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preservationman Aug 2015
It was famous celebrities I met
It was all in a normal set
I met David Rockefeller, former Chase Chairmen
He had a top position being the number one rank
We bumped into each other and talked for 5 minutes in Rockefeller Center
Later it was Cardinal Terrance Cooke of St. Patrick’s Cathedral
We shook hands on the steps of the Cathedral on 5th Avenue at a time when the church was celebrating their 100th Centennial
Who could forget Arnold Schwarzzenger long before he became Governor of California
It was a vintage when he competed in bodybuilding competition with the top Bodybuilding
Title being Mr. Olympia
We met at the Mid-City Gym, a ******* gym back in the day with many famous Soap Actors and Wrestlers who trained there
Speaking of Wrestlers, I met Superstar Billy Graham and Irvin, the Polish Power
Who could forget Ralph Nader, Politician advocate
It was at CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia where met the Media Chief, Ted Turner
It was an acquaintance as he came flying through the stair doors where we were standing with our Tour guide
It wasn’t part of the tour, but was a lucky stride
So I was my own Walter Cronkite in seeing celebrities with my own eyes
My own Media event with captured moments in how my time was spent.
David P Carroll Mar 2022
Israeli "soldiers" blast 17yr-old Nader Haytham Rayan with multiple bullets to the head.
South African gouverment we are sick to death of this Apartheid country.

It's all over social media.
Jeff Stier May 2016
It was a yellow Corvair convertible
Ralph Nader's bogey
our ***-fueled chariot
our escape into the night sky.

We were strewn across a grassy ***** as if fallen from above
stars thick in the sky
still visible in those days
Page Mill Road
south of the City.

And all of the vanities
and honesties of brilliant youth
slouched about our shoulders
lit our speech
moved our *****
in the direction our fates intended.

It was freedom.  It was
escape. It was a foreshadowing
of much trouble
pre-dawn knocks on the door
handcuffs and the tearful call

And a life leavened by sadness,
a constant sense of doom,

but a foreshadowing as well
of miracles dressed in second-hand
but miracles just the same.
Siska Gregory Dec 2017
So ver ek loop ruik ek die droogte, die son se gebak, maar ja  ek loop met gemak, al vinniger en vinniger die pad langs.
My droom het waar geword om n ver pad langs te stap en te gesels, met wie anders as met myself, die wind, die vertes en die mindere gebergtes.
Die wind waai om my heen, dit kreun en steun, maar dit leen my n tyd vir alleen wees in my gedagtes, ag daar is net geen klagtes.
Soos ek stap lag ek klip hard want my hart voel so vry, so vry soos die wind wat my verby kry.
Dan haal ek die wind weer in en sing n lied van blydskap teenoor my Heer, my dapper Held en stap Maat.
Soos die dae verby gaan en die vertes nader kom, verstom ek my aan my hart se gejubel van blydskap en geluk.
My hart is vry so ver soos die oog kan sien, ek loop in vreugde en gemak, dag na dag  in n natuur so hard maar tog so sag.
My hart smag na my liefde, die maat van my lewe, so ewe te vroeg weg gevat, maar stap, stap hy saam en ons hou net aan en aan tot ons weer by mekaar gaan staan in n veld van omhelsing en blye verwelkoming, hand aan hand net aan die Anderkant.
Ja my hart is vry so ver soos die oog kan bedui.....
Aan my liewe moeder wat n pad gestap het, hare drome waar geword het. Ek is baie lief vir mamma
O fog,
shrouding the busy highways
muting their resonant roar
   to distant growls

Unfurl your smooth fury,
crumple these cars,
shatter their frames across
   and beyond their concrete tracks
   that separate forests and hills
   and thicken the air
   with acrid smells
   from exhausted horsepowers.

Embrace them,
   O fog,
and guide their screeching tires
   over the embankment

roaring hearses
by your moist arms

                           * * *

     &) Discovered recently among H. D.´s unpublished papers at Yale University Library, malevolent scholars take this poem as proof for the poet´s befogged imagination during some of her post-imagist periods. More englightened critics, though, point to the stunning topicality of H. D.´s mythopoetic mind in its accurate presentation of mankind´s archetypal struggle against nature. There is as yet insufficient biographical evidence that the mature H. D. possibly had a short but intensive attachment to the infant Ralph Nader, who later became head of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. – For serious information on the poet, see
This is H. D.’s 1915 poem that inspired my little satire:


Whirl up, sea -
whirl your pointed pines,
splash your great pines
on our rocks,
hurl your green over us,
cover us with your pools of fir.

* * *
karin naude Oct 2017
Di storm, di woed
Di wind, di huil
Ruk di mure soos hy hardloop omi hys
Wat sal wees sal staan
Hu diep is ons wortels
Is di fondasi stewig
Saggies en versigtig sluip x nader
Da sit vrees omring deur sy makkers
Trots op homself
Hy kry my oorhand
Vandag behoort geveg aan ju
Ma more verklaar x my oorwinning
In god se naam n met god se krag
Dante Rocío Jun 2020
czemuż liść rajskiej jabłoni,
poczuł dotyk Twej dłoni?

... A wybór ten się ziścił?
To śnięcie, podszept liści...

Czy twa cierń była nader ostra?
Ma najdroższa,
Mater Nostra

... Dnia twego dziękczynienie,
nie miało oka tchnienie...

gdy znosiłaś krwiożercze znoje,
by ochronić
dziatki Twoje.

... Za Szeolem, bez pudru
lecz z chlubą łez nagości...

Twe serce 
zmrożone w kajdany,
nie okazało miłości.

... Tak, tych palców spostrzeżeń
u męża nań spuszczonych...

Iżby stworzyć koncepcję 
niezwykle strudzony.

...Zbluzganiem, uwielbianiem,
Jest Ewą i Allahem...

Aby poczciwość dać rodzinie,
ciągle żyję
pod tym strachem.
Osobą jam nie znana,
Raczej funkcją, zadaniem
Jestem matką,
a moja profesja,
jest rodziny kochaniem.

„Od nigdy a po zawsze,
Byt, nie przeminę z wiatrem.

W honorze. W trawie. W mężczyźnie. Ostanę.”
Co-written with an acquaintance of mine, Alexandra P. of the transcending figure of the Mother, since the Eden and till the End, beyond corporeal conceptions.
Will translate to English if heavily requested (haven’t yet due to tremendous amount of rhymes and the renga’s strict structure)
Traveler Oct 2020
The worms and vultures will have at the dead, let’s all hide from our fears!
Leave these politicians to fester and rot
There’s nothing but smelly corpse here

I once was a Bernie bro when he was
Ralph Nader
I am no longer a liberal nut
Nor a right wing hater
American politics
See ya later!
Traveler Tim
It seems there ain't no better life very much for me later, much later
than mercy-murdering to death cracked-up crazy, idiot Ralph Nader

— The End —