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Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
patriarchy? am i really having this "talk"
in a bingo hall with the old ladies
and laddies?
       i must be: something terrible has happened
and i don't want to stop the bleeding
of the punctured artery,
i'd prefer air-piano or air-drumming...
      but from what i've seen,
and it was coming like a bowling bowl
in caligula's bowling alley of severed heads...
can i please wish denzel washington
the same illustrious career as a film
director as that, which awaited clint eastwood?
can i? patriarchy... hmm...
the society where man is the head
of the household...
oddly enough i share mutual respect
with my father, over nothing but him
allowing me to train the alcoholic,
     he says: don't mind you drinking,
well, i do, but better you drinking than
smoking dope...
      mind you: i'm functioning in my addition
and in what i subsequently do...
it must reveal me as a very stable drunk,
given that i can do household chores,
cook dinner, and keep my mouth shut...
and sometimes a mutation happens,
esp. if you've been raised by an alcoholic
grandfather from the ages of 4 til 8...
seeing your grandmother thrown through
a glass door with a broken arm...
   what did i do in revenge?
puncture his bicycle wheel...
      and there was this common ****-to-be
who deserved much attention
by the nick: ukraine...
  **** of thugs, or there was hubert -
who's mother who drank enough white
vinegar till her stomach shrank and
she died from stomach shrinking contractions...
i trusted even the most vile of polish thugs,
but it was part of the tribe...
then came england and multicultural *****
whipping, sentenced to be among egyptians...
i don't exactly know who i am not
going to forgive, the society that made the ****
the way it made him, or whether the ****
nonetheless, you want a depiction of
patriarchy, i'd tell you to watch denzel's first
directorial effort in the film fences:
may he have the same illustrious career as
a film director, akin to clint eastwood...
pucker up with that plum shadow the next
time you attempt to "understand" man.
Zyanneh Frazier Oct 2015

A screaming baby yelling
“Mommy! Please don’t let me go!”
All because it wants to see this world
But Mommy happens to have regrets and a mind filled with shame
All because nobody knows about little James or Joyce
Mommy isn’t ready for mistakes to happen
A screaming baby yelling
“Mommy! Please don’t give up on me!”
All because it wants to see Mommy smile
But Mommy happens to head to the clinic
All because she’s thinking about abortion
Mommy isn’t ready for regrets to happen
A screaming baby yelling
“Mommy! Please don’t do this to me!”
All because it wants to see its first birthday
But Mommy happens to grab for the scissors and then panics
All because she finally realizes life’s a blessing
Mommy isn’t ready to fall down the same path as last time
A screaming baby yelling
“Mommy! Please make the right choice!
All because it wants to know its gender
But Mommy happens to suffer from ***
All because she was ***** by a unknown man
Mommy happens to give life to a healthy
James Denzel Roberts
A screaming baby yelling
“Mommy! I thank you!”
All because it misses its mommy
But Mommy happens to give James up for adoption
All because she doesn’t want James to suffer
Mommy happens to die 2 weeks later
A screaming baby yelling
“Mommy! You’ll always be in my heart!”

By Zyanneh Frazier
The Name "James Denzel Roberts" Is Just a Random Name I Picked
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2018
well... feminism has had its three waves
of revisionism -

    and there i'm sitting on
the windowsill,
   smoking out of my window -

watching the moon sloth the sky like
an demonic snail -

in the misty haze of a large patch
of cumulonimbus -
    right up there at around 50,000 feet...

thinking to myself?
   why are there two orbs of varying
light concentration
penetrating the sky
   and embedding the moon
in an eerie aura?

never mind -
   i still don't know what the chemical
formula for timber is,
or what sort of material is on
the moon that allows it to reflect
light from the other side
of the Greenwich Mean Time...

last time i heard: can a rock surface
reflect light?

          well then... ah... never mind...

but feminism has had its three waves
of instigation and two subsequent
waves of revisionism -

so it made me think:
   why not a second wave of fascism?
a revisionist wave...
    well... as far as i am concerned
the Italians were much paler -
   in their intentions than the Germans...

fascism 2.0 -
and the sort of fascism that would allow
me to be men...
    drunks, foul mouthed, you name it...
athletic, not-giving-a-**** losers of
sorts, among the glam of whatever else
it is that a man is...

working on the idea,
i had to think of a list -


          who then?

