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He would walk through the decaying leaves
thinking about all his yesterdays
he would always talk of future things
and you'd say well I never Mr Levelheaded

He always talked about time and space
and if you didn't listen hard enough
you would surely lose your place
never getting to the land of understanding

Many times he would talk tactics
always mentioning silent running
and if you were lucky enough
he would even show you star charts

He created many machines
all just for your pleasures
what has he built today?
well never, Mr Levelheaded!

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
sabrina paesler May 2015
you told me to be levelheaded
because symmetry is what makes a beautiful face.

I will touch my stomach
to the bottom of the pool
so you can’t examine me
without being as low as I am.

if you still want to see,
meet me in the deep end—
we can have a toxic tea party
just you and I.

when I finally float to the top
you’ll say
my sense of foolishness
is what you’ve always
Leisa Battaglia Aug 2018
Babies, babies everywhere
Usually it's your opinion I share
We're too old, too tired, too busy
But the babies all around me are making me dizzy

I'm rational, realistic and levelheaded
It would be enough for me if we were just wedded
Barely in our forties, but our youth in the past
But I feel that the baby window is closing fast

We each have our own and have been down this road a time or two
But they're all growing up so fast, and I've never gotten to have one with you
Robbed of that chance, I feel like we missed out on what should've been our life, our destiny
But I feel blessed for the boys we have and I will be happy if that's all that's meant to be

Babies are loud and they're too expensive
And, truthfully, I really do like the way we live
So many obstacles stand in the way
A vasectomy, decreased fertility, how to pay

It all gets so technical and sterile and void of romance
I wonder if there is even the slightest chance
All the procedures we'd need to endure
So with this decision, we both must be sure

Will we regret it and wish we had chosen a different path
I don't want to end up in the poor house for not doing the math
I'm so busy, would a surrogate be the way to go
A nanny is fine for after, but with a surrogate, can a bond grow

Then there's the smell of their hair
That special bond that only you two share
The way they hold onto you as if you hold the key to their heart
The look of total terror in their eyes whenever you must part

A small piece of me and a small piece of you
Someone we create together, something we chose to do
The one we were supposed to have years ago
The dream that neither of us quite let go

Here we are, decades later, together again
Has too much time passed, too much life been
Or was it always meant to be this way, We're older and wiser and more ready today

