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Yenson Nov 2018
Hey Mr Big Nose harassers
Thieves, Bullies and Morons
Look how many years you've had
Still can't break him or shut him up
You are thieves and criminals
No good lowlife degenerate scums
You can't terrorize me,
you can't pressurize me
you can't fraternize me

You are thieves, cheap common criminals
can't do better in life than stealing from others
You stole and I called you out, Your are thieves
plain and simple, stinking useless criminals
You can't terrorize me,
you can't pressurize me
you can't fraternize me

I will not shut up, I will not be gagged
You are thieving scums you and your paid thugs
You have tried putting the frighteners on me
You want to break me and discredit me
I am still here and I won't shut up
Do your worst
Enlist the whole world
Hound me from pillar to post
You are nothing but stinking low life scums
You can't terrorize me,
you can't pressurize me
you can't fraternize me

White thieves and burglars
Stealing thieving Racist scums
Wanna shut me up
Wanna bully and terrorize me to gag me
Wanna break me and **** my spirit the cowards they are
Come do your worse white thieves
yes I'm in your country and there are more of you
I ain't scared and control all you like
I will still say it to your faces thieves!
Your are stinking thieves and crooks
No good scums and lowlife
I ain't scared of you, come and **** me
I will not be broken by scums, degenerates and lowlife
You are nothing but stinking criminals with connections
Underground the lowlifes call themselves
Proud of criminality, white thieves makes a profession
out of burglary and stealing, Shame on you!
You scums blatantly burgled me because I am quiet and gentle
you thought you will meet no resistance
then I stood up to you
you swear you'll take me out, destroy me
Cheap shameless criminals
With all the civilisation and advancement in your Nation
All you can achieve is going around burglarizing
Cheap scums and degenerate, now come shut me up
I ain't scared of you and your underground
You can't terrorize me,
you can't pressurize me
you can't fraternize me
Yenson Sep 2018
The East-end Thief Christine Macfatty
she said " We'll use a sledge-hammer to crack a nut"
We have taken a proxy contract out on you
with our mates from the Socialist Left, you're a goner!

So the Red Devils starts their Criminal gangstalking
An insidious campaign of harassment and intimidation
smears, slander, defamation, hounding, provocation,
vilification, obstruction, invasion of privacy, theft,
framing, mobbing, bullying, humiliation  everything possible
that could drive a person insane or to suicide.

These scums were protecting their Crookish mates
They had to ruin and discredit me to cover the guilt
the shame and crime of their fellow scums and guttersnipes.
they gloated ' the best form of defence is attack'
And attack and attack and attack they did, relentlessly.
I have done nothing wrong, I did not steal from no-one
I will not be intimidated by Criminals and lying scums

People they have lied to and fooled are beginning to see
A lot have realize the truth and they are losing mass support
The Red Scums are now bribing people to do their harassment,
be involved in their street theater skits, to join in public mobbing.
They have become desperate because people now know the truth
They don't want you to know, they have lied and hoodwinked

They have pedalled fake news, to rope fooled people into mobbing
and their stupid deluded street theater harassment nuisances.
I don't have a complex about my profile, I have a high forehead
so what, go look Ant of Ant and Dec, go look Christian Benteke,
go look Denzel Washington and thousand other males.
I don't have a complex about break-ins, so leave as many doors
open as you like.
I know I have excellent personal hygiene, so vilify about **** on me
as much as you like and my feet don't smell, so keep that up too.
Yes I am overweight, I am not going to **** myself for that
And I know 100% I am not Gay, if I was I am brave enough to own
and admit it.
You Scums don't intimidate or frighten me one tiny bit, I am not some trembling anxious victim. I will keep on airing the TRUTH.
You are thieves, ******, low life scums, People are seeing it now.
You are the desperate frightened low-life scums.

You now want to drive me away from this site by using your
Cyber-stalkers and asinine Haters to stop my poetry.
Lets see how that goes.....

Your psychotic Sledgehammer still swings as crazy as you all are!
Christine Macafatty and her Gangster Family are THIEVES.
TOM,  JOAN, KELLY are thieves as all their Criminal mates and the Red Socialist militants, helping them.  

Yenson Jul 2018
A while ago in East London, in an area called Poplar
a black man lived with his wife
Quiet, hardworking, law-abiding they both were.
never courted a scandal, never committed a crime
Just went about their business, working for  better tomorrows

Then next door a Scottish family of five moved in
and immediately started borrowing from couple next door
Do you have sugar, do you have bread, can I borrow a fiver
till our Giro arrives next week, please another tenner for Jim
He has to pay a fine.

Empty beer cans littered their doorway, they all drank like fish
fights and arguments rang late into the night
Police visited twice, thrice weekly and it was known Jim burgled.
and was always doing time, when not drunk and fighting
Joan eldest girl was pregnant at sixteen and Tom fourteen had
done two stretches in juvenile detention
Last daughter Kelly was also to end up in the duff at sixteen

Amounts borrowed was now sizable, the odd fiver repaid
stolen items regularly offered and rejected by quiet couple next door
Invites to the black man to visit while Jim in jail politely declined
Come and have a drink with me and my young daughters
No thanks, got to go and cook, my Mrs would be returning soon.

The family from hell has turned the neighborhood to hell
constant break-ins all around
strange men coming and going, fights and noise, beer cans
for carpets, stairwells reeking of ****, Tom and friends and
Marijuana fumes graced the stairs and veranda.
Mrs Scottish and two young daughters constant smiling invitations
to black man next door, duly always deftly rejected.

Black man and Mrs decided to stop lending money
it was all going on beer and smoke and never paid back
By the end of the week, their car had been vandalized and four
wheels removed, racist leaflets started appearing on veranda.
No more smiling coyly invites, now just loud music and loud
intermittent bangs on walls from next door.
We must complain, we most report all this to the Landlords.
No, lets just ignore them, not worth the hassle.

Then it happened, black man arrives home one afternoon
and finds his front door ajar, they had been burgled.
Seething with anger he stormed next door to be met by Mrs S
'you ******* thieves have robbed me, how can you be so low,
after all we've done to try and help you. None of you work, You are a bunch of lazy
workshy, welfare scroungers, you are pathetic lowlife. why don't you go and get a job instead of burgling houses and getting drunk all day long
I will start a petition to move you away from the neighborhood.
You no-good non working class scums'  a disgrace and an affront to the hardworking working classes. You ******* racist bullies, I will show you, you can't
mess with me'

Mrs S smiled wickedly and said, you will see
'character assassination, public humiliation, we'll ruin your life and you'd wish you are dead by the time we finish with you and your chicken legs wife. I will show you who runs the manor in East London.'
You can't do that, black man replied, I have done nothing wrong, you are the bare-faced thieves, you shameless woman. We have had enough of you and your anti-social behaviour. You are not going to mess with us no more!