      Stanley Kowalski
   (from a streetcar named desire)...
John Wayne
  (notably from true grit)
    Charlton Heston
(from the planet of the apes)
   Tony Curtis...
               Ezra Pound...
     Clark Gable
    Gregory Peck
                   the list is seemingly
endless -
   at least in the portrayal of
said characters...
ah... ****!
   Kevin Spacey as
Lester Burnham to boot!
            ah... double ****:
Denzel Washington as
Troy Maxson...
    because apparently "being"
a "poet" is little more than
the lesser stature
of a garbage man...
             unless of course:
you fiddle into a cosmopolitan

    oh... and certainly an appreciation
for a traditional Turkish barber

something very much akin / borrowed
from America circa 1950s...
   and an unabashed sensibility
concerning good tailoring -
   but then also the prophetic
vagabond look from time to time...

just a vague idea -
    but something along these lines -
but then again, what a silly idea -
what is racial purity in
21st century England?
   some sort of vague notion
       of an even vaguer dream?

but i guess the notion of
individualistic purity:
   the purity of the individual is related
more to: who can and who won't
be swayed by alien opinions -
2nd or 3rd party -

        which includes this opinion...

i'd subscribe to put the idea on
the following zenith:

              grammatical cleanliness -
linguistic order -
            a literary tact -
   something along these lines -

after all: the 20th century is not the end
of a theory -
given 20th century communism this,
while 21st century socialism that...
ideas prevail...
   evolve - or devolve - regress
or make alternative progress -

               also given:
    there already is a fascist movement
elsewhere, other than in England -
where: it would be completely
impractical -
                       prime tenet would also
be, what it already shows:
   non-expansionism of a culture
or a people -
                           more akin to
American isolationism under
i­ have a strange sentiment
for that president.
There was a time
where I didn't know anyone
with a child.
Where I hadn't been
a groomsmen
in three weddings.
Where I didn't feel as though
I were losing some imaginary race.

There was a time
when T.J. was still alive,
when Lisa was still alive,
when Peg was still alive.
But every flower wilts with time.
Some by choice,
some after a hard fought fight
and some after a long lived life.

There will be a time
when this all makes sense.
When I will see why my road
took the course it did.
When I will be humble
with my fate.

But time is relative
and it is man made.
Life is but a fleeting single flash.
It is just one big bang.
Sean Banks Apr 2013
“Listen here buds”
I’m not going to
**** around
or hold back
or try to even the score
and in return
“Don’t **** with me”

This is an ode to ol' Stuart
Or Brandon
Or Stubacca
Or Bongshit
Whatever you want to call him
Call him it
In Penta rips
I reminisce
Too **** often
That’s what I am here to admit

I guess that is the purpose of this poem
Is to make all the apologies
I left unsaid
And to leave all the unsaid
slights behind

Because in my mind,
I was not a good roommate
And you weren’t either
But our insult based arguments would deflate
Recognizing we were both underachievers
Two ******* calling the kettle black
Denzel Washington Movies
And Back
In Quail
Room 1514
Was a “Kozy Shack”
Was not for the weak
The haziest of all hostels
A blaze fest
A Bro-out Brothel
"OB Get the ******* door!"
"And don't forget to lock and towel"

Escape from the real world
Into the mythical Qualcation

The Adherol - know it alls
3 Pills of dex – 45 minutes crushed text
Book and and back when we were hooked
  “This **** is just like doing M”
Thank christ for all your friends in MGMT
As it didn’t stop you from copying them
Mr. Rintoul had bigger fish to fry

And I was frying them
because the kitchen was foreign
So at 4 in
The mornin’
I’d be cookin’ creative
Broke *** creations
Cause stomach pains
Are a serious disease

Don’t take
This poem
The wrong way
Because back in the day
Are the days I miss the most
We played host
To a family of friends
Anyone would want to boast

Thank you for reminding me it was your birthday
Every ******* year
Every elaborate party
You deserved
No Hissy fit was unwarranted
Speaking on behalf of a floor Matt
You know the one you parented
The upmost respect remains
For papa Stewie

And when I got my dewy
I got a few hugs of sympathy
While you laughed in my ******* face
And when you couldn’t find a roommate
I happily took that place
And when I left movie night in the trailer
To go do slam poetry at a talent show
You made me feel so out of place
And when I returned with my 100$ winnings
You were the first person I bought a pilsner case

The fact that you never made the break through
To see the majority of the time
We were laughing at you not with you
Doesn’t seem to be an issue
Because maybe you did know all along
Staying in check
Punishing us
stoner massages
That could break necks

Now these days with a real job that really pays
Stuart Rintoul will still tell you he is LiViN’
Even - If he is stuck in Edmonton
This separation
“Is horseshit”

Let me state it one last time old pal
This poem is not meant to offend
And deep down from Roses to the Corral
I hope you bang all my ex girlfriends

I should have never left you all those times for *******
Or in the words of Tuner “PP!”
I should have stayed and watched Blade 3

To all those
who really knew Stu
It was really me
eating all the peanut butter
by the spoon
But blaming it on you
Was too opportune

You are
******* clutch
******* decent
And so ******* “chitty”

You were the best friend
I should have never asked for
And for this
I will never
**** with you
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
. i'm not an alcoholic, i'm an intermediating construct of blues... i think more about blank canvas i am to fill, than the next drink 'm about to have....

why give a dog's *******'s care
concerning yourself with
whst other other,
proper, "sober", sensible people
make of your?

  i guess an inhibition of
a lost verse...

       in poetry we call that a quais
take on a paragraph...

   something akin to:
the same worth of the worth of
something worth losing...
get the drift?!

