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Desmond the poet Apr 2018
When we met, love Obnubilated me.
I became bananas about you.
I wanted to be luculent.
Just to be Pauciliquent.
I however felt like a blatherskite.
You probably thought I was a glaikit.

Did I sound like a meacock instead?
If so, it’s due to kakorrhaphiophobia.
I might have operose my feelings.
Did it seem like I wanna mamaguy you?
You behaved like a frondeur.

Your callipygian body looked extramundane.
Your hair looked ulitichous.
Did you feel like I lusted your Callipygian shape?
I foresaw a love that won’t flatline.
If it does, it will be eucatastrophe.

Now we’re together, I’m disenthrall from Misogamy.
You’re a deipnosophist and a mixologist.
I’m edcious.
To keep you happy, I share a boffola.
To me, love felt like a Humdudgeon.
Using rare and probably used words to express how I felt when I met my wife for the 1st.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
It is sunny
It is raining, it is thundering
It is autumn
From waking up to sleeping.
The leaves are dry and passive
And the flowers are dead and inactive
Later, it is snowing
The neighbors of the inn
See the deer pass by
All the holy day long
And during the whole evening
We feel the change of the nerves
To welcome the new season
Where we are far from the harvest.

We can hear from very far away
The wind humming in the hay
The vibrations are not monotonous
Since the hummingbirds of the hills
Make their spectacular presence felt
And the poets in the imaginary gardens
Describe everything that happens
In the country where the mass
Remains insensitive, benighted and glaikit
And where the elected corruptors boast.
It is sunny
It is raining, it is thundering
It is autumn
From waking up to sleeping.

P.S. Translation Of ‘Les Cantiques Antiques De L’Automne’.

Copyright © November 2024, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Kelly Sims Jun 2019
The bibleoclasam(destroying the spirit ceremonosely)you experience is a dichotomy to me.Your atraraxia(freedom from fear) is your falter point. The pother(fuss)you give life is a beautiful mellifluous (having a rich flow).My anger phobia (fear of getting mad or angry)is not a Apple-knocker (ignorant or unsophisticated)I hope.Your smiles lights up the room and my eyes go alight. Every thing comes very pady-sticks(very easy) to me in general. I'm going to be very Gullas (bold and daring).All human action's have one or more of these seven causes, chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason or desire (Aristotle).At his best man is the Noblest of all animals, separated from law and justice, he is the worst. I count him braver who overcomes his own desire then he who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over YOURSELF. Every adversity, every  failure and every headache carries with it the it the seedof an equivalent or a greater benefit. It has become apparently obvious that are technology has exceeded our humanity..(Einstein) TO be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue. These five things are gravity of the soul,,sincerity, intelligence kindness and free everlasting love. If you break your kneck, if you have nothing to eat, if your  house is on fire, then you have a problem. Every thing else is merely an inconvenience. In adversity remember to keep an even mind. Sometimes the arcasia(lack of self control).I feel in dealing with your emotional set. Your  enantiodramia(conversion of something)into the accismus(into the opposite).I can't always use euphonious(pleasing soft words)to quell your misplaced fear or anger, or unexplained science to you. I will not be glaikit(stupid ,foolish, or thoughtless)in my words. I will not try to be fagacious(transient or fleeing)explanation. But will base what I believe is a truth. My eyes twitch open as I breathe in the smoke. My mouth starts to water, and my emotions feel broke. Still I look up to those glue white blue eyes. Of the blind man who's busy sawing off my legs. And all the while he shows me that sweet tooth grin. And he kicks, kicks, kicks. These legs don't wanna quit.

Yeah they kick, kick,kick. I'll be buried in this pit.Well. I'm bleeding fast,half buried in this junk heap.With this leather bound scarecrow man. Were a roughshod  ramshackle pair. I feel you slice my tendon, and the saw blades catching on my bone. And I know so well that ant nobody gonna convince you I'm a okay spirit. You say you were almost all alone my boy. Yes we were almost all alone together. And all i will look at those celertrian blue eyes. Now all I can  hear is my laugh. Again is his spitting scream. Now all I can hear is his laugh and my scream. This I know for sure is the blue eyed beauty. And all I know for sure is that toothy swelling grin.And my nostrils twitched from the smoke and the blood. And the rusty saw blade makes a scrape and a tear. And the warm drops keep falling on my  eyelids and my face. Yeah, those warm drops keep falling on my head. He'll never put away that toothy smiling grin. And I'm screaming.Here me screaming. Hear the old ******* choking and gargling. When his wind pipe crumbles in my fist. See him drooling blood all down those sore-coverd,sandpaper lips. And while he grins a toothy boyish grin. He's grinning at me with that grin of desire. I can't get rid of the celertrian blue eyes, with the Fara Fosit smiles

— The End —