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Urmila Apr 2016
Today is about missing you,
About missing your spicy fresh perfume, that I'd begun to love,
About missing your plump fat nose, that I never managed to pinch,
About missing your intense and sometimes senseless banter, that I'd never get enough of,
About missing your attempts to reduce the amount of coffee I drink, that I unwillingly adhered to,
About missing the quarter piece of a jam toast, that you always saved for me,
About missing the way you calmed me down, when we faced storms together,
About missing how you took note of everything, a new hair clip, that I knew you'd like on me,
About missing your watch, which you never took off, because of what it meant to you,
About missing your stories, and the zest with which you narrated them,
About missing your photography, how you captured my best and worst moments, when I wasn't looking,
About missing our shared love for yogurt drinks, and how we analysed each one we drank,
About missing how you screamt 'Mogu Mogu' when you found your favourite drink, in my favourite café,
About missing your big hands, that were strong and gentle at the same time,
About missing those few drives with you, talking about everything and nothing,
About missing how you surprised me on my birthday, with chocolates and a scarf, that feels warmer than any other,
About missing your silly quirks, like carrying your backpack around everywhere, which only I understood,
Today is about missing you
I had to stop, I'd probably reach the max length if I went on.
do you know the weight of it?
clawing your way up
test after test,
year after year,
to be the perfect reflection of the dreams they have for you,
those that are now your own.
where your worth now hangs.

when they see the prize,
they say, 'oh it comes so easily to her'


i bled for this.
i screamt for this.
and my mind?
it whispers
'this is just what you're supposed to do'
you are 'gifted'
its your mere responsibility.
nothing to celebrate. nothing special.

isnt it?
when there are two voices in your mind
one scorning your inadequacy,
the other a desperate, fragile echo of perceived success,
constantly vying, and battling to beat the other;
you yourself get lost in the middle.

7th mar, 25
You were the only man i had always wanted to see
Walking down the road to the sea Swaggering in your new jacket
Looking for fellas to bracket

In Carrickfergus they called you a robber To me you were a handsome rover Beautiful green eyes as the rolling hills Your happy thoughts into me you had instilled

In Belfast you smuggled your hopes and fears
Slainté! You danced pints of beer away Alas! They did not see your tears
You were on your own finding your way

My old friend, my sad handsome friend Patrick...
Alone you sang your weary songs and turned sick
I cried bitterly, nobody to lay you down Summer,and you had no wheat to sow

Ah! You were so handsome and young During summer days you smiled and cheered me up in my den
Calling out your name,i screamt at the top of my lungs.
You were would never answer again
To the man who taught me to see the beauty of a willow tree by the water
You were the only man i had always wanted to see
Walking down the road to the sea
Swaggering in your new jacket
Looking for fellas to bracket

In Carrickfergus they called you a robber
To me you were a handsome rover
Beautiful green eyes as the rolling hills
Your happy thoughts into me you had instilled

In Belfast you smuggled your hopes and fears
Slainté! You danced pints of beer away
Alas! They did not see your tears
You were on your own finding your way

My old friend, my sad handsome friend Patrick...
Alone you sang your weary songs and turned sick
I cried bitterly, nobody to lay you down
Summer,and you had no wheat to sow

Ah! You were so handsome and young
During summer days you smiled and cheered me up in my den
Calling out your name,i screamt at the top of my lungs.
You were would never answer again
Satan Nov 2010
I had a bad dream last night...

Someone is chasing me...
And i can not run fast...
I look back and he is there...
Lurking in the dark...
With his hands reaching out to me...
I can not see his face...
But i can hear him saying my name...
I can see his eyes burning with red flames.

My feet feel a thousand times heavier...
But i keep running...
And he is getting closer...
His hands are reaching out...

I scream when he scratches the back of my neck.
His tapering fingers are cold and wet.
Rotten and juicy...

I stumble over and fall hard to the ground.
I turn around fast but he's gone.
Nothing around but thick cold fog.

I woke up screaming...
In my room in the dark...
It was just a very terrible nightmare, i think to myself.
Just a nightmare...
A nightmare...

Then something caught my eye...
Two red flame burning floating in mid-air...
His burning red eyes...

I screamt again...
But it's just the mirror...
I was staring at the mirror in my room.
And staring at those two burning red flames...
Those two eyes...
My own eyes...
moneysha Jun 2017
Oh thou! on whom i creep,
                             thou giveth me space and thou lets me weep.
when i spread my palm in mid air
               thou provideth me space to creep
                    and then thou lets me grow and enter my sombre sleep.

i am a creeper but i was never taught to creep,
             there was a calling i heard as a bud
                     and i knew the echo ran deep,
                            the voices screamt,''creep,creep, creep´
but i could hear the other flowers and bushes calling me their black sheep.