  Clive Owen...
Denzel Washington,
Brian Molko...

breed me, a ******* hybrid Q
your nag hammadi perfectionism!
you trans-gender

   breed me an example
to my specification!
breed it!
show me the Frankenstein!
breed it!

       i want wolf ***** "ingested"
in women subjects!
               you want the Frankenstein
first you need the mad doctor...
you have me...
cuffed and teasing!

     i am,. dying to waake from
what is death, and what is death assured,
in the fork form of, shadow...

   you, want, the monster...
i am giving your the antithesis
of the nameless
caricature of
what man's capability!

            i need it, whatever "it", is...
       i will not sleep till this "thing"
is awake in the womb
of my cognition...
and i know of its wake!

                 it's funeral a birth,
it's birth,
banshee screech!
                 the failed Polish
winged hussar charge against
the Ukranian Cossack upriing,
thick, in, mud...

                        i have the desires
to damage marking
      Shelley will always outlast
the credibility of Austen...

    Mary contra Jane...

Frankenstein monsters...
she's the third of the canon!

  you don't do that!
you can't do that!
                but you did, do that!

there is a shadow of man,
he dares to call history
to contra the visage for the excuses
of journalism...

     not here... not now...

  as a young boy,
i dreamed of mingling the ***** of
wolves, being impregnated
in human females...
        i guess, as a treat...
to alleviate
the existing product
                 of down syndrome'

what is science?
if not the reinvigorated
perpetuation of
trans-categorical inquiry?

p.s. when i drink?
the last "thing" on my mind
is the activity of drinking,
notably, for socially unhinged
barriers to be broken...
i'm an anti-social drinker...
i hate conversation,
esp. when drinking...
a ******* desert,
when it comes to
             the calorie intake!
uh strippin' ya titles n fame
Ya got no game shame I had to show up in flame
burn every last one of y'all til a single grain
snorts of ******* to rush into my brain
gives me crazy pump
like kriss kross I'll make ya jump
got ya body arched like camel humps smokin' punks like a smoke blunts pull stunts more than steevo straight evil
ya can peep me on underground radios
**** mainstream and pipe dreams
make this ***** jalel sings
more than crows gathered around for the wicked sound
body molded to th ground for tryna step to Htown fools drown
with no water slaughter
Like shots from a thousand mortars
got bids on the Satan's daughter's
ya need to get smarter y'all fallen like denzel welcome to yosef cell no bail no fairytales as I silence ya yell
from my lyrical gat that goes through ya medulla oblungata
got more ranks than shabba mister lover lover undercover like brother as I smother
ya baby mama and ya mother like no other duck her with no rubbers
cut into ya head piece like cookie cutters
see ya in sta sta sta studder
yosef be hoppin' like hoes like mudd rudders
straight from the gutters
I got rhymes for days that's was displayed before even my rhymes was said
plus **** what ya said
I'll  leave ya dome open like a Sun roof
catch. spoof off my tactics
my lyrics be more controversial than the gulf tonka make ya wonder magnificent blunders sound the thunders
once yosef grabs the Mic enticing brawls under heat lights
sweatin' cuz I'm a threat ending ya fate and might uh

