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Parker Louis Jan 2015
I'll write you a line
For every day that you're mine
I don't like it sounding like possession
But I hope we date for a long session
Because you're a blessing not a lesson
And when we watched that movie
It was too good to be
I left for a week
And we couldn't even speak
I was glad to come home
And I'll gladly let you under my dome
I'll try not to get you into trouble
Because I want us to stay a couple
Of misfit toys
I hope I'm not just one of the boys
We can go to the beach
And I could give you a speech
About how both of us each
Are harmonized
While I improvised
To make you laugh
We're going down the right path
Hand in hand
The only way I can stand.
Come to my house
Or we can go to yours
Cause either way I'll see you
And your face that I love down to the pores
And I'll row our boat along with oars
Even when you're under stress
You still look gorgeous in that dress
And I'm glad
Whenever you don't feel bad
Because I may not be the best
And you're definitely no pest
When you think you annoy
I still think you're perfect for this boy
And when you think you're weird
It's the opposite of what I feared
Because you were just being human
While I was hoping you wouldn't find a New man
And I wouldn't become bland
But it's no worry
And I'm in no hurry
Because we've got our whole lives
To live undull as knives
Even if that sounded lame
I'll sing out your name
To give you the fame
Or anything
You make me fly like a wing
And I love what you bring
To my feelings
While my mind is reeling
And my outer skin is peeling
Making me vulnerable
For you to come in
Because I love you like a twin
Or maybe more
And we're so similar
And I love you down to my core
And we're a story like folklore
And I wish you lived next door
So I could see you always
And especially during the fall days
And for years all the Mays
I just hope our relationship stays
And it will
Until after were old and shrill
We'll still be together
I'm pretty sure
I could be incorrect
But you're perfect
And it's amazing your effect
That you make me experience
In every single tense
Past, present, and future
Yes I'm sure
Because I like to fall asleep next to you, sleep next to you, and wake up with you
And everything else
With you and myself
Having you is better than having wealth
You snuck into my heart like stealth
And stole it
And it has no warranty
Because I hope you'll never break it
Or throw it into a pit
Because I'd be too weak to throw a fit
But you fit me
And suit me
Our love is sweeter than a whole fruit tree
And stronger than a root see
That I love you and hear
My heart pound through and through
Every door that closes opens another
But I already opened the one for my lifetime lover
Or should I say partner
Because we're in this together
I'll stay with you forever
No matter the weather
You make me float like a feather
Live with out you? Never
I can barely stand a night
But I'm elated when we don't fight
And every day you're mine another line I will still write
And I'll paint on you like a canvas
Because some one like you is harder to find than Atlantis
And more exciting to visit
Than a church that would make my stomach lurch
Because her smile is my bible
And I feel in heaven while
I'm in her presence
There's omnibenevolence
And there's a sense
Of some awe and wonder
When her anger is thunder
Whenever I stupidly blunder
And apologize
While she just thinks it's lies
But I'll tell her straight to her eyes
About how she fills me with enamor
More natural than a flower
Staying sweet not sour
Never stumble, soften, or stammer
I'll be the nail and you can be the hammer
To repair this broken cardiovascular *****
And then I can feel spectacular again
As long as I can be holdin'
You in my embrace
And I can kiss your whole face
We can move at any pace
Fast, slow, or in the middle
And be enigmatic as a riddle
Or maybe just a little
Or be blatant as Hell
To everyone
We can go and tell
How we have so much fun
Even doing nothing
Or anything else
Because we do it so loving
And we will as long as we have a pulse
And even after
And before
Living full of laughter
With a lot more in store
Hopefully not as many fights
But a lot more years
Because you are my sun and lights
If you weren't that'd be my worst fears
And I'd take away all your mirrors
Since you see yourself different
But it's apparent
You're much better
Than a number on a scale or a grade letter
You're thinner so remember to eat dinner
Because you're my winner
And I'll be your trophy
For overcoming this
Cough and sputter
And make my heart flutter
I'll beg you for a kiss
Because it's pure bliss
Even when it'll get me sick
And hit me with a brick
I hope you stick
Until were buried in the ground
Six feet deep
Since our love runs deeper
It won't stop with a reaper
I'll stay up late to tend your fever
As would you
Even when it was our six month when I had the flu
That's not all the sleep I lose
The nights we argue
And I cannot be still until our fight is through
And peace is restored
To my whole world
Which is you and us
Which is why I make a big fuss
To see you I'd ride a plane, boat, or bus
I'd even crawl
After a mighty disabling fall
There's also the nights I'm up till dawn
Admiring how you're as beautiful as a swan
And just as formal
And documenting this observation in a journal
One that is eternal
Because every night we're monogamous
I'll continue writing this
Even when I'm miffed
I'll stay and not shift
Although I can't be there every day
When I am I'll be servile
And stay a while
Because you're inimitable
Even when I seem jaded
Our loves never faded
Even when your presumptuously impertinence is contrived
Has caused me to demur
And you to be recalcitrant
Soon again I'll be sure
And secure
To stay
Until I'm old and grey
And never let us fray
For that I'll even pray
And pray some more
Mostly directed at her because
I haven't deserved,
I'm kinda rusty instead of polished,
But I hope to you I shine
Cause everyday you're my valentine
7/9/2013-7/3/2014. I thought about how line and mine rhymed and then I thought of that first couplet and decided to make it an ongoing project. I only wrote 234 lines in that timeframe, but I stopped writing even though that girl and I were still dating (and still are 1/19/2015) There are a lot of references subjective to our relationship that a lot of people probably won't get.
Where does man, where does woman, where does beast go
When slumber dawns upon their fleshly vessel?
When the twilit sky bleeds into a stygian veil?
When the musicality within begins to take psychosomatic form?
I reminisce over the eventuality that stirred my burgeoning.
It quaked my lucubrations, my excogitations, intellectualizations;
Ye, The Incendiary Phoenix Flame billows within. Rebirth awaits
every anima forged by The Apotheosis of The Astral Flame.