I had seen no creepers (who ever taught me how to) creep,
      i was all alone in the vastness of the plant sheet
           but i had decided that i had to stand tall and creep
                   so when i felt the wall next to me,
                       i opened my palms so i could start the long march before i fell asleep.

I crept, crept, crept, day in and day out
        all around that wall, and,
           when i reached the top,
              yes the top!
                    i felt all lonely and lost.
But then came a bird bringing stories of other creepers who had followed their calling and who stretched and crept and crept, before they fell in to a deep sleep.
               The bird promised that he will bring flowers from different creepers
                     and seeds to sow of baby creepers
                                    who could learn to creep from me.
So the next few days, hours and months, there were all these tiny creepers who kept looking upto me
        and awaiting advices on how to creep.

(After i read what i had written, i felt the book SEAGULL in the background echoing itself)
You were the only man i had always wanted to see
Walking down the road to the sea
Swaggering in your new jacket
Looking for fellas to bracket

In Carrickfergus they called you a robber
To me you were a handsome rover
Beautiful green eyes as the rolling hills
Your happy thoughts into me you had instilled

In Belfast you smuggled your hopes and fears
Slainté! You danced pints of beer away
Alas! They did not see your tears
You were on your own finding your way

My old friend, my sad handsome friend Patrick...
Alone you sang your weary songs and turned sick
I cried bitterly, nobody to lay you down
Summer,and you had no wheat to sow

Ah! You were so handsome and young
During summer days you smiled and cheered me up in my den
Calling out your name,i screamt at the top of my lungs.
You were would never answer again
Satan Dec 2010
My father was an eccentric middle aged man.
He collected old paintings and kept and locked them all away in the attic
But there was one painting that My father allowed us to see.
An old painting of a beautiful young woman.
He called it 'Miss Van Loren'.
She was so beautiful.
A polite smile and very dark straight hair.
But her eyes were the most unforgetable.
They were piercing green and alive.
As though able to see through me.

The painting was hanging on the wall in the hall.
Whenever i passed it by i always felt that her eyes were following my every step.

My father loved the painting so much.
But i was afraid of it.
I did not like her eyes.

Years pass, my father passed away.
And Van Loren was still hanging alone on the wall, dusty and old.
One day i took it off the wall and kept it in a trunk in the basement.
She looked deep into my eyes like crying as i closed the lid.

Ever since then i always had nightmares about Van Loren.
She visited me in my dreams looking so angry and creepy.
Let me out... Let me out

One morning i could not stand the nightmares anymore.
I took the painting out of the trunk and hung it back on the wall where it had been before.

But the nightmares did not stop.
She kept coming back.
Let me out.... Let me out

She began haunting me not only in my dreams.
She trapped me into a dark trance and screamt all the time.
I saw her eyes everywhere.
Let me out.... Let me out....

I thought i was going mad.
I took the painting off the wall once again and cast it into fire.

One day i accidentally came across my father's old abandoned attic.
I burst into it to my surprise.
I found dozens of different paintings of Van Loren hanging on the walls, lying on the floor.

Let me out... Let me out...

That very day i sold my father's old house and moved to another town.
maya cahill Dec 2019
the trail is endless, the fog is surreally beautiful, calming but unnerving
i’m continuously picking at the barren ground for something that i might recognize
but it all keeps drizzling through my fingers like sand

wait, i found something
i can hold it, but i can’t make it out, it’s too blurry
no, no it's slipping through again
“please don’t leave me. please.” i say, as it slowly changes from solid to goo to gone

i look around me, still trapped in here
the void in front of me ******* me deeper and deeper in
when can i escape?
when will i find my way out?

wait, i think i hear someone calling my name
it’s getting louder and louder, i turn around and around but can’t see anyone
“hello, hello”, i call back
my name is being screamt louder and louder, my ears are beginning to hurt, my vision is darkening
am i leaving now? am i finally going to return?
my body feels like it’s being thrashed around. this pain, it won’t end, why won’t it end?
“i love you.” my eyes flutter open, and my vision is clearing up. in front of me is my mother,
and she’s weeping.
I got lost in my head again.
moneysha Sep 2016
Oh thou! on whom i creep,
                             thou giveth me space and thou lets me weep.
when i spread my palm in mid air
               thou provideth me space to creep
                    and then thou lets me grow and enter my sombre sleep.

i am a creeper but i was never taught to creep,
             there was a calling i heard as a bud
                     and i knew the echo ran deep,
                            the voices screamt,''creep,creep, creep´
but i could hear the other flowers and bushes calling me their black sheep.