Just like i told ya ya can't stop the reign
as i bring the pain more than major playa hatas
move over theres a new sheriff in town puff by the pound
its goin' down in htown time to ****** crowns
off unknown clowns whos rounds
ain't hittin' nothin' but air as i heir
the rhymes from my hip hop ancestry
like i said who spit it better than me
****** is what i write
check the obituary even burn ya cemetery
while enemies stay worried i stay buried
with rhymes that pull like tech 9s through ya mind
as ya touch the flat line
give em pump up so he get the adrenaline up
only to get knocked the ****** up
by the mister evil sinister preach lyrics as a minister
this ain't the last inning
we goin' all out til we fall out got guns that clear the skies out
nuclear blast spin around emceez like taz hit ya with jazz razzamatazz
that's the sounds of gats bustin' that ***
left ya body soakin' breath chokin' hopin'
to make it but can't shake it as i mold it then break it
like my last drip a *** i shake it
til its nothing left cook up these lyrics like a chef
even make ears open of the deaf
cuz my lyrics be so powerful irresistible hard for ya know to go
and bob ya head to my **** i hit like rockets outta space
loose ya paper chase for tryna step into yosefs face
with that disgrace that ******* you call hip hop?
i got heat tha'tll make ya lip lock hip go hippy to the hop
naw talkin' sugar hill deliver more dead than clothes to Goodwill
we ***** as the Goodfellas knockin' tailfeathers money come like atm tellers
no pin toxic rhymes poisonous as donna,bella
Lyricist diss a ***** named Ill
Big Virge Feb 2015
So ... V ...
Will You be .... ??? ....
My Valentine ... ???
HeLLLLLLL NO ...... !!!!!!! ........
I'd rather spend my time ....
Writing poems ... That DEFINE ... !!!
THE TRUTH .......... to..........
"STUPID" ... female minds ... !!!!
YES ..... I'M SINGLE ..... !!!!!
That's ..... My Crime  .....
But ..... It's by ... CHOICE ... !!!
NOT BY ... Design ... !!!! ...
So take ... " Your Time " ...
Before you judge ....
My View ... on  this thing ...
Called .... "VALENTINES" ... !!?!! ...
It's Tough ... being single ... !!!
But ..... I'm doing ... FINE ... !!!
Give me a ... Bacardi ...
with some ... " Lime " ...
A Caribbean Coastline ....
with ..... " Sunshine " ..... !!!!
and I ... WON'T NEED ... A ...
..... "VALENTINE" ..... !!!!!! ....
Valentines' Day....
is now .... Commercial .... !!!
So i'll ...
cut to the chase ... like ...
.... "TOUCHE TURTLE" .... !!!!!!
Hold Up ... Hold Up .... !!!!!
I'm NOT ... " DUM DUM " .... !!!!!
and ..... Don't Believe .....
That ... " ANY OLD GIRL " ...
Can Replace ... " MY MUM " ... !!!!!
My Mum ... Gave Me ....
What I ... KNOW To Be ... !!!
......... " LOVE " ..........
" Love " ... WITHOUT ...
... " CONDITION " ... !!!
YEAH ..... !!!!! .....
THAT'S ... The One ... !!!!!
.... " TRUE LOVE " ....
That .... Mothers ....
Give ... Their Sons ... !!!
But girls now ... " WANT " ... !!!
Such ... " Lavish Things " ... !!!!!!
while men are ... " Simply " ...
Now ...... " VICTIMS " ..... !!!!!
of This .... " Cash Driven " ....
" Valentines " .... STING .... !!!!!
" Buy Me This ! " .... and ....
" Buy Me That ! " ... !!!!!! ...
But Fellas  ...........
If you ... " Fall For That " ... !?!
You'll ... QUICKLY FALL ... !!!!!!!!!!
"Into" .... Her .... " TRAP " .... !!!
And YOU ..... NOT Her ... !!!
Will be ... "*****-SLAPPED" ... !!!!
Cos' ... This becomes ....
what they .... " EXPECT " ... !!!!!
and Love's ... No Longer ... !!!
The ... " OBJECT " ... !!!! ...
But ... " Buying Her " ... !!!
So You .... "PROTECT" ....
An Image .... But ....
Where's Your ... RESPECT ... ???
Hell Yes .... !!!!!!! .....
These Things .....
Make Me ... " OBJECT " .... !!!
cos' .... " MONEY GIRLS " ....
Have got ... " DEFECTS " ...
So They are .... " SIMPLY " ....
Good For ..... " *** " ...... !!!!!!
It's Time .... Ladies ....
For A ... " REALITY " ... CHECK ... !!!
cos' girls want ... CASH ... !!!
NOT ... " Bouncing Cheques " ... !!!!!
This ... NONSENSE ...
........ REALLY .........
Gets me .... VEX .... !!!!!!!!
Young Girls ... Have Got ...
This ...... " ATTITUDE " ......
They're ...
"ALWAYS RIGHT "... !!!
and men are ... FOOLS .... ?!?
Well Me ... I'm just ...
Remaining ... COOL ...
because I ... " Stick To " ....
..... " Basic Rules " ......
and try to ... " USE " ...
My ... " Mental Tools " ...
cos' ... Most ... Young Girls ...
are just ..... " Confused " ..... ?!!??
and .... Basically ....
are ... TOO **** RUDE ... !!!!! ...
So ... If I say ... ???
"Babe, I like you !
Let's go out, and
share some food !"
Before you ... " CHEW " .... !!!
Let's share some ... VIEWS ... !!!
On