OH, YES! they can and by jove, they did.
Mrs S retorted' You are the foreigner here, you are the one that would be leaving the country
and going back to your Jungle'.
Black man called wife to tell her, she came home immediately
the police came, no evidence, here's a crime report, get your door
fixed. How about searching next door, we can't, no witnesses.
And then Black man's life changed FOREVER.

Should I write about the intimidation from other white families
in the neighborhood, should I write about how the Local Socialist
Party got involved, and launched a propaganda campaign about a black Conservative member dissing the Working Classes,  should I write about how one of his beloved dogs was
killed, should I write about a rumour campaign that black man was a wife-beater, a ****, a con man, a greedy parasite, should I write about sudden hostilities and bullying at his work place, how his wife was also sacked, about being randomly insulted and abused in the streets, about kids spitting on him, about being shunned inexplicably by locals
he's known for years. Should I write about outrageous fabrication, smears and humiliation.
Should I write about political victimization, about the black man 'who thinks he is better than us all,' about how a wedge was driven between him and his wife, till she broke and upped and left without warning,
should I write about how strangers shouted 'solidarity with the working Class' at him, should I write about daily torments and constant harassment everywhere he goes, should I write about Criminal gang stalking,
should I write about being informed they were going to ruin his career, ruin his marriage and ruin his reputation, check, all done. S I write about how they said they were going to chuck mud at him everywhere he went and blacken his name forever, should i write about pure isolation, about being made a target and being  hounded and stalked and disrespected everywhere. Should I write about how they stated they were going to drive him insane and drive him to suicide.

Just  know that somewhere in London, a decent, law-abiding progressive, and innocent black man, is now on his own, broke, in debts and on Welfare benefits, unable to find a job, friendless and isolated, discredited and shunned.  He is still being stalked, harassed and hounded, round the clock. All for daring to stand up to CRIMINALS.

Yenson Aug 2018
Its a scam, its a scam, see the Crimson Gang deftly scamming them
They by sleight have befuddled gullible masses Moral Compass
Made them see wrong as right twisting their brains from the stem
With deceitful guile they shepherded them all to the fools' campus

Slander and fake News galore fed to vacant hungry masses scrum
Knowledge is power the reprobates declares, do not let it pass
We're the majority the bullies screams, knowing they're just scums
Worthless charlatans who rob successes and **** without cutlass

They take a foregone conclusion and coat it with fool's gold crumb
A victim with no intention of going after an uninterested lass
Dumb masses fed fake news fooled into harassing actions dumb
A non-event becomes a show of the controlling might of our class

Crimson gangs interpret a non-events from his deluded sad drum
Creates a warped sick drama round a hapless victim for laughs
Gives street theater actions to masses, these will oppose and numb
Whilst poor victim subjected to 'voiding' madness wonders past

The Crimson leaders laugh so much like pirates drinking ***
Look how we manipulate the masses, they are so simple and crass
With our devious twisting propaganda they eat out of our ***
We simply use them to nail and crucify our victim to the cross
Gang stalking is simply a form of community mobbing and organised stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognised as legitimate, this is the community form.
Gang stalking is organised harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quiet, etc.

It's organised, widespread, and growing. Some describe this form of harassment as, "A psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."
Yenson May 2019
They call it a 'Class War"
They call it a "War of Liberation"
whilst its just another instance of white oppression

Childish, immature, mean and nasty underachievers
like the kid on the beach who kicks over others sandcastle
because they are better than the ******* castle he made

Like that that uncool dumb teen who scatters the board game
because he's now seen that he is losing and cannot win at all

like those ugly pimpled friends who would play gooseberry
and ****-blockers because  they can't get nice dates of their own

like that bitter mad one who will spill ink over your white top
or new Trainers because he or she has old and ***** ones

They are all from the world of the sicko psychos and damaged
talent-less mean, envious, sad pathetic people going nowhere
If I can't make it, why should others do and be winners

They all graduate to the divisive politics of the ****** losers
Power is stopping progress and advancement because they are down
Power is bringing achievers and enterprise down they can's gain
Power is sabotaging all that is good because they are bad in all

Measly fetid minds they plot and conspire in gangrenous network
dolts, scums, unwashed losers and rejects of society, bottom feeders
Come join the Party, our specialty is chaos and disruption of winners

The pathetic jokes of the white West, losers in their own backyards
picks on an African who came from disadvantages to better them
better educated, more intelligent, cool and stylish in every way
pack full of potential, going places they can never go or reach

Our sick, mean spirited under-achievers, expert losers and scums
crawled on the war-path, riddled with envy, sick with jealousy
ruin his progress, oppose and disrupt a black man who doubles
efforts to achieve, what if losers try is given to them on a plate

What here is done for the greater good, what here is honorable
celebrated victories for psychos, racist underachievers I think not
peoples power? more sick, tormented, jealous n envious chicanery
anarchy jealousy, anarchy shame, anarchy racists, anarchy liars

One Single Black achiever demonstrates the inherent strength
and grace of our all our Ancestors against sick, persistent white oppression. That's the story here.
If its a fair war, why hide and go underground, why fight *****!
Yenson Aug 2018
Welcome to the Alpha cowards who are faceless and their cowardly gangs,
The raggle taggles scums who live in sewers and gutters and crawl out to spew their putrid innards or cast mud as they are wont to do. The stinking Bullies of the West, the fascists and Racists of Modern Politics, Liars and shysters, deluded sickos.  

Hail the Red Loony - Hail the Uber chavs of Chavs-ville, the deluded warriors of Wigan, the ******* pigs of Animal Farm,  the Baldrick's of Blighty, the Prophets and Saviors of the poor Oppressed malcontents, the Asinine Numpty Controller of Heraldry, the bungling vacuous Stalinist thugs, the famed carriers of the famed and ridiculous owners micro-penises and laughable quick shot minute men lovers, with  their Fem-fresh free zone females.

Hail the Bogus Thieving Red Devils and the Psychos Uber Slanderers and Shitegangs of the Western Socialist muppets, to name a few of their inglorious tags. Hail the Shameless Red flag wavers. who sexually harass females members and are only there for what they can get while fooling all they are comrades and for the people.

