river, to support those who lean idly, yet
   haste with the hasting current;
Fly on, sea-birds! fly sideways, or wheel in large circles high in
   the air;
Receive the summer sky, you water, and faithfully hold it till all
   downcast eyes have time to take it from you!
Diverge, fine spokes of light, from the shape of my head, or any
   one’s head, in the sunlit water!
Come on, ships from the lower bay! pass up or down, white-sail’d
   schooners, sloops, lighters!
Flaunt away, flags of all nations! be duly lower’d at sunset!
Burn high your fires, foundry chimneys! cast black shadows at
   nightfall! cast red and yellow light over the tops of the houses!

Appearances, now or henceforth, indicate what you are,
You necessary film, continue to envelop the soul,
About my body for me, and your body for you, be hung our divinest
Thrive, cities—bring your freight, bring your shows, ample and
   sufficient rivers,
Expand, being than which none else is perhaps more spiritual,
Keep your places, objects than which none else is more lasting.

You have waited, you always wait, you dumb, beautiful ministers,
We receive you with free sense at last, and are insatiate
Not you any more shall be able to foil us, or withhold yourselves
   from us,
We use you, and do not cast you aside—we plant you permanently
   within us,
We fathom you not—we love you—there is perfection in you also,
You furnish your parts toward eternity,
Great or small, you furnish your parts toward the soul.
Michael R Burch Oct 2020
O, the Horror! Halloween Poetry!

Halloween Poetry: Dark, Eerie, Haunting and Scary poems about Ghosts, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Reanimated Corpses and "Things that go Bump in the Night!"

Thin Kin
by Michael R. Burch

Tell us what you lack...
the ability to love,
your flesh so slack?

Will we frighten you,
grown as pale & unsound,
when we also haunt
the unhallowed ground?

The Witch
by Michael R. Burch

her fingers draw into claws
she cackles through rotting teeth...
u ask "are there witches?"
… pshaw! …
(yet she has my belief)

by Michael R. Burch

Vampires are such fragile creatures;
we dread the dark, but the light destroys them...
sunlight, or a stake, or a cross ― such common things.

Still, late at night, when the bat-like vampire sings,
we shrink from his voice.

Centuries have taught us:
in shadows danger lurks for those who stray,
and there the vampire bares his yellow fangs
and feels the ancient soul-tormenting pangs.
He has no choice.

We are his prey, plump and fragrant,
and if we pray to avoid him, he earnestly prays to find us...
prays to some despotic hooded God
whose benediction is the humid blood
he lusts to taste.

by Michael R. Burch

Black waters,
deep and dark and still...
all men have passed this way,
or will.

Charon, the ferrymen who carried the dead across the River Styx to their eternal destination, has been portrayed by artists and poets as a vampiric figure.

Revenge of the Halloween Monsters
by Michael R. Burch

The Halloween monsters, incensed,
keep howling, and may be UNFENCED!!!
They’re angry that children with treats
keep throwing their trash IN THE STREETS!!!

You can check it out on your computer:
Google says, “Please don’t be a POLLUTER!!!”
The Halloween monsters agree,
so if you’re a litterbug, FLEE!!!

Kids, if you’d like more treats this year
and don’t want to cower in FEAR,
please make all the mean monsters happy,
and they’ll hand out sweet treats like they’re sappy!

So if you eat treats on the drag
and don't want huge monsters to nag,
please put all loose trash in your BAG!!!

NOTE: If you recite the poem, get the kids to huddle up close, then yell the all-caps parts like you’re one of the unhappy monsters, and perhaps "goose" them as well. They'll get the message.

It's Halloween!
by Michael R. Burch

If evening falls
on graveyard walls
far softer than a sigh;

if shadows fly
moon-sickled skies,
while children toss their heads

uneasy in their beds,
beware the witch's eye!

If goblins loom
within the gloom
till playful pups grow terse;

if birds give up their verse
to comfort chicks they nurse,
while children dream weird dreams

of ugly, wiggly things,
beware the serpent's curse!

If spirits scream
in haunted dreams
while ancient sibyls rise

to plague nightmarish skies
one night without disguise,

while children toss about
uneasy, full of doubt,
beware the Devil's lies...

it's Halloween!

by Michael R. Burch

White in the shadows
I see your face,
unbidden. Go, tell

Love it is commonplace;
tell Regret it is not so rare.

Our love is not here
though you smile,
full of sedulous grace.

Lost in darkness, I fear
the past is our resting place.

All Hallows Eve
by Michael R. Burch

What happened to the mysterious Tuatha De Danann, to the Ban Shee (from which we get the term “banshee”) and, eventually, to the Druids? One might assume that with the passing of Merlyn, Morgan le Fay and their ilk, the time of myths and magic ended. This poem is an epitaph of sorts.

In the ruins
of the dreams
and the schemes
of men;

when the moon
begets the tide
and the wide
sea sighs;

when a star
appears in heaven
and the raven

we will dance
and we will revel
in the devil’s

if nevermore again.

Pale Though Her Eyes
by Michael R. Burch

Pale though her eyes,
her lips are scarlet
from drinking of blood,
this child, this harlot

born of the night
and her heart, of darkness,
evil incarnate
to dance so reckless,

dreaming of blood,
her fangs ― white ― baring,

revealing her lust,
and her eyes, pale, staring...

Like Angels, Winged
by Michael R. Burch

Like angels ― winged,
shimmering, misunderstood ―
they flit beyond our understanding
being neither evil, nor good.

They are as they are...
and we are their lovers, their prey;
they seek us out when the moon is full
and dream of us by day.

Their eyes ― hypnotic, alluring ―
trap ours with their strange appeal
till like flame-drawn moths, we gather...
to see, to touch, to feel.

Held in their arms, enchanted,
we feel their lips, so old!,
till with their gorging kisses
we warm them, growing cold.

by Michael R. Burch

He comes to me out of the shadows, acknowledging
my presence with a tip of his hat, always the gentleman,
and his eyes are on mine like a snake’s on a bird’s ―
quizzical, mesmerizing.

He ***** his head as though something he heard intrigues him
(although I hear nothing) and he smiles, amusing himself at my expense;
his words are full of desire and loathing, and while I hear everything,
he says nothing I understand.

The moon shines ― maniacal, queer ― as he takes my hand whispering

Our time has come... And so we stroll together creaking docks
where the sea sends sickening things
scurrying under rocks and boards.

Moonlight washes his ashen face as he stares unseeing into my eyes.
He sighs, and the sound crawls slithering down my spine;
my blood seems to pause at his touch as he caresses my face.
He unfastens my dress till the white lace shows, and my neck is bared.

His teeth are long, yellow and hard, his face bearded and haggard.
A wolf howls in the distance. There are no wolves in New York. I gasp.
My blood is a trickle his wet tongue embraces. My heart races madly.
He likes it like that.

Sometimes the Dead
by Michael R. Burch

Sometimes we catch them out of the corners of our eyes ―
the pale dead.
After they have fled
the gourds of their bodies, like escaping fragrances they rise.

Once they have become a cloud’s mist, sometimes like the rain
they descend;
they appear, sometimes silver like laughter,
to gladden the hearts of men.

Sometimes like a pale gray fog, they drift
unencumbered, yet lumbrously,
as if over the sea
there was the lightest vapor even Atlas could not lift.

Sometimes they haunt our dreams like forgotten melodies
only half-remembered.
Though they lie dismembered
in black catacombs, sepulchers and dismal graves; although they have committed felonies,

yet they are us. Someday soon we will meet them in the graveyard dust
blood-engorged, but never sated
since Cain slew Abel.
But until we become them, let us steadfastly forget them, even as we know our children must...

by Michael R. Burch

Your fingers end in talons—
the ones you trim to hide
the predator inside.

Ten thousand creatures sacrificed;
but really, what’s the loss?
Apply a splash of gloss.

You picked the perfect color
to mirror nature’s law:
red, like tooth and claw.

Published by The HyperTexts

Siren Song
by Michael R. Burch

The Lorelei’s
soft cries
entreat mariners to save her...

How can they resist
her faint voice through the mist?

Soon she will savor
the flavor
of sweet human flesh.

How Long the Night (anonymous Old English Lyric)
loose translation by Michael R. Burch

It is pleasant, indeed, while the summer lasts
with the mild pheasants' song...
but now I feel the northern wind's blast ―
its severe weather strong.
Alas! Alas! This night seems so long!
And I, because of my momentous wrong
now grieve, mourn and fast.

The Wild Hunt
by Michael R. Burch

Near Devon, the hunters appear in the sky
with Artur and Bedwyr sounding the call;
and the others, laughing, go dashing by.
They only appear when the moon is full:

Valerin, the King of the Tangled Wood,
and Valynt, the goodly King of Wales,
Gawain and Owain and the hearty men
who live on in many minstrels’ tales.

They seek the white stag on a moonlit moor,
or Torc Triath, the fabled boar,
or Ysgithyrwyn, or Twrch Trwyth,
the other mighty boars of myth.

They appear, sometimes, on Halloween
to chase the moon across the green,
then fade into the shadowed hills
where memory alone prevails.

The Vampire's Spa Day Dream
by Michael R. Burch

O, to swim in vats of blood!
I wish I could, I wish I could!
O, 'twould be
so heavenly
to swim in lovely vats of blood!

The poem above was inspired by a Josh Parkinson depiction of Elizabeth Bathory up to her nostrils in the blood of her victims, with their skulls floating in the background.

by Michael R. Burch

Nevermore! O, nevermore!
shall the haunts of the sea
― the swollen tide pools
and the dark, deserted shore ―
mark her passing again.

And the salivating sea
shall never kiss her lips
nor caress her ******* and hips,
as she dreamt it did before,
once, lost within the uproar.

The waves will never **** her,
nor take her at their leisure;
the sea gulls shall not have her,
nor could she give them pleasure...
She sleeps, forevermore!

She sleeps forevermore,
a ****** save to me
and her other lover,
who lurks now, safely smothered
by the restless, surging sea.

And, yes, they sleep together,
but never in that way...
For the sea has stripped and shorn
the one I once adored,
and washed her flesh away.

He does not stroke her honey hair,
for she is bald, bald to the bone!
And how it fills my heart with glee
to hear them sometimes cursing me
out of the depths of the demon sea...

their skeletal love ― impossibility!

Dark Gothic
by Michael R. Burch

Her fingers are filed into talons;
she smiles with carnivorous teeth...
You ask, “Are there vampires?”
― Get real! ―
(Yet she has my belief.)

Epitaph for a Palestinian Child
by Michael R. Burch

I lived as best I could, and then I died.
Be careful where you step: the grave is wide.

Athenian Epitaphs (Gravestone Inscriptions of the Ancient Greeks)

Mariner, do not ask whose tomb this may be,
but go with good fortune: I wish you a kinder sea.
― Michael R. Burch, after Plato

Does my soul abide in heaven, or hell?
Only the sea gulls in their high, lonely circuits may tell.
― Michael R. Burch, after Glaucus

tell the Spartans we lie
lifeless at Thermopylae:
dead at their word,
obedient to their command.
Have they heard?
Do they understand?
― Michael R. Burch, after Simonides

Completing the Pattern
by Michael R. Burch

Walk with me now, among the transfixed dead
who kept life’s compact and who thus endure
harsh sentence here―among pink-petaled beds
and manicured green lawns. The sky’s azure,
pale blue once like their eyes, will gleam blood-red
at last when sunset staggers to the door
of each white mausoleum, to inquire―
What use, O things of erstwhile loveliness?

by Michael R. Burch

after Robert Graves, with a nod to Mary Shelley

I have come to the dark side of things
where the bat sings
its evasive radar
and Want is a crooked forefinger
attached to a gelatinous wing.