It may never work and I need you to know, that I'm happy with just us if that's God's plan
But if this is possible and my last chance, then I know you are the perfect man
They'll all talk about us and say we're too old and crazy
But this is how I chose to tell you, I'd like to try to have your baby
A topic of much discussion lately in my home. Since he started reading my poetry on here, I thought this may be a unique way to tell him that I would like to go on this journey with him. That is, if he's game?
K Balachandran Dec 2011
In this Christmas season
on a  high,
gift of heady wine;
i can vouch,
you are
the most  exquisite wine
my body, mind and spirit
ever did imbibe
but never got inebriated.
Sarah Riordan Feb 2012
You’re special, but not much more than most.
You just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
I poured my heart out to you and leaned on your strong shoulders,
Even while you took advantage of my pain and asked for things you shouldn’t have.
We go through a cycle of me leaving you,
Going through withdrawal and finding other people to be my pillars.
But then you come in with kind words and gestures and I melt all over again,
Crumbling into your embrace.
My heart seems to constantly be full of pain to the point of overflowing,
But I always manage to widen it and make room for you.
Love is a tricky emotion and is as finicky as water,
Changing phases under different pressure and temperatures.
And yet I can honestly say that I have and do love you,
With your rough exterior and warm words that heat me up from the inside out.
Just like everything else in the world, there is an equal and opposite reaction to this love.
A hate that burns so hot that it can evaporate my stomach and dissolve me into tears.
I could easily be described as a responsible, intelligent, levelheaded girl,
The one all the parents used to hope would rub off on their children like fairy dust.
But this Tinkerbell turns into Dumbo when you show affection,
And misplaces her brain in the depths of her passion.
I offer myself up to you time and time again like a painstakingly prepared meal,
But you devour me, and spit me back out to move onto another feast.
Your words, which have kept me sane, can drive me to insanity.
I spend days, weeks, months analyzing the phrase, “I’m actually looking for a girlfriend now”.
I’d love to know what your qualifications for a girlfriend are because I must have met them once.
Has the bar been raised, do you think, “been there done that”, or are there just better options?
We always reconnect when gravity shifts and my world comes crashing down on me,
But I can’t help but feel it’s unhealthy for both of us if I rely on you excessively.
I don’t want to become the next girl who puts you into a depressed funk,
Ruining memories of a holiday for you along with any chance of a relationship.
But how do you expect me to act when the attention from you that I crave
Is only rewarded when I’m spiraling out of control, or just downward?
How upset do I need to be for you to give me a smile, comforting words, a hug?
How hopeless do I need to be for you to understand that I’m barely holding myself together?
And why do my thoughts and feet carry me to you whenever I find myself back in a dark place?
I mean you’re special, but not much more than most.
I guess you just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
creating invisible lines
across my scalp
grinding dead fingernails
down to the living skin
slowing peeling the cells
trying to reach my brain
performing surgery
my bed the operating table
pulling and yanking
blindly putting nerves
back in their places
feeling with sore fingers
to find the bad spot
the chunk of my mind
containing you
aiming and seeking
to yank from my thoughts
the fragment
that makes my blood boil
forces me to text you
when my ten scalpels tire
and i finally fatigue
no molecule, particle, or
can i find
you have infected my brain
down to the core
and every atom in between
but still
the capacity of my conscious surgery
can find no defect
sensing sanity return
i put back every nerve and neutron
and use my ten tired needles
to stitch back my scalp
hiding my work
beneath many blood hairs
deeming myself rational
sound and levelheaded
i use electricity to connect
my disorganize mind to yours
ten tired tools helping me along
and when I'm done
when the message has left
...i question my health
and the process begins again
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Vernon Waring Aug 2015
her mother called her
a textbook virgo,
levelheaded, organized,

and every spare moment she had
was spent writing

most of it was hopeful...
possibilities outlined neatly
on elite paper stock -
serious poems to be
submitted to editors,
poems to celebrate
special occasions,
outlines of plots
for short stories
she planned to write

her personal writings
were deeper, sadder

she wrote reams in a daily
journal about troubled
relationships, tiffs with
her husband and kids, her
competitive sister, each
comment meticulously penned
in an elegant flowing manner

but that final note she left
was the shocker,
written in a freakishly
jumpy, shaky hand,
overly loopy, jagged,
a note on cheesy motel
stationery, filled with longing,
with despair,
words spewing out of her pen,
out of control words
scrawled far from home,
the solitary writer engaged
in an emotional seizure,
facing her phantoms alone
and losing
Jessica Golich Nov 2014
Sensations that urge the detection of the greatest restraint and circumspection; the abruptness of spontaneous interruptions sprout volcanic internal eruptions full of relevant abundance
Flummoxed by the changes in the script; engaging wonder as suppressed thoughts are written on your face; withholding the ache as ebullient vivacity shakes you awake
Carrying a mischievous vividness full of cogent stimulus – fruitful affirmations of levelheaded, sanguine acceptance and unalloyed quiescence
Redesigning aspects of existence with unabridged persistence – receiving silent guidance from above by the means of scintillating messages lighting the living flame of love.
Wk kortas Jul 2017
There was, in a once upon another time a man
(His name and work
Being lost to the boot sales and dustbins of time)
Who made a reputation as a portrait painter,
One transcending his small town in Schleswig-Holstein,
Spreading among the surrounding principalities.
Gifted with curious abilities (although he would demur,
Protesting that he was simply a man with a brush and a palette)
Allowing him to secure the favor
Of the area’s more substantial citizens,
Providing him leisure to commit to canvas
The faces of the ordinary
And, if some cases, somewhat iniquitous.
His portfolio a crazy-quilt of his milieu,
Subjects back-to-back in no particular order:
Princes and flower girls, priests and ******.

