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Stéphanie Aug 2018
I feel jailed in my own body
socially forced to conceive
emotionally sick
hurt within

Scared to transmit pain
in this age of depression
reminding my ancestors' culpability;
will I also hurt my descendant?

Struggling to finish a phd
in this age of precarity
thinking it might push me;
Or, will I fail it all?
Akemi Aug 2019
at its own axiomatic level
we begin a dance
a dance
a dance
and there are shades

fly off from the other?

a spindle


we make ourselves a difference
a complexity
an intricate form that spills over and everywhere
and is alive
apart from itself
as if this difference making
were for itself, for our own ego
rather than to pull the other
the other’s difference
pointlessly intricate
motionful machines that well up beyond their own depths and
but the content

a meaningful making
and on and on and

turns on it urns iand urns un n uwuw uwuw uwuuwu wuuwuwuwuwuuwuw

the measure of a drop
is in

everyone dances in their own light

what if satire is all you see!

everything ive ever wanted to say 12 yr old has already fallen out a tree

everybody hold themselves so high and precious
but their own being is only meagre pitiful one space arrow

there is a being
that we strive for
but only ourselves feel
and only others know
yet so many want the other to feel
what they can only know

come grieff and grief and grif

i dont get why anyone cares
we do what we do
and it stupid

why you wanna
let the other in ?

only reason u think they smart
is they aint let u in

so i says let em be  .

everyone all love precarity
cant love themselves
sothey strike out when the other they want to love them for themselves dont love them for themselves

thats an impossibility !


whys all the
make all lie and

why do you care so much about yourself
that you desire the other to see?
you are meagre
you are petty
and that’s all you are.

resentment is thinking otherwise.

nobody cares about your drives!!!!!!!!!!
and the more you think they should
the more they wont!!!!!!!!!!!silly!!!!!!!!!
the togetherness of not-

let people sweep and slide
then drift n loop!

everoy !
neurotic big

t­hen why are peopplr loenly?

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

cherished being in a bridge of light

its own singular yearning
pulls back
the body of marx
and the whole black moon

black moon! black moon!

howls the end
howls the night
simpering spat spat spat spatchooey! cross yarn and tip a spews the thunder
and the back back back of
no where
curses like a shut down whine

are you perfectly everywhere not
this is the only series of questions
in philosophy senpai desu desu bakkkooou!!
goodbue canafly
Akemi Oct 2017
hollow cardboard reach
and the destitution of the earth
and lives that don’t matter
the open wound of living under capitalism
a horizon of black spots
mangled neurons
worthless towers lined to the sky
production unto pollution
and the whole end
the whole ******* end
the whole
queers ***** in prison
blacks killed in custody
xenophobic masturbatory farmers decimating the land
modern death is class war
race war
gender war
a systemic genocide through slow violence
laws drafted stressing interpersonal violence over corporate negligence
social stratification
unequal access to housing, food and education
MAY 68
**** your gender binary, your race hierarchy, your CV, your Christmas, think positive *******
**** your borders, your ****-apologising, your colourblindness, your class privilege, your white fragility, your selective free speech, your hegemonic masculinity, your silicon valley entrepreneurialism, your cultural imperialism, your meat industry, your deforestation, your ******* accommodation, your debt economy, your war economy, your prison economy, your unpaid women’s domestic economy that upholds the entire heteropatriarchal world
precarity unto subjugation, alienation, destitution
an increasing youth suicide rate
an inflation rate rising faster than minimum wage
a lack of jobs while you tell us we’re worthless beneficiaries
a system that chases profit at the cost of existence
the entire concept of meritocracy
debt as a promise of payment yet to exist
enforced return to nothing
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of instrumental rationalism
the closed jaw of
Colten White May 2016
You are all your yesterdays
and tomorrow you will be that
plus today.
What will you speak now,
that will echo in a self
only one sun rise and set away?
Extend your hand into precarity,
and meet a new you
who has one mysterious day
up their sleeves.
Satsih Verma Feb 2019
The system kills
a dream run, when
you went for a dignified

Manipulated beyond
the moonseeds and frigid tears.

You don't want to
relive the epilogues, sleeping
to edge.

When the terra cotta
lamp fails, light weeps for the earth,
and unseen hands.

When inequality threatens,
would you still remain
my gripping shadow?

Ah, it is the breach
which shatters me. I wanted
my right to strike at clouds.
Starlight Aug 2022
my past self
looks back
at the orbs
I've shelved
he remarks
that of all the ways
I could've
he didn't think
I would do it

an unpigmented sun
blasting into
the Stygian stable
of the dark horse
called expectation
makes his way
stepping into old feet
nursing the
ails of
growing up

your job
your uni
your family
follow me, feral child
into the wilder paces
a life unbuttoned
into a place where
rest is not
a rationed substance
sleep under the willow tree
with half-lidded precarity
until a sheet of wool-tipped leaves
dress you in slow
R Jamin Jan 2021
Through thin lines and a brief precarity

two ends of the same rope

silently knotting while

waiting patiently for warm balance

somewhere greenly glowing between your tendons

So the waltz was intricate

two-part braiding

under heavy magnet weight

an Atlas of Repulsion

breathing old air into

the same new mouth

with compression potential

we acrobats contorted into a last

tied hold


Quick Unspinning

like acid whiplash

you dropped me from that high globe

just as I was preparing the ladder
Gemma Feb 17
Precarity blinks open its sleepy eye
A reminder of the things in the dark
Death, destruction,
A rug pulled from beneath your feet

One minute
In love and excited for the future
The next
Hand broken from punching the granite counter
A casket lowered into the ground
The smell of your old lovers sweater entwined with a hundred stale lies

— The End —