I have grown animate here, a stitched corpse
hooked to electrodes.
And night
moves upon me―progenitor of life
with its foul breath.

Blind eyes have their second sight
and still are deceived. Now my nature
is softly to moan
as Desire carries me
swooningly across her threshold.

is less infinite than her crone’s
gargantuan hooked nose, her driveling lips.
I eye her ecstatically―her dowager figure,
and there is something about her that my words transfigure
to a consuming emptiness.

We are at peace
with each other; this is our venture―
swaying, the strings tautening, as tightropes
tauten, as love tightens, constricts
to the first note.

Lyre of our hearts’ pits,
orchestration of nothing, adits
of emptiness! We have come to the last of our hopes,
sweet as congealed blood sweetens for flies.

Need is reborn; love dies.

Deliver Us ...
by Michael R. Burch

The night is dark and scary―
under your bed, or upon it.

That blazing light might be a star ...
or maybe the Final Comet.

But two things are sure: your mother’s love
and your puppy’s kisses, doggonit!

the Horror
by Michael R. Burch

the Horror lurks inside our closets
the Horror hides beneath our beds
the Horror hisses ancient curses
the Horror whispers in our heads

the Horror tells us Death is coming
the Horror tells us there’s no hope
the Horror tells us “life” is futile
the Horror beckons, “there’s the Rope!”

by Michael R. Burch

There are things we surrender
to the attic gloom:
they haunt us at night
with shrill, querulous voices.

There are choices we made
yet did not pursue,
behind windows we shuttered
then failed to remember.

There are canisters sealed
that we cannot reopen,
and others long broken
that nothing can heal.

There are things we conceal
that our anger dismembered,
gray leathery faces
the rafters reveal.

by Michael R. Burch

Oh, Wendy, by the firelight, how sad!
How worn and gray your auburn hair became!
You’re very silent, like an evening rain
that trembles on dark petals. Tears you’ve shed
for days we laughed together, glisten now;
your flesh became translucent; and your brow
knits, gathered loosely. By the well-made bed
three portraits hang with knowing eyes, beloved,
but mine is not among them. Time has proved
our hearts both strangely mortal. If I said
I loved you once, how is it that could change?
And yet I watch you fondly; love is strange . . .

Oh, Peter, by the firelight, how bright
my thought of you remains, and if I said
I loved you once, then took him to my bed,
I did it for the need of love, one night
when you were far away. My heart endured
transfigurement―in flaming ash inured
to heartbreak and the violence of sight:
I saw myself grow old and thin and frail
with thinning hair about me, like a veil . . .
And so I loved him for myself, despite
the love between us―our first startled kiss.
But then I loved him for his humanness.
And then we both grew old, and it was right . . .

Oh, Wendy, if I fly, I fly beyond
these human hearts, these cities walled and tiered
against the night, beyond this vale of tears,
for love, if it exists, dies with the years . . .

No, Peter, love is constant as the heart
that keeps till its last beat a measured pace
and sets the fixtures of its dreams in place
by beds at first well-used, at last well-made,
and counts each face a joy, each tear a grace . . .

by Michael R. Burch

What I ache to say is beyond saying―
no words for the horror
of not loving enough,
like a mummy half-wrapped in its moldering casements
holding a lily aloft.

No, there are no words for the horror
as a tormented wind howls through the teetering floes
and the cold freezes down to my clawed hairy toes ...

What use to me, now, if the stars appear?
As I moan
the moon finds me,
fangs goring the deer.

Strange Corps(e)
by Michael R. Burch

We are all dying, haunted by life―
dying, but the living will not let us go.
We are perishing zombies, haunted by the moonglow.

With what animation we, shuffling, return
nightly, to worry Love’s worm-eaten corpse,
till, living or dead, she is wholly ours.

We are the dying, enamored of “life”―
the palest of auras, the eeriest call.
We stagger to attention ... stumble ... fall.

We have only one thought―Love’s peculiar notion,
that our duty’s to “live,” though such “living” means
night’s horrific wild hungers, its stranger dreams.

We now “live” on the flesh of eroded dreams
and no longer recoil at the victims’ screams.

Love, ah! serene ghost
by Michael R. Burch

Love, ah! serene ghost,
haunts my retelling of her,
or stands atop despairing stairs
with such pale, severe eyes,
I become another pallid specter.

But what I feel
most profoundly is this:
the absolute lack of her kiss,
the absence of her wild,
unwarranted laughter.

So that,
like a candle deprived of oxygen,
I become mere wick and tallow again.
Here and hereafter ...
gone with her now, in the darkest of nights, the flame!

I lie, pallid vision of man―the same
wan ghost of her palpitations’ claim
on my heart
that I was before.

I love her beyond and despite even shame.

by Michael R. Burch

Then earth was heaven too, a perfect garden.
Apples burgeoned and shone―unplucked on sagging boughs.
What, then, would the children eat?
Fruit indecently sweet,
redolent as incense, with a tempting aroma ...

by Michael R. Burch

There was a rose, a prescient shade of crimson,
the very color of blood,
that bloomed in that garden.

The most dazzling of all the Earth’s flowers,
men have forgotten it now,
with their fanciful tales of apples and serpents.

Beasts with lips called the goreflower “Love.”

The scribes have the story all wrong: four were there,
four horrid dark creatures―chattering, bickering.
Aduhm placed one red petal in Ehve’s matted hair;

he was lost in her arms
till dawn sullen and golden
imperceptibly streaked the musk-fragrant air.

Two flared nostrils quivered, two eyes remained open.

Kahyn sought me that evening, his bloodless lips curled
in a grimacelike smile. Sunken-cheeked, he approached me
in the Caverns of Similitudes, eerie Barzakh.

“We are outcasts, my brother!, God quickly deserts us.”
As though his anguish conceived in insight’s first blush
might not pale next to mine in Sheol’s gray realm.

“Shining Creature!” he named me and called me divine
as he lavished damp kisses upon my bright scales.
“Help me find me one rare gift to put Love’s gift to shame.”

“There is a dark rose with a bittersweet fragrance
as pungent as cloves: only man knows its name.
Clinging and cloying, it destroys all it touches . . .”

“But red is Ehve’s preference; while Envy is green.”
He was downcast a moment, a moment, a moment . . .
“Ah, but red is the color of blood!”

Disagreeable child, far too clever for his own good.

Published in The Bible of Hell (anthology)

No One
by Michael R. Burch

No One hears the bells tonight;
they tell him something isn’t right.
But No One is not one to rush;
he lies in grasses greenly lush
as far away a startled thrush
flees from horned owls in sinking flight.

No One hears the cannon’s roar
and muses that its voice means war
comes knocking on men’s doors tonight.
He sleeps outside in awed delight
beneath the enigmatic stars
and shivers in their cooling light.

No One knows the world will end,
that he’ll be lonely, without friend
or foe to conquer. All will be
once more, celestial harmony.
He’ll miss men’s voices, now and then,
but worlds can be remade again.

by Michael R. Burch

Undersea, by the shale and the coral forming,
by the shell’s pale rose and the pearl’s white eye,
through the sea’s green bed of lank seaweed worming
like tangled hair where cold currents rise . . .
something lurks where the riptides sigh,
something old and pale and wise.

Something old when the world was forming
now lifts its beak, its snail-blind eye,
and with tentacles about it squirming,
it feels the cloud above it rise
and shudders, settles with a sigh,
knowing man’s demise draws nigh.

by Michael R. Burch

Lost in the cavernous blue silence of spring,
heavy-lidded and drowsy with slumber, I see
the dark gnats leap; the black flies fling
their slow, engorged bulks into the air above me.

Shimmering hordes of blue-green bottleflies sing
their monotonous laments; as I listen, they near
with the strange droning hum of their murmurous wings.

Though you said you would leave me, I prop you up here
and brush back red ants from your fine, tangled hair,
whispering, “I do!” . . . as the gaunt vultures stare.

by Michael R. Burch

Where there was nothing
but emptiness
and hollow chaos and despair,

I sought Her ...

finding only the darkness
and mournful silence
of the wind entangling her hair.

Yet her name was like prayer.

Now she is the vast
starry tinctures of emptiness
flickering everywhere

within me and about me.

Yes, she is the darkness,
and she is the silence
of twilight and the night air.

Yes, she is the chaos
and she is the madness
and they call her Contraire.

Dark Twin
by Michael R. Burch

You come to me
out of the sun―
my dark twin, unreal . . .

And you are always near
although I cannot touch you;
although I trample you, you cannot feel . . .

And we cannot be parted,
nor can we ever meet
except at the feet.

East End, 1888
by Michael R. Burch

Past darkened storefronts,
hunched and contorted, bent with need
through chilling rain, he walks alone
till down the glistening cobblestones
deliberate footsteps pause, resume.

He follows, by a pub confronts
a pasty face, an overbright smile,
lips intimating easy bliss,
a boisterous, over-eager tongue.

She barters what she has to sell;
her honeyed words seem cloying, stale―
pale, tainted things of sticky guile.

A rustle of her petticoats,
a flash of bulging milk-white breast
. . . the price is set: a crown. “A tip,
a shilling more is yours,” he quotes,
“to wash your privates.” She accepts.
Saliva glistens on his lips.

An alley. There, he lifts her gown,
in answer to her question, frowns,
says―“You can call me Jack, or Rip.”

East End, 1888 (II)
by Michael R. Burch

He slouched East
through a steady downpour,
a slovenly beast
befouling each puddle
with bright footprints of blood.

Outlined in a pub door,
lewdly, wantonly, she stood . . .
mocked and brazenly offered.

He took what he could
till she afforded no more.

Now a single bright copper
glints becrimsoned by the door
of the pub where he met her.

He holds to his breast the one part
of her body she was unable to *****,
grips her heart to his wildly stammering heart . . .
unable to forgive or forget her.

Originally published by Penny Dreadful

Evil, the Rat
by Michael R. Burch

Evil lives in a hole like a rat
and sleeps in its feces,
fearing the cat.

At night it furtively creeps
through the house
while the cat sleeps.

It eats old excrement and gnaws
on steaming dung
and it will pause

between odd bites to sniff through the ****,
twitching and trembling,
for a scent of the cat ...

Evil, the rat.

by Michael R. Burch

Jesus was always misunderstood . . .
we have that, at least, in common.
And it’s true that I found him,
shriveled with hunger,
shivering in the desert,
skeletal, emaciate,
not an ounce of fat
to warm his bones
once the bright sun set.

And it’s true, I believe,
that I offered him something to eat―
a fig, perhaps, a pomegranate, or a peach.

Hardly the great “temptation”
of which I’m accused.

He was a likeable chap, really,
and we spent a pleasant hour
discussing God―
how hard He is to know,
and impossible to please.

I left him there, the pale supplicant,
all skin and bone, at the mouth of his cave,
imploring his “Master” on callused knees.

Published in The Bible of Hell (anthology)

Role Reversal
by Michael R. Burch

The fluted lips of statues
mock the bronze gaze
of the dying sun . . .

We are nonplused, they say,
smacking their wet lips,
jubilant . . .

We are always refreshed, always undying,
always young, forever unapologetic,
forever gay, smiling,

and though it seems man has made us,
on his last day, we will see him unmade―
we will watch him decay
as if he were clay,
and we had assumed his flesh,
hissing our disappointment.

by Michael R. Burch

I lift my eyes and laugh, Excelsior . . .
Why do you come, wan spirit, heaven-gowned,
complaining that I am no longer “pure?”