The sterling reputation the painter enjoyed
Was not due simply to technical skill
(He was, to be sure, expert in matters of shading and line,
And his eye for color and detail no less than remarkable)
But also an eye for those things
Revealed in the curve of the lips or the set of the eyes
And, more importantly for fame and purse,
The virtuosity to enhance the understated gifts
Or veil those unpleasant secrets they suggested.
And so, the venality in the banker’s sneer
Was softened to intimate nothing more
Than levelheaded concern for the sanctity of the mark and guilder,
Or the gentle smile of the prince’s youngest daughter
Augmented to evoke the beatitudes of the angels themselves.

The craft and subtlety of his work
Combined to engender the most curious effects;
Oftentimes his subjects, surely without consciousness or intent,
Began to assume those qualities  
Bestowed upon them by the nuances of line and pigment,
Becoming less parsimonious or more humane,
As dictated by the brush strokes,
Carrying on from that time forward as the finest embodiments
Of that visage captured inside the gilding of the frame.

At some point in time,
Whether through the onset of some trickle of madness,
Or perhaps just sheer whimsy,
The painter made a peculiar change in his methodology,
Beginning to graft qualities onto his subjects
Which they never embodied nor hoped to possess,
Perhaps in the hope that, having pinned them to the corkboard,
His butterflies might take wing,
But his command of light and pigment
Combined power and understatement in such a manner
That no one who sat for him ever noticed
They were being mocked or enriched, as the case might be;
And still the canvases acted as tails wagging the dog about;
Priests were found dead in their rectories,
In the midst of tableaus of unspeakable debauchery,
While courtesans lit candles and kneeled in pews
Until their backs and thighs screamed
In the service of such highly unusual positions,
Or the banker flipped the urchin a coin
While gently petting the boy’s undernourished cur,
And perhaps it was all due to the machinations of the painter,
But he would, with just a hint of slyness
Playing about the corners of his eyes and mouth,
Deny any measure of culpability.
He was, after all, just a man with a brush.
thrcy Jan 2017
Throughout the previous years filled with self doubt, lack of self care and confidence, mind that occupied nothing but negativity towards everything in my life and the amount of pain and tears that could sink the whole world. Though I have went through heartache and pieces of me was shattered as an individual I have progressed quite admirably in the year 2016 and thus far is one of my best success yet. I have grown more levelheaded to see a different perspective, as well I have been more careful and thorough with my decision making skills. I am sharing these thoughts because I can finally say I have endured the pain and learned to let go of things I simply have no control over. It took me years to fill my head with a positive mentality, I admit there are still times I feel the wave of sadness coming over me but I have managed to control any thoughts of hopelessness. In my best regards to myself and to anyone who is going through the same path as me or to the person reading this right now: I truly hope that you will continue to grow to achieve the best that you can be, that this new year (more years to come) brings you genuine love, happiness and a proper physical and mental health. Also I am hoping that you are surrounded by optimistic individuals who will benefit into helping you get to your goals, if you aren't in that position just yet I send you strength to cut off anyone of anything that holds you back from becoming the best version of you. As a poet I don't want to sugarcoat you with any metaphors or similes because your worth as a person cannot be compared, to wishing you'll stop comparing yourself to others cause there can't be a better you other than you. So here's to a promising future, new discoveries, more self-improvement, remembering to take better care for yourself and years to come that awaits a lot of adventure and laughter.
My mind is overflowing and I have been having these thoughts for a while now as I've looked back and reminisce the previous year, it was truly a year of growth and I do hope it is for you in 2017.
Daniel Kenneth Apr 2013
I remember one day
We were standing in the snow
Winter was strange that year
Bi-polar in a way
Icy nights mixed with 50 degree days
Not much made sense
Until I found you
And you were my rock
Steady, constant
Keeping me levelheaded throughout all the trials and tribulations
That a young man faces growing up

