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Nikita Tshawe Sep 2019
Sons of the soil.
Daughters of the soil.
Wake up and rejoice, for its the day of your heritage.
Celebrate your culture, for it is your privilege.

You are Africa, Africa is you.
A nation so diverse and true.
A real rainbow nation.
Deeply rooted in our tradition.

Nna ke mo Tswana, ebile ke motlotlo ka bo Tswana bame.
Nna ke mo Pedi, ebile ka ikgantsha ka go nna mo Pedi.
Mna ndi ngum Xhosa, ubona nje, ndiyazi dla ngo buXhosa bam.
Mina ngi ngum Zulu qobo, futhi ngiyazi qhenya.

On this day, remember who you are.
On this day, commemorate who you are.
Take pride in your true identity.
Let there be peace and serenity.
In South Africa our land.
Together may we all stand.

Le ga ole moTswana wa Afrika.
Noba ungu m'Xhosa wase Afrika.
Le ha ole mo Sotho wa Afrika Borwa.
Are rataneng. Masi thandaneni.

On this day, speak your mother tounge.
On this day, sing your clan song.
A moTswana eme a kgibe.
UmXhosa maka phakame axhentse.
UmZulu maka sukume agide.
A moPedi a emelle bine.

Sons of the soil.
Daughters of the soil.
Wake up and rejoice, for its the day of your heritage.
Celebrate your culture, for it is your privilege.
Dhaara T Aug 2017
My bubble gum
Little plum
Fountain of joy

She's down
With flu and a frown
And a hesitant smile

It's really hard
Breaks my heart
To see a little cub cry

To endure suffering
Crying, not lying but tossing
In sheets of discomfort

But her fervent eyes show
She'll regain her glow
Such a tiger, she is, at heart

I adore souls like hers
Loving, innocent, but terse
Every hindrance she'd outsmart
My little tornado is subtle these days and that's not a nice thing. I miss the brat taking the house down! Kids don't deserve to fall ill at all. But then again, maybe it's nature's way of making them stronger...of helping them toughen up. My niece is an inspiration how she manages a smile even when she's really exhausted with the meds. She's a stunner with how she disallows anything to come in the way of her enjoying her childhood!

I wish her and every child currently on a break from relishing their childhood, a speedy recovery and lots of joy in their lives ahead.

I also wish for the child in us adults, to show thyself and shine in full glory!
tangshunzi Aug 2014
Se c'è una cosa che dovete sapere su di me .è che io sono ossessionato con la caramella .Zuccherino.fruttato .cioccolatoso termine " golosi " e mi vanno di pari passo .Quindi questo capolavoro candy- ispirato di un matrimonio catturato da Ozzy Garcia Fotografia ?Beh.mi ha colpito con il suo bouquet caramelle ( SI ) .fiori rosa -riempita da Ocean Fiori e un infinito visualizzazione dolci.Clicca qui per tutti i dettagli squisiti .E ' al di là abbastanza .

Condividi questa splendida galleria ColorsSeasonsSpringSettingsOutdoorStylesTraditional Eleganza

Da Sposa.Yoav e ** iniziato .scegliendo un luogo che potesse ospitare il nostro matrimonio all'aperto .l'aria calda Miami .una tregua benvenuto da inverni ventoso di Chicago e

Amsterdam e un minimo cambiamento climatico per i nostri 30 membri della vestiti da sposa famiglia che hanno fatto il viaggio dalla lontanaIsraele.La nostra visione per la sera era comfort casual con un lato di zucchero e un paio di sorprese lungo la strada.Jessica Masi di JCG eventi assicurato che questa visione è venuto a vita e Ozzy Garcia .di Ozzy Garcia Fotografia .artisticamente catturato questa visione e immortalato esso .
Avevamo fratello Yoavs officiare una parte della cerimonia .perché abbiamo ritenuto che quando si trattava di integrare i dati personali .chi poteva raccontare la nostra storia meglio di qualcuno che è stato lì fin dall'inizio ?Abbiamo voluto questo per impostare il precedente e il tono per il matrimonio a tutti i presenti .testimoniando il primo giorno della nostra vita in coppia .sono stati tutti .personaggi integrali amare nella nostra storia .