I threw myself before you, and you frowned,
so full of noble chastity, renowned
for leaving maidens maidens. In the dark

I sought love’s bright enchantment, but your lips
were stone; my fiery metal drew no spark
to light the cold dominions of your heart.

What realms were ours? What leasehold? And what claim
upon these territories, cold and dark,
do you seek now, pale phantom? Would you light

my heart in death and leave me ashen-white,
as you are white, extinguished by the Night?

by Michael R. Burch

Chiller than a winter day,
quieter than the murmur of the sea in her dreams,
eyes wilder than the crystal spray
of silver streams,
you fill my dying thoughts.

In moments drugged with sleep
I have heard your earnest voice
leaving me no choice
save heed your hushed demands
and meet you in the sands
of an ageless arctic world.

There I kiss your lifeless lips
as we quiver in the shoals
of a sea that endlessly rolls
to meet the shattered shore.

Wild waves weep, "Nevermore,"
as you bend to stroke my hair.

That land is harsh and drear,
and that sea is bleak and wild;
only your lips are mild
as you kiss my weary eyes,
whispering lovely lies
of what awaits us there
in a land so stark and bare,
beyond all hope . . . and care.

This is one of my early poems, written as a high school sophomore or junior.

The Watch
by Michael R. Burch

Moonlight spills down vacant sills,
illuminates an empty bed.
Dreams lie in crates. One hand creates
wan silver circles, left unread
by its companion—unmoved now
by anything that lies ahead.

I watch the minutes test the limits
of ornamental movement here,
where once another hand would hover.
Each circuit—incomplete. So dear,
so precious, so precise, the touch
of hands that wait, yet ask so much.

Originally published by The Lyric

Keywords/Tags: Halloween, dark, supernatural, skeleton, witch, ghost, vampire, monsters, ghoul, werewolf, goblins, occult, mrbhalloween, mrbhallow, mrbdark

Published as the collection "Halloween Poems"
Michael R Burch Dec 2020
These are poems about Adam and Eve, Lucifer aka Satan aka Mephistopheles, the Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, the forbidden fruit, "original sin," the Fall and its bitter aftermath...

by Michael R. Burch

Then earth was heaven too, a perfect garden.
Apples burgeoned and shone—unplucked on sagging boughs.
What, then, would the children eat? 
Fruit indecently sweet, 
redolent as incense, with a tempting aroma...

Why did the biblical god want to keep Adam and Eve in an animal state, not knowing good from evil and running around naked like animals? Good parents want their children to seek knowledge, so why did Yahweh ****** Adam and Eve for seeking knowledge? And why did Yahweh tell them it was evil to eat the forbidden fruit when he had denied them the ability to know good from evil? It was like putting poisoned milk before two cats and saying, "It's evil to drink the milk!" Of course cats have no concept of "evil" and just do what comes naturally. So, too, with Adam and Eve. If there was a fall, they were obviously set up to fall, by a terrible father.

Outcasts of Eden
by Michael R. Burch

There was a rose, a prescient shade of crimson, 
the very color of blood, 
that bloomed in that garden.

The most dazzling of all the Earth's flowers, 
men have forgotten it now, 
with their fanciful tales of apples and serpents.

Beasts with lips called the goreflower "Love."

The scribes have the story all wrong: four were there, 
four horrid dark creatures—chattering, bickering.

Aduhm placed one red petal in Ehve's matted hair; 

he was lost in her arms
till dawn sullen and golden
imperceptibly streaked the musk-fragrant air.

Two flared nostrils quivered, two eyes remained open.

Kahyn sought me that evening, his bloodless lips curled
in a grimacelike smile. Sunken-cheeked, he approached me
in the Caverns of Similitudes, eerie Barzakh.

"We are outcasts, my brother!, God quickly deserts us."
As though his anguish conceived in insight's first blush
might not pale next to mine in Sheol's gray realm.

"Shining Creature!" he named me and called me divine
as he lavished damp kisses upon my bright scales.
"Help me find me one rare gift to put Love's gift to shame."

"There is a dark rose with a bittersweet fragrance
as pungent as cloves: only man knows its name.
Clinging and cloying, it destroys all it touches..."

"But red is Ehve's preference; while Envy is green."
He was downcast a moment, a moment, a moment...
"Ah, but red is the color of blood!"

Disagreeable child, far too clever for his own good.

Published in The Bible of Hell (anthology) 

by Michael R. Burch

Jesus was always misunderstood...
we have that, at least, in common.

And it's true that I found him, 
shriveled with hunger, 
shivering in the desert, 
skeletal, emaciate, 
not an ounce of fat
to warm his bones
once the bright sun set.

And it's true, I believe, 
that I offered him something to eat—
a fig, perhaps, a pomegranate, or a peach.

Hardly the great "temptation"
of which I'm accused.

He was a likeable chap, really, 
and we spent a pleasant hour
discussing God—
how hard He is to know, 
and impossible to please.

I left him there, the pale supplicant, 
all skin and bone, at the mouth of his cave, 
imploring his "Master" on callused knees.

Published in The Bible of Hell (anthology) 

by michael r. burch

i was only a child
in a world dark and wild
seeking affection
in eyes mild

and in all my bright dreams
sweet love shimmered, beguiled ...

but the black-robed Priest
who called me the least
of all god’s creation
then spoke for the Beast:

He called my great passion a thing base, defiled!

He condemned me to hell,
the foul Ne’er-Do-Well,
for the sake of the copper
His Pig-Snout could smell
in the purse of my mother,
“the ***** jezebel.”

my sweet passions condemned
by degenerate men?
and she so devout
she exclaimed, “yay, aye-men!” ...

together we learned why Religion is hell.

by Michael R. Burch

For forty years You have not spoken to me; 
I heard the dull hollow echo of silence
as though strange communion between us.

For forty years You would not open to me; 
You remained closed, hard and tense, 
like a clenched fist.

For forty years You have not broken me
with Your alien ways, 
prevarications and distance.

Like a child dismissed, 
I have watched You prey upon the hope in me, 
knowing "mercy" is chance

and "heaven"—a list.

Published in The Bible of Hell (anthology) 

I call mercy "chance" and heaven a "list" because the bible says its "god" predestines some people to be "vessels of mercy" and others to be "vessels of destruction." Thus mercy is reduced to the chance of birth and heaven is a precompiled list of the lucky chosen few. Of course there is no reason to believe in such a diabolical "god" or such an unjust "heaven"... but billions have, and do.

Pagans Protest the Intolerance of Christianity
by Michael R. Burch

“We have a common sky.” — Quintus Aurelius Symmachus (c. 345-402)

We had a common sky
before the Christians came.

We thought there might be gods
but did not know their names.

The common stars above us?
They winked, and would not tell.

Yet now our fellow mortals claim
our questions merit hell!

The cause of our damnation?
They claim they’ve seen the LIGHT ...

but still the stars wink down at us,
as wiser beings might.

One of the Flown
by Michael R. Burch

Forgive me for not having known
you were one of the flown—
flown from the distant haunts
of someone else’s enlightenment,
alighting here to a darkness all your own . . .

I imagine you perched,
pretty warbler, in your starched
dress, before you grew bellicose . . .
singing quaint love’s highest falsetto notes,
brightening the pew of some dilapidated church . . .

But that was before autumn’s
messianic dark hymns . . .
Deepening on the landscape—winter’s inevitable shadows.
Love came too late; hope flocked to bare meadows,
preparing to leave. Then even the thought of life became grim,

thinking of Him . . .
To flee, finally,—that was no whim,
no adventure, but purpose.
I see you now a-wing: pale-eyed, intent, serious:
always, always at the horizon’s broadening rim . . .

How long have you flown now, pretty voyager?
I keep watch from afar: pale lover and ******.

what the “Chosen Few” really pray for
by Michael R. Burch

We are ready to be robed in light,

Our intolerance;

ready to enter Heaven and never return
(dark, this sojourn);

ready to worse-ship any gaud
able to deliver Us from this flawed

We pray with the persistence

of actual saints
to be delivered from all earthly constraints:

just kiss each uplifted Face
with lips of gentlest grace,

cooing the sweetest harmonies
while brutally crushing Our enemies!


***** Nilly
by Michael R. Burch

for the Demiurge, aka Yahweh/Jehovah

Isn't it silly, ***** Nilly? 
You made the stallion, 
you made the filly, 
and now they sleep
in the dark earth, stilly.
Isn't it silly, ***** Nilly? 

Isn't it silly, ***** Nilly? 
You forced them to run
all their days uphilly.
They ran till they dropped?
life's a pickle, dilly.
Isn't it silly, ***** Nilly? 

Isn't it silly, ***** Nilly? 
They say I should worship you! 
Oh, really! 
They say I should pray
so you'll not act illy.
Isn't it silly, ***** Nilly? 

Adam Lay Ybounden
(anonymous Medieval English Lyric, circa early 15th century AD) 
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Adam lay bound, bound in a bond; 
Four thousand winters, he thought, were not too long.
And all was for an apple, an apple that he took, 
As clerics now find written in their book.
But had the apple not been taken, or had it never been, 
We'd never have had our Lady, heaven's queen.
So blesséd be the time the apple was taken thus; 
Therefore we sing, "God is gracious!"

No One
by Michael R. Burch

No One hears the bells tonight; 
they tell him something isn't right.
But No One is not one to rush; 
he lies in grasses greenly lush
as far away a startled thrush
flees from horned owls in sinking flight.

No One hears the cannon's roar
and muses that its voice means war
comes knocking on men's doors tonight.
He sleeps outside in awed delight
beneath the enigmatic stars
and shivers in their cooling light.

No One knows the world will end, 
that he'll be lonely, without friend
or foe to conquer. All will be
once more, celestial harmony.
He'll miss men's voices, now and then, 
but worlds can be remade again.

by Michael R. Burch

Undersea, by the shale and the coral forming, 
by the shell's pale rose and the pearl's white eye, 
through the sea's green bed of lank seaweed worming
like tangled hair where cold currents rise...
something lurks where the riptides sigh, 
something old and pale and wise.

Something old when the world was forming
now lifts its beak, its snail-blind eye, 
and with tentacles about it squirming, 
it feels the cloud above it rise
and shudders, settles with a sigh, 
knowing man's demise draws nigh.

by Michael R. Burch

Lost in the cavernous blue silence of spring, 
heavy-lidded and drowsy with slumber, I see
the dark gnats leap; the black flies fling
their slow, engorged bulks into the air above me.

Shimmering hordes of blue-green bottleflies sing
their monotonous laments; as I listen, they near
with the strange droning hum of their murmurous wings.
Though you said you would leave me, I prop you up here
and brush back red ants from your fine, tangled hair, 
whispering, "I do!"... as the gaunt vultures stare.

by Mirza Ghalib
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

We have often heard of Adam's banishment from Eden, 
but with far greater humiliation, I abandon your garden.

Where We Dwell
by Michael R. Burch

Night within me.
Never morning.
Stars uncounted.
Shadows forming.
Wind arising
where we dwell
reaches Heaven, 
reeks of Hell.

Published in The Bible of Hell (anthology) 

What Immense Silence
by Michael R. Burch

What immense silence
comforts those who kneel here
beneath these vaulted ceilings
cavernous and vast? 

What luminescence stained
by patchwork panels of bright glass
illuminates drained faces
as the crouching gargoyles leer? 

