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kayla eggfoot Dec 2013
I awaken to find my mind either a complete blur, a fuzzy, foggy place, or a place of a maelstrom of thoughts, ideas, and emotions, some from the previous day, some from even before that. Electrifying anxiety, paralyzing fear, crippling doubt and depression are the orders of the day, when I fully awaken. I eat, then take my pills, to get my thoughts in some semblence of order. I go through the day, feeling trapped by problems my medications cannot control. I find myself either blaming everything and everyone else for said problems, or ripping out my own entrails as I blame myself - one extreme or another. I have visions, dreams, hopes of success, but then my depression, or whatever it is, kicks in, and wipes out those dreams, reducing me to a mess of shattered hopes and dreams. This is why I spend most of my days on tumblr, where people see me for who I am, but even there, people judge and discriminate against me, for whatever I have. On tumblr, I have friends that I roleplay out various characters with, different personalities, sometimes variations of myself take shape. Tumblr is the only place where I can seemingly have a reality in which I have control. The Internet is my portal to reality, my line of defense against what could be described as agoraphobia. But I still desire the company of people my own age, physically, rather than electronically, but I do not have the same interests of most of them, and am scared to death of doing so. The very thought of meeting a large group, or even an individual, sends me into a panic attack-like state, then I fall quickly into a state of depression because of that. I hate myself for that anxiety, the awkwardness I have. Loathe is the correct word. This is why I hide behind a computer screen. It may not be perfect, but I find it easier to interact online. I do not know how to translate how my characters act to my own actions, as some have suggested for me to do. I have been told that I need to choose to get out of this hole in which I am trapped. It is a struggle every day to even get enough energy to care, much less try to get out of the hole. The only way out is by climbing a steep cliff, covered by snow and ice, cut by the howling, bone-chilling wind, with only two hooks, in my hands, to claw my way out, fighting the falling snow and ice, occasional rock and hail, sleet too. There seems to be no place to make a camp, where I may rest, only the long, arduous, grueling climb, my vertical trek, my seemingly Sisyphean task that awaits me. A choice that may seemingly **** me. People have suggested that I turn to the supernatural, but that is a fool’s bet, a folly of hope, a wish of the people who build their castles in the sky.
A poem that I wrote in the hospital over a year ago
toulouse Dec 2014
I send text messages like it's an art form. Subtle, curious glances at a blinking light that comes not nearly enough, quick replies like fluid in my fingers. I am the new generation. I am the electronic daughter of a turntable and a symphony, the quiet-on-the-outside-until-someone-calls-my-name burst of energy who comes in like a thunderstorm and leaves like a gust of wind. I love like a wildfire, dance across life like a firefly, and drown myself in the quick distractions of a busy, lights-flashing-so-bright-it-hurts world.

I grab, reaching for bonds that aren't there, pull him underwater with me and clash with him like two hydrogen atoms, then burst apart in a flash of light. Love for me is an atom bomb. Love is an explosion. Love is quick encounters, kisses in the dark, passion in bright bursts that come and go as fast as lightning strikes the earth.

And, gods, I want him.

I cry to love him, sleep fitfully to think of him, and cannot desire for more than to run from him. I want to reach out, reach forward, reach into him, grab for something, nothing, anything that can promise me he will or won't lead to another broken promise.

Lips touching, pulling me down, leaving me screaming out for air because my air not oxygen, it's nothing but him and the scent of him and the feeling of his arms wrapped around me and




My eyes keep flickering to the green light. I groan, and type another message.

I've got it so bad for this boy

I understand. Have you talked to him about it?

no way,,,, im a hot mess. he's too much for me, seriously

Young love.

seriously man don't do that I'm so frustratingly dependent rn

You love him. 

do not

Do so.

I throw the phone down, pull a stuffed animal towards me, grumble to myself, and look for the flickering light. Nothing. No response. I press my palm to my forehead and return to music, but it isn't enough.

You love him.

do not

Like a symphony of lights and sounds knows how to love. She doesn't, I don't, not really, but I know how to reach, how to desire, how to drown myself with the semblence of a feeling. I wish I knew how to love, and I wouldn't mind if he taught me, but can I love now? After I loved that once and it was ripped from me? I don't know how. I don't remember.

he ****** me up, dude, i don't even know if this is love or if i'm trying to replace the feeling i had with you-know-who with someone else

I don't think so. He tried to ground you, and I don't think you really want to replace that

it's like risking true love for the safe option

"true love" What

I'm just saying... that's how i was with him really. it was love once but it distorted into more of a safety net

I guess. But you can love someone again, honey. You just have to figure out how

yeah i do. somehow. god help me

You can do it

unsent: maybe. or maybe im hopeless

It's easy to dream when you're lost. Hope is a powerful thing. They say I'm part of a generation lost in the glamour, but are we? Are we lost in the glamour, or are we losing ourselves in the flashing lights to avoid the reality of life, that stuff *****?

