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Victor Marques Dec 2009
Que grande a geração, a de Camões,
Saia de Belém, num pranto oral...
Dizia adeus a grandes multidões!
Olhava o horizonte pequeno Portugal

Traçado o rumo do futuro,
Passado o mar forte e indeciso,
Pegava no leme, firme e duro,
Sem dor, frio ou bramido.

As ninfas, rodeavam o leme,
O Sol, queimava a proa do navio,
O capitão nada teme
Naquele mar, escuro e bravio...

Victor Marques e Atavio Nelson

Chegamos a outros pontos,
Do globo esférico, sem saber!
Que hoje são contos,
Que ainda temos de ler.

Desde Ourique, Calado e Cala trava
Com turbantes brancos reluzentes
Os portugueses lutaram com palavra
Com alegria mostravam seus dentes.

Correram os desertos, tão estéreis
Na defesa de um Santo Universal
Pela cruz combateram infiéis
Dentro e fora de Portugal.

Oh.Isabel que suaves eram tuas flores!
Que rosas encarnadas pueris
Que as músicas sejam cantadas para seus amores
Prendes-te por milagre o teu Diniz.

OH Coimbra.que tiranas do fadário
Oh Sé velha, cheia de segredos
Que encantos lá havia do Hilário
Ainda hoje escritos nos penedos...

Santa Clara, no alto...que te vê clarissa
Jovem, esbelta coimbrã!
Foste, cedo freira e noviça.
Salva-me deste fado, minha irmã!

Olá Marquez, és do Pombal
Traidor, usurpador, ladrão.
NO ódio foste genial.
E TUDO, tudo metia no gibão.
Malandro, enganas-te o teu Rei
Iludiste-o, meu falso...e mandas-te
O Távora, inocente para o cadafalso

Maldito sejas!
Isso não foi Portugal...mas foi
No norte, que uma mulher
Forte, com seios apertados
E espada no dentes bem cerrados
Em serpente e com sua gente
Em zip filas genial
Deu a vida mas
Acabou com o Cabral

Sim ali, no monte
Naquele lugar Maria da Fonte

Só com gente destemida, como eu !
Tal como o Lusitano no Gerez
Esta pátria com um plebeu
Concebeu o Tavares com um grande

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Que grande a geração, a de Camões,
Saia de Belém, num pranto oral...
Dizia adeus a grandes multidões!
Olhava o horizonte pequeno Portugal

Traçado o rumo do futuro,
Passado o mar forte e indeciso,
Pegava no leme, firme e duro,
Sem dor, frio ou bramido.

As ninfas, rodeavam o leme,
O Sol, queimava a proa do navio,
O capitão nada teme
Naquele mar, escuro e bravio...

Victor Marques e Atavio Nelson
- From Network, wine and people....
eye say ahhhh Jan 2015
Her eyes are odd colored
Her hair is a mess
I'd like to pretend,
But I know what comes next
She's selfish and loves it
She thinks it's the best
Still I love her
much more then the rest
If you see her let her know
Victor Marques Jan 2012
O Meu Eu

Imperativamente condicionado pelo meu eu,
Tempestade arrebatadora de meu imbróglio,
Sonetos de Inverno a óleo,
Inconstância que não magoa, mas adoeceu.

Incansavelmente ser perene,
Sustentado com a nostalgia,
Navio sem proa nem leme,
Rebento de tristeza e alegria.

Cortejado em corte divinal,
Infortúnio é sempre fatal,
Pintura lastimável de um grande pintor,
Estigma do meu eu multicolor.

Victor Marques
Geno Cattouse Oct 2013
I like mine two cream, two sugars my addiction sans friction.
You see coffee is my benediction to alphabet soup.
                                                                                                         Sing as song of sixpence.
                                                                                                         a pocket full of rye.
                                                                                                         four and twenty blackbirds
                                                                                                         baked in a pie.
Sister Loretta.That witch.
She gave me my first hit.
So long ago I had forgotten.
5 foot 2 eyes of blue. In a nun's habit.

I was all of eight years old and full blown away by the woman showing her chin and brow
in the Caribbean heat cool as the other side of the pillow Strange. Even then strange that a woman
would choose to dress in a black full length jacket that swept the ground as she walked.

Sweet as cane syrup. patient as a monk.
She gave me the love of words.

So Where is sister now I wonder ?
Probably pushing daises from under. That was many years ago.

Mia culpa. But I always wished for x-ray eyes. to see beyond her disguise.
Was she all woman or some holy mutation.
built to reject natural passion.
Mia culpa.
sister Loretta was forbidden fruit. One of god's many wives.
And I could only have one ?. Hmmmmm leme think this one over.

8 year old wood is hard to mess with.

Any dude out there who went to parochial school and did not have that one
on the replay spool, throw yer hands up.
.....That is what I thought.

Okay. just had my cuppa Joe.
And now I'm gonna let you go.
Just wanted you  all to know.

