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lavande Nov 2014
...                                                              ­                                                                 ­ 

And this palpating heart beats so

quickly for the thirst oh

the thirst for life in its purest and impurest forms

to run quickly through in glittering veins oh

let it find the music to drown in the vibrating rhythms of the earth,

and let it experience

the surge of a beautiful madness in heart

a first past midnight kiss upon a moving train

or shared ringing laughters of a cluster upon a mountain top

with its twinkle of a foreign city lights as if pausing to say

yes, this night, this city is yours, and so is the world-

no matter

it wants to drink it all

in hurried golden gulps for it ignites the colored sparks

illumination in the fire-aired sky

for celebration of us;

of the gift of youth and age because our seconds are only receding and

it is only here and now

so when you take one sip you cannot help

but savor and

embrace it whole again and again and

take all of it

in its whole glorious madness

                                                      ­      *P.K.
Katie Elzinga Feb 2015
Puddles of rain formed your eyes
from the deepest crack in the sidewalk,
the impurest shade of blue I have ever seen.

Your arms crawling with veins
and I fed the rivers to your beating heart,
even though I knew it ran for someone else.

Your laugh like midnight thunder
crumbling away all the walls I built so high,
in hopes they wouldn't collapse under your touch.

Smiles that shine like lightning           
shocking the inner core of me I try to hide,
I wonder if you can see the way I swallow my breath.
ah, my one and only freshmen crush. ****.
Mikayla Smith Feb 2017
Mama said I was a miracle from the Lord above,
Conceived from a soft embrace, gentleness, and love.
Tied between two intact heartstrings,
I was their perfect little epitome of everything.
There I was, held together at the wishing well,
Brought down from heaven, but born in hell
Unto the stranger things in life that we look back on with strife
Painting a pretty portrait of treachery, capturing the misery
And surrounded by the impurest mysteries,
This is I, Mommy’s miracle and Daddy’s distaste,
A spiral down the wrong path and pathetic human waste,
My life left in a shattered mess
Since this “miracle” was labeled a child of darkness.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
As you should be
You should be proud
Proud of what you have done
Proud of how far
You have obviously made it
And everything
Every little thing I find
I am reminded of what I carelessly forgot

If I could
I would bleach my eyes
So they could forget
Everything they have seen
Except what they seen in you

If I could
I would rinse out
My mouth and my throat
To take away the taste
Of anything except
What I tasted with you

If I could
I would burn my skin
So new flesh
Would grow and only
Would it ever know your feel

And if I could
I would turn back time
With my feet and
Let everything be you
Let all I could have ever been
Be with you

I remember the majority
And I could spend my life
Begging at your moving feet
To be something else
To be proud of

Past love and
Decades of mistakes,
Nothing equals this
I have failed you in the most impurest of ways
I would give my life
To have a new one,
To have had you
You'll always have something to be proud of.

— The End —