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ajit peter Feb 2014
Death toll on the rise
pain and suffering none too wise
Tragedy in unexpected moment
disaster in life a torment
can the heart fanthom life
Doth life answer worldly strife
Past a history to write
future a clueless path to light
Claying in through desert fads
Like some of those old Utah lads
The perrenial sun is the scorching one
Like dumped up logic in deafed up pun
Passing through the graveyard cross
Halcyon of the deep loss
Now way ahead of time strands
The fanthom mark reminds me errands
Of every dawn that strikes me whole
Reminds me- for time, there's no dole
I can stop at mark and sob indeed
But a purpose lives, over I feed.
How the loss of something affects us in ways.
AXplorer Jan 2015
The jagged cut from the dull, serrated blade of rejection. I lay down for you wounded, asking for healing and compassion. The absence of your touch wakes me to the shooting pain up my leg.
The infection of grief is growing as the reality sets in looking down where my leg once was.

I am an amputee.

My leg, my foundation of who I am, has been hacked off without anesthesia.

This separation procedure has taken months of sawing. Startled wake today hemeragging emotions at the wound of your disregard.  Doc explained I've been experiencing fanthom limb...

"But we've been walking together, side by side. I've felt the strength and balance of two legs. When/how did this happen? " I protest in disbelief

Standing next to the mangled discarded remains, "one cut at a time" you reply coldly, the dripping blade still in your hand.

"But perhaps we will walk together again once you have time to adjust to your prosthetic"
Colette Jul 2014
They say we fanthom our thoughts to constellations,
but in truth,
my thoughts are fanthom to storms.

They say we have flowers in us,
but honestly,
I only have weeds growing in me.

They say we picture death in darkness
but all in all,
I picture myself falling into absolutely nothing when it's all dark.

They say our inner demons eat us alive,
but has anyone ever thought,
that it is ourself who surrender to it.

They say we love writing poems for it is our unwritten thoughts,
but the truth is,
we are all just too afraid of the surreality that our thoughts may never be accepted if we speak of it aloud.
My surreality in a nutshell.
J Valle Feb 2018
I've loved the wrong people
But I've loved them right
I've learned how to love
The people I shouldn't have
I've given up my heart
I've shown up my art
Expected what they couldn't give
But I've done it right
I've loved purely and bravely
But the direction was misguided
But I can't help to fanthom
That maybe one day
The right person will show
And I won't love him right.
pt Dec 2016
you got me
caught up in this metaphor
that is life


i cannot fanthom
what is wrong
and what is right


if only i could be honest with you
i would like you to know


all these writing that i do
is just a distraction from you
I travel back to the time you
Wanted to memorize my face
In each corner of your soul
I cannot fanthom how
It was easy to forget me
In the blink of an eye
I was gone
You never bothered to wonder
Borges Oct 2021
where does he go his lonely way, here she she lay, does it fanthom the pure hay
just a naughty gurl without a past and a little soar of park

sufi el que miente de la ordinaria idea de un narauelogo
el que se somete a lucidez el arlededor de un ojo, que ves el hombre

pude decidir que el orden de la magia le pone lo malo a lo bueno

fuera la miresa de lo apologetico
jiji kola

— The End —