What brings them here?
pale, tearful congregations, 
knowing all Hope is past, 
faithfully, year upon year? 

Or could they be right? Perhaps
Love is, implausibly, near
and I alone have not seen It...
But, if so, still, I must ask: 

why is it God that they fear? 

Published in The Bible of Hell (anthology) 

Double Cross
by Michael R. Burch

Come to the cross;
contemplate all loss
and how little was gained
by those who remained

Dabble Dactyls
by Michael R. Burch

Jesus Christ’s enterprise
leaves me in awe of
the rich men he loathed!

But should a Sadducee
settle for trifles?
His disciples now rip off
the Lord they betrothed.

I, Lazarus
by Michael R. Burch

I, Lazarus, without a heart,
devoid of blood and spiritless,
lay in the darkness, meritless:
my corpse—a thing cold, dead, apart.

But then I thought I heard—a Voice,
a Voice that called me from afar.
And so I stood and laughed, bizarre:
a thing embalmed, made to rejoice!

I ran ungainly-legged to see
who spoke my name, and then I knew
him by the light. His name is True,
and now he is the life in me!

I never died again! Believe!
(Oops! Seems it was a brief reprieve.)

To Know You as Mary
by Michael R. Burch

To know You as Mary,
when You spoke her name
and her world was never the same ...
beside the still tomb
where the spring roses bloom.

O, then I would laugh
and be glad that I came,
never minding the chill, the disconsolate rain ...
beside the still tomb
where the spring roses bloom.

I might not think this earth
the sharp focus of pain
if I heard You exclaim—
beside the still tomb
where the spring roses bloom

my most unexpected, unwarranted name!
But you never spoke. Explain?

Prayer for a Merciful, Compassionate, etc., God to ****** His Creations Quickly & Painlessly, Rather than Slowly & Painfully
by Michael R. Burch

Lord, **** me fast and please do it quickly!
Please don’t leave me gassed, archaic and sickly!
Why render me mean, rude, wrinkly and prickly?
Lord, why procrastinate?

Lord, we all know you’re an expert killer!
Please, don’t leave me aging like Phyllis Diller!
Why torture me like some poor sap in a thriller?
God, grant me a gentler fate!

Lord, we all know you’re an expert at ******
like Abram—the wild-eyed demonic goat-herder
who’d slit his son’s throat without thought at your order.
Lord, why procrastinate?

Lord, we all know you’re a terrible sinner!
What did dull Japheth eat for his 300th dinner
after a year on the ark, growing thinner and thinner?
God, grant me a gentler fate!

Dear Lord, did the lion and tiger compete
for the last of the lambkin’s sweet, tender meat?
How did Noah preserve his fast-rotting wheat?
God, grant me a gentler fate!

Lord, why not be a merciful Prelate?
Do you really want me to detest, loathe and hate
the Father, the Son and their Ghostly Mate?
Lord, why procrastinate?

Star Crossed
by Michael R. Burch

night is not like day;
the stars are closer than they seem ...
now, bending near, they seem to say
the morning sun was merely a dream

The beauty of the flower fades,
its petals wither to charades...
—Michael R. Burch

the U-turn poem
by michael r. burch

Life so defaulty,
Life so unfair,
why do wee prize U,
what do U care?

LORD who lets unborns
drown in a flood,
r U sure Ur understood?

by michael r. burch

cold as stone,
cold to the bone,
so cold inside even icebergs moan,
such is ur Gaud on hiss icy throne.

lines written for a luverly Gaud who cant be bothered to save pisspot peeple who guess wrong about which ire-ational re-ligion to believe.

“Hellion” is a pun on “he-lion” as in the “Lion of Judah” and “hell-lion.”

yet another ode to a graceless faceless Creator albeit with thoughts of possibly rescinding prior compliments
by michael r. burch

who created this graceless universe?
why praise its Creator? who could be worse?
why praise man’s Berater with obsequious verse?
job’s wife was right: he’s nobody’s nurse.

ur-Gent prayer request
by michael r. burch

where did ur Gaud originate?
in the minds of men so full of hate
they commanded moms to stone their kids,
which u believe (brains on the skids)
was “the word of Gaud”!
too late & of course it’s useless:
please pray to be less clueless.

The title involves a pun, since the “ur-Gent” would be the biblical “god.”

Religion is regarded by fools as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful. — Seneca, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Non-Word to the Wise
by Michael R. Burch

The wise will never cry, “Save!”
The wise desire a quiet grave.

sonnet to non-science and nonsense/nunsense
by michael r. burch

ur Gaud is a fiasco,
a rapscallion and a rascal;
he murdered lovely eve,
so what’s there to “believe”?

and who made eve so curious?
why should ur Gaud be furious
when every half-wit parent knows
where bright kids will stick their no’s(e)!

no wise and loving father
would slaughter his own daughter!
ur Gaud’s a hole-y terror!

though ur bible’s a giant hit,
its writers were full of sh-t.

We Know It All
by Michael R. Burch

We rile. We gall. We know it all
because we’ve read the Bible,
which tells us genocide’s “God’s will”
along with bashing in kids’ skulls
and other forms of libel.

The earth is flat, our Book says so!
The Lord will torture our rational foe!
(We lack the compassion to tell the fiend “No!”)

God’s on his throne, the Angels are winking,
applauding our lack of critical thinking.
We’re drowning in crap. We’re stinking and sinking.

Eve once petted friendly T-Rexes!
A “witch” should be ****** for unprovable hexes!
It’s a “sin” to make love if one’s lover has exes!

Girls were enslaved and ***** by their “masters”!
Our Book is the source of so many disasters!
The earth’s overheating? Let’s burn it up faster!

Yet Another Sh-tty Ditty
by Michael R. Burch

Here’s my ditty:
Life is sh-tty,
Then you get old
And more’s the pity.

Truth be told,
We’re bought and sold,
Sheep in the fold
Sheared lickety-splitty.

But chin’s up,
What’s the use of crying?
We’ve a certain escape:
Welcome to dying!

Snap Shots
by Michael R. Burch

Our daughters must be celibate,
die virgins. We triangulate
their early paths to heaven (for
the martyrs they’ll soon conjugate).

We like to hook a little tail.
We hope there’s decent *** in jail.
Don’t fool with us; our bombs are smart!
(We’ll send the plans, ASAP, e-mail.)

The soul is all that matters; why
hoard gold if it offends the eye?
A pension plan? Don’t make us laugh!
We have your plan for sainthood. (Die.)

by Michael R. Burch

I did it out of pity.
I did it out of love.
I did it not to break the heart of a tender, wounded dove.

But gods without compassion
ordained: Frail things must break!
Now what can I do for her shattered psyche’s sake?

I did it not to push.
I did it not to shove.
I did it to assist the flight of indiscriminate Love.

But gods, all mad as hatters,
who legislate in all such matters,
ordained that everything irreplaceable shatters.

A coming day
by Michael R. Burch

for my mother, due to her hellish religion

There will be a day,
a day when the lightning strikes from a rainbowed mist
when it will be too late, too late for me to say
that I found your faith unblessed.

There will be a day,
a day when the storm clouds gather, ominous,
when it will be too late, too late to put away
this darkness that came between us.

by Michael R. Burch

Mother, it’s dark
and you never did love me
because you put Yahweh and Yeshu
above me.

Did they ever love you
or cling to you? No.
Now Mother, it’s cold
and I fear for my soul.

Mother, they say
you will leave me and go
to some distant “heaven”
I never shall know.

If that’s your choice,
you made it. Not me.
You brought me to life;
will you nail me to the tree?

Christ! Mother, they say
God condemned me to hell.
If the Devil’s your God
then farewell, farewell!

Or if there is Love
in some other dimension,
let’s reconcile there
and forget such cruel detention.

Crescendo Against Heaven
by Michael R. Burch

As curiously formal as the rose,
the imperious Word grows
until it sheds red-gilded leaves:
then heaven grieves
love’s tiny pool of crimson recrimination
against God, its contention
of the price of salvation.

These industrious trees,
endlessly losing and re-losing their leaves,
finally unleashing themselves from earth, lashing
themselves to bits, washing
themselves free
of all but the final ignominy
of death, become
at last: fast planks of our coffins, dumb.

Together now, rude coffins, crosses,
death-cursed but bright vermilion roses,
bodies, stumps, tears, words: conspire
together with a nearby spire
to raise their Accusation Dire ...
to scream, complain, to point out these
and other Dark Anomalies.

God always silent, ever afar,
distant as Bethlehem’s retrograde star,
we point out now, in resignation:
You asked too much of man’s beleaguered nation,
gave too much strength to his Enemy,
as though to prove Your Self greater than He,
at our expense, and so men die
(whose accusations vex the sky)
yet hope, somehow, that You are good ...
just, O greatest of Poets!, misunderstood.

Advice for Evangelicals
by Michael R. Burch

“... so let your light shine before men ...”

Consider the example of the woodland anemone:
she preaches no sermons but — immaculate — shines,
and rivals the angels in bright innocence and purity —
the sweetest of divines.

And no one has heard her engage in hypocrisy
since the beginning of time — an oracle so mute,
so profound in her silence and exemplary poise
she makes lessons moot.

So consider the example of the saintly anemone
and if you’d convince us Christ really exists,
then let him be just as sweet, just as guileless
and equally as gracious to bless.

Heaven Bent
by Michael R. Burch

This life is hell; it can get no worse.
Summon the coroner, the casket, the hearse!
But I’m upwardly mobile. How the hell can I know?
I can only go up; I’m already below!

Winter Night
by Michael R. Burch

Who will be ******,
who embalmed
for all eternity?

The night weighs heavy on me—
leaden, sullen, cold.
O, but my thoughts are light,

like the weightless windblown snow.

Published by Nisqually Delta Review

by Michael R. Burch

Let mercy surround us
with a sweet persistence.

Let love propound to us
that life is infinitely more than existence.

Published by Katrina Anthology

by Michael R. Burch

Poetry captures
less than reality
the spirit of things

being the language
not of the lordly falcon
but of the dove with broken wings

whose heavenward flight
though brutally interrupted
is ever towards the light.

Published by Katrina Anthology

Ave Maria
by Michael R. Burch

Ave Maria,
Maiden mild,
listen to my earnest prayer.
Listen, O, and be beguiled.
Ave Maria.

Ave Maria,
Maiden mild,
be Mother now to every child
beset by earth’s thorned briars wild.
Ave Maria.

Ave Maria,
Maiden mild,
embrace us with your Love and Grace.
Let us look upon your Face.
Ave Maria.

Ave Maria,
Maiden mild,
please attend to our earnest call—
When will Love be All in All?
Ave Maria.

Copyright © 2020 by Michael R. Burch

A Possible Argument for Mercy
by Michael R. Burch

Did heaven ever seem so far?
Remember–we are as You were,
but all our lives, from birth to death—
Gethsemane in every breath.

Birthday Poem to Myself
by Michael R. Burch

LORD, be no longer this Distant Presence,

Star-Afar, Righteous-Anonymous,
but come! Come live among us;

come dwell again,
happy child among men—

men rejoicing to have known you
in the familiar manger’s cool

sweet light scent of unburdened hay.
Teach us again to be light that way,

with a chorus of angelic songs lessoned above.
Be to us again that sweet birth of Love

in the only way men can truly understand.
Do not frown darkening down upon an unrighteous land

planning fierce Retributions we require, and deserve,
but remember the child you were; believe

in the child I was, alike to you in innocence
a little while, all sweetness, and helpless without pretense.

