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judy smith Jun 2015
To beat the blues, declutter the mind and trim that waistline... there are far more reasons to stay hydrated than to quench the thirst. Here's how to do it...

Hydration is central to the most basic physiological functions of the body such as regulating BP and body temperature, blood circulation and digestion. But having enough water is one thing and keeping the body well hydrated another. Hydration comes not just from sipping water but from a diet high on water. One needs to have a variety of fruits and vegetables that have a naturally high water content to replenish the electrolytes in scorching summer.


"The primary way of hydration is drinking plenty of clean water ******, but about 20 per cent of our intake comes from foods, especially fruits, vegetables, drinks and broths. Hydrating food not only corrects the water balance but also replaces essential salts and minerals," adds Manjari Chandra, therapeutic nutritionist. Aqua foods provide volume and weight but not calories. Grapefruit, for example, is about 90 per cent water and half a grapefruit has just 37 calories. High water greens and fruits contain essential vitamins and minerals, bioflavonoids (compounds believed to prevent heart disease) and antioxidants that slow down the aging process. They are also high in fibre, which keeps you feeling full for longer and helps the digestive system run efficiently. They can provide al most all vitamins and minerals and correct nutrient deficiencies.


If you thought the list of hydrating foods ends with the usual suspects like cucumbers, watermelons and tomatoes, you are wrong. Some offbeat natural hydrators include leeks, spinach, peppers, carrots and celery. In fact, celery comprises mostly water... qualifying as a great snacking option. It can also curb sweet tooth cravings, which will help you stay slim and keep away from acidic sweets. "Eggplants are a fabulous weight loss kitchen staple. This versatile ingredient has low calories and is rich in fibre that boosts satiety. Grape fruit has been hailed as a weightloss superfood globally for its cardio protective, antioxidant and appetite-sup pressing qualities. This high fibre, juicy fruit has the ability to lower blood sugar levels and control a voracious appetite," says Jia Singh, travel, food and wellness writer.


People usually don't consider water as a mood enhancer. However, studies have proved otherwise. Even mild dehydration can alter a person's mood, energy levels, and ability to think clearly, according to two studies by the University of Connecticut's Human Performance Laboratory. Mild dehydration is defined as an approximately 1.5 per cent loss in normal water volume in the body. It is important to stay properly hydrated at all times, not just during exercise, extreme heat, or exertion. This is because water gives the brain the electrical energy for all t, its functions, including r thought and memory processes. When your brain is functioning on a full reserve of water, you will be able to think faster, be more focused, and experience clarity and creativity.


We all know the importance of exercising, getting enough protein, calories and rest in order to build muscles.But water consumption is as important for muscle wellness and lubrication of joints. Water composes 75 per cent of our muscle tissue! So, if your body's water content drops by as little as 2 per cent, you will feel fatigued. If it drops by 10 per cent, you may experience health problems, such as arthritis and back pain. When you're well hydrated, water provides nutrients to the muscles and removes waste so that you perform better.


Strawberries: They rank highest in water content in comparison to all other berries. Berries are powerhouses of antioxidants that are cardio protective, good for your eyes, skin and nails and even help prevent inflammation and chronic illnesses.

Carrots: They are almost 90 per cent water, are rich sources of vitamin A and C and have tons of betacarotene that keep cancer at bay.

Zucchini: Zucchini is a popular summer squash made of 95% water. It is a good source of dietary fibre, vitamin A, C and K, folate, magnesium. It is best to use it fresh and raw in salads because cooking leads to loss of water.

Bell Peppers: Sweet bell peppers are amongst the veg gies with the highest water content. They are also a great source of vitamin C.

Iceberg lettuce: Health experts often rec ommend substituting it with darker greens like spinach or romaine lettuce for higher amounts of fibre and nutrients such as folate and vitamin K. It's a different story, however, when it comes to water content. Crispy ice berg has the highest amount of water amongst the lettuce family.

Spinach: It may not be as hydrating as iceberg lettuce, but spinach is usually a bet ter bet overall. The leafy vegetable is rich in lutein, potassium, fibre, and brain-boosting folate.Read more |
Marie-Niege Sep 2014
let's talk about his
peanut butter thighs
and his cashew eyes
his cloaked voice that
floods me when he
speaks, and his
big hands and thin
fingers. Let's talk about
all of his parts that make
him whole and makes
my eggplant legs go
bump bump
in the night.
Organic peanut butter on fresh eggplant slices are good
At a hermitage:

    A cool fall night--
getting dinner, we peeled
    eggplants, cucumbers.
Stu Harley Oct 2015
full of
tasty fruits
calm down
aggressive mode of
silverback gorilla
in the
congo green forest
F White Feb 2011
but nobody will want me, she said
I am the purple duckling.
My feathers curl to the wind
My eyes, they roll like marbles
in the sun.
My feet walk backwards
to the beach to look for
glass instead of fish.

