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izzy w Dec 2011
i’m tearing my hair in half for you!!!
i’m tearing myself in half for you two!!!
the more you like eachother the more youboth like me
and i like that!!! LET’S HUG FOREVOR UNDER THE STARS!!!

i like kissing everyone and touching everything and the stars!!!
i like kissing the stars!!! i like kissing the stars in half!!!

i like a lot of tHINGS OKay!!!

SMP Oct 2012
I'm light, hapy, feelingless and free.
I am without your simple needs, healthy.
I am content.
But sometimes?
Sometimes I'm reminded you exist
And a bit if your pain comes back.
I want to scream and yell and cry
But its barely an inkling of a need,
Not enough to cause any true purging.
I hate you for making me feel this, tormenting me.
You didn't care you broke my heart,
Made me cry so many times.
You didn't care that no matter how many times I tried you ignored my friendship,
You brushed it off when I mentioned it.
You dont care,
You never did.

But you know what else?
You don't know what you missed.
Zuki Lamerton Jul 2016
Wake up today.
Enjoy peoples company, even if you don't want to,
Turn your music loud, annoy your neighbors,
Paint and be creative,
Cry if you want to,
be so still you can feel your heart beat,
Drink a milkshake with the people closest to your soul,
sing to strangers
and laugh so hard you forget your pain deep inside.

Billy Cooper Feb 2013
my deepest feelings are mostly controlled
but sometimes they run wild

there are times when I have the same dream
of you and me, sitting together
as boyfriend and girlfriend

I sometimes thinkk of how I want us to be
I want to kiss you and say the words "I love you"
I want to compliment you, and brighten your day
when you are sad, I want to comfort you
because I can't stand to see the frown on your face

I want to do whatever I can to please you
because when you are happy, I'm hapy

it's all up to you, you know
I only hope that you will choose me
it's all out now
Poet Annonmous Sep 2009
Love is pain
it's that feeling
you just cant explain
its turning off the lights
so you can cry all alone
like walking through the door
but nobody is home
It makes you hapy
just to bring you back down
you want him to hold you
but hes never around
your holding your pillow
pretending its him
its like this cray game
that you can never win
Going outside and seeing
nothing but rain
you cant stand it any longer
cant stand this pain
you always wished for love
but now that its here
you just want it gone
so you can dry the
last little tear
but it will never leave you
not until its done
breaking your heart slowly
until it turns numb.
anu Feb 2019
A New born baby of me
Blooms by seeing my God with His Goddess
For the first time as we

Ana and Anni ....
Never seen
An heaven
But today lived even

A palace
Where I merged with
Pure love and care

A lonesome girl
Merged in
Heavily smiles
Of God and Goddess

No thanks
But a
Hapy tears !
A beautiful day with my brother and his wife ( Myyy anaaa and aniii )
Tins Nox Dec 2011
Somewhere, Somebody
wants to cry
wishes they had someone to hold
needs a place to rest their head

Somewhere, Somebody
longs to feel loved
hopes for a brand new start
desires to change what they can't

Somewhere, Somebody
told somebody else's secret
lied about something important
pretended to be someone to make another happy

Somewhere, Somebody
was injured by harsh words
felt overcome with anger
made someone cry

Somewhere, Somebody
wants you to smile
wished you were hapy
needs your friendship
longs to be loved by you
hopes you like them
desires to be close to you
told you a deep secret in trust
lied about hating you
pretended they were okay with just being friends
was overcome with happiness
felt touched by your words
made someone's day

Somewhere, Somebody
Loves You
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
once i had a dream
of the wide blue sea
sialing so far, water splashing me

i love the little *****
they remind me of fancey restaurants

when i was growing up
i dreampt of fishing, fisheries
sciences and mainagement.

then i got lost in the big cities that
were land loocked, and i missed the ocean
where i felt so at hom

kelp swayeing in the waves
and poiporsoies jumping from the salty

so then i ran away
from the sad montony of city life
to get lost out at sea
in my hapy place.
please feed back and comment below :)
Jennifer Weiss Apr 2014
I can't sit anywhere and not drown out the people
But I turn the beats down just enough to judge whether or not they evil
Why does everything I hear in real life
Go inside my ears and get processed as a sound bite?
How can I know I'm wrong, yet I'm still right?
How these people keep befriending me, but when I contemplated IT I was all alone that night.
Why can God be the only one to judge us?
As your role model snorts ******* off a lost girl's *** in the back of his tour bus.
I thought I already lost everything.
So Sam-I-Am, told me again
Not a fan of H.A.M.
Cause he already tried it.
I denied it.
I don't really own anything, cause one day you wake up and everything isn't enough
You need more (do more), wanna buy more stuff
If I believe what I say I really do
How come everytime I go technocamping I feel like my life is just something I move through?
Why does a retweet make me feel important?
Is a Who still a Who if there is no Horton?
Madness, like the only hat I own is the one you left inside my home
Right before you left me forever alone, so not technically a hatter
No patience for useless, polite chatter
Because I think so much ****, when it comes out I like it to actually matter
I question myself into oblivion
Jack Harper, I'm the hero though I'm part of a whole destorying the home we're living on.
I know I just need to be hapy.
Telling my thoughts to shut up because the lines read too sappy.
I have never been a romantic out loud,
And the truest part of me failed to bloom when you left the sky with just clouds
You were the sunshine, can you understand now?
Cause I'm cryptic, normally optimistic
Threw my pessimism under ornately beautiful shrouds
You should have loved me when I made it impossible
We'd be together today, I'd be okay
But your happiness not probable
Now this goes back to the first line,
I stopped listening cause I fear what they'll do to me in time.
lift your heart and sing show your happiness
take away your worries leave behind distress
fill your heart with love show the world you care
sing your song of happiness each and every where.

make the world join in sing along with you
they too will be hapy just the same as you.
sing it loud and clear sing it everyday
make the world be happy make it stay that way
anu Nov 2018
The day with my brother
Went and saw our Baby

A remarkable hapy day
nvinn fonia Jul 2022
hapy now just now like a wave man
nvinn fonia Aug 2019
all you people you must all b soo fcking hapy n believe mi when i say i m happy you are happy its that simple man okey
nvinn fonia Jun 2023
idont blame anybody turns outt when i goo hapy i love everything everybody
Empire Aug 2019
i cant' keep my head straight
it's like it's trying to move in a thousand directions at once
i can't control it at all!!!!!!!!!
it hurts terribly but it won't tell ne why??????
do you want to be hapy???? to be a functioning human?
just bleed then? utter ******* and just bask in pain??????
numbness? sink into a deep depression.
medicate EVERYTHING away????
(why does that sound so ******* good????????????)
there's too much in my head
GET IT ALL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT AM I??????
T   E    L    L                 M   E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

— The End —