Maybe we'll figure out how to love again, or maybe they're right. Maybe I got lost in the glamour.

Maybe the wildfire will never go out, the wind will never stop, and the lights will keep flashing.

Maybe I'm hopeless.
dawn's wishful thinking
Life, will take your hands and break every tendon in your fingers
Life, will rip your fingernails off like the 12th ticket in Stop&Shop;'s deli counter line
the cold, dead selects you purchase by the ounce for weekly lunches remind us all
of the patience we practice each day
Patiently waiting in line patiently waiting to buy
He's waiting for her to text back and she is waiting for her heart to attack
She's been hearing the war for years now, gunshot reminders and grenade bombers explode through her bloodstream to haunt any destiny of peace

We want you to be Okay
everyone wants some semblence of comfort but there are needles in my eardrums
the music isn't piercing me anymore
I miss notes and sailboats streaming into me
I know where they are but my fingers are limp

Life will numb your fingers
so when your mother buys you gloves and hats on your birthday
muster the golden mustard stained napkin in your heart and wipe the selfish tears
A piano is unrealistic, that opportunity passed years ago

Be thankful for the very light reflecting off of the silverware, remember
Life will never be simple or fair
you will always be here but wish you are there
Sometimes you will feel like nobody cares
and that's alright
nobody has to care
except for the gremlins that live inside my hair
The Jolteon Jun 2017
Trust, honesty
And mutual respect
Are these things
We forget
Or things
We neglect

For our friends
We attempt
A semblence
Of intent

For our lovers
We invent
Illusions of
What's best
Elizabeth Mayo Jul 2012
your eyes are pearls drawn
they sing to me from deep beneath
any semblence of light

the water glimmers gold above
like the sun has has cast its lot
and waits for judgement day.

sweet and fair we call our loves
and sweet and fair they be
but when the knotted limbs grow rough
it's the sea that waits for thee

and take your crown of stars
and see it fits your head
for when the the stars come toppling down
that's all that shall be left.

more precious to me
than all the pearls in the sea
were your teeth, laughing.
Just quickly written; the last stanza is from an old poem.
Grace Jordan Jan 2015
This was written three years ago for a school project*

In the glass lies a familiar stranger. I can see in her eyes I understand her, but on the outside she is someone I barely recognize. I’m not sure if I like her, with all her sharp angles and endless shades of color refracted. We stare at each other, she smirks at me, and I scowl at her, uncertain how to continue, afraid of what to do. We are strangers strung together by a common understanding, one we cannot ignore. Yet we don’t know how to approach one another. Polite courtesy, companionship, hatred? I don’t know with her. Within the reflection, I see every side of her, every flawed, shattered inch, the past that she pretends doesn’t exist, everything she's desperate to hide. Her reflected figure shows her as an invincible diamond, but inside she's just breakable glass.  

In a moment, the lights shift, the glass changing to force me to remember her. Her past unfolds before my eyes, and I am transfixed in memoriam.

She is only four years old, bright eyed, heartbroken, and forever changed, having to grow up too fast and having to pretend too often that she was ok. On her face lingers an angelic, adorable smile, yet my heart knows its not real. It doesn’t take long for a broken child to realize if she smiled it made everyone else feel better. Her arms cling to a velvet, violet teddy bear, thin from being hugged too tight, a photograph in her hand, crumpled from being hidden all too often. the image of a boy lies in it, only an infant, an image innocent but yet so obviously not. His lips are stained with red, his skin stained with white, and her cheeks stained with tears. The pain wells within my own heart, feeling her pain as she giggles, red-eyed, becoming joy epitomized to make her family smile again. She got so good at playing pretend.

Then the image changes, and she is now seven, hair cropped in a humiliating bowl shape, ready to go to school, ready to be someone, ready to live by that smile. Her feet turn in and the butterfly pins in her hair are happily quirky, distraction from what lies within her eyes; within my heart. A pile of photos reside in her pocket, only peeking out slightly to show the truth. The young boy, an elderly man, a sickly woman, the faces peer up at her, refusing to let her forget. And the bags under her eyes tell a tale all their own. With all the pain came the long nights, nights of nightmares that scared her awake, crying. No one seems to notice that though; the hall surrounding her is covered in photos of a young, chubby cheeked boy, so little and so young. In every shot they idolized him,  treated him like a miracle. I may know the difference between favoritism and the zealous gush over a baby, yet she doesn’t. She’s only a girl. At seven, the pain and nightmares weren’t what she minded most, what left a downcurve on the side of her grin. That came from wanting to be a miracle too.