Let us be little children again, magical in your sight.
Grant me this boon! Is it not my birthright—

just to know you, as you truly were, and are?
Come, be my friend. Help me understand and regain Hope’s long-departed star!

Learning to Fly
by Michael R. Burch

We are learning to fly
every day . . .

learning to fly—
away, away . . .

O, love is not in the ephemeral flight,
but love, Love! is our destination—

graced land of eternal sunrise, radiant beyond night!
Let us bear one another up in our vast migration.

The Gardener’s Roses
by Michael R. Burch

Mary Magdalene, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, “Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.”

I too have come to the cave;
within: strange, half-glimpsed forms
and ghostly paradigms of things.
Here, nothing warms

this lightening moment of the dawn,
pale tendrils spreading east.
And I, of all who followed Him,
by far the least . . .

The women take no note of me;
I do not recognize
the men in white, the gardener,
these unfamiliar skies . . .

Faint scent of roses, then—a touch!
I turn, and I see: You.
"My Lord, why do You tarry here:
Another waits, Whose love is true?"

"Although My Father waits, and bliss;
though angels call—ecstatic crew!—
I gathered roses for a Friend.
I waited here, for You."

Come Spring
by Michael R. Burch

for the Religious Right

Come spring we return, innocent and hopeful, to the ******,
beseeching Her to bestow
Her blessings upon us.

Pitiable sinners, we bow before Her,
nay, grovel,
as She looms above us, aglow
in Her Purity.

We know
all will change in an instant; therefore
in the morning we will call her,
an untouched maiden no more,

The so-called Religious Right prizes virginity in women and damns them for doing what men do. I have long been a fan of women like Tallulah Bankhead, Marilyn Monroe and Mae West, who decided what’s good for the gander is equally good for the goose.

Kingdom Freedom
by Michael R. Burch

LORD, grant me a rare sweet spirit of forgiveness.
Let me have none of the lividness
of religious outrage.

LORD, let me not be over-worried
about the lack of “morality” around me.
Surround me,

not with law’s restrictive cage,
but with Your spirit, freer than the wind,
so that to breathe is to have freest life,

and not to fly to You, my only sin.

by Michael R. Burch

Where the wind goes
when the storm dies,
there my spirit lives
though I close my eyes.

Do not weep for me;
I am never far.
Whisper my name
to the last star ...

then let me sleep,
think of me no more.

Still ...

By denying death
its terminal sting,
in my words I remain

Keywords/Tags: Adam, Eve, Eden, Lucifer, fall, sin, temptation, heaven, hell, salvation, God, Yahweh, Jehovah, creation, Jesus, Cain, Abel
jalalium Jan 2013
life is a gestation whom due time is like no other
every cramp of it is a question to a hint to an answer
too many ways, paths, hopes and names to consider
umbilical cord is to feed, from reality, thirst and hunger
the embryonic soul and soul ought to suffer or to suffer
shall it ignore ignorance, it will drink thirst and eat hunger
places to materialize in, moments, similitudes to buffer
may it illuminate ignorance, it will eat thirst and drink hunger
questions to answers, labyrinths in mazes, thanks to prancer
pica seeks pleasure whom apogee reality will witness never
but to baby senses ****** is the eternal supposed starter
life is due, life is dead, illusion, O soul here is your answer
À Manoel de Barros


Tapi dans la mangrove, bondissant...sautant-matant

Le ciel aux trois-quarts nu

De giraumon, de pissat et de sang...

Assis sur le trottoir, le ciel tousse

Kein-hein kein-hein

Ivre de parfums rouges errants,

De brocarts et de confettis à ses trousses.

Assis à marée basse, électrique...

Insensible aux chevaux des dieux

Qui tournoient

Au-dessus des tambours

Qui chavirent


Aux orgues charnelles

Des moites guérisseuses...

Le ciel caracole,

Glisse, contorsionniste,

Mascarade immobile

Démêlant le cours des amours burlesques

Entre les atolls obscurs

De pistaches et de bonbons,

D’anges et de démons...

Cabriole, tiède et poisseux,

Cisaille à contre-jour

L’orpailleur en transe

Aboyant dans le sérail de mes âmes

Sevrées, esseulées...

L’aube culbute

Dans les lambeaux du gouffre

Dans les calypsos du soleil

D’où sourdent, dégénérées,

Les jambes et les larmes

Qui fraient encore, exotiques

Sur les pilotis

Du carnaval nocturne

D’où va saillir le jour.


Il pleut sur le kiosque des songes

Des encres mornes

Comme des brindilles

Enfantées de l’œuf tiède

Où s’aimante

Délicieusement noire

La mygale

Fleuve des nuages

Qui emballe

De son ouate ludique

Le rayon nain


Au serpent arc-en-ciel

Enfin rassasié


Tellurique, dame Terre esquive les amarres

Effervescentes. Le ciel, hameçon entre les îles,

Rayonne, entonne l’odyssée perpétuelle,

Pion libre dans l’espace

Sempiternellement baigné par les baumes

Incendiaires du soleil obèse, son jumeau

Complice des moissons violées, œcuménique,

Humble, jadis et toujours, Terre :

Oasis, océan, oxygène, oeil

Revêtu d’or, jardin où les ombres basses

Exultent, balbutiant des airs amnésiques..."


Rebelle lascive

Telle la lune blette

Suçant les corps subtils

Des mangues sauvages

Enroulées dans la pluie d’obsidienne...

Courtisane de toutes les brousses

Avaleuse de poisson vivant

Pour mieux apprendre à nager

Dans les moues du fleuve douillet...

Les lacets se cabrent, dans un baiser de peaux, de tôles et de croix

Les laves du dernier décan affleurent,

Saupoudrent l’écloserie de marbre humide

Et la pellicule humide de feu cru

Enfouit les dieux écartelés

Aux moues du fleuve endiablé..."


Soudain pagayer dans le vent et découdre l’odeur légère de la forêt

Chasser les désirs cueillis dans la poudre des oiseaux rares

Et repriser dans les entrailles des pétales juteux...

Puis amarrer à la lumière verticale des matins

Un éclair avec le mot “boum”.


"Nomades, où sont les nuits ?"

Grince l’arc débandé du soleil

Embrassé à la portée de cristal

Des nuages en menstrues...

Peut-être que la nuit décante
Blottie dans le nid du large

Faite une enfant, se vautre

Sous les flottilles de jasmin

Dévastant les marées,

Traquant le ressac du temps...

Peut-être que la nuit accouche
Bien après les chaleurs

Faite une gueuse, brise

De son cœur de soprano

Les rames de glace de la lune qui s’épand

Dans un banc d’aquarelles...

Ou peut-être, la nuit, peut-être

La nuit, lisse et lasse,

Allaite les étoiles prises

Aux moustiquaires de cendre

Où le ciel foudroyé

Bat en retraite la chamade.

Peut-être qu’elle arraisonne
Les frêles écailles de l’orgasme total

Pour que nul ne sache

Qu’elle est née sans nombril,

Pour que nul ne sache

Qu’elle est grosse d’un jour

Au goût de sel...


"Abysses en vue !" vocifère l’huile en larmes

Faisant voler dans l’onguent vagabond

Les feux follets sortis de leur miroir,

Condors de phosphore, cyclones désemparés

Où se bousculent, palefrenières distraites,

Les couleurs qui rient en allant au supplice...

En chapelets, la lumière débouche, foule, broute,

S’autodévore sous la caresse des truelles,

Moud les étincelles, les taches, les brèches

En route vers le seuil du sacrifice,

Et dans l’embellie de l’œil

Éclot le prétendant buriné

Dans l’apothéose du matin soigneusement peint...


Noyée dans la saumure en flammes

Du soir délicieusement grand ouvert, l’indicible lueur

Cloîtrée dans son écrin liquide

Jalonné de boues, moustiques et palétuviers,

Harponne la braise moribonde de charbon rose

Innombrable qui serpente dans le cirque de sable

A force de nager, à force de nager

Éternellement à joncher les grèves de l’arc-en-ciel.


Dans la baie, un sein vert flambe

Campant dans un bain de coton...

L’écho, hypnotique, tourne, tourne, prolifique...

Ô îles, les îles

Notes en menottes, ailes balafrées,

Miels de sel, fiels de ciel...

Ô îles, les îles

Filaments de mangue, eaux assoiffées

Larmes chaudes de tambours incoagulables...

Ô îles, les îles

D’où venez-vous, miettes de sang ?

Comment vous êtes-vous posés, papillons,

Au milieu de la grande termitière d’or bleu ?


Kaki, dans le jour rectiligne,

Le soleil, bibelot tiède et omniprésent,

Affalé dans les sortilèges

De la pluie ensorceleuse..

Incrustée dans son terrier maternel,

Luciole équilibriste,

A demi ivre souffre l’espérance,

Soufflant des goélettes de papier...

Les lunes se rétractent lestes et faibles,

La visibilité est bonne

De chenaux en détroits, vont, naufragées,

En débandade, les voluptés,

Roues flamboyantes

Dilacérant les haillons allumés

Des orbites sismiques..


Zéro heure, la chauve cascade

Où le délire se découd

Dans les courbes de l’ennui...

Zéro heure, l’édentée

Déchirant les échos

Des obsèques de minuit...

Zéro heure, poupée

Aptère, assoupie

A l’ombre des rêves...

Cartomancienne hérétique

Châtrant les éruptions chagrines,

Châtrant, multipliant les yeux

Vers les plages pourpres...

Zéro heure, nymphe sourde

Défunte à la canne bossue,

Hissant le grand pavois

De la couleur polyphonique,


La peau du poète,

Éclipse magique

De tous les déluges...


Songes dans l’extrême sud


Ancres tapissées,

Couples éteints, inflorescences...

Chevaux cardiaques

Occultés dans un nid lunaire...

Passager de la nef du fou

Fouetté par le roi si bémol

Qui monte à l’échafaud...

Battements rupestres,

Sentiers crevant les lieues

Au rythme des ailes de nuages...

La pluie soudain s’est tue

La liesse s’est tue soudain

Dilapidée dans ce jour rongé...


Éteint dans la lumière, le portraitiste

Brûle l’absence mate,

La suie insolite...

La haute mer se dilue..

L’arche hiberne aussi **** que porte la vie

Dans son sanctuaire de sève

Où la terre saigne ses eaux bouclées

Qui écument des épaves de pierre

Aussi **** que porte la vie.


Les îles du matin m’embrassent

Après une nuit de lune rase

Le ronflement du rayon

Macule en naissant le chœur torride

De l’alcôve qui s’écaille émaillée.

Entre traits, tracés et rayures

Flottent des oranges polymorphes

A portée des mains...

Sous la ménagerie de ses eaux poissonneuses

La gomme méthylique du soleil

Frotte dans le bassin d’étincelles

L’orchestre infime de ce lointain carnaval renié

Qui crépite, savonné...

Entre gravillons et bulles

Flottent des oranges polymorphes

A portée des mains...

Devant l’horloge en rut

Se signent les orangers...

Le soleil consent à la lune

La mare de feu

Greffée dans le pouls vivace de l’ombre ivre...

Entre ruines et volutes

Flottent des oranges polymorphes


A portée des mains...


Le matin nage, innombrable

Salamandre aux cent venins de verre

Qui se distillent dans une encre de cendres

Offertes au soleil insatiable...

Dans le calice débordant

Des récoltes que la nuit

Ne grignote qu’à moitié,

Les sargasses du désir plongent,

Cinglant le silence des incohérences...