amore è dolce .il mio amore per la caramella è ancora più dolce .e ** sempre saputo che volevo il mio bouquet di essere fatto di caramelle .Alcune persone si asciugano i loro mazzi di fiori .alcune persone li salvano .avevo intenzione di mangiare la mia.Grazie alla Donut Divas .** avuto un ottimo spuntino a tarda notte sulla mia prima notte di nozze !Alcuni dei miei dolci preferiti di zucchero .marshmallow e M \u0026 Ms .sono stati abilmente collocato in un cono di cialda gigante.Il vantaggio di avere un matrimonio in giro per le vacanze di Pasqua è che anche l'erba nel bouquet era commestibile .

Oltre alla mia dipendenza da zucchero .credo davvero che ci sono pochi prodotti alimentari in questo mondo che può farmi felice come una torta di compleanno Publix negozio di alimentari .Al fine di condividere il mio amore per questa confezione con gli altri.dolci display ci ha fatto diversi stand torta di legno colorati .a cui Ocean Fiori aggiunto qualche scintilla .e abbiamo avuto diversi gusti di 8 pollici torte Publix poste sulle tavole di accoglienza .Il piano era quello di rimuovere le torte dopo cena e li hanno tagliati per dessert .ma i nostri ospiti seduti a questi tavoli è diventato così possessivo nei dolci sul loro tavolo che non avrebbe permesso a nessuno di toccarli .I nostri ospiti scavate con le loro forchette .senza nemmeno togliere dalla torta stare !

Oltre a tutti gli elementi fugaci di zucchero che è andato in nostro giorno speciale - le carte escort .il bouquet .i pop anello caramelle .lecca-lecca ragazza di candy bar .le torte Publix - Penso che uno dei nostri ricordi preferiti dail giorno è venuto da Erin Una Chainani .** letto di Erin online circa due anni fa dopo googling Miami ritrattista .** chiamato Erin e le ** chiesto se lei sarebbe così incline a frequentare il nostro matrimonio e dipingere una scena.Non solo era ha dipinto due scene di boot!Ha catturato uno della cerimonia e uno del nostro primo ballo in coppia .

Quando il mio nuovo marito ed io stavamo confrontando le note dopo il matrimonio .entrambi abbiamo notato abiti da sposa corti che molte persone ci hanno offerto questo consiglio .amare ogni secondo di questa giornata perché va così veloce .E mentre il giorno ha fatto andare in fretta .non abbiamo mai avuto l'impressione che abbiamo perso tutte le occasioni per tutto dentro E grazie a Erin e Ozzy .abbiamo ricordi che ci ricordano del giorno del nostro matrimonio per sempre .Fotografia

: Ozzy Garcia Fotografia | Floral Design : Mare Flowers | Abito da vestiti da sposa sposa: Pronovias | Wedding Cake: Temptations eleganti | Scarpe : Mojo Moxy | capelli: Tanya Maquez | Abbigliamento dello sposo : Completo di supporto | Cake Stands : Sweet Visualizza | Cake Topper: Questo è il mio Topper | Torte (piccolo ) : Publix Bakery | Candy Profumo: Donut Divas | Cigar Roller : Acope Cigars | Dress Sash : Blue Bird Studio | Orecchini : Matrimoni 826 | Pianificazione + Design : GCP Eventi LLC | Flower Girl Dresses :pretty Flower Girl | Scarpe Flower Girl : Toms | Trucco : Rachel Blair Shapiro | Ritratto Artista : Erin Una Chainani | Wedding Venue : The Palms hotel \u0026
Miami matrimonio al Palms di Ozzy Garcia Fotografia_abiti da sposa 2014
Teodora Pavel Nov 2021
golden threads this autumn bears
waves of thin despair at your iron door
Show Time, says Fosse, heart on the floor
when sunlit window gently flares

a crispy wind, a frivolous sunrise
oh, dance along, your fragile neck so white
Show Time, says Fosse, aglow with light
please, dance with me, and look into my eyes

golden threads this autumn bears
in every leaf, in every grain of dust
Show Time, says Fosse, it's my final lust
melancholy's dripping venom deadly glares.