Time seems to race by in seconds, and that tiny little girl is now ten. So much has changed. Her hair has grown and so has her smile; yet distinguishing its validity is impossible. Her legs are crossed, calmly,  contrast to her storming eyes. Around her are students, staring at a teacher as she reads a student’s fantastic work. The girl beams, but refuses to look down at her own rejected paper in her hands. An A+ is marked on the top. Yet everyone is transfixed as the other student’s writing is written aload. There are calluses covering her fingers and pencil marks staining the long, left sleeve of her shirt. I see inside this kills her. Every so often she gives an encouraging smile to the jovial girl next to her, with no paper in her hand.My eyes widen. This friend of hers is the one whose story is being read aloud. Her taller friend is better, and it kills her inside, being close yet still not being good enough.

The picture doesn’t stay, it soon shifts. A lot changed once she is thirteen. The familial grin covers her face, yet she doesn’t seem to be smiling at herself, merely at the other person in the glass. A blonde girl is next to her, her arm around her, the two speaking without words. Yet both girls are looking at each other, and not at themselves, as if ashamed. Not long after the other girl waves goodbye and the young girl is left all alone. For once her smile truly falters, staring at what’s left; her. An insecure hand crosses over her chubby stomach, acknowledging her shapeless sides. Her arms cross self-consciously over her and she shakes her head, as if to tell herself to stop all the hate. Eyes closed, she’s smiling again, but by now I know she’s lying. I almost want to clutch her close, to hold her tight, to tell her that she’s going to be ok. That she’s not disgusting as she thinks her reflection shows. Yet, stuck outside the glass, I can do nothing. That poor young girl, she only knows how to feel pretty when she can’t see her own face in the mirror.

Darkness hits as the glass reveals the girl at fifteen. She is sitting on the floor, skinnier than before, prettier than before, but with tears falling down her face. No smile hides the pain inside. She is alone, surrounded by bleak darkness and subtle cracks throughout. The only thing alive in this godforsaken reflection is her. The photos once more are peeking out of her pocket, the past ones still there while new ones have joined their ranks; the kind face of a diminutive woman, an elderly woman paired with the previous man, a young girl with strawberry blonde hair, and the insecure girl once holding the girl up with a friendly smile. The picture is torn clean in half, with rage and anger burned into its colors. She looks at it often, sobbing more with each guilty glance. My eyes scan her, terrified and pain stricken. Eyesight, fickle and slow, finally homes in on the crook of her right elbow, with small, almost invisible cuts covering it, cuts almost hidden by her sweatshirt. My head hurts, my hands begin to bang on the glass. She hold her hands to her head, rocking ever so slightly back and forth, as if a monster is consuming her mind. I pound harder, desperate to try to help her, she’s so lost. She feels guilty, so guilty. For nothing, everything, its all her fault. Why is she such poison? No one stays. Her eyes fall on her photos and her eyes grow dark. No, no one ever stays. In the end she is always alone. The tears fall faster as her knuckles grow white, trying to use force to drive the poison out. She poisons everyone who cares; she murders them. Shadows move around her in a taunting dance. In her eyes insanity screams. the shadows dance faster and faster, spinning out of control. She's not poison, she's not a monster, she's just a girl. but like this, she can’t hear me. she never will. Now, she feels utterly hopeless, helpless, alone. I fall to my knees, tears pouring from my eyes and anger seeping from my pores. Exasperated and in more pain than bearable, the girl rips the photos out of her pocket and scatters them through the blackness, screaming for it to go away, all of it, but it helps nothing. Why does she destroy everything? She collapses into incohesive tears, curled up on the floor, taunted by her shadows, maddeningly alone.