I had seen no creepers (who ever taught me how to) creep,
      i was all alone in the vastness of the plant sheet
           but i had decided that i had to stand tall and creep
                   so when i felt the wall next to me,
                       i opened my palms so i could start the long march before i fell asleep.

I crept, crept, crept, day in and day out
        all around that wall, and,
           when i reached the top,
              yes the top!
                    i felt all lonely and lost.
But then came a bird bringing stories of other creepers who had followed their calling and who stretched and crept and crept, before they fell in to some sound sleep.
               The bird promised that he will bring flowers from different creepers
                     and seeds to sow of baby creepers
                                    who could learn from me about the trip.
So the next few days, hours and months, there were all these tiny creepers who kept looking up to me
       and felt all excited to start their journey on HOW TO CREEP.
inspired from THE SEAGULL
The Unspoken Nov 2015
Place: Balcony, Home
Time: 6am

Its a busy neighborhood. Everyone is carrying on their lives, some jogging around, buses hooting, busy people heading to work. Important stuff you know.
But Leila, without feeling contrite, holds her last glass of wine, its almost done. Am sure she lost count after her first glass. She was up by the first bird, way before the darkest of the hours. It looks chilly but she was on nothing but The t shirt, her favourite one with the words printed DEVOUR ME IF YOU DARE. Her nerves somehow went numb a while back, the only part that seemed to play its role in her system was her brain.

Why was she out here?
See, she didnt don't know.
But last thing she remember, she was on their couch. She'd  just prepared dinner waiting on her person to come. It had been a rough three weeks, but she was willing to try you know.

The door bell rang, and she rushed to open to welcome "bae", atleast take the coat or was always warm but this time.

She was met a flying bag on her face that sent her sprawling on the coffee table. At that point you'd ask what went through her mind? NOTHING.
She just lay there, like a paralysis spell was cast on her.
"You will know who I am today" "bae" said

"...Wh..."she stuttered word could come out of her mouth.

The worst thing ever is to be caught off guard by a situation and your defense knowledge shuts down with your brain. No  ***** at that point is willing to co-ordinate with the other body part to defend itself. You are just a log for a moment.

"So now you just hop into people's cars when you leave the house in the morning" "bae" screamt as the heaviest slap ever received, landed on Leila's face.
It got all echo-ey...she placed both her hands on her face as blows rained on her till she finally  managed to push "bae" away and try run out the house, it was locked.

She couldn't scream, this was the first time.

She hadn't  the slightest of ideas of what "bae" was talking about. She just held tightly onto the balcony bars.
For A second, she wanted to jump off. She wished to.

They lived at the 2nd floor, so it wasn't so far off the ground. She was pulled back and dropped to the floor  like some shoe.

She wailed for her mother who she hadn't seen in months.
She recalled wishing to live on the streets than the torture she went through that night.
One side of her face, let's say would need a tone of concealer the following morning when she went to work,because that morning, she had to call in sick. I mean, she couldn't use the "yeah right" statement of "I hit a window or door", c'mon, who you kidding sis!

So she left at night while "bae was asleep. That was after she cried a river plus all its tributaries and "bae" felt "remorse" of some sort, held her and begged her to stop crying offering to hold her through the night, but fell asleep barely 10 minutes after.

Leila crept outside the house at our balcony, with the bottle of wine that she had bought for them to have the previous night and decided to numb her pain by drowning myself in it.
She couldn't account for the hours she stayed out in the dark and the cold and getting drunk at the balcony...but the darkness felt like that point heaven, the cold floor was her street of gold.

...This, was the first time.

This is a true account of a healing journey for a particular soul.
Danial Suhaimi Dec 2017
Dark thoughts lingering around me
Starting to hate my surrounding
If only I can get out of this
I would
My mind is spitting words I should've said
But I didn't
I hated it
That the fact is true
The line from the song
"Somebody save me"
I screamt it
Too bad nobody listened
An oddball of society
Rejected by many
The escape is only
Through a noose
Can I get out of here
Alive and well?

Thank you
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Atop the mountain gazing down,
I witness a collection of goats,
And right by then sat a small town,
Filled with gold, and boats.

I shifted angles and looked to the back,
A bunch of buffoons with nothing,
Staring at me as I screamt attack,
Ten, twenty , thirty men all coughing.

"It must be the ***", said one bearded buffoon,
"it must be the weather", said another,
And one with a scar said "it must be the moon"
And then finally "it must be my ****" said my brother.

They all ran towards the town, plundered the gold,
Made it so that the children could never grow old.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
This is for those who have had a broken heart
Who wept and screamt as it fell apart
People telling you the end is where it starts
It stems from a belief that maybe, just maybe
if we were right they would never leave,
so we fall just a little harder than others
left our fathers and our mothers
out of the equation because we were in love.
And being in love was enough.