"Autunno, se vuoi cogliere la frutta della mia anima, ti prego di non esaurire ancora il sole, il filo d'oro della vita, il filo d'oro della danza." - Gianluca Masi, known as the Dancing Alchemist, Firenze, the second half of the XVI-th century
Opemipo Dec 2014
Atomori mi,
                Like any iyawo eyan, girlfriend eni, aburo eni, ore eni, ololufe eni yan, olugboran okan eni, my expectations for you are so high, lofty and grandoise! I have however grown to learn that my commitment to you cannot be hinged on attainments or by anyone.  So regardless of whoever that doesnt accept you, or how high you fly, how far you go, or how much you accoomplish. Females might have walked away for a reason or two, but you can be rest assured that I Adebola will always be at your corner, cheering you on. Owo le masi, but fulfilling happiness I can offer with good food for your belly and your thought, Ko si ikan ti ole yawa, ju iku ati yourself (ara e). I have your back anytime; anyday. Also, I have grown to trust you,and that my sweet is one key to a successful relationship. With every beat of my life; Olatokunbo Gabriel Atomori Awoga, you are all I love ♡♡♡♡ {WEBOMLYAAIL}
I adore, love and cherish you!
Happy New Year, ife mi !
Debola Oluyomi copyright © 2014
EVewritesss May 2018
terbalas pertemuan singkat tadi siang
dengan sedikit berdebah dengan ego
malu menukik dan gemetar beramai gaduh

sulit juga, berjuang dengan lara yang
kian runyam
kian dalam
kian menepis dalam malam

aku yakin dia bertanya
"kenapa dia?"
haha.. apa aku harus jawab aku rindu
aku rindu seperti dulu

bukan apa-apa
tidak ada lugas kata atau tindakannya
hanya saja aku sudah terlajur menyukainya
menyukai derap langkahnya
lemah gemulai tubuhnya beradu dengan udara sekitar
aku juga suka saat matanya bertemu dengan mataku
sisi lainnya muncul
lebih hangat dari yang kubayangkan

bolehkah juga aku berseru ?
aku menyukaimu ! sangat..
lungai sudah jika itu terucap

tapi tenang, aku masi pandai menyimpan
masih pandai menukik ego
tapi tetap
aku rindu,.,.,.,.

pada malam yang dingin setelah banyak mengerutu basa basi tak pasti
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2020
I prefer my sisters' children to call me Maasi,
Rather than aunt.
Aunty can be anybody,
Maasi specifies me,
As mother's  sister,
And only a maasi  can love like a mother.
Opemipo Dec 2014
Atomori mi,
                 Like any iyawo eyan, girlfriend eni, aburo eni, ore eni, ololufe eni yan, olugboran okan eni, my expectations for you are so high, lofty and grandoise! I have however grown to learn that my commitment to you cannot be hinged on attainments or by anyone ( ko si eni ke ni ).  So regardless of whoever that doesn't accept you, or how high you fly, how far you go, or how much you accomplish. Women might have walked away for a reason or two, but you can be rest assured that I Adebola will always be at your corner, cheering you on. Owo le masi, but fulfilling happiness I can offer with good food for that of your belly and thought, Ko si ikan ti ole yawa, ju iku ati yourself (ara e). I have your back anytime; any day. Also, I have grown to trust you,and that my sweet is one key to a successful relationship. With every beat of my life; Olatokunbo Gabriel Atomori Awoga, you are all I love ♡♡♡♡ {WEBOMLYAAIL}
I adore, love and cherish you!  Always & Forever is our logo, isn't it???
Happy New Year, ife mi !
Opemipo "Debola Oluyomi" Oluwole copyright © 2014
A mixture of my language Yoruba and English of course. my man!
Bella Ayu Apr 2019
Untuk yang merindukan Rumah, lebih dari apapun.
Rumah bukan lah tentang bangunan, ruang, pintu-pintu yang kokoh, atau jendela-jendela yang ditata.
Bukan tentang jenis kayu apa yang digunakan untuk pintu-pintu, jendela-jendela, entah itu jati, sigi atau mahoni.
Ini tentang apa yang hidup di dalam sana.