Hilare, la lune

Se réveille et butine

Le nectar indigo

Qui s’attarde

Comme une musique rétinienne

Aux confins du jour...

Ainsi emmurés vifs

Dans le flux impénétrable des reflets,

Vont à l’aveuglette

Dans le palais des singes volants

L’amour et ses tribus aborigènes

Veillant sur la toison rouge du ciel...


Mon deuil échoue à l’aube

Les yeux ouverts sur les laves

De ce volcan éteint

Où s’apaisent les étoiles...

La flèche de l’archer s’évanouit, fauchée...

Le licol de mousseline de l’archipel précieux

Vacille, se dissout,

Orphelin mélancolique

Murmurant des baisers d’aniline

Aux marges du rêve...

Insomnuit d’été

Si seulement je pouvais rêver !


Sur l’échiquier, la nuit chancelle, vénéneuse...

Un vaisseau de pierre au galop s’envole

Au chevet de la mer noyée

Suant la résine...

Sifflotant, le saltimbanque

Éconduit les horizons pétales

Pris du soleil gemme étanche

Dans les écumes du ciel d’étain...

Bientôt, les lunes oscillent

Ondulent, se dérobent frivoles,

L’étalon noir se dissipe

Décochant des flèches en forme de cœur...

Quelque chose se brise dans le noir :

Était-ce un masque ou un miroir ?

Quand luit la dernière tranche d’ombre

Déboussolées, dans la dune de verre, les étoiles


Les coquilles se détellent de la terre réfractaire...

Le soleil dévastateur s’abreuve de ciel

Cachant les antres de brai...

Tâtant les décadences nacrées

Ointes de sueurs salines

L’amazone enfin répudiée

Chantonne aux aguets

Dans la baie couleur sépia...


Hennissement aveugle, l’île

Se déhanche

Toute soie et serpent

Contre l’épi de maïs vert...

“Marée basse”, dit la reine-mère...

Aucune abeille ne rame,

Ne laboure les pollens de la mer...

**** des brise-lames

Lisses et bouillonnants

Des crinières sans fin et du goémon,

L’iguane sous la villa jaune...

Le long des bougies

Coule le gouvernail du silence...

Sous les fleurs délabrées de l’éclair

Dans leur hamac vert

Les vagues veuves, les vagues nues

Courent après les lunes

Et lentement chantent les araignées...

Parfums de lumière

Qui jouent, jouent, jouent

Se décomposent

Dans une brise d’alcools...

Chimères de la mer, coup de sifflet final

Rongeant les sables glauques

Les tranchées dans le ciel ouvert

Tapis du soleil et son essaim de sujets...

La nuit, la mer fructifie

Au ralenti...


"Au feu, au feu !

Feu à la dérive !"

Scandent deux coléoptères...

Le feu fuit !

Le magicien s’est brûlé

A faire sa magie.

Le pôle s’évapore,

Le puits fait l’aumône,

L’enfant aboie,

La moto boite,

La forêt détale,

Le lion se vêt de singe

Noir et doré

Et petit à petit

Va planer

Au-dessus de l’autel fugace

Où gît

Hululant, pullulant, virulent,

Le vol agile craché

Du saxophone ténor...

L’hiver fouette le ciel,

La terre meurt prématurée,

Liane après liane,

Sécrétant comme vestiges

Le tapis de talc

D’une aile de sirène

Et le vertige nuptial

De deux notes jaunes inachevées

Au sein des similitudes.


Prunelle de gris jaune
Prunelle nuit et mer
Bleu coursier d’argile
Tigresse à la crinière couleur de brume.
Dans le rare verger qu’est l’amour
Audacieuse, elle va, incendiaire
Empaillée dans un paquebot hystérique
Vers le hasard des quais identiques
Les yeux pleins de chaux.

Dans ce chant veuf, dans cette capitale pyromane
La voilà, légère,
Aspirant les équinoxes dans cet air enchaîné
En selle pour un bain d’herbes monastique
Geôlière verte
D’émeraude pure...


L’accordéoniste des abysses
Peint dans l’œil de l’obscur :
Un nuage en zigzaguant
Ancre aux eaux du vide.

Et le gong sue...timide.
Et comme en un tango antique
S’écoule le cri acide

Des teintes atteintes par les balles,
Hoquet du temps incarné
A l’aube d’une pluie sèche de chaleurs vertes.
Et le gong sue...tumide.

Et comme en un tango marin
Caracole la pirogue étoilée du tigre intime
Renversant de son parapluie
Les certitudes les plus ensevelies de la peur.

Et le gong sue...tumide.
Et les papillons enfantent
Des flammes dans les sables mouvants,
Des harpes éoliennes
Comme des gymnastes hués par le soleil en ruines
A la recherche des marées sèches.

Et le gong sue... tumide.
Et comme en un tango de funambules
Les œillères des brebis galeuses
Traversent la toile, vieillissent, exhument le salpêtre
D’un bandonéon dont la sueur incendie les cernes
De la nuit qui jazze...


Le messager lit
Les lignes du vent,
Prend le pouls
Du ventre jaspé
De la basilique d’encre de chine :

-Là-bas, sous les monts de Vénus
Rode le messager,
Troubadour englouti
Par une lave obscure,

Passager invisible
Des failles muettes
Qu’il restaure encore...

Le messager
Les coquilles du temps...
A la pointe de l’hameçon,

Un morceau de vitrail
Où à peine filtre
La lueur des entrailles,
On devine soudain
La forme d’un cheval marron
Qui hennit.


Bleu roi
De ces couleurs pièges.
Bleu de ces teintes imprévisibles.
Issu du venin tribal
Des roses du désert
Le bleu tombe,
Comme un nuage de coton doux,
Sur la brousse atlantique des lèvres
Enflées de secrets,
Où, hystérique, il donne le jour
Sous le kiosque sympathique des pluies cyanes
A une larme de sang,

Bleu roi
De ces couleurs mutantes :
Seul le baiser de cobalt réchauffe
Les escales mélancoliques
De ces ailes closes,
Révèle les jeux d’artifice,
Et murmurant des flammes,
Fait évanouir
Le deuil magnétique
Des rênes d’ivoire...

La flèche de l’archer pénètre,
Le voile de mousseline de l’archipel précieux
Qui vacille, se dissout,
Orphelin en suspens, spectre d’aniline
Aux gants d’émeraude
Et aux chaussons d’améthyste...


Dormir, virgule,
Souffler doucement
Des cases jumelles,
Ramper à nouveau, gigoter,
Jusqu’à ce que tout ne soit plus
Qu’une seule immensité...

Au lieu de l’abîme
La clairière dans la caféière.
Dormir, virgule,
Ça et là,
Lune bleue
Sous la baguette du silence...

Le rêve entre et sort

Et jusqu’aux nuages
Craignent la chute
Vers le sommeil...


Les îles et une nuits
Me font chavirer,
Je fuis,
Naufragée inlassable,
Hors du clan tentaculaire
Vers la clarté volatile
Des voiles incendiaires...

Mes nerfs à la fleur du large
S’évaporent en filigranes
Plus **** encore...

Bleu nuit devient la mer
Aux portes de son repaire
Ancré à la rive gauche du cœur.

La crique n’est plus ce qu’elle était :
La neige reptile teint les dauphins de rose...
Éden ?
De temps à autre

Passe un trapèze
Balayant le silence.


Ô Reine, Notre Duc
Sous tes ongles laqués
J’imagine un ciel rouge
Aux parfums de lait de cobra...
Le soleil fait pleuvoir des sceptres sur le fleuve
Et des piranhas aux dents d’eau
Larguent des cerfs-volants sans fin...

“Chantez les très riches heures de l’En-Dehors !”
Crie à la face du levant
Un caméléon qui lisse les ailes du hasard
Planté dans le dédale de ta langue baccarat.


Près de la passerelle d’ivoire :
Je vous aime !” "
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2017
i'm not into an endeavour of helping people; my categorical imperative? it's derived from alexander dumas: as athos said - the best advice? is to not give advice at all.

solipsism is a kinder word for autism,
  because autism is an observably
adamant medical noun,
  call it a condition if you like,
whereas solipsism is unobserved,
perhaps even unobservable,
since in humanistic terms,
philosophy is a strand of medicine,
esp. in times of mental / physical
medicine understands autism,
just as philosophy understands
   pop culture only has narcissism,
and what history was,
once upon a time, a chronology,
which is now, a dam,
a thick custard, honing in & of,
events, that hardly confiscate
an allowance of time,
time, the last remaining hoarder of
artefacts, has been emptied,
the death of history happens
within the vicinity of *a day
it's precisely what has been written
that translates into all quirks
of the un written stalemate of
"expected" history...
    beyond the in vivo / in vitro
parody... there's a third,
and it's self-evident history,
namely? history delves on dead matters,
as journalism over-emphasizes
affairs of the living...
ergo? in vivo / in vitro / es mort....
why? the gravestone lives
on, no matter the birth of,
the death of, or an epitaph...
      es mort in vivo continuum...
philosophy says: solipsism,
medicine (one tier above biology) says:
    i still think philosophy is
medicine in humanistic terms,
as it is kinder in choice of words,
imagine a doctor telling a parent
that: your child is a solipsist.
the parent: a what?
doctor: ok ok, an autist,
a gifted ******,
    someone who can be observed,
but can't observe,
   someone without a "self"
tier of consciousness.
i still prefer using certain philosophical
terms, primarily because they're
  and ought to be,
to concern myself even further,
i find philosophy as a typo of
  the appreciative escalation of
           in humanism philosophy
is a sort of strand of medicine,
which psychology / psychiatry isn't,
and never will be:
nonetheless, written in english,
it always remains a pompous effort
to study, practice or regurgitate....
that's english for you,
a very unforgiving, but more
importantly, a very pompous language,
the bellybutton language bound
to & orientated around greenwich.
but at least we can arrive
at a concentration of defunct thesaurus
       i'm pretty sure that
autism is not the third removed cousin
of solipsism, even if the thesaurus
is invoked....
       the former is obviously harsh,
the latter? slightly mystique prone...
as the differentiation suggests:
there's consciousness,
   then there's the unit -
then there are tier of consciousness
where the unit becomes aware
of itself, later morphed if not "lost"
into automaton modality...
i.e. "lost", due to its effectiveness
and economic propensity;
"the unit": without any, curiosity,
or side-tracking endeavour -
which is all the more natural
whether observed, or within a spectacle
of scattered of examples: repeated.
  akin to religion, medicine has reached
an obelus crucible (a schism) -
notably due to the dichotomy of
   physical medicine,
and metaphysical medicine -
i.e. mental health vs. physical health...
that somehow the latter doesn't translate
into the former,
that the mental illness of depression,
doesn't translate into the physical illness
of lethargy...
                 i can't see how
there's a "clinical" depression,
without seeing how there is:
                                   clinical lethargy;
maybe i'm wrong in attempting
a dualistic fusion of clinical similitudes,
but sometimes certain confiscations
of the perfect health, entwine in an
     ultra gemini dance of the siamese.
À Manoel de Barros


Tapi dans la mangrove, bondissant...sautant-matant

Le ciel aux trois-quarts nu

De giraumon, de pissat et de sang...

Assis sur le trottoir, le ciel tousse

Kein-hein kein-hein

Ivre de parfums rouges errants,

De brocarts et de confettis à ses trousses.

Assis à marée basse, électrique...

Insensible aux chevaux des dieux

Qui tournoient

Au-dessus des tambours

Qui chavirent


Aux orgues charnelles

Des moites guérisseuses...