Sista Loretta was Smokin Hot.
O olhar mais sóbrio, sobre este quotidiano,
Revela uma série de desvios, incontroláveis,
Ter responsabilidades é hábito mediano,
Centram-se nas necessidades, emergíeis!

Mostra-se o leme, entregue nas mãos sujas,
Se entendes o que digo, talvez até tu fujas,
Ouve-se as mais diversas, doentias, calamidades,
Entregues todos, ao antro, de irresponsabilidades!

Entremos no mundo diferente, sem valores,
Máquinas, controlam actividade dos motores,
Máquinas de desavinho, nas vidas dos condutores,
A central que comanda, é jogo só de bastidores!

Desgovernado povo, sem sítio para suas míticas cores,
Muda-se o tom de gentes, sem quaisquer pudores,  
Escolheres lugares, ou gentes, iguais aos modeladores,
Em tempo professores de culto, hoje sem valores!

Senhor prior, que nos ensina vivacidade e alerta,
Que nos prece segue, não é exemplo de galhardia,
É sim antro de filosofia e a porta não é mais aberta,
É convite de solidão, de gente sem luz do seu dia!

Completamente desorientadas e inapropriadas,
São hoje lei de exaustão, prisão e escuridão,
Esforços desajustados para fugas de milhão,
Povo sem tostão e governam maravilhados!

Autor: António Benigno  
Código de autor: 2013.
M Mar 2014
I didn't used to have a favorite color
My grandma, her name was Mimi, her favorite color was green
She was a gardener, her garden always abloom with the most beautiful flowers I'd ever seen
Her favorite color was green
A plant green, bright and vibrant, just like she was until fourth grade anyways
She had an infatuation with monkeys, she had monkey lamps, monkey stuffed animals
I still have the one she gave me
Two years after she gave me Leme the lemur, she died
It was a heart attack
As I looked at her at her funeral, I thought about the monkeys, I thought about her flowers, I thought about green, that shade she loved, reminded her of the plants, the flowers, reminded her of life
Ironic, her favorite color a lively green as she lay dead, the only time I saw her without a smile
I think that's when I decided green was my favorite color
It reminds me of the monkeys, of the flowers. Of the lady I love
And miss
Almost every day I see her green
It helps, almost like I still have a part of her
She gave me her green to help me
She knew I'd need it
Keith W Fletcher Feb 2017
In no position to do naught about it
As the world came crashing down in frantic chaos
All about him memories that had once sneaked away or ran off screaming
Stood around him now in random positions staring at him
From a distance that they could not cross

His eyes  strained to accept these visions seen
Through a thousand layers of reminiscent stain
There in his doorway sanctuary  of his Alleyway Kingdom
He continued taking measured sips
From the glass bottle that now hovered like a hummingbird
When making Touch and Go love to a flower
As the fear in his eyes  belied the visions so frightful in their simple acceptance

On the top layer of his folded up extra coat ..padding for his concrete throne
Steady sound of drip drip drip  the golden nectar as it fell from his trembling lip
And from Far Below and somewhere way out behind
He managed to find his grimy index finger
Still attached the very hand that found it and carried it to him
So that he could point it all around
You and  you '- and you no
I don't remember NO! Just leme lone...

Then in a momentary pause allowed because
He endeavored to steady that uncontrollable waggling finger long enough to get focus on the crosshairs and when he  did ....

...what he saw... instead

Was not all bad memories as there a few happy smiling faces
Then he remembered those things he had forgotten
I don't blame you he said out loud I knew you when you were gone that you just went cuz the rest of them had

And that very second his grimy wagging finger came to a stuttering and then steady stop

On a face he didn't recognize

Just as the bottle in his hand crashed in a silver bell sound and silver shards  scaterred
As if playing a dirge as  his words criss-crossing and slamming into hers -  the two merged

Who are you !  he managed from the rusty hinges of his seldom-used vocal cords

Just before he dived after the golden liquid nectar

He heard her voice as it cut across and got through

  The sweetest voice ,the sweetest  sound , the sweetest words and the very last he ever heard

Sir ..! I work at the bakery down the street and I was hoping you would allow me (the three douhnuts slipping from her hand
had not hit the ground. ...before)
  to give you something to eat.
He heard it all as they reached their mark
Just before... he tumbled into the dark

He was dead before she reached him
And though she didn't. know a thing about him
She yelled to a person passing by to please call 911
Then she sat there crying with his head resting on her lap.

"So he wouldnt be alone."