Now that the Jews have exposed you and shown all that you're the imbecilic Haters of successful and hardworking people, the maggots that you are, you can concentrate more on playing with the mind of that Black Prince, that is putting you and your poor brainwashed and ******* gabble of followers, to shame.

How the mindless can play mind games is of course, an anomaly best understood by the Mindless themselves, but then since when do psychotic, deluded, hallucinating, proven in-adequate and sick fantasists, those education- avoiding, opportunities-shy ( why should we make use of all the opportunities offered to us, why should we try and earn an honest living and make something of ourselves, No! we are the socialist 'working class',

We have the Welfare system created specially for us, we don't pick strawberries or work on the farm like some poor Poles, we don't serve in Hotels and say 'sir' to some ****** Johnny Foreigner, lets leave that to the Jews, Asians, Eastern Europeans and Africans ), we are free hedonistic, drunken louts and yobs and we don't care.

We hate those that believe in hard work and striving to be successful, we do not like clean, honest law-abiding people, we will bring them down to our level, we are all equal, that's democracy. We will campaign against good people and try and drive them mad, we will slander them and give them grief, We Never let the facts and truths get in the way of an asinine campaign against decent people with aspirations and sensibilities. We are mindless and irrationality, envy, jealousy, pettiness and irrational hatred is our game, I dare profess to all you Blue Conservatives.  

So go luxuriate in your mediocrity of mind, body and soul, go do your hating, that's what Haters do, get on with your lies, smears and slander, what else do you have, after all your whole lives are one big facade and you are masters of superficiality, even your mothers wouldn't tell you all the truth to your faces. You are shameless cowards, internationally recognized bullies and pointless anachronisms  in this days and age.    

Why not save your fears, energy, expenses and time before slithering around performing your anodyne 'street theater' and posting various fake profiles, or presenting the fowl putrid nonsensical deluded fantasies,  thinking compound 24 carats fools like you and your ***-wipes, can shape opinions or influence sane minds.  However I do appreciate this fact will be too much to comprehend by deluded psychos and brain washed simpletons, so please continue amusing yourselves and displaying your abject and pitiful ignorance, your vacuous minds needs useless stimulation.

Hail the  Hail the Reds Devils hahaha.....hahaha.....hahahaha...oh...oh....hahaha...Hail the Classic ***** of The Red Devils...hahaha hahaha hahaha. Hail the simplistic sense of power of anodyne oppositions.
zebra Oct 2018
stranded in
the beauty of her throat shunted

her preference
a short drop
in a bulwark twisting knot
a hanged ghastly pendent

her feet arching desperately in search of a floor
they will never find


her face
a hideous insubordination
she dissolves like tropical butter
a screaming silence
a falling prayer
with downward sloping limbs

eyes wobbled
bulging to break into paradise
like a dizzied cyclops
as numb lipped jutting howls
turn cement

always willing to help
he scums
for her
in pulsing heaves
of beatific gush
dark eroticism
****** horror
Yenson Jan 2019
I can smell their cowardly fear
their frantic desperation is palpable
they stink frustration and boiling envy
their lies, scams and foul smears unravelling
coercised crowd seeing them for the scums  they are
they garner contempt hidden for fear of not belonging
a lot afraid to tell them they no longer buy into their mischief
behind their wicked backs the immigrants are disgusted and sick
sick of their characters, their indulgences and their empty arrogance

The immigrants know it's all racist hatred
they now know the poor man did nothing wrong
know how pathetic and sick these wanton devils are
know these spoilt ignorant rabbles are souless juveniles saps
laugh at them behind closed doors amongst themselves silently
while pathetic thieves and dim-wit associates boast of their power
power of cowards and scums and workshy semi-illiterates sad fools
resenting success and hard working people who put in the hard graft
jokers and fantasists too stupid to really see what's happening in light
Yenson Dec 2018
The Rent-a-Mob loonies, the gangsters and the Racists
damaged scums of society and contemporary politics
Ignorant arrogant sociopaths who want it all for nothing
Indulgent wasters in nation awashed with opportunities
In idle union they scream, feed us poor and **** the Rich

Strangers come Poland, Bulgaria, India and all over
to work in farms, hospitals, hotels and Constructions
Building futures and faring in endeavours with sweat
Crimson gangs and Renta Mobs states we serve nobody
**** the wealth makers, **** the parasites and let's drink

Our shyster gangs of Revo-comrades and malcontents
See killing fields, whereas strangers toil and find rich pickings
Our Revos Distract, confuse, sow seeds of dissent, make strife
Blame all others, lie and decieve, fling indulgent political turds
Rent brainwashed Mobs,into ***** bridgard to do their ***** work

We all know life is unfair and even roses have imperfections
Some are born to riches in spades and some born to beggars in dusts
Those with time, sit and ask God why, just a fact of life to accept
But from dust has risen billionaires, whilst riches have made duds
Insane Crimson sits in spurious guise and odious fallacy playing God

Yeh, **** the Rich and feed the poor, why hide and use Rent a mob
Why not air your case in broad daylight and stand your conviction
The coward you are knows it hold no sanity for those with sense
Except for thieves, the workshy and wasters who cheat to survive
In your city of merits aplenty, Revo-crimson is beneath contempt
Rahim Sterling - Nothing annoys the Racists more than a successful Blackman or a black male with potential. The sick of the Society will all rise up in arms to Destroy them. They can only abide the subjugated and oppressed black male, the ones they can use in Rent-a-Mob...
If I were tickled by the rub of love,
A rooking girl who stole me for her side,
Broke through her straws, breaking my bandaged string,
If the red tickle as the cattle calve
Still set to scratch a laughter from my lung,
I would not fear the apple nor the flood
Nor the bad blood of spring.

Shall it be male or female? say the cells,
And drop the plum like fire from the flesh.
If I were tickled by the hatching hair,
The winging bone that sprouted in the heels,
The itch of man upon the baby's thigh,
I would not fear the gallows nor the axe
Nor the crossed sticks of war.

Shall it be male or female? say the fingers
That chalk the walls with greet girls and their men.
I would not fear the muscling-in of love
If I were tickled by the urchin hungers
Rehearsing heat upon a raw-edged nerve.
I would not fear the devil in the ****
Nor the outspoken grave.