Aku pernah memiliki rumah, dan selalu ingin kembali pulang kesana, tapi seseorang yang memiliki peranan sangat penting di rumah, pergi meninggalkan, anggaplah ia sebagai jantungnya, dan ketika jantung tersebut sudah berhenti berdetak, mati lah yang akan kau temukan. Barangkali ia sudah menemukan rumah barunya, dan benar saja.
Baginya aku dan ibu hanyalah tamu, dan kau tidak pernah benar-benar menerima tamu, mereka lalu lalang disana, ia menemukan rumah barunya, bukan aku bukan juga ibu.

Saat aku berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk kembali pulang dan mengingat-ingat jalan menuju rumah, aku menemukannya, namun rumah itu sudah terkunci sangat rapat, aku megetuknya, tak juga si pemilik membukakan pintunya, beberapa waktu aku masi mencobanya, mungkin tidur di teras rumah ini dan berharap suatu waktu pintunya akan dibuka oleh sang pemilik, namun waktu yang ku tunggu itu tak pernah datang. Aku mencoba mengintip lewat jendela-jendela yang kokoh, aku melihat seorang anak kecil laki-laki berlarian di ruang tengah dekat perapian. Aku tersingkir.

Hujan turun dengan derasnya, bukan dari langit, melainkan dari pelupuk mataku, sepertinya awan hitam menyelimuti seluruh ruang hatiku, aku tersadar bahwa ia sudah benar-benar pergi meninggalkan rumah lamanya, dan sudah benar-benar juga menemukan rumah barunya.

Saat ini aku sedang mencoba untuk membangun rumah yang lebih kuat, kokoh, dan indah. Aku tidak akan kembali pulang atau kembali mengingat-ingat jalan menuju rumah lamaku.
Aku akan membuatnya sendiri, dan semoga rumah baruku tidak pergi lagi.
Shyamal Bodosa Oct 2020
Masi Majangsisi Sain

Noshogung Ni phrang Noh Yahong ha thaglakha..

Sainbili bo jaru phaikha

Sain bo gama phairu kha,

Noshkao Haa Gajao-Gurmu

Khere-Khere Nojaru phaikha

Dao-Daomi buthu bo Noshkao Haa

Birhi-birhi thaglakha

Khere-khere nokhoha khrip bo haprola phaikha

Oda Horr Jalanglakha...
By Shyamal Bodosa
Masa dear,

Your ever smiling, loving face I will always cherish.

Assisting you during family ills, to them nourish

In  your cute ways your patients, you did admonish.

And I enjoyed playing your secretary.

Calling Soli Dad " mari chalti halti sugar factory";

And Khutu Mama, the Doc of your car.

I shall always remember Masi n you as bright stars.

Sarosh Yazad panahbaad

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Today we need relationships like this, for the sake of our future generations


Jer, o my Jer, you are my true Jer,  my wealth

That's why,  very close to you,  I always felt

In contact yours, any heart could very easily melt

My Masi-Sasu, you supposed to be were; but actually, my Ma you were

My friend, philosopher n guide, all in one you truly were.

In me, feelings of love, dedication n affection you did stir

You my darling, all 3 of us adore; you indeed are my soul mate

Vispi, Shez n I were really lucky that you were our guardian angel albeit

Vispi must be again enveloped in your loving arms; I am awaiting my date.

Happy Birthday darling Ma, Shez n I, wish you all the very best

Your ever loving daughter
Darwin n Armin enjoying are their birthday;
Though one is getting old n other handsome, day by day.
Plant kingdom rules Ameshaspand Amardad.
He also helps the Earth to become shaad n aabaad.
Teshtar Tir Yazad, brings us rain.
Mankind, prosperity through crops,fruits does gain.
Both Ameshaspand n Yazad bless us, please do.
Dadar Ahura n Zarathushtra, You too, please do.