Finally the picture fades into the image it began as, the girl giving the sarcastic smirk that I was scowling at. I still know not what to say. She may be utterly flawed, but those flaws were what made her. Every smile, every nightmare, every second of envy, every bitter heartbreak, every semblence of insanity, those terrors created her. They are her past, her future, her present. Some days she’s four, some days she’s ten, some days she’s fifteen again even though I know she’d never admit it. In that smirk I watch her pride and strength rise above her vulnerability. That smirk, that perceived confidence, shows everyone the oddly shaped diamond. Yet it's those eyes of hers, blue-green movie screens, that flicker how stupidly human she really is. In her messy hair lies a pencil, in her hand a notebook. If concentrating hard, I could see on its inside cover all the thrown photos glued haphazardly to it. They were painful to remember, but even more painful to forget. She has grown so much, through each pivotal moment, and my contradicting feelings of annoyance and admiration don’t know how to compromise. This familiar stranger could be less hyperactive, less obnoxious, less secretive sometimes. Yet as my fingers splay across the glass, I don’t know what she would be without her bravery, her pain, her beautiful imagination. her fingers twitch with the murmurs of insanity, but I know she’s handled worse. This is just another challenge to overcome. Our eyes meet defiantly and we both laugh in synchronization. She will always be challenging me in the glass, reminding me of who she is so I never am able to forget it. I glance down and my spare hand runs across my notebook, and with each painful photograph I smile. They are her world; my world. Without them, without this pain, we’d be nothing. My fingers freeze on a final photo; the cracked, crushed picture of fifteen year old me. Giving her one last, thoughtful glance, I turn from the mirror and move on with our life, reminding myself to wonder what she would do, how I would react, and make sure to live every day remembering who we are; we are beautifully broken glass.
betterdays Mar 2014
are we...
in the bigger
mere wisps of
our thoughts...
the epitome...
of self indulgent
the semblence of
in the
of the
in all of nature's...
Oskar Erikson Dec 2016
chasing yellow brick roads
leads only to windmills wound around
till eventually you find nothing
but faults of your own and the doubts
which trickled up now reversed to waterfalls
cascading upon old hearts to freeze any semblence
of feeling

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
You will love
mike Dec 2016
there is a perfect semblence
between the forest and the trees
when you see the world
as the world would see it.
jeffrey robin Nov 2014
(                                                                ­    
) ­                                       

                                                  ^^       ­  /\      /\             ^^


                                Softly        My love

My one true love


On silent beaches

In broken hearted city streets

On ancient battlefields

In the modern day insanity



( we )                                                      

We love for awhile

And Eternity

Nods to us in gratefullness


Strangers on the road

The subtlety of pure feelings is lost

The images we call Reality

Are torn and tattered

The people they once represented

Are gone

Only vague hints of semblence


Within the loneliness

We love


Me and my true love

I see you there

In the magic hour


meet in mystic Silences

And you appear
In each and every single one I meet


My true love


The day breaks open

It is the Dawn

We walk out the door

( it has begun )


The one Story all must share and know

The one true feeling that never leaves

Me and my love
Jimmy silker Feb 1
In the movie
There would be the sound if a projector starting up
And then grainy overexposed
Happy family memories loop
Not the darkened smokey room of a spy thriller
But something
Seeming light
That turns into
A chiller
The solid crate of love
That's is family and friends
Gets slowly emptied out
You don't notice at first
Regular Sunday dinners
Turn into Easter and Chrimbo
You loose a lover
And all those they were into
Some friends move away
Or just into themselves
A suicide
Handful of weddings
Familial pools
Unavoidably spreading
An ensemble cast
Dynamic and connected
Dour monologue
From Self pity
And then a great flash
As it comes off the spool
The celluloid *****
In the empty room.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2018
what's the latin intermediate word to conjugate space & time, that isn't ergo in the compound space-time, i.e. what word could be ascribed to replace the hyphen conjugation? or rather, what can unravel the cogito ergo sum, with a missing ergo... that, even if missing, precipitates into a manifestation to ground in an exempli gratia... or when are a company's obligation to make travel expenses not worth a denote- of being named gratis? notably in the tax rubric expected from them as: "cost free"?

    are ideas: moral prompts?
             or (are they) just the grey area of
                    XY chromosome
interpretation of the two
               essences: time-space...
worse than moral relativists
are the ones scolding
the existence of subjectivity,
any drunk would say:
   puritanical physics -
   object "contra" object...
     but of the content necessary
for the inherent, i.e.
  "the" inertia?
    darwinism and the rite
of history... against and again
   the point of a village...
language: play-dough...
       but at least
there's not desentizing effect
manifested in "a" utility...
          was there really a question
manifested in *a
of use?
      apparently one cannot
juggle time: as a subject
                 rather than an object
as one cannot juggle space:
as an object rather than a subject...
   vice versus crucified on
St. Andrew's crux...
                 yet there's a brooding
abhorance to comment on...
      the exclusiveness of objectivity...
       to even begin "hiding"
            behind a crux ex cura...
         is time a posit to discuss
an exhort of context, or to make content?
   to ask with the same
   (misnomer, the antithesis of
a thesaurus, naked in "air quotes")
    regarding space?
             a mark of the collective
is a mark of puritanical physics...
       as if a semblence with
object-object interaction
           was the zenith,
                    that a subject-object
    interaction didn't exist,
like the symbol of crown and a coin
effigy embedded, or the status of
a king...
              of course a critique of
subjectivity is demanded,
      but that a subject-subject
     parallelism is not expected
     with a compensation of an object per se?
               id est: denotion.
i'm still bewildered by the negative
approach to subjectivity,
   as if "boredom" and the
"missing space" / the immediately
apparent was such a negative
                                     "status" posit...
if you ever walked the
labyrinth of english suburbia
you'd know what i mean:
      the gagging for a mirror labyrinth.
- because how can i make
language become a
            mathematic-cipher replica
"translation": and
   ask a matter of a conductor
reading music while "dancing"
   like a: newly liberated