If I were tickled by the lovers' rub
That wipes away not crow's-foot nor the lock
Of sick old manhood on the fallen jaws,
Time and the ***** and the sweethearting crib
Would leave me cold as butter for the flies
The sea of scums could drown me as it broke
Dead on the sweethearts' toes.

This world is half the devil's and my own,
Daft with the drug that's smoking in a girl
And curling round the bud that forks her eye.
An old man's shank one-marrowed with my bone,
And all the herrings smelling in the sea,
I sit and watch the worm beneath my nail
Wearing the quick away.

And that's the rub, the only rub that tickles.
The knobbly ape that swings along his ***
From damp love-darkness and the nurse's twist
Can never raise the midnight of a chuckle,
Nor when he finds a beauty in the breast
Of lover, mother, lovers, or his six
Feet in the rubbing dust.

And what's the rub? Death's feather on the nerve?
Your mouth, my love, the thistle in the kiss?
My Jack of Christ born thorny on the tree?
The words of death are dryer than his stiff,
My wordy wounds are printed with your hair.
I would be tickled by the rub that is:
Man be my metaphor.
Yenson May 2019
Too ignorant and arrogant to appreciate
that not all can be plug into their grid
slimes in campaign of 'we ****** him up'
pontificating buffoons playing Controllers in Chief
in the stupefying Cabral of lies, deceits, subterfuge and cons
gangland enforcers thinking all abide and susceptible to their wiles

Malignant minds of the murky scums thinks me semblances as them
go update your manuals of intimidation practices and dodges
a noble blameless mind gives no regards to contemptible dregs
deluded morons imagines hijacking mind and distorting
unaware that they have impacted contempt and nullified
his mind is over the place because imbeciles are mind readers

Altered perceptions, repetitive illusions based on mugs assumptions
the failings of homogenized misunderstandings of the anodynes
coward bullies think they can soften and mold a perceived *****
the infra dig of scums and nefarious deadbeats drunk on folly
selling misinformation and disinformation to fellow simpletons
mass delusions and sheep hysteria galvanizing non sensibilities

The fish bone stuck in your diseased throats and I'm in ya face
pathetic scums and base cowards, shameless sub-humans are jokes
you have lost face and become the majority of asinine disgraceful s
working a skirt now discredited and seen by all who try not to see
while they behind closed doors talk about those evil pathetic racists
You are nothing but racists thieving scums please accept my utmost contempt........
Yenson Jan 2019
“It's very difficult not to come across as a supremacist when there are so many black inferiorists around.”
― David Bullard

Look!..he's a leech, he's a parasite
That black man is draining the Taxpayers
He comes from a rich family, they say they are titled
Look at him, educated and refined, arrogant as black ****
Go get him, the ******* parasite cheating the working classes

Why not tell the ******* truth
That a white family of thieves broke into the flat of a black man
Something that they had done once already and caught but let off
Because they were neighbours and pitied, police were not involved
They did it again and were called thieving working class scums

Up comes hail and thunder and war
Their Militant leftist friends say it Anti-monarchy Revolution
Say's victim is a parasite and a leech, robbing the working classes
Go get him, his life destroy, cast him asunder, hound him to hell
Down with the rich, this is war, people's power, this is democracy


They can't bear to see a black man do well
They can't bear a respectable, decent, confident black man
To then stand up and call them out to their faces was the ultimate
They are supreme and all else must fall before them or put down
A black that is not a Black Inferiorist must be discredited at all cost

If the situation was reversed
And a black thief steals from an equivalent white with same status
(   He comes from a rich family, they say they are titled )
Would the reactions be the same
(Say's victim is a parasite and a leech, robbing the working classes )
Honesty says NO, you know it and we all know it

(Supremacy has taught him that all people of color are threats irrespective of their behavior. Capitalism has taught him that, at all costs, his property can and must be protected. Patriarchy has taught him that his masculinity has to be proved by the willingness to conquer fear through aggression)

But the black man becomes a leech, a parasite a threat
For standing up to white criminals and daring to call them out
Devious political  chicanery is unleashed and our Supremacists
All rally up, totting falsehood and misinformation to cover truths
Why don't see any Class war action in Kensington and Chelsea

What really bothers some of you is simple - and you corrupt others
Blacks must always be inferior and if they are not, you fight secretly and covertly!
Because only you have the God given right to live decently
Only you have the right to air your opinion or disagreement
Only you have the right to call it as you think you see it.

And you'll fight tooth and nail and with everything else to keep
it that way!
“Whiteness mitigates crime, whereas blackness defines the criminal.”
― Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Yenson Mar 2019
It's So Simple
It's so simple
yet it all goes over their heads
like the blue skies above
like the unseen winds that lingers

You see me
notice me and I freely occupy your mind
I roam in your thoughts
and sometimes I rush in your veins
hot or cold depending your moods

It because, like it or not
I am unique, memorable, outstanding
Quietly Charismatic, now larger than life
A David amongst men
just not like anybody else
because of this, I have made an impression
on you and become an invitee into your selves
a tenant in your minds, a sitting thought edifice
that pillars a saloon in your willing minds

With me though, it's not the same
Why would I see you in my thoughts and mind
there's nothing charismatic or remarkable
edifying, impressionable or admirable here
a bunch of fooled acolytes, some serving staffs
some unengaging neighbourhood trawls
some outsiders grateful for inclusions
some anodyne trolls, some nutcases looking to vent
a mish-mash of brain-washed strangers

All these don't impact my consciousness
I know them not, they know the clone sold to them
They utter *******, it stays *******
they act their dramas, I ain't got a clue
people I give real attention to, don't behave stupid
You sit to watch me leave to bang a door
Good for you, you got the time and a door to bang
thank God I'm not reduced to being you
the trolls write their fantasies, I think Plato, Descartes,
Kant, Nietzsche and a host of others, God stays always

Anchoring my mind to mediocrity is pointless
what gains do I get from immaturity being immaturity
what interest are fooled adult males displaying ignorance
who dances with fools and then complain they are limbless
how can the drivel from scums give me sleepless nights
or be moved by the scripted lies of a double-bluff scripted lies
or play the game of hearts when my heart is not in it
They believe they are playing Checkmate on a King
There is no King, just an ordinary man that THIEVES want
you to harass, intimidate and drive away, so their guilts
and fears stops burning them

If I am fractured mentally, spiritually or physically
I would not be here, I have another home to go to
If I was any of what they say I am or was, I would not stay to
weather a crazy, unjust and unfair storm
If I was a greedy leech, why was I working twelve hour nights
while the Thieves next door where drinking and stealing
If I was some chauvinistic pig why was this only known after
eighteen years of marriage, when my wife was threatened and bullied
How many others have claimed I was this bad tempered Ogre
until I forcefully gave racist and bullying criminals a piece of my mind
If I had done anything wrong I would have gone a long long time ago
Criminals want to drive me OUT to justify their lies and cover their disgraceful crime and shame
I am me, I am here and I stay for I am not afraid of the truth, They are...........
Third Eye Candy May 2014
in the half light
of the whole day; dozing
where the marsh plods clottly
but the pond scums slowly.
you can spare no moral
when your tall tale's
but you sift slop oddly
through the rot god's


Fugue ahead. Caution.