Who will take me in,
not to rip away my feathers
for fluff and blankets
but to hold me
in their laps and
treasure my wings like

My pack is all green-wearers.
their beaks a matching row.
they left me under the
Ash tree and said
She'll never grow.

But if I hold up my candle
to the inscription that
is written on my fading
hope it will say;
Purple is also the colour
of strength and
not just eggplants and shells.
so roll their barbs off
your back
and  some
day you too, will
find your
Rightful Pond.
Copyright FHW, 2011
Sally A Bayan Aug 2017
In the kitchen,
......fragrance is spices
fresh, some stewing with other ingredients...garlic
ginger, and bits of pork, and shrimp paste, blending
flavors in boiling coconut juice...sliced eggplants, cut string
beans, squared squash, and squash blossoms will be dropped a separate pan, fish is deep fried...

joining this redolence, is
the smell of plucked sweetsop tree leaves, and dry grass,
touched by rain.....raindrops shyly tip-tap on the hot roof,
flowing down on the eaves, dripping sparingly, softly hits
the steaming creviced grounds....a hushed sound follows...
red, blue, brown, beige roofs adorn the graying horizon...
too early for thunder and lightning...gray clouds hang low
...more tears from Heaven threaten to flow

the front garden beckons...awaits to be rearranged
.....peach, purple, mauve and verdant colors surround
........there's music! the air is rich with a mix of sounds:
the neighbor's washing machine is running...cats are meowing,
purring, the rooster keeps crowing...seems, dog is vocalizing,
a pleasant water in the basin overflows...
...i could see invisible arrows, leading me...seeming didactic
...where to go, what to do, this morning so eclectic
i savor what remains of a late breakfast of red sausages,
......and the smell of almost gone pleasant, as
drying bubbles cling to the rim of the mug......electric fans
are turned towards the dispel hot, humid air,
........plates are ready......there is always cooked rice,
...........lunch is served.


Copyright August 27, 2017
Christos Rigakos Dec 2012
there's strange fruit hanging from the tree
          we planted in the garden
those giant eggplants i can see
          in cloth wrapped, burnt and hardened
the white ghosts cooked them on the vine
while chanting blasphemies in time
          to metered prose of Tennyson's E. Arden

(C)2012, Christos Rigakos
A Septet.
Doug Potter Sep 2016
She is searching for good eggplants,
me, a bundle of  decent radishes
and an avocado.

She’s been eating licorice
or chocolate; her lips
are ringed dark.

I smile at the contrast between
her pale skin and licorice or
chocolate, she looks up,

bemused; similar to the way
you would respond if seeing
a calico in a fall pear tree.

We look at one another
for two seconds or so;
I figure me no good,

and leave.
Mike Essig May 2015
An Exercise in Love*
for Jackson Allen*

My friend wears my scarf at his waist
I give him moonstones
He gives me shell & seaweeds
He comes from a distant city & I meet him
We will plant eggplants & celery together
He weaves me cloth

                   Many have brought the gifts
                   I use for his pleasure
                   silk, & green hills
                   & heron the color of dawn

My friend walks soft as a weaving on the wind
He backlights my dreams
He has built altars beside my bed
I awake in the smell of his hair & cannot remember
his name, or my own.
Wanderer Apr 2020
Painted toes, the color of ripe eggplants
Flutter and kick around as giggles bubble the rim of my hard edges
Days gone by in silence, broken now by mirth
Drunk on a spring afternoon's nectar
I catch the sparkle in your eye, knowing
What comes next will have me breathless, wanting
"Please" whispered softly as giggles fade to sighs
You love it when I beg
I need this, you, here in the sunshine
Gilded fingertips tracing my tarnish
Chasing away the darkness with the promise of warmth
B E Cults Jul 2021
im where the carrion
carries on,
no use in laughs here.
im fear epitomized
in the form of a lonely
bus stop chill sesh.

im dead.
the best of all of us is
**** that whispers between
war cries.

my war died a while ago.
aisles just grow and grow.
im frozen in the produce section.

weaponize that.
I owe you some recklessness,
I know.
tompoet rwanda Oct 2018
Loving her was like
Being in headphones
Listen to your brand new and
Favorite cheesy song
Full of her dulcet words
And melisonant melody
I grokked nothing

I used to fell my heart
Wandering in fantasy place
My spirit lavitating in paradize sky
Of her thoughts
Squinting a pierced glance
With pleasure and admiration
Of her love

I felt like she had made for me
I used to eye her in
My dreams
Together flying with wings
diving in daisy full of drainage
In form of the clouds
Smiling like bitten eggplants on top
I thought she was my answer
Until she comes and
Take them away from
My poor pate
And threw them away in horizon
Loneliness was the only mate
She left me with.