p.s. can you be truly objective about
both time, and space?
     aren't we immediately "forced"
into the inherent subjective ontology
of memory?
                        i am: nostalgia
is hardly a case for adhering
           to a "sensibility" of objectivity.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
so you think that .zip filing
a profanity is an escape?
you know what actually
sounds like?
     a minor phobia -
  if that, or perhaps the cookie
jar of "orientating" yourself
around an omniprescence -
yes, that's how
i conceive him:
     within the confines
of an article, in this case
the indirect articulation of
a "supposed" attribute -
no, don't, don't make me
into a vanity zombie
that only fuels "his" pride -
if anyone was going to make
east london / essex english
tacky, degenerate, it would
be the americans...
you know, i had great respect
for bukowski, once,
then i heard he didn't bother
to learn spelling...
    that's like someone telling
me that they can't do basic
arithmetic, akin to 1 + 1 = 2...
mate... there are limits
of kissing ***...
        and that broke me...
i'm thinking of donating all
the books i own by him to
a charity shop - with a piece
of toilet paper as a bookmark!
there are limits!
    and no, hiding profanity
in acronym form (as is the american
custom) doesn't do anything
other than leave you:
either stupid, or dyslexic.
look at it!
         whatever happened with
the english phrase:
    pardon my french, after
a word like: ****!
   a german once complimented
a polish word,
  as a word that influenced him
in discharging emotional
   sure, for some people
the word kurva (originally
with a w) can release
a lot of emotional constraint -
but only if you trill the R...
and that's telling you something,
coming from a german...
evidently scheiße wasn't good
enough... i'm not surprised:
what with its oily hard to "streß"
consonant to pivot on...
          why don't the germans
like the scheiße-profanity?
ask them in english:
   shy-(t)sssss-e(h) / shy-(t)sssss-é...
ooh, look at you,
with that python on your shoulders...
if the poles balance on R -
  the germans balance on S...
  the french balance on R devolved
from trill and bound to an H-phlegm -
the english? also an R...
   although an R in dentistry -
the anaesthetic - thumbing...
thumbing, phumbing...
     ****! numbing! numbed R!
oh sure, the the surd G: gnome -
noumb - but ****! fickle thing:
reappears in diagnostics -
of all the languages in the world:
english? the most fickle -
which really does explain english
so yeah, there you have it.
no, crafting acronyms to "hide"
profanity, is one thing, i will not do,
a. it originated in america,
     and as a european
     i can't accept anything beyond
     music, film, literature
       (******* will not laud me
    with their phonetic alpha bravo
   charlie romeo *******!)
b. i swear there was a 2nd point
    to be made...
    alpha beta rho, cistern...
            ah! that's why i can't
     do crosswords!
             i'm already looking for words,
     and the "poem" is already
     in quasi-semblence with a crossword...
no, wait, that wasn't it...
  **** it...
   coming from a country that invoked
              i never trust a man
that doesn't enjoy a drink...
                      which also means
a woman...
                 all these complaints,
and off she goes into the ****-hole
of an amazon jungle and drinks
a "magic" potion...
then comes back to the city
and starts to turn the drinking part
into an injecting "ceremony"...
       **** me...
you know how entertaining cooking
and other household chores
are when you're a little bit tipsy?
yes yes... you need a smoke and a drink
to "sooth" the palette...
        well, that's why it's "sooth":
basically numb it...
             so you can guarantee you
will not add too much salt
or chili or bay leaf to a dish.
Chantell Wild Jul 2020
Fingers tangled up in
a semblence of hair
neither here nor there
barely holding
onto feathered threads
that are in the process
of becoming unwoven

— The End —