On thin air, thick tongues and brick lungs scrum
for balloons and ruinous truth, teething batter and gum-shoes
attuned to less violence, but inviolate, if only for the fist
in the violets. the pugilist in the plums. Or maybe -
the cancerous rhinoceros
in the plasticity
of a knows job

you tell me.  

no problem.
Yenson Aug 2019
“ And so they went to war......coercive game” to wage new form of disruptive non-violent protest against the powerful, but undemocratic cliques by targeting individuals who belong to these circles, but stay under radar of democratic process. I don’t think the object of the attack matters – it’s the method of the attack what matters. Instead of exposing something they go undercover and “fix” situation as they see it fit their agenda whatever it might be. Since everything in their game is secret they are themselves the definition of word “undemocratic.”  

If I was greedy by working, paying Taxes and not a burden to the state
Why not simply call me out and expose the reason for your accusation
Why a ruthless covert war, why spread lies and disinformation and
They could not do that
These are Thieves and Criminals
out to silence and discredit and hide their criminality
They is no guilt on my part, I called out thieves and scumbag crooks
By now
I should have had a breakdown
I should have left the Country scared out of my wits
I should have committed suicide or been incarcerated in jail
least they wanted to soften me up, turn me into a witless dummy
a confused withering fool pushed from pillar to post, begging acceptance.
I am not intimidated by Thieves and their Mobsters
I am not softened up and I will keep unflinchingly to my truths
Fools, how can memories of my poor wife that you broke
blackmailed and made her leave depress me when I know the truth
Was happy she went as it was most painful watching her suffer
You know I could have gone looking to bring her back
I did not because I felt good knowing she's out of it
you tried creating unrequited Love that I saw from miles away
I didn't take the bait, yet you drone on like imbeciles that you are
anything to drain, depress, demoralize, break, torture or torment
I laugh at you gumption-less sickos cause its now obvious
no matter Criminals are really stupid, imbecilic, asinine fools
Its really true that nobody in their right minds ever wants to be
a criminal. You are semi-illiterates, worthless paranoid, fearful, twisted, psychotic cowards and Narcissists
those are the well known tools you project on to your victims
thinking because they are not hardened Criminals like you
they will break and crumble
To be hounded and followed is your worst nightmare
To an innocent man, its a pack of fools wasting their time
I haven't done anything criminal, why should I care
You hide underground, you need secrecy and anonymity

White thieves and Mobsters in London putting the bite on a blackman who they stole from and who stood up to them!

Do your worst, scumbags.......
ishaan khandpur Feb 2015
Aaaah the Heaven above,
A safe haven for the lying scums,
A repentful cry and all is forgiven.

Aaaah the Hell below,
A labyrinth for the hollowed souls,
A tear for love and all is lost.

Aaaah the Earth that's here,
A truly wondrous place,
The hateful get loved,
The lovers get lost,
The lost find roads,
Entwined in another's soul.
The souls ride free,
In an excuse of a body.
A thoughtless zombie,
Just trying to be free.

But all that keeps us going on,
Is the thought of the Angles,
Above and Beyond.
I was given bad cards to deal with
so don't ask why im a misfit?
suckas on the biscuit  quick to scheme
Triple beam
floatin' in the mainstream enemies on the same team
as you me and we
can't do nothin' about it gotdamn Uncle Sam
takin' everythang from food water to pestilences
im straddlin' the fence
barely can get over these challenges big as boulder
death peepin' over my shoulder been told ya
times is runnin' before we awakin' the red dragon
stabbin' deep in ya intellect bleed through knowledge
as i hit ya intravenously it ain't no mystery
thangs aint where they suppose to be puffin' greenery
to eas my mind and soul losin' control
cuz media allegories got us in fold celebrities sold
out there lives for gold made of sand
and silvers made of clay can't find no brighter days
cuz darkness lurkin' everywhere i stare
deep into the heaven
askin' why we all gotta die? seems easier to sin then
live righteous i might just adjust my mind
but i can't
 feedin' bird off crumbs government scums o how come?
none of us start a gun bust rivals always get the best of us
while we steadily fightin' over petty aggression
i think to myself while we blastin' at each other
theyre signing' the cession big recession really a mild depression
so when we gone get together and change the scene
they takin' everything but too many love floatin' in the mainstream
thats why!!!!
Yenson Jul 2019
Hahaha..where are all the pip-squeak bullies
those ****-less keyboard ***** playing warriors
against Hamlet and excellence
while across the pond and in hallowed halls
our Man in Washington doing his job
is bullied and expunge unceremoniously
by that bully with the weave over corn-hair
and the trade-mark irreverent tongue of bullies
so where are all our pip-squeak bullies
from our green and pleasant land
fear not for the cowards will not speak up
why speak and lose your chips and burghers
whats international affairs to dumb bullies
whats dignity and integrity to scums and thugs
the Empire has become a laughing stock
first in Europe and now all this
bullying by big blond
pip-squeak ****-less bullies where are you
fighting sumo wrestling with one MAN
and he's taking the almighty ****
of you cowards!
Indigo Nov 2020
our faces

all covered with sweat,

as y'all be yellin’ at us with threats,

our hands covered

with cuts and blood,

while our arms and feet,

be caked with mud

every day,

we be prayin’ to god

for our freedom to come,

ignoring all y’all sayin’ that we were born scums,

someday imma finally

leave this place

cuz’ them folks ‘round here

be claiming that black ain’t no race

all y’all folks be hootin

while callin’ my folks *******

while y’all be sittin there

rifle in hand,

finger on the trigger

y’all whipped us

tearin’ our families apart

but my ma always be sayin’