Now i have a backpack full of
sorrow and pain
A bottle on the left side sac full
Of her lies and promises
Inside there is a book of our memories
Hanging with all staffs we did together
And a wax match in left back pocket of my jeans
And a black shovel in my right hand
I need to burn them all to ashes
And dig a long hole
And bury them painstakingly
To make sure they never haunt in
My mind

Cause i've realized
Maybe i need to love myself
Before learning how to
unlove the immersing her
And make her my sturdy confinement
So i have to follow my heart
And put the rest in God hands
Cause i know my God
Always win.
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
In the midst of the long chaos in Gaza.
Also difficulties and limitations in any way.
There is a ten year old little girl named Renad.
Who has an unbreakable spirit.
To do her own food cooking show.
You can see her almost every day on Tiktok.

Renad always looks cheerful.
Laughing in front of the camera while showing the ingredients she will cook.
Onions , eggplants , tomatoes , garlics , fava beans , spices , luncheon and others.
She mixes all the ingredients then cooks them quickly.
Maqluba , mulukhiya , musakhan , manakesh , whatever she can cook.
Then she shows it to the camera.

Renad is always proud to show the food she cooks.
Then she starts eating slowly while explaining the taste.
With an expression full of enjoyment she chews her food.
Making anyone who sees feel wants to taste it.
After that she smiles with satisfaction and says.

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Mike Virgl Jun 2018
distracted people lay

they gaze, just empty hands

the mother coughs, sweats and weeps

the eggplants lay withering in dying foliage

the communications they commit
waste what little time and
breath they have left

no shred of passion is left,
they all commit to be planted
and dare not care

every mouth of movement spills out
repeated nonsense, repeated quotes
from things of repeated nature

however it is not the repetition that makes them vile
its the lack of acknowledgement it receives
the lack of emotion for anything


and the ones i connect to,
are dead, or changed forever,
for better or fo-

just for ******* worse.

you are on your own,
and when you realize that

you seize solitude as a piece of pride.
I could not think of a title for this, this is actually a couple of months old
Jonathan Moya Nov 2019
The bulldozers and jackhammers
blasted the concrete away
clearing it of water, aggregate, cement,
tearing it down to the soil
until it buzzed with reclamation,
smelled of loam and petrichor,
the release of geosmin in the stirring,
ozone expelling with first lightning and rain,
surface bubbles releasing aerosols
like fresh baked bread from the oven
through open kitchen windows.

Over the watchful hum of drones
circling overheard the first crop
of the community garden
was tilled and planted in nine wide rows-
beans, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin,
squash, melons, clover, mint and basil-
drawing only the attention of hornets,
the disinterest of the rain god
that let their tender love dissolve
back to the earth in a pool of rot,
that never allowed a harvesting or tasting.

The second crops were planted in five narrow rows:
tomatoes, peanuts, green peppers, sweet peas
and eggplants, offensive to wasps and immune
to the silly whims of an offended deity
that could not flood over their high walls,
their collective pride, red as clotted blood.
They reaped its first beautiful harvest,
thought it tasted of airy summer dreams,
sold it with joy in their farmer’s market
until the first secret taste spit it out
for it was nothing but sawdust and glue.
Sally A Bayan May 2020
(morning twilight)

\0/    \0/    

In the drowsy stillness of
morning twilight.....when
feet are still huddled beneath
a light cotton sheet...the urge
to get up is not too strong
the bed, a hammock of quietude,
is comfortably warm with body heat.
this is the moment....fresh sounds
fresh air, fresh ideas, renewed hope,
all come in...all flow cool and smooth,
joining this civil dawn's atmosphere
i emerge from a peaceful inertia
from this stream of calming thoughts,
rising..........breaking silence........... be at the usual
fried hungarian sausages for breakfast?
...grilled bass and eggplants for lunch?
fried chicken, fried fishcakes for dinner?
with sliced tomatoes and cucumbers?
is there enough bread, rice, water,
meat, fish to last for the week?
in this lengthening pandemic?
coffee mug is still half-filled....slices
of fried plantain stare back, begging
to be eaten, as chicken, veggies, fish
recipes razzle-dazzle in my mind
a normal moment in my mornings
oh pouring more coffee
que sera, sera