I never knew I needed that
Someone I could rely on
So I foolishly struck out on my own
Thinking I was stronger
Than I actually could be
So when I burned out, like always
I had nobody to save me
So I crashed hard

These days I miss you
And regret walking away
Because I know now that I needed you
And I think I still need you
To make things feel okay
When life is going to hell
And I feel all alone
So if I ask you to come back?
Could I have you, for just one day?
this flow is choppy im sorry
- Jul 2014
i've gone ******* crazy
i always thought that i was the type to remain levelheaded
not the type to cry over no new messages
and cancelled plans
and no outside contact for 48 hours
but every 7 minutes on the dot
i refresh your blog to see if you're online
or open my lock screen
to see if you decided to finally text me back
my insides twisting in desperation because
you're supposed to like me
how could i feel this strongly about you
and you not even consider me?
Arcassin B Jan 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

Lilac in the morning sun while the feelings were
Still there lingering questions through my
Cranium yet it fills a mental stadium full of
Bad brain cells of bad memories and bad
That means that everything that I went through
Was all in my head,
The posture of a levelheaded troubled soul is often
I don't negotiate with corrupted feds,
I'm just being honest,
There are quite a few regrets,
my feelings are like a bucket of glass barrettes that
Are being worn by the classiest females of our time
And our time is still hanging in the balance,


you better choose the right card,
but please don't put up your guard,
I'm the only one that knows who you are,
you've only gone so far,
You're so majestic in your ways of socializing
All of the beautiful attributes that come with
Bliss in your heart,
And if I'm hanging with the wrong crowd lately,
I'm so sorry, we could talk about our feelings
To start.
Mazen Edlibi Jan 2016
Is it a thought, it can be!
Is it a hope, no harm to consider!
Is it around Love, let us find out!
Is it a confusion, slightly!

I know one thing…… A lot of whispers inside every corner in me!

Am I getting angry…. absolutely!
Am I reaching beyond the stretch of my patience…Definitely!
Am I touching the ceiling of losing my faith… Obviously…

I can survive out of pain!
I can move on with the hurt!
I can tolerate wounds outside and inside me!

I can’t survive Lost!
I can’t tolerate wasted feelings!
I can’t let my reborn heart down!

I just want….
To shut up all those  voices and talks inside me!
I don’t know who is talking to me…..
Is it myself…
Is it my heart…
Is it my brain…
is it my soul…
is it The God…
Are they the angles…
Are they Heave’s blesses…

I don’t know where they are coming from…
I know they are taking me to places, where I can’t rest…
I don’t know their structure…
I know they go deep in every breath I’m inhaling and not going out…dwelling and going in circle all over me!
I don’t know why they wan to talk to me!
I know there is a message…

What the message is!….
I woke up feeling i’m  becoming a Hell-boy doomed ages ago!
Other days, i feel i’m the Grey Wolf, protecting my territories ..

I don’t want to reach “Beware the levelheaded person if they’re angry.”….
I don’t want to reach the cry that who are in Heaven and Earth can’t understand…

I just want…
Sleep with her…. Not the way you are thinking…
Smell her… Also not the way you are thinking…
Looking to her eyes before i close my eyes and sleep in peace…

that is a dream, a wish, a hope, that won’t come true…
and that what makes it more…..