that things like kindness

comes from deep down

in our hearts

i kneel

strugglin to breathe

as you chain my neck,

and hands

but y’all push me to the ground again

as imma’ tryin’ to stand

i reckon myself i ain’t

gonna give up now

as all y’all ruin

the fields we plough

some know what life

is like without the

cuffs and chains

but the feeling feeling of freedom

is never the same

and some

that deserve it most

never leave and die

and i know that though their body is gone

their spirit always survives
Since a lot of BLM events have been going on... I felt it right to share the new version of this poem.
Legends are not made of swords and wars
Legends are people who free the world
Weather it is a man denying to be abused
Or a women who got rapped refuses to be accused.
They fight for there freedom by hands or tongue
Even if they get killed or hung
They refuse to live a life where they are slaves to government scums
Legends are made and not born from none
when the world is against them they stand their ground
Yenson Jul 2019
Let me tell you about CONTEMPT
something you know nothing about
you say you have birthright in the mother of Democracy
that you believe in freedom and the Rights of all Human beings
you holler civilization and talk of Higher Learning and Education
that you believe in Equality regardless of race, gender and creed
you bang on about meritocracy and the dignity and right to Peace
you break into your Black neighbor house and stole his property
then you victimize your neighbor saying he has no birthright
it is wrong for a black to aspire
in your gangrene eyes, its an abomination
for a black to be decent, law-abiding and do better than you
so, you robbed them and then
you coral your fellow scums and lied through your teeth
you twist truth and turned a hapless victim into a pariah
you concoct accusation of greed and arrogance to justified your crimes
you swept up moronic thugs and crooks to harass and harangue
to hound and smear, to taunt and torment
to humiliate, sabotage and destroy a promising future
you revealed and robed your racism
you dear friends is the epitome of CONTEMPTIBLE
YOU....though beneath CONTEMPT is what CONTEMPT denotes
YOU and all associated with you
are the Glaring examples
Yenson Dec 2018
The day a putrid gang of thieving bleachers
unwashed illiterate dunces
with crooked teeths and pallow skins
who won't seek gainful employment
but go around stealing from lawful people
intimidate and terrify me
is the day I turn into a goose

Thieving scums, idle boneheads
yadda yadda writes worthless bleachers
not a single one fit enough to lace my boots
these slimes think they can't knock my confidence
Cowards and prime imbeciles
only strong when ganging up and hidden
Never able to stand on their own two hinds

What can bleachers reprobates say
Dumbos and pathetic weaklings unsurpassed
Disgraceful thieves want to gag  and cower me
Spread your bile, discredit hate and spread your lies
You are crooks, racists and haters, that's your job
Scums and stupefied deluded cowards can't terrorize me
Low-scale bleachers beneath contempt
Yenson Sep 2019
they fed the drunks and borrowed money to thieves
it became too much for every week there was something to give
never to be returned or returned and then borrowed again
The givers were quiet and decent hard-workers never in strife
known to go by quietly friendly but mostly kept to themselves

the female drunkards and wanton daughters wanted a ****
quiet man lender come see us when your wife is at work
we could have fun and perhaps a tenner or two just for drinks
no thank you he replied and hell has no fury like a woman scorned
well war is declared he thinks he is better than us so high an mighty

the protection racket began give money or we make your life hell
broke in quiet couple flat and stole, damaged cars and racist abuse
No more of this says the hapless targets I will report you lot to all
no says racist thieves, this is our manor its you to go back to jungle
we will show you who rules and from now you are toast and finished

The thieves says we are going to do your head in, make you paranoid
hound and harass you and breath down your neck the contract is on
know thieves have connections and Protection racket intimidates
they twist your life and lie a million times fooling the unknowing
they frame you and isolate you and all that's innocents is poisoned
your wife will run and friends will abandon you with hate abound

He is just this nice quiet friendly kind man became he's a monster
they thought six months and he would pick his tail and do a flee
the ***** is on, watch the ******* burn or beg to die any day now
I have done nothing wrong, you're thieves racists scums I fear not
Do your worst, come **** me, I'm not your victim or your jail *****

I'm not fearless or stupid nor a ******* desiring horrific non-life
I paid taxes and did no wrong and I believe in the rule of Law
this a civilized democracy not the lawless West with vigilante laws
yes, its a white world, I am minority so you have all the advantages
your racist mindset is your problem not mine, so do your worst

call out your obnoxious Nevs, Jasons, and all the Kapos and sheep
turn the screws as tightly as you can and pour all your **** and bile
I'm not first black-man who has suffered heinously in your hands
you can build your walls and crucify me daily but my mind and spirit is above yours and you will never have them....I have done nothing WRONG ......come do your worst
The thieves declares to my face, we will drive you paranoid...then they proceeded to construct their reprehensible and indictable web of deceits grape-wine and disgraced connections. whats surprising about that? The criminal underworld survives on putting the fears of bejesus on victims and targets, there lies their expertise If I had a wife and children I would be very worried, its only me and I have done nothing wrong to any human, so come do your WORST......
Yenson Jul 2023
Karens are united
defending their colour
how dare a blackman speak to a white woman like that
The Socialist say 'its Class War
how can a black be privileged and above the 'struggle'
we are going to drive him paranoid or better still
make him commit suicide
The 'Useful idiots' say its solidarity
they are defending the thieving bullying underdogs
(as you do, eh... )
rather pointedly none of them see
The yawning sick insidious blatant Racism that underpins it all

Yes, I confronted the theiving neighbour woman
called Chris Macafferty after the break-in to our flat

I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, your neighbour's house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

go read about criminal gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one that's stood up to you.....
Yenson May 2019
The thing though is this
men, women, children even terrorists
are dying at sea, hungry cold and desperate
all fleeing war, oppression and lack of opportunities
the whole of Europe is in uproar, we are being overrun
but refugees are deaf, for to them they are going to earth's paradise
none seeks to rob or steal, just shelter, peace and any job at all to earn

The thing though is this
make as much excuses as you like
blame birth, class, location, socialization and chances
a white working class family, with Welfare and other benefits
who then chooses to drink all day and steals and robe to manage
in a kingdom that millions know provides for its inhabitants always
call it judgmental but that thieving family are truly nothing but scums

The thing though is this
face facts and reality and not fantasy
life is hard, rich or poor, we all have crosses to bear
yes, some are fortunate and have easier rides, its all a toss
most know its all about working honestly just to survive and feed
so why decide to drink benefits and then go burgle others who work
if not a lowdown ***** ****, a disgraceful shameless pride-less loser