Le ciel caracole,

Glisse, contorsionniste,

Mascarade immobile

Démêlant le cours des amours burlesques

Entre les atolls obscurs

De pistaches et de bonbons,

D’anges et de démons...

Cabriole, tiède et poisseux,

Cisaille à contre-jour

L’orpailleur en transe

Aboyant dans le sérail de mes âmes

Sevrées, esseulées...

L’aube culbute

Dans les lambeaux du gouffre

Dans les calypsos du soleil

D’où sourdent, dégénérées,

Les jambes et les larmes

Qui fraient encore, exotiques

Sur les pilotis

Du carnaval nocturne

D’où va saillir le jour.


Il pleut sur le kiosque des songes

Des encres mornes

Comme des brindilles

Enfantées de l’œuf tiède

Où s’aimante

Délicieusement noire

La mygale

Fleuve des nuages

Qui emballe

De son ouate ludique

Le rayon nain


Au serpent arc-en-ciel

Enfin rassasié


Tellurique, dame Terre esquive les amarres

Effervescentes. Le ciel, hameçon entre les îles,

Rayonne, entonne l’odyssée perpétuelle,

Pion libre dans l’espace

Sempiternellement baigné par les baumes

Incendiaires du soleil obèse, son jumeau

Complice des moissons violées, œcuménique,

Humble, jadis et toujours, Terre :

Oasis, océan, oxygène, oeil

Revêtu d’or, jardin où les ombres basses

Exultent, balbutiant des airs amnésiques..."


Rebelle lascive

Telle la lune blette

Suçant les corps subtils

Des mangues sauvages

Enroulées dans la pluie d’obsidienne...

Courtisane de toutes les brousses

Avaleuse de poisson vivant

Pour mieux apprendre à nager

Dans les moues du fleuve douillet...

Les lacets se cabrent, dans un baiser de peaux, de tôles et de croix

Les laves du dernier décan affleurent,

Saupoudrent l’écloserie de marbre humide

Et la pellicule humide de feu cru

Enfouit les dieux écartelés

Aux moues du fleuve endiablé..."


Soudain pagayer dans le vent et découdre l’odeur légère de la forêt

Chasser les désirs cueillis dans la poudre des oiseaux rares

Et repriser dans les entrailles des pétales juteux...

Puis amarrer à la lumière verticale des matins

Un éclair avec le mot “boum”.


"Nomades, où sont les nuits ?"

Grince l’arc débandé du soleil

Embrassé à la portée de cristal

Des nuages en menstrues...

Peut-être que la nuit décante
Blottie dans le nid du large

Faite une enfant, se vautre

Sous les flottilles de jasmin

Dévastant les marées,

Traquant le ressac du temps...

Peut-être que la nuit accouche
Bien après les chaleurs

Faite une gueuse, brise

De son cœur de soprano

Les rames de glace de la lune qui s’épand

Dans un banc d’aquarelles...

Ou peut-être, la nuit, peut-être

La nuit, lisse et lasse,

Allaite les étoiles prises

Aux moustiquaires de cendre

Où le ciel foudroyé

Bat en retraite la chamade.

Peut-être qu’elle arraisonne
Les frêles écailles de l’orgasme total

Pour que nul ne sache

Qu’elle est née sans nombril,

Pour que nul ne sache

Qu’elle est grosse d’un jour

Au goût de sel...


"Abysses en vue !" vocifère l’huile en larmes

Faisant voler dans l’onguent vagabond

Les feux follets sortis de leur miroir,

Condors de phosphore, cyclones désemparés

Où se bousculent, palefrenières distraites,

Les couleurs qui rient en allant au supplice...

En chapelets, la lumière débouche, foule, broute,

S’autodévore sous la caresse des truelles,

Moud les étincelles, les taches, les brèches

En route vers le seuil du sacrifice,

Et dans l’embellie de l’œil

Éclot le prétendant buriné

Dans l’apothéose du matin soigneusement peint...


Noyée dans la saumure en flammes

Du soir délicieusement grand ouvert, l’indicible lueur

Cloîtrée dans son écrin liquide

Jalonné de boues, moustiques et palétuviers,

Harponne la braise moribonde de charbon rose

Innombrable qui serpente dans le cirque de sable

A force de nager, à force de nager

Éternellement à joncher les grèves de l’arc-en-ciel.


Dans la baie, un sein vert flambe

Campant dans un bain de coton...

L’écho, hypnotique, tourne, tourne, prolifique...

Ô îles, les îles

Notes en menottes, ailes balafrées,

Miels de sel, fiels de ciel...

Ô îles, les îles

Filaments de mangue, eaux assoiffées

Larmes chaudes de tambours incoagulables...

Ô îles, les îles

D’où venez-vous, miettes de sang ?

Comment vous êtes-vous posés, papillons,

Au milieu de la grande termitière d’or bleu ?


Kaki, dans le jour rectiligne,

Le soleil, bibelot tiède et omniprésent,

Affalé dans les sortilèges

De la pluie ensorceleuse..

Incrustée dans son terrier maternel,

Luciole équilibriste,

A demi ivre souffre l’espérance,

Soufflant des goélettes de papier...

Les lunes se rétractent lestes et faibles,

La visibilité est bonne

De chenaux en détroits, vont, naufragées,

En débandade, les voluptés,

Roues flamboyantes

Dilacérant les haillons allumés

Des orbites sismiques..


Zéro heure, la chauve cascade

Où le délire se découd

Dans les courbes de l’ennui...

Zéro heure, l’édentée

Déchirant les échos

Des obsèques de minuit...

Zéro heure, poupée

Aptère, assoupie

A l’ombre des rêves...

Cartomancienne hérétique

Châtrant les éruptions chagrines,

Châtrant, multipliant les yeux

Vers les plages pourpres...

Zéro heure, nymphe sourde

Défunte à la canne bossue,

Hissant le grand pavois

De la couleur polyphonique,


La peau du poète,

Éclipse magique

De tous les déluges...


Songes dans l’extrême sud


Ancres tapissées,

Couples éteints, inflorescences...

Chevaux cardiaques

Occultés dans un nid lunaire...

Passager de la nef du fou

Fouetté par le roi si bémol

Qui monte à l’échafaud...

Battements rupestres,

Sentiers crevant les lieues

Au rythme des ailes de nuages...

La pluie soudain s’est tue

La liesse s’est tue soudain

Dilapidée dans ce jour rongé...


Éteint dans la lumière, le portraitiste

Brûle l’absence mate,

La suie insolite...

La haute mer se dilue..

L’arche hiberne aussi **** que porte la vie

Dans son sanctuaire de sève

Où la terre saigne ses eaux bouclées

Qui écument des épaves de pierre

Aussi **** que porte la vie.


Les îles du matin m’embrassent

Après une nuit de lune rase

Le ronflement du rayon

Macule en naissant le chœur torride

De l’alcôve qui s’écaille émaillée.

Entre traits, tracés et rayures

Flottent des oranges polymorphes

A portée des mains...

Sous la ménagerie de ses eaux poissonneuses

La gomme méthylique du soleil

Frotte dans le bassin d’étincelles

L’orchestre infime de ce lointain carnaval renié

Qui crépite, savonné...

Entre gravillons et bulles

Flottent des oranges polymorphes

A portée des mains...

Devant l’horloge en rut

Se signent les orangers...

Le soleil consent à la lune

La mare de feu

Greffée dans le pouls vivace de l’ombre ivre...

Entre ruines et volutes

Flottent des oranges polymorphes


A portée des mains...


Le matin nage, innombrable

Salamandre aux cent venins de verre

Qui se distillent dans une encre de cendres

Offertes au soleil insatiable...

Dans le calice débordant

Des récoltes que la nuit

Ne grignote qu’à moitié,

Les sargasses du désir plongent,

Cinglant le silence des incohérences...

Hilare, la lune

Se réveille et butine

Le nectar indigo

Qui s’attarde

Comme une musique rétinienne

Aux confins du jour...

Ainsi emmurés vifs

Dans le flux impénétrable des reflets,

Vont à l’aveuglette

Dans le palais des singes volants

L’amour et ses tribus aborigènes

Veillant sur la toison rouge du ciel...


Mon deuil échoue à l’aube

Les yeux ouverts sur les laves

De ce volcan éteint

Où s’apaisent les étoiles...

La flèche de l’archer s’évanouit, fauchée...

Le licol de mousseline de l’archipel précieux

Vacille, se dissout,

Orphelin mélancolique

Murmurant des baisers d’aniline

Aux marges du rêve...

Insomnuit d’été

Si seulement je pouvais rêver !


Sur l’échiquier, la nuit chancelle, vénéneuse...

Un vaisseau de pierre au galop s’envole

Au chevet de la mer noyée

Suant la résine...

Sifflotant, le saltimbanque

Éconduit les horizons pétales

Pris du soleil gemme étanche

Dans les écumes du ciel d’étain...

Bientôt, les lunes oscillent

Ondulent, se dérobent frivoles,

L’étalon noir se dissipe

Décochant des flèches en forme de cœur...

Quelque chose se brise dans le noir :

Était-ce un masque ou un miroir ?

Quand luit la dernière tranche d’ombre

Déboussolées, dans la dune de verre, les étoiles


Les coquilles se détellent de la terre réfractaire...

Le soleil dévastateur s’abreuve de ciel

Cachant les antres de brai...

Tâtant les décadences nacrées

Ointes de sueurs salines

L’amazone enfin répudiée

Chantonne aux aguets

Dans la baie couleur sépia...


Hennissement aveugle, l’île

Se déhanche

Toute soie et serpent

Contre l’épi de maïs vert...

“Marée basse”, dit la reine-mère...

Aucune abeille ne rame,

Ne laboure les pollens de la mer...

**** des brise-lames

Lisses et bouillonnants

Des crinières sans fin et du goémon,

L’iguane sous la villa jaune...

Le long des bougies

Coule le gouvernail du silence...

Sous les fleurs délabrées de l’éclair

Dans leur hamac vert

Les vagues veuves, les vagues nues

Courent après les lunes

Et lentement chantent les araignées...

Parfums de lumière

Qui jouent, jouent, jouent

Se décomposent

Dans une brise d’alcools...

Chimères de la mer, coup de sifflet final

Rongeant les sables glauques

Les tranchées dans le ciel ouvert

Tapis du soleil et son essaim de sujets...

La nuit, la mer fructifie

Au ralenti...


"Au feu, au feu !

Feu à la dérive !"

Scandent deux coléoptères...

Le feu fuit !

Le magicien s’est brûlé

A faire sa magie.

Le pôle s’évapore,

Le puits fait l’aumône,

L’enfant aboie,

La moto boite,

La forêt détale,

Le lion se vêt de singe

Noir et doré

Et petit à petit

Va planer

Au-dessus de l’autel fugace

Où gît

Hululant, pullulant, virulent,

Le vol agile craché

Du saxophone ténor...

L’hiver fouette le ciel,

La terre meurt prématurée,

Liane après liane,

Sécrétant comme vestiges

Le tapis de talc

D’une aile de sirène

Et le vertige nuptial

De deux notes jaunes inachevées

Au sein des similitudes.


Prunelle de gris jaune
Prunelle nuit et mer
Bleu coursier d’argile
Tigresse à la crinière couleur de brume.
Dans le rare verger qu’est l’amour
Audacieuse, elle va, incendiaire
Empaillée dans un paquebot hystérique
Vers le hasard des quais identiques
Les yeux pleins de chaux.

