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sheloveswords Aug 2016
He is broken, his pieces
are scattered around and
he blames me for being the
person that found them and
he hates me for knowing
the anatomy of his dismantled puzzle

The pieces that yearns for love
I know how many there are
his parts hiding in the spent years
I know how far they are from
completing him wholly
they only want him to love me
and to defeat the grim that is
imprisoning him
inside of his own reality of insanity
in this severed mind that he has grown to possess

This preciously shattered jar of clay
shining on my marbled floor
I regret not catching him sooner
but his scattered remnants I adore
he is the stars in my lunar
my gravity exists for him
my planets rotate

he is my perfect paradoxical mockery of fate
my most favorite enigma
placing his pieces to the belonged
I am bewilderingly profounded
I must complete before I deliver this masterpiece
of the most beautiful disaster that has fallen upon my hands

Copy Right 2020
Rebecca Carter Apr 2013
In the heat of the night
He took her hand and hid her fright
She came along, young and naive
Looking back, never once a thought of leave
They held on to those days
Through months of hurt, a gentle haze
Words of passion, tears of shame
Through it all that day had came
Confusion stripped them raw
Cutting deep like a bloodied saw
Pushed and pulled, emotions took their toll
Packed his things, the taxi ready to roll

The sun bore down, blazing hot and red
His string drew back slow in stead
A cool wind swept a chill across his arm
She held on to his promise to cause no harm
A somber air filled him as he readied
He stopped with a stark glance at the target, heart heavy
He noticed nothing but the pale curve of skin
Where his arrow would stick in
She smiled and said "hello dear"
The arrow let out; the string hit, slap! Clear
The fire  whirled across the blade
She warmed to him, the love they made
He smiled and set the bow down
He stood steady as the arrow drown

Her shock came in flows of blood
Her tears wet her heart in profounded flood
One last time her lips he kissed
Then strode away knowing he never missed
She collapsed to the ground
Her heart pained, no longer able to sound
Days passed her in a daze
It took time but she outlived that phase
Bitterness came and went
With others her time she spent
Her wound now stitched together
He is still her number one choice in forever

She knows now that love jades
But with keeping strong heartbreak eventually fades
Arcassin B May 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

Apoligies won't come easy when liars recon and give every man a bad name,
cross your heart in solace thinking you would be the one after something tragic,
your sadly mistaken, its a **** shame,
enough love in your soul even when the demons fly and make you lose with
whatever you should've gained,
you might be popular but inside your lonley , pretty good for a story of distorted
Read about it , read about it,
can't deal without it , sleep profounded,
the love she had she went and threw it,
in trash full of lies and deciet,
would've thought that you knew it, would've thought that you knew it,
shes dead now , you blew it,
would've thought that you knew it,
even dead or alive , this life isn't fair,
but why do we reside?
Silver Heinsaar Apr 2018
Porcelain tears piercing through
Clouded, profounded, steps taken further
Identity ******
Worse that could happen
Trap doors, sealed exits
Complexity overdue
Shaken in his boots
Roots go back, untrackable
Black is the shade she liked
Black is what tore them apart.

Heart shaped bandages, branded by her lips
Tulips in the winter printed midsummer
Split ends, defendant in position
Opposed, proposed, handful of roses
Not the flowers
Not in his power.

Bland taste
Another weekend has been wasted
Every bar in the corner, his mind is sober
Stays unbreakable, stays to be let down
Piloting the journey from passenger seat
Observing, not really knowing what's in front of him
Needs a trim to take control
But can't get a hold
Can't find his soul nor the calling to try any harder.

A barber doesn't cut it
Storms are blowing, unfolding the nature that's him
Undeserving of the kind
Blind to others who share the same set of fate
And when they call out a name
She says it's him who's to blame
Hence the pain, waves of migraine
Keeping her up for days
Because regardless of his actions
He's who she fell for
He's who she secretly keeps under her pillow
To never forget that she's a widow.
"So there's this guy right hahaha and he takes a selfie with my kid while the mom's turning the kid against me right??? So I confronted the gentlemen nicely and quoted "So you takin' a selfie with my kid?" And he responded "Yeah, ***** so what I'm his daddy now" after he said that I reached in the trunk of my Tahoe and got this nice wooden duct taped bat...and then I try to get a response out of him but I couldnt hear him over crying and the bashing of my Louisville Slugger well ***** rest well in hell
Never **** with my kids ever and the police can come to they'll catch these sluggers as well...but I wanna apologize for not killing you the right army way hoooooah you *****........"

Now that my homie got my back quick to jack
This ***** ***** how you figure you can step to an OG ****** is phony
In this game **** shame light a flame
To a cigarette makin' silohuette to those that try to threat
My gun range sicked sadistic head twisted
Like a pretzel a ****** pass homicidal strikes brainwaves like a tidal
Layin' dead as the videos go viral spiral
Into another dimension you see my demons lynching
Guillotine heads for no bread love of the bloodshed
Even though they all dead my tactics vulture bred
Everything you red is classified to the Feds
But leechers get beatdown instead slick as Fred
Dawn of the dead til the day I wed
Death as my wife no live boundaries unbounded
Wisdom profounded yo CM I see youll die drowning
Playin' tricks but I ain't clowning Strong grounding
Artillery grunt catchin' the pounding
As patrol ya destiny as a rover
Soon to crossover No love for this ***** *** brother so I'll bash his head in with my gat and my other slugga *****

Yo i got sick ****** on my mind nine times outta nine suckas who step outta line ?
Touchin' on the flat line with a broken spine cuz I'm
Crazy in the membrane take a snort of the cane
Or Mary Jane things ain't the same
Its Killed or be killed bodies chill once I  lay my picture reel
Flashin' signs of ****** eyes saprized
By my guns that rise blazin' like a fire clench to pliers
Clutching your heart the higher
The rate gets I'm standing over tall  mauled soldiers
I been to iraq so I'll flex the gat black gloves with no love heart made of stone put my bone
In ya momma ***** ***** stepping to my kindred
That's a no go open up ya sand capsule
I'm here to baffle til ya shells crackles  welcome to hell's tabernacle suicidal mission crazy jackal quick to axe you
Watch ya body hiccup and blood spit up
All over the concrete floor I adore war and many more
Have no fear once get a taste of ya fear year after year
My Panthers instincts creep slow so stay low
When I'm aimmin' my pistol led extended til ya flat like a dull pencil now the coroners stenciled ya body no other prefered the gat over my louisville slugga

— The End —