The thing though is this
I spoke up and I will do it again, simple
Ruin my life, isolate me and bully and torment me all you like
I still have my pride, my integrity and my honor for am no thief
I am no white with opportunities to survive who becomes a burglar
in a kingdom where there's help for the needy and chances to earn
Men, women n children are dying for the merest basic opportunity

The thing though is this
Harass me and run me out of town
for speaking truth that thieves are workshy disgraceful scums
scroungers, drunkards, wastrels abusing the system and workers
who sweat and toil and keep on the straight and narrow always
I did and never took a penny in Welfare until the gang-stalkers ills
the thing is this, you can do your worst, own the stench of your guilts
Yenson Aug 2019
Mental this, mental that, metal mental burning
unloved, lonely, no purpse, futility et al
nightmare, betray, in deep **** of lost at sea
an on and on the spew run rancid in familiar gutter
Know what, mon amis of the tongues of hell
its simply this
the problems are all yours
Hey! I did not humiliate myself by breaking and stealing
I did not disgrace myself and my clan by burglarizing a neighbor
I was not the drunkard workshy white **** who had ears bent
yeah! the truth hurts like hell, no one had the guts to call you out
no one told you, you're a disgrace and an affront to civilized society
Yeah it hurt you, got under your white skin, drove you insane
So now tell me
you got your gang,
its your manor
the truth skins you alive
opened you raw, the pain has seared your mind
You crave blood, you crave revenge, your humiliation burns
how can you hurt me
I ain't no drunken thief, I ain't no house breaking white trash
you sit with gangs of scums and your paid vigilantes
throw great big lumps of mud, you harass and try to torment
you assassinate character, you sabotage and destroy
do you feel better, it does't erase what you are
I am still standing, still laughing, still alive and well
and your humiliation clings to you and yours
and when your demoralizing gangs sing their songs of woe
I laugh, and laugh again and again
because you're all CONTEMPTIBLE S
and contemptibles are contemptibles
No worth, no value
nothing you or your gangs present means anything
shamed, humiliated disgraced contemptible scums
No worth, No value
lowest of the
“There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy.” A crime is a crime irrespective of the birth marks of the criminal.

There are crimes that, like frost on flowers, in one single night destroy character and reputation.    

A person is born with feelings of envy and hate. If he gives way to them, they will lead him to violence and crime, and any sense of loyalty and good faith will be abandoned.
Indigo May 2019
As a kid:

Our faces covered with sweat.
As y'all be yellin’ at us with threats.
Our hands covered with cuts and blood.
And our arms, be caked with mud.
Every day, we be prayin’ to God for our freedom to come
Ignoring all y’all sayin’ we’re scums.
Someday I’ll finally leave this place.
Cuz’ the people ‘round here are claiming black ain’t a race.
All y’all people callin’ my people *******.
As all y’all be sittin' there while y’all snicker.
You’ve whipped me, tearin’ my life apart.
My ma always be sayin’ kindness comes from deep down in our hearts.
I kneel as you chain my hands.
And push me down again as Imma’ tryin’ to stand.
I reckon myself I ain’t gonna give up now.
As all y’all treatin' us like we’re cows.

As an adult:

My ma always be tellin' me to fight for what is right.
I was her favorite stick of dynamite.
My pa even said I jaywalked a two.
Said that I would make a big change that guys like me would be lookin’ up too.
My bro Jay be tellin’ me to never let anything get to me.
But still, as an adult, a white man whipped me.
And he be taunted me and sayin’ ain’t you gonna flee.
I looked him straight in his eyes and said someday we are gonna be free.
He looked at me sayin’ you think a ****** like you would be special.
I told him off sayin’ he was being sentimental.
I walked away, head held high.
Cuz’ he’s just bein’ a cruel type of guy.
Who would’ve knew that I ended up bein’ a leader.
All just because I ain’t never stopped bein’ believer.
I may be black but that don’t mean I ain’t allowed to be speakin’ up for black rights.
Cuz’ all y’all can be speakin’ up to and be white.
Ivva’ worked hard and was very successful.
Now all y’all please remember that y’all are special.
I didn’t back down and I ain’t never gonna give up for freedom for slaves.
So all y’all speak up for all y’alls rights and don’t y'all ever forget “Remember to be brave.”
Yenson Jul 2022
In translucent fog
in back street disingenuousness
our bargain-basement scums and guttersnipes
corralled their Mata Hari
and trained her to lie like a rug
but like the scorpion and the frog
our bargain-basement scums and guttersnipes
started making a big song and dance
about Mata Hari being a big liar
for the spawns of The Father of Lies
this is what they do
they couldn't resist the urge.
" It's in their nature."
Yenson Oct 2021
I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, you neighbours house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

Guys, go read about gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one you fear.....
Yenson Oct 2021
I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, you neighbours house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

Guys, go read about gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one you fear.....
Yenson Oct 2021
I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, you neighbours house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

Guys, go read about gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one you fear.....
Yenson Sep 2019
What is there to consider about a thousand thugs and hooligans
what do vagabonds and scums with enough problems of their own
have to constructively render to my well-being or otherwise
how can restricted vigilantes with coercive chains on hands and feet
devoid of senses, reasoning choices and free-will impact my emotions
am what I am and I apologize to no one for being me I wish you same
the corrupted will never feel at ease with the un-corrupted fact of life
the dissatisfied discontented will always carry grudges in their bones
deranged and depressed will seek company to project their miseries
the asinine cynics will always look for reasons to blame others for ills
the ignorants and ill-educated look for scapegoats to hang faults on
and the cowards and bullies pick victims to feel powerful and strong
go all and look yourselves in the mirror and let truths talk to you
you may still well find salvation to redeem your ills and make good
your victim is yourselves, find fulfillment and the attentions needed
do not blame me......
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2017
you know why i smashed my martin (& co.) 00015M solid mahogany vintage acoustic guitar? for one, my ex-girlfriend's father ****** her up, after i "apparently" broke her heart: i don't remember breaking any of his property - guess a sad dole daughter's worth of heartbreak turns it into a right to break private property... my, what generous excuses! but that's beside the point... i finally smashed the guitar, why? because i couldn't play the blues man, because i couldn't play the blues... it's one thing jerking off an ac/dc solo, but another to sip the blues rhythm... you ain't got the blues rhythm: you got jack-****! so off she went, to the guillotine on the pavement... i mean: standard blues riffs is one thing, but to actually master the blues? talk about black privilege.