I might…
Not open my eyes after that and die in peace…
Leave the world behind me and go far away…
Lose the faith in something called love…

At least…
Finally i slept in peace!
A peace not defined by human and defined only by my…
Heart and Love!
I still have that Anger! The Irony I'm still looking for way out of it!
I'll keep looking, and don't know how long it will take!
Allen Robinson Aug 2016
My resolve has been tested as
this country has segregated
itself due to conflicting views,
speculated opinions and race

shakes me beyond speech,
yet I am reluctantly asked
to render my idle thoughts

The divide widens daily
as the rhetoric conflict
escalates to childlike spats
resolving no tangible issues

Remain mindful to be clear
and levelheaded with regard
to all things... all things, albeit
large or small in detail.
Julian Sep 2017
Simpletons sprawl across the earth benumbed by quidnuncs without substance
They prattle indiscriminately amongst their hebetude and find travesties of proper justice
Inching along their snail mice paths they get ensnared by the cheese of Grapes and Wrath
Desiccated by the vainglory of smallminded insularity they chase the definitive epitaph
A grave dug by those that conflate laziness with profligate indecency cheap is their limited math
They foist expectation and I surpass standards unsung without a winsome glib tongue
But they expect a mountain of promiscuity invariably won
Their availability heuristic is patently dumb and insensate
Because few are the courtships among the dross of obscurity that yield infinite weight
I will fence with the gainsay of a thousand fools drooling over degradation and the epitomized tool
I will vanquish there sodomized and bowdlerized histories away from the foundering traipse of coruscating ghouls
For many are those within my rapprochement and many are the victories that I win
But unheralded close encounters of the magnetic north of womankind are buried by lies and purblind perspectives
They find elation in schadenfreude clothed with the most pyrrhic pride that ever existed
A pride of dumbfounded idiots reveling in perdition and clamoring for malcontent sedition
Against the inviolable traits of respectable personage and properly worn decorum, the latest edition
I will never capitulate to phantom skeletons wanting death and dishonor
Because my compass points to a broadened life of wife, husband and father
The groveling idiots of liberalism without bounty and meretricious egalitarianism gloat over lurid degradation
They besiege the tranquility of a levelheaded space and sabotage the atmosphere with disgrace and malevolent expectation
Then they expect me to vanquish specious caricature with their obstinate immature character
They are a battalion of morons waging war against innocence, chatterboxes of nuisance acting as impetuous barrister
I always get close, but never far enough to debunk their thoughtlessness and perjury against common sense
If I leer only at women, how the **** can I be on the ******* fence
Schadenfreude is common to mice that run the rat race at every imaginable price
And that is the extent of their consciousness, they infest the vogue with busybody nonsense and have false awakenings all the time in less virtue than vice
They think it is their obligation to dredge the sunk costs of life and obtrude with crime after crime against decency and peace of mind
Crab people likely have a venereal disease that pollutes them with a false solidarity for grime, lice and yeast of sour bread they easily find
They censor the easiest avenues to happiness and then put the burden of proof on me to find the convoluted route through the discord of naysayer cacophony and tainted atmosphere to find head, tail and *****
So I politely offer a challenge to the obstinate hordes that gloat for rebarbative squalor incongruent with inner peace and outer harmony… stop being so ******* pushy
Put a leash on your rabid dogs as you waft through life clouded by the fog of congenital ignorance and predatory instinct
Many are animals that only escaped extinction as ravenous predators incapable of the chivalry of the winsome wit and think
I have contentment in my life, talent runs through my veins, I have good posture and I ooze enthusiasm even when infamy haunts my many days so fatuously profaned
But contemptible is the nosy know-nothing that makes it sport to ignore profuse signs of success to invariably defame
The brunt of denial is upon the accuser who conflates conditional reticence with complete incontinence of a life inclemently tamed
I win at life almost all of the time, I court women often and come close enough to prove I’m fine
It is your lurid, fatuous and conceited imagination refracted through the decadence of Astroturf fascinations with contemptible ****** aberration that is completely asinine