The king was dead....his lonely reign ... all his bitter pain. and his life was salvaged. three doughnuts
and the kindness of a stranger.
XnwxrMxlik Feb 2020
Next time I want to break my fingers
Is when they are inside of you
Don't wanna try up something new
Spread your legs wide open
Leme eat you
My wandering hands
Miss doing you
Caress you down
Until your face turns red
And your body blue
Don't worry wait'in
You can have me in the afternoon
Kiss me like it's our last one boo
Nothing about it will be cruel
Won't mistreat you
It's just me and you
When our dreams come true
At Liverpool
On our bedroom love pool
Making love like fools
Just me and you honey
Under the moon...
Love is the lxw, love under will
Como o mundo tem mudado a cada dia, tanto e tão depressa, fica cada vez mais difícil aprofundar qualquer assunto. Sobrepõem-se as promessas e os candidatos, mas a essência na procura de um lugar melhor está a afastar-se cada dia mais.
Cada vez vamos sabendo mais sobre mais coisas, e cada vez mais estamos frágeis.
Outrora falar publicamente de um assunto era uma arte de estudiosos e quem sabe, gente preparada para o fazer. Hoje todos têm o seu público e conseguimos até  escolher a plateia.
Existe uma falsa sensação de audiência, porque ela é oculta e rapidamente se divide em outras opiniões.
Vejamos o que acontece diariamente na própria comunicação social. Como sabem ela divulga artigos com base em jornalismo, política, desporto e sobretudo em dinheiro. E por isso mesmo, podem não ser verdades absolutas.
Perigosamente orientam também o seu rebanho e o conduzem à ordenha.
Não creio que tudo isto deixe de ter um propósito tirânico, como acredito que estão no pleno controle da nossa vida, humana, social, religiosa e financeira.
Uma cruzada polivalente do capitalismo que como em outros tempos, agora de outras formas comandam o leme, protegendo a sua estirpe desprovida de qualquer fé ou solidariedade.
Têm certamente um propósito garantir a prosperidade dos quem comem há mesa tal e qual como na seia do senhor.
Autor: António Benigno
Código de autor: 2020121522541201
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Woman: (English)
Hakikur Rahman

Hello woman
Enfolded me in what an illusion,
What fascination you have spread-
In thrilled string, in the thirsty morning,
In the heart of mine;
Time passes by,
Gave up the helm-
Reviving the consciousness, I see an invisible oasis,
For time antiquity,
Became celibate.

নারী: (Bengali)
হাকিকুর রহমান

ওহে নারী,
কি মায়ায় জড়িয়েছিলে মোরে,
ক্ষণিকের তরে,
ছড়িয়েছিলে কিসের মোহ-
পুলকিত ডোরে, তৃষায়িত ভোরে,
মম অন্তরে;
কাটিয়া গেলোযে কাল,
ছাড়িয়া দিয়াছি হাল-
সম্বিত ফিরি হেরি অদৃশ্য মরুদ্যান,
অনাদিকালের তরে,
হলেম ব্রহ্মচারী।

Mulher: (Portuguese)
Hakikur Rahman

Olá mulher
Enfatizou-me em que ilusão,
Em breve,
Que fascinação você tem espalhado
Em cordas emocionadas, na manhã com sede,
No meu coração;
O tempo passa,
Deu o leme
Revivendo a consciência, vejo um oásis invisível
Por tempo antiguidade,
Tornou-se celibatário.

Frau: (German)
Hakikur Rahman

Hallo Frau
Umhüllte mich in was für eine Illusion,
Welche Faszination hast du verbreitet?
In einer aufgeregten Schnur am durstigen Morgen
Im Herzen von mir;
Die Zeit vergeht,
Gab den Helm auf
Das Bewusstsein wiederbeleben, sehe ich eine unsichtbare Oase,
Für die Zeit der Antike
Zölibat wurde.

Femme: (French)
Hakikur Rahman

Bonjour femme
M'enveloppa dans quelle illusion
Quelle fascination tu as répandue-
En string ravi, le matin assoiffé,
Au coeur de la mienne;
Le temps passe,
A donné la barre-
En ressuscitant la conscience, je vois une oasis invisible,
Pour l'antiquité,
Est devenu célibataire.

महिला: (Hindi)
हकीकुर रहमान

हेलो महिला
मुझे भ्रम में डाल दिया,
शीघ्र ही,
आप किस मोह में फैले हैं-
रोमांचित तार में, प्यासे सुबह,
मेरे दिल में;
समय गुजरता है,
हेलम दिया-
चेतना को पुनर्जीवित करते हुए, मैं एक अदृश्य नखलिस्तान देखता हूं,
समय की प्राचीनता के लिए,
ब्रह्मचारी हो गया।

(In memory of my beloved one)
XnwxrMxlik Nov 2019
Sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in the body I live in,
Everything's fine. But this ain't me, I'm living in a prison.

Depression, anxiety, I don't know what's the actual reason??
Slit wrist, cutthroat. Wanna move ahead for few days; my body left on the floor while bleeding

Death spoke to me...
Just calm down your mind; I will show the way to it.
Leme bring your stressed-out soul some peace
You don't have to overthink about a thing, please.

Everyone is afraid of me and fears me
But, when I'm with you;
You don't have to worry about anything.

And Xnwxr, the sun of your life is about to set; It won't rise again.
How long can you handle the dark alone and stay-in??

Come with me, I'll end it; leave your loved ones back.
You need to do it with your strong heart and never try to look back.

These words seemed so pleasing. My life had no meaning.
I agreed upon it and never tried to rethink

Don't know how long I can hold on to; it's suffocating,
I just wanna lay down and stop breathing...
My death keep's tongue kissing.

— The End —