©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
May 24, 2020
4:34 AM
(Just woke up...and wrote this)
Eugene Apr 2018
Dance with the devil with
two chicken feet,
spilled beans
pills reeking of sin,
braided veins, clenching fists,
the Lord is my shepherd when
I'm the sheep,
manifesting brethren and manifestos
of governments,
depopulation of educated slaves,
drink from the cup that
defines your worth,
***** lips, thoughts in braille,
diabetic oldies and cabbages,
dead fetuses and tomatoes,
manhood and eggplants,
sterile women eating omelets,
abandoned kids eating goat meat,
buried underneath slubs,
subscribe to the notifications
of corrupted media,
mutating phobias, the feared is
the victim.
Poets and marijuana,
writers' block and emotionless poems,
******* eating molds,
fungus and bacteria foams.
Hide righteousness in a cloak,
dangling nerves have strangled
our generation!!!

Club Controller;
Boom bap,
*** shaking,
wombs filled with ghosts of babies,
Ovaries now main ingredients for corporate omelets.
Adam and Eve,
the dominant and the submissive,
Bitten forbidden fruit on Apple logos.
Artificial intelligence,
human negligence,
mummified peasants,
death is proud of its workspace.
Institutions judging
black ops as being too rebellious for success,
stores selling tumours
and diabetes symptoms.
Atheists and theists fighting in poetry pieces.
Innocent citizens dodging bullets whilst diving into graves,
mortuary polluted with the smell of corpses with gunpowder in small spaces.
Free our souls,
stop polishing the chains that shackle us,
remove handcuffs that have extended to our throats whilst we dangle from Amarula branches.
Deceived intellectuals,
searching for Nirvana in cannabis trips,
mocking poetry,
seeing Shakespeare as a founding father.
Deception poeticized,
corruption politicized!
The truth is my artery,
wisdom is my capillary,
poetry is the hidden mos code in my fingerprints.
Poetry is the stem to
ascend truth into the human language,
use it for no social
media whilst
marketing for likes!!!
As we talk to each other,
We are not sweet.
But as we hold, hug, and kiss
There's something telling its actions.
The way she looks, the way she smiles
The way she cares, there's something she wanted to tell.
She's sweet, I honestly don't know which is which. What are we? What am I? Who am I? What am I doing?

Her hug tells me I'm safe. Her gestures, She says she wanted me to stay. Watching movies, stolen stares. Fried eggs, eggplants, rice. Midnights snacks. Washing dishes, ****** washes, brushing teeth. Stolen glances, holding hands, nibble bites, asking questions, deeper thoughts.

Small voices, sweet voices, morning smiles, grumpy looks, lip bites and crazy looks.
Travis Green Jul 2022
You are my enveloping soul-lit machoness
My wild flavorful captivatingness
That bewitches and sticks to my sinuous silky flesh
You leave me breathless in your eclectic thugacetic caresses
Your hotness washes over my body
Makes me so lost in your astonishing artful masterpiece
My senses are instantly triggered
The moment I come in contact with your metallic masculine scent

You make me so defenseless in your essential dreamy frequency
The pure inexorable strength of your existence allures my core
Makes me want to open your door
Step into the bright white delights of euphoria
Let you cop and shock my body and mind
Enshroud me in your time and space
Let me have a taste of your sweet homemade tay

Feel your lusciousness linger on my tongue
Your immaculate freshtastical breath streaming against my neck
Beardalicious delectable desirability
You touch me in the hottest hypnotic ways
You make me crave to slam into your straightness
Feel you captivate my gayness
Awaken my nation, press your head
Against my enchanting eggplants

Let your supreme lit-nificent love nuzzle them
Take them in your mouth and devour my desires
Hold on to me, Daddy, while I massage your impressive
Beyond-measure pecs, kiss your long, lithe neck
Marvel at your mad ardent arms
Exalt in your deliciously appealing charm

Feel your soothingness renewing my beauty
And the more I relax in your closeness
My globe glows and flows in your cosmic macho-nificent smoke
You unleash your fiery devouring wildness upon my dynasty
And all I can see is your sultry smooth pulchritude in my dreams

— The End —