Dans ce chant veuf, dans cette capitale pyromane
La voilà, légère,
Aspirant les équinoxes dans cet air enchaîné
En selle pour un bain d’herbes monastique
Geôlière verte
D’émeraude pure...


L’accordéoniste des abysses
Peint dans l’œil de l’obscur :
Un nuage en zigzaguant
Ancre aux eaux du vide.

Et le gong sue...timide.
Et comme en un tango antique
S’écoule le cri acide

Des teintes atteintes par les balles,
Hoquet du temps incarné
A l’aube d’une pluie sèche de chaleurs vertes.
Et le gong sue...tumide.

Et comme en un tango marin
Caracole la pirogue étoilée du tigre intime
Renversant de son parapluie
Les certitudes les plus ensevelies de la peur.

Et le gong sue...tumide.
Et les papillons enfantent
Des flammes dans les sables mouvants,
Des harpes éoliennes
Comme des gymnastes hués par le soleil en ruines
A la recherche des marées sèches.

Et le gong sue... tumide.
Et comme en un tango de funambules
Les œillères des brebis galeuses
Traversent la toile, vieillissent, exhument le salpêtre
D’un bandonéon dont la sueur incendie les cernes
De la nuit qui jazze...


Le messager lit
Les lignes du vent,
Prend le pouls
Du ventre jaspé
De la basilique d’encre de chine :

-Là-bas, sous les monts de Vénus
Rode le messager,
Troubadour englouti
Par une lave obscure,

Passager invisible
Des failles muettes
Qu’il restaure encore...

Le messager
Les coquilles du temps...
A la pointe de l’hameçon,

Un morceau de vitrail
Où à peine filtre
La lueur des entrailles,
On devine soudain
La forme d’un cheval marron
Qui hennit.


Bleu roi
De ces couleurs pièges.
Bleu de ces teintes imprévisibles.
Issu du venin tribal
Des roses du désert
Le bleu tombe,
Comme un nuage de coton doux,
Sur la brousse atlantique des lèvres
Enflées de secrets,
Où, hystérique, il donne le jour
Sous le kiosque sympathique des pluies cyanes
A une larme de sang,

Bleu roi
De ces couleurs mutantes :
Seul le baiser de cobalt réchauffe
Les escales mélancoliques
De ces ailes closes,
Révèle les jeux d’artifice,
Et murmurant des flammes,
Fait évanouir
Le deuil magnétique
Des rênes d’ivoire...

La flèche de l’archer pénètre,
Le voile de mousseline de l’archipel précieux
Qui vacille, se dissout,
Orphelin en suspens, spectre d’aniline
Aux gants d’émeraude
Et aux chaussons d’améthyste...


Dormir, virgule,
Souffler doucement
Des cases jumelles,
Ramper à nouveau, gigoter,
Jusqu’à ce que tout ne soit plus
Qu’une seule immensité...

Au lieu de l’abîme
La clairière dans la caféière.
Dormir, virgule,
Ça et là,
Lune bleue
Sous la baguette du silence...

Le rêve entre et sort

Et jusqu’aux nuages
Craignent la chute
Vers le sommeil...


Les îles et une nuits
Me font chavirer,
Je fuis,
Naufragée inlassable,
Hors du clan tentaculaire
Vers la clarté volatile
Des voiles incendiaires...

Mes nerfs à la fleur du large
S’évaporent en filigranes
Plus **** encore...

Bleu nuit devient la mer
Aux portes de son repaire
Ancré à la rive gauche du cœur.

La crique n’est plus ce qu’elle était :
La neige reptile teint les dauphins de rose...
Éden ?
De temps à autre

Passe un trapèze
Balayant le silence.


Ô Reine, Notre Duc
Sous tes ongles laqués
J’imagine un ciel rouge
Aux parfums de lait de cobra...
Le soleil fait pleuvoir des sceptres sur le fleuve
Et des piranhas aux dents d’eau
Larguent des cerfs-volants sans fin...

“Chantez les très riches heures de l’En-Dehors !”
Crie à la face du levant
Un caméléon qui lisse les ailes du hasard
Planté dans le dédale de ta langue baccarat.


Près de la passerelle d’ivoire :
Je vous aime !” "
Bobby Blues Mar 2016
A true lover is proved such by his pain of heart;
No sickness is there like sickness of heart.
The lover's ailment is different from all ailments;
Love is the astrolabe of God's mysteries.

A lover may hanker after this love or that love,
But at last he is drawn to the King of love.
However much we describe and explain love,
when we fall in love we are ashamed of our words.
Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear,
but love unexplained is clearer.

When pen hasted to write.
On reaching the subject of love, it split in twain.
When the discourse touched on the matter of love,
pen was broken and paper torn.

In explaining its reason, one sticks fast as an *** in mire;
Naught but Love itself can explain love and lovers!
None but the sun can display the sun.
If you would see it displayed,
turn not away from it.

Shadows may indicate the sun's presence,
But only the sun displays the light of life.
Shadows induce slumber like evening talks,
but when the sun asrises the moon is split asunder.

In the world there is naught so wondrous as the sun,
but the sun of the soul sets not and has no yesterday.
Through the material sun is unique and single,
we can conceive similar suns like it.

But the Sun of the soul,
beyond this firmament,
no like there is seen in concrete or abstract.
Where is the room in conception for His essence,
so that similitudes of Him should be conceivable?
Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Chad Young Feb 2021
It seems my reality is connected to 'Abdu'l-Baha and Baha'u'llah inasmuch as I recite their words.  Also, the Bab.  Perhaps too Muhammad inasmuch as I obey Hadith and read the Qur'an.  Is my lack of reality really God? What does it mean to be God's servant but not His son? That seriousness born of the Seal of the Prophets? Or, that seriousness born of irresponsibility and wickedness? What can come from mere presence? "This cyclic scheme is to Him but a stare." Thoughts of Hindu statues of the gods and goddesses. Yes, the spiritual reality doesn't work for me at command. It doesn't entertain me either. It usually requires some input to show me anything.

That lack of any changing form going through my mind. Thoughts of a previous text and its sender. Conversations via text. The heart feels betrayed by a friend for not showing up. Memories of my friend's neighborhood. Anything of substance except the interactions I have on my phone and the memories which our words and persons reveal? Do I have any unconscious left? Anything hiding? Fears of reincarnation. Anxiety about work due to not staying in the "now". Unfulfilled plans of society. Is there anyone coming to my Group of Silence devotional? Odds unlikely. Alone on Zoom.

The conviction of medication and meditation, which changed my D's and F's into A's and B's in college. My lack of use of the knowledge I gained. Still hopeful of discovering some new form of mathematics, even if on my deathbed - I'm guessing around 80 if I keep smoking.

"There is no pain you are receding" and "*******" whisper in my mind. "Comfortably numb" - it seems like the highest spiritual state, but a state of incapacity for the investigating mind. "Is there anybody in there?" A German seven that looks like kanji.

Maybe a serious eye? Those eyes with nothing to do. Can a mirror not truly tell me about myself? For what information can come from a blank stare? A ****** in the nose. A worry-filled stare. One ear a little pulled out due to wearing COVID masks. I haven't trimmed my beard for five days. I haven't gotten a new face. My eyes are the same color. My hair, not darker nor lighter. The bags under my eyes betrays youths. My distinguished, yet still rounded cheeks. My beard hides my ****-chin. My less distinguished jaw, ovalish but with a point. Those searching eyes. A neck with so much stress built up that I unconsciously twist and crack it. Memory of the first time it spasmed. Vitamin care. Laundry drying. It must be this blank stare that is highest of high, that can be low, low.  I rub my scalp to ease muscle tension. I think about aligning my chakras, but a blank stare seems more worthwhile.

I consider smoking a touch of nutmeg, but I'm concerned how anxious it will make me, and how I lack ability in communication afterwards. I make coffee, a caffeine high will do. The cream gives me comfort. The workers getting off work add to my austerity. All those songs stored in neurons of my brain, waiting to be plugged-in. Somehow old rock songs from the 70's give me a place.

Now that beautiful lady appears to me saying "come, come" or rather "***, ***". I was so empty of everything, and she now fills my brain with connections to desire. I give in to the pressure and put a small dob of nutmeg on the end of my cigarette. Not enough for a full high, but just a little joy. Now there is experience and experiencer, not just a blank stare.

I can see my *** stare. I am as a baby in my mother's arms, I am so irresponsible. My body is a temple, with rooms, that I'm somehow detached from as if I'm in a dream witnessing it. Now I swim in this temple but I am not its fullness. I am not its command. I am no longer the tree but the twig. I am this plant called nutmeg. This is my vibration - pharmaceutical.

My buzz cut portrays a Buddhist monk's sitting. My coworker cut off all her hair once. Is she monkish as well? My body, as a sitter, full of reflection, why is this such an archetype? Does it know all, no, it only knows one, me. Is that all I am required of? To know simply me. Is there anything of depth in me?

Repose in my eye. I think of the faithful not under the influence. Have I missed a spark of truth which I would've found? My browline reminds me of a Klingon. So aggressive. I rock back and forth and around and around. I'm mixing this tonic drink in my skull. Is my body too full and big for my neck and head? how much does it matter? When will I do my next ab workout?

Memories of doing nutmeg, the cool let down off the high. The feeling it will never really subside.  Moving around in my seat like a Sufi dancer. Looking like I'm a ghost in the machine. The wetness of the white in my eye portrays tears of passion for Chloe. The residue of oil on my brow and cheek portrays sweating out the nutmeg.

My chrome dome and short beard remind me of a wizard, rather of my high school physics teacher. Science seems like wizardry at times. Contorting my face with my hands shows all sorts of masks: Asian clown and Cabbage Patch doll. Pressing on my forehead makes me look Romulan. Contorting my nose to a pig's or what I see as an English nobleman.

My head swings around like a medieval flail. Like I'm in a roller coaster. Like an Indian in devotion. Like a magician performing an act. Like a wolf ripping apart its prey. Like the monks who hit their heads with boards in "Camelot": "Oh ee eh Oh dominae, Oh ee eh Oh requi eh". Coming to the conclusion that the body doesn't change so quickly that it can by observed. But when I consciously change it, similitudes appear from memory.

Is all observation a metaphor or simile? Or, judgment and reason made out of a group of observations? Math is made from first geometry: a basic point, and then a line. Math is a physical reality, or abstractions from basic physical reality. Therefore, speaking merely in basic simile is also an abstraction from physical reality.

All there is is the physical.  Mind is due to my frontal lobe. Spirit is reduced to feeling, even if transcending regular feeling - mere EMF pattern of the body.
The journey began
in the Penitentiary of coarse and jumbled words
I co-traveled in mindscapes routes
Through space and time.
Bridging gaps of allegoricals,
With similitudes and spices of irony.
Who needs healing from this haughtingly confinement of words imprints in verse and stanzas.
In rhythms and innuendos.
Personified but divinely devoted
My Lunacy of words in text and lines is one I will happily partake of  always
I will wine and  dine in this table of perceived lunacy because here in is true sanity and logic of human tendencies
Embossed in art.
Allah is light of the entire universe
A beautiful lamp in a sweet mihrab
Wherein is glowing the lamp diverse
The lamp contained in a crystal ****

This globe is as a glittering star
This lamp is lit with the sacred olive tree
It has neither eastern nor western bar
Llight is glowing,no fire lits light to see

Allah takes to His light whom He wills  
Allah explains similitudes for people
Allah is well aware what sweet light fills
Every clean heart needs to be disciple

Refrence .Al Quran -Alnoor verse 35
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan

— The End —