The doughty firebrand in me shalt nought surrender,
The Gaian Warrior within shall ne'er be forgotten,
And my reverenc'd doubts  shall be undone.
O, whence all incredulities have been uttered The Leadings of Lovelight shall prevail. The Vestige that once ravaged my remembrance shall vanish into The Magisterial Tides of Oblivion,
We are all one with the Blood-Tinged Oath, The Fulgent Daystar;
He, exhaled eternity into the souls vexed by mortality.

Underneath the Sun:
There breathes an azure vista.
What lieth above our aethereal aegis has incited inquisitiveness aeons aforetime
Open your hearts to the cosmic currents, the transcendent torrent,
The Communal Oneness of The Primal Phantasmagoric;
By that One,
For all time we were summoned.

Question what lie before to be spirited away.
  Listen to the arcadian zephyr whisper
              Through in, through out your every breath. Trust, the Sanctity of intuition.
Coloring the Changing of The Seasons.
The aqueous dew throngs upon virescent leaflets,
A fulgurant surge fulminates
Upon The Celestial’s bedarkened sky.

Red- Shift Existence: evidence, upon which a system of belief expands, under examination
Therefore, it is our duty to ponder the Legacy of the Sages
That we might unravel the esoteric secrets
That function as a key
In gainsaying, in overturning The Lock of Fallacy.
Finally we gain understanding, we acquire wisdom
Altering our cognitive trajectory.

What is Life,
What is Love,
What is Divinity,
Without creativity?
Without imagination?
Without vision?
We must all surrender to
The Sacral Expressions of Omnibenevolence.
Spirituality is a fleshly disorientation, a carnal discombobulation;
So, relinquish your dysphoric allegiance
With the pangs of hunger and malice.
Effloresce into The Luminary,
We Denizens of Light,
Were all
To be.

(Se' lah)

Excelsior Forevermore,

Sanders Maurice Foulke III
Spirit descends
Taking shape
Nirvanic infinitude
And is carnally crystallized
In an incarnadine
Shrine of flesh,
Bone and marrow.

Let the anima of wisdom
Hear the unuttered reverberations
That ripple as a shockwave
Through this
Vast, multidimensional
And utter
The esoteric secrets of existence.

A verisimilitude of life
Loometh in the irides
Of the
Gasconading celestial
And we
Must wax lowly
Wax lofty.

Trust that something
Interstellar, intergalactic, macrocosmic, multiversal;
Fatidic, fathoms all
Ye, this
Visage of Creation keeps vigil
In the corporeal pulse of plight.

Fulgurant perdition is for
But an
Ephemeral exhalation, Elysium is for eternity;
Gaze heavensward
Knowing the Holy Dove
Shall always
Rise and fall.

Promises await:
A deific covenant
Etched in the
Slabs of our hearts,
(I Hear)
The Requiem of Lovelit Life resolved
In the
Key of the Archean.

Spirit rises,
Dismantling form
And intertwines infinitely
All that is, was, and will be;
Circular & cycling
The Cosmo-Plexus of Empyreal Love
Sees all.

(Se' lah)
“Just as the Empyrean Aethers art infinite and beyond, so our Fulgent Dreamscape. The Vestibule, The Tabernacle of the Soul, is without height, breadth, width, or depth. 'Tis an immeasurable, incorporeal expanse; 'tis the Fulgurant Vista of  ―the Mind’s Sky.
       Our reveries thither beget the Astral Apotheosis hither. Embrace Eos, the Daughter of the Dawn; sing to the Sovereign of Songbirds whence all that reverberates is the Swansong. Surely Jehovah, who forms his name of the Tetragrammaton, shall efface thine ephemeral woe for eternity. ―Elysium awaits.”

Excelsior Forevermore,

Sanders Maurice Foulke III
Winter Feb 22
Love is in the Eyes
She shines bright and brighter still
Like Gold
Dazzles me into a state of unbridled happiness
For both Young and Old
Love unfolds

Love exists in all duality
It will hurt  
It hurts to know oneself deeply
Love is brutal
Broken love is still love
Self care is self love
it protects…
Vulnerability says that love lives here too.
Love is
integrity and intention.

Love is God.
Like an all encompassing hug
It makes us whole…
Every thing with a spirit needs love…

Love is growth.
Love is warmth.
All evolving
To me… love is in all things
my metamorphosis and my dreams.

How do you define love? Do you think it evolves?

— The End —