(Don't Comment on this Poem)
Ashly Kocher Apr 2018
I love you
More the you know
As flowers need water to grow
I need you more then you know
You are my heart beat in every way
The blood that runs through my veins
Keep me levelheaded and sane
I can’t imagine my life about you
I need you more then you will ever know...
Tarek Benbrahim Aug 2020
Let the Nightmarish memories Blow Off ,
Display Reliability just show it off ,
I know vengeance is intense
Reason of countable forgiveness and uncountable carelessness
icy Brains ,they Never Catch it for once or even twice
Domino's zone , You are just a  Dice !
Just Be kind
Keep Demons whispers behind
And God Shall willingly be in your side  
Theasurus Declared : Pride !
Wounded Heart man ! An Extraordinary Cut !
Heart is singing Bass legit
H---E---L---P ....H---E---A---L
How Can Rage be defeated against the Usage of my nut ?
It s Perfectly Hurt ,
Provided pain  by emotions Burglar: A Stupid extrovert
And i m isolated Beyond the hustle and bustle of Our World
Anxiety Siege in  my world type deserted hostel
Defined by one Word : Introvert

No more worries Tarek,
You ve become  Ethics Expert
You used to be Low-Headed
You are Now A Levelheaded Sensible Sport
19 Years Old
You proved them wrong
That You Can Handle responsibility'sword
That You deserve A Successful life as an Award
Because you are spiritually And definitely  Strong ,
Although Circumstances Dazzle And Baffle
You Were beware enough how To Prevent Shizzles
Because you were aware enough how to Knot Satisfaction needles
Pain is Now my roommate , my eyes apple
So ? Who is up for another pain Battle?
zo Jan 2023
the idea of who she is
who she will become
is so rose colored it’s blooming, bursting from its seams
she becomes home, comforting, softens me
she loves me conditionally, that condition being that neither of us turn out to be mean inconsiderate sadistic cold people
she is as kind as i always wanted
she says things i am too afraid to, but should
she holds me when i don’t have it in me to ask
she is intuitive
she is controlled and calm, patient, and listens earnestly
she lets me help her and gets when i do isn’t from a place of resentment or spite or desperation
she really does not mind all the messages i send, finds them endearing, and she replies
she wants me to stay in bed when my alarm goes off, sometimes does the dishes i left in the sink because i was running late since i caved and i stayed in bed with her
she is capable of interrupting my intrusive thoughts
she grabs me as i go to leave and pulls me in for deep, soft kisses
she dances, gracefully and unhindered
she makes me laugh effortlessly, her humor reflects mine
she laughs with me, and at me, lovingly
she grabs me, swiftly and kindly, when i am not okay
she tells me she will never leave (and in this hypothetical dream she never does)
she makes me feel secure, she never gives me butterflies because i don’t worry how they see me
she surprises me
she travels the world with me
she lets the dog out when i can’t
she gets me to go outside more, i do the same
we balance cleaning and cooking and laundry and bills
she leans into me
she holds me when we are waiting
she reminds me to lift with my legs and not my back
we eat meals together and if we can’t it is okay because we know we will share space later
she shows up
she knows when to dig deeper and when to step away, and reminds me when i should do the same
she remains the “most attractive person in the world”to me when we both know there are definitely more conventionally good looking people
she’s my person
she let’s me put her to bed and in the shower when she had one of those days
she shows her real self to me, she doesn’t hide and makes me feel seen
she looks good regardless of the lighting, the time, the clothes, the weather
she catches me staring at her
she embraces me in every form of the meaning
when she is thinking too hard she lets me in
she lets me grow with her rather than away
she lets me talk a lot, and not at all when that’s what i need
she is levelheaded enough to forgive herself, and i do the same, and when we have a hard time doing it on our own we have each other
she isn’t mad when i tell her she needs to see a therapist
she lets me pay fairly
she genuinely takes my suggestions and she tells me when they’re not good ones
she grabs me in her arms and chuckles when my clumsy self runs into things…and over things…and around things, then she rubs the aching soon to be bruised spots on me
we know when we’re in it
perhaps she starts in baggy generic scrubs and works long hours…
she was the best parts of me, and much more
I idealized she could have me a better nurse and I made her a better doctor
and she stopped replying and i idealized everything

— The End —