Armin Masi
On Roj Anneran  Mah Amardad, proceeded you towards your Heavenly home.

Disappearing just like a bubble, as if you were made of foam.

It is 15 long years since, yet seems as if it's just days few.

Time flies, they say, it heals too but your absence,  I still rue.

Oh my sweet heart Jer, my Mum, I simply can't forget you at any rate.

For others you were my  Masi Sasu; but for me my darling,  you were my soul mate.

Wherever thou art in  Heaven, progress well n happy may you there stay.

Bless me always from there, n when it's my turn, come to fetch me on that day.

Your Anar,  who adores you.
A doctor is always remembered if he is competent, considerate n kind

Even the excruciating pain, the patient sometimes doesn't mind.

A doctor's treatment, effective is, when with physical therapy, emotional is combined

Also in this team work, when the patient's relative, d doc includes n binds.

Ketanbhai, indeed lucky is the patient, if a doctor like you, he finds.

Fondly remember I will, you celebrating my Zoi's 10th b'day; when the clock backward winds.

Our Suryakant Shah (Grandpa) n Madhuri Masi, n docs from my family n friends, always remember I will

Above all, my Nurgesh Aunty, who saved my life during ectopic, with gratitude, my memory fill.

My deep gratitude, respect n thaaaaanks to all you dear docs, who kindly with their patients deal.

Armin Dutia  Motashaw

Wonder I, if someone asked me,

" Hum Aapke Hain kaun";

What would I them tell ?

She is My Masi Sasu !!!

Anyway, this World never would understand.

Mum, you were my soul mate, my everything.

Wonderful were those years I spent with you.

Remember I, how Vispi even teased you;

He said I was your daughter n he, your son-in-law

No Mom love would  their children, like you did.

When to heaven I come, receive me with arms open.

Love you and miss you my Jaan, I very much do.

Your loving daughter who adores you.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Happpppinezz unto you Jeru Jaan

"हम आप के है कौन "; perhaps applies to our relationship;

So very close to my heart, yet difficult for others to it accept.

Vispi's Masi, yet you soon became, my everloving Mom;

Darling in words express my love or feelings, I just cannot.

Indeed lucky I was, to get this unconditional love from you, darling Mom.

Remember you several times every day we, after 13 years of your departure;

That itself speaks volumes about you, my sweet heart.

Of our existence, you are an inseparable part.

All I request Ahura is, to hold you lovingly in His loving arms.

To keep you happy for ever n ever; n in my life to grant you again.

Wherever you are, stay blessed; n plenty of happiness gain.

Your children, who love and adore you; who pray for a reunion.

Vispi, Anar, Shez

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Salmabanu Hatim Mar 2024
Gives one an identity and status,
It identifies you from other people
Unlike the English like grandparent, uncles and aunt,
Asians have particular names for each kin.
Such as in the Gujratis,
Father's parents are Dada and dadi,
Mother's parents are nana and nani.
Father's brother is kaka(chacha) and kaki(chachi
Mother's brother is mama and mami
Father's sister is faiji and husband fuaji
Mother's sister is masi and masaji.
Even the niece and nephew are identified differently.
It is also said that a Mother's sister is almost your mother.
I don't like when my kins call me aunty.
I may be uncle or aunty for others but I want to maintain my particular status with you,
So others can know how closely related I am to you.


I remember gifting  you a soft  baby pink sari, on your birthday in 1978, the first one, after I got married and came to Ahmedabad.  You were everyone's Jer Masi; but I couldn't stop myself from calling you Mummy. From that moment,  you were and will always be,  my dearest darling Jer Mummy.
You meant a world to all 3 of us.  You were the Sun and we, your planets.
Wherever you are, we love you,  and send this divine love to you.  Vispi is perhaps lucky enough to be able to reach you and wish you in person. Though far away, (in fact, don't even know really where!!!) But you are in our hearts.  Miss you very much, I DO, my friend, philosopher and guide,  my angel divine, who fills my heart with her unconditional love. Who took a frightened little girl in her loving arms and kept her there forever.
Love you  Ma n miss you.
Waiting to unite.

— The End —