and it was always like that:
  the beatles vs. the rolling stones "debate" -
i gave up on the blues,
i am pretty sure i had a phase where
i listened to nothing but blues -
   but then i amounted to more patience
as an admirer of jazz -
    kept the brain ticking -
      a nice unorthodoxy from classical whitey
music -
   really? can we talk about black
privilege? god, i hate myself for this
political language within the current zeitgeist
     it's not about being offended -
let me clarify: there's a grand canyon's worth
of disparity being being rude &
being polite when working the "offended"
by free speech gimmick...
    being rude & being polite is plainly
dialectical: **** me, bring in thesaurus rex
and call it: courteous vs. being a polish farmer
who just moved into the city,
and doesn't comprehend the idea of
a supermarket queue -
and there is a ****** well ruling difference,
like ****** and the jurisprudent notion
of attempt / intent...
  both receive a charge in the court -
        by being rude means you were
****** in your familial antics for far too long
and you're a clean slate,
but purposive rudeness, i.e. crafting offence?
that's a problem, i'm sorry to say -
there's no dialectical approach to unraveling
this "per se" of stature -
i'm actually more bereaved by the death
of dialectics than that of god...
       there's no way you can actually invite
dialectical investigation in most of today's
        dialectics in shorthand?
   play stupid, until the opposite party
showcases a higher tier of stupidity -
   but just this competing over the most crass
and shortened argument, being said
& subsequently being left unchallenged -
i remember at school: the gift of the gab was
synonymous with: don't let the other person
speak, or make a question...
someone ought to compensate this vocab
black hole as to what the technique actually is -
just a name would do,
     since, as i already said:
there's a stark difference between being rude
and being offensive -
     since what compensates being polite
       if rude becomes *to offend
seems like such a dumb question to ask -
          point being, i don't might being offended:
i get an adrenaline rush -
   i can't afford the sort of adrenaline rush
that a bungee jump could invite -
so i guess, the poor man's choice of adrenaline
is to become "offended";
i love it though: it's like a get the chance to
overpower a troll by turning into an orc -
      and a mean ******* i can become.
ah, enough of the current "trend" of topic...
so me comes along this article in a sunday
supplement of a newspaper (sunday,
given the additions, and the news review section,
probably the only day a newspaper
makes sense) -
and i come across... generation xanax...
hmm... now that's mighty interesting...
god, i hate using the words "they" use!
so first off they slagged off millennials -
loafers, stoners, parasites, loners -
     boomerangs ****-brain scums -
     i love these "journalists": they've woken up,
     there was something odd that
the post-millennial generation zzz (snore) would
or could ever be so squeaky clean!
       well, apparently, they've been - bee-zee...
busy bees these rodger steiners have been...
stay of the ***** they said,
model citizens they said:
  don't drink, don't smoke, **** is so lame-oh...
hmm... too good to be true i thought
at first... when i was 14 we used to hit the cheap
strong cider (white lightning) at our
local youth club, bought **** magazines
and felt ashamed with an apu looking at as
stoically - and then played pool...
    we used to go to the top of parking lots
and spit at strangers from the top...
   throw stones at passing trains...
             and **** in phone-boxes if not
public trash-cans, and every party we went
to? we called it frankfurt -
      otherwise known as a sausage fest...
someone of us settled, someone of us said:
i've got a load of blank pieces of paper -
i'd like to see them filled...
          for posterity;
but **** me i knew something was wrong...
so now the current generation of "rebels"
has taken a liking to anti-anxiety medication,
under the umbrella (slang, for protection)
shield of "prescriptive medication"?
   wow... totally blew my mind -
  while i was making my own anti-insomnia
cocktail of *****, 25mg of amitriptyline,
and on the somewhat rare occasion 250mg
of naproxen (which creates a longer sleeping
session); and in today's front page article?
a good night's sleep does more good than
a 50% pay-rise;
but me and *****? i guess i must have
brought with me a stone heart -
      and have subsequently ended up being
the only person within a mile:
who can still laugh out loud without
faking it... how? because the laugh emerges
from the vacuous presence of:
me... and me alone.
   i know why these younglings took to prescription
    they never learned how to drink,
and probably, never will...
        alcohol has long been mishandled,
and esp. stronger liquor -
            it's no longer seen as a sedative -
someone people "think" alcohol is imbued
with caffeine, that it's a party drug -
    and if it is a "party" drug - no one everyone
looks plain: dumb;
and since i have no hold on barbiturates
like nietzsche, i guess i'm his answer when he
implored to be taught by dionysus -
  he so desperately wanted to change his
barbiturates habit for alcohol...
         but i'm in a sense a pseudo-"sage" -
i don't look toward the harvest of grapes -
but wheat, or potatoes -
       given the latter: as i'm currently drinking
russian standard.
Yenson Oct 2021
From close range I have seen the drips and drabs
seen the wet slow thinking incapable sods
semblance of humans in vacuous shells
always needy of directions and aids
like gun dogs bred on pointing
for self-thinking is not theirs
sheep of our times and age
vituperous dummies
rolling dice to see
drunk on fears
sap ignorant
from morn
till dusk
do tell us
for we know not
how near are them
social litters to finesse
do mindlessness know reasons
when reasoning abhors mindlessness
as ******* strews paths they call au naturel
you can take them out of gutters to flats and houses
but its nigh unknown to educate the gutters out of them
for blockheads  and simple minds are locked in toxic affairs
scums who call their betters scums is what they do so very proudly
Yenson Aug 2019
Its a rare opportunity
to know a Prince of the Royals
might get to read your poetry on HP
wow! tell me, would you not write poems
and if you think you know fake news and false gossips
what could be better than making some into poems re Royal
its the nearest you'd ever get to a real life prince since you're ghetto
and whether you admit it or not you get a buzz an a high if you know
RealRoyal has read or responded to your poetry, no matter its *******

But do you ever wonder thus
what gives Royalty a buzz and a laugh
you see they are told from birth that the common people are special
because 'without their consent' we Royals cannot be who we are
so all the time you have to behave, always do what is right an proper
now the buzz and the laugh comes when the Royals sees and knows
that these people are just a bunch of idiots, unmanned uncouth saps
you imagine the joke, spend all my life being proper for these scums
hahaha, these silly ***** deserve whatever, as Prince Philip would say
hahaha....hahahaha.....hahahahaha......they're so funny, these soap-dodging lot. I must look for a Syrian Refugee to share these jokers nonsense with...hahaha...hahaha

— The End —