You promise yourself to shut that beat
To silence the sound of love’s heat
because you know the next time
it will be the same.
It becomes ingrained in you
to never trust that the sky is blue
saw cars running over cans
like it was about to run over you.
You fell at the feet of those
who stomped on you countless
believing that that beat will
It doesn’t.
You’re deluding yourself
It doesn’t ever stop for anyone
including yourself.

So fall in love, have as many heartbreaks
Have so much heartbreaks that your heart
becomes just art because he
would have left with everything
washed away beyonds the seas
saw no waves of content
only waves of anguish
**And all that’s left is art…
This goes out to those who have love and lost, trust me just keep doing so one day someone will reciprocate and everything will be right. For a long, long time I'm finally having all my demons and everything realigned.

My close friend taught me something over this break. She spoke to me and said "you know why the tortoise beat the hare?"....

I answered , "because slow and steady wins the race?"...

She said, "no you *******....the tortoise taught us that its always ok to get a taxi cab or Uber. You don't have to do **** alone".
And ... she helped me get out of that darkspot , so I thank her. This goes out to what she told me .
Satan Aug 2011
Erzsébet Crow was so happy. Her date was going to pick her up at 7. They're going to have a romantic dinner together.

She'd been walking around in the living room for 30 minutes.

''Maybe he's not coming. Maybe he's changed his mind'' said she.

''No, sweetheart. He will come'' said her mother.

''i think you should go out with Ted. His father has killed more than three hundred people'' said her father while focusing on his reading.

Erzsébeth pouted at him.

''Dad! Ted is a *****. He wouldn't even **** a dog''.

Mrs.Crow smiled at her daughter.

''Erz tell us about this boy you're going out for a **** with'' she demanded.

Erz shyly smiled back at her mother.

''Okay. Do not tell anyone. His name is Zoe. And he killed Mr.President last night. He slipped a grenade in his car when nobody was looking''.

''He did??????'' screamt Mrs.Crow.

''I voted for that poor man''
Erz nodded happily. But her father didn't seem impressed.

''Oh Dad, what???'' asked she.

Mr.Crow glanced at Erz curiously.

''Erz honey,i was the one who's supposed to **** Mr.President.''

Erz pouted at him again.

''Dad please be happy for me for once in your life. I've found a really great killer boy who would mutilate a thousand bodies for me''.

Mr.Crows frowned at his upset daughter.

''Erzie, i'd be happy for you if---For God's sake!!!!!!!!''
Lucifer, Erz's pittbull suddenly jumped into his lap. To his surprise the dog got a rotten juicy severed hand in his mouth.

''Oh poor Mrs.Henderson!'' exclaimed Mr.Crow.

''Mrs.Henderson???? My english teacher????'' shouted Erz.

''Why did you **** her????'' asked Erz, surprised.

''She drove me mad with her questions about the blood stain she had found on your shoes'' replied Mr.Crow.

''Henry!!!!! How could you!!??? You killed our daughter's favorite teacher'' thundered Mrs.Crow.

Mr.Crows shaked his head ''Hey at least i didn't **** your headmaster. He's such a pain in the ****. If i had you would have had to skip your classes till they found a new one for the position''.

''where did you bury her??'' Mrs.Crow asked her husband.

''The garage''.

''Oh God! Not the garage. Our smarty pants neighbour Mrs.Clayton will smell the stench and finds out and then i will have to **** her before that poor old woman runs to the police'' shouted Mrs.Crow.

''Oh Elizabeth you're just exaggeratting'' protested Mr.Crow.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

''Oh it must be Zoe!'' said Erz.

Mrs.Crow looked so happy. She held her daughter tight.

''Here'' said she, handing Erz a knife ''if he tries to do anything you don't like, just stab him in the heart with this''.

Erz rolled her eyes ''Mom, i can take care of myself. I can rip his ***** out with my own hands''. Mrs.Crows giggled as she opened the door for Zoe.

''Hi Mr and Mrs.Crow!'' greeted the boy politely.

''Hi! Okay have fun you guys. Remember, do not **** in exposed places. Hide the body well and leave no blood trails'' warned Mrs.Crow.

Mr.Crow forced himself to give a brief smile before he said ''Okay, Zoey. I want you to bring my daughter home in one piece. If you try to do anything i do not like to her, i'll rip your heart out and eat it, and then i pull your ***** off and give them to my dog''
Lucifer barked his yes.

Mr and Mr.Crow watched their daughter walk away with her first date. They knew their little girl had now turned into a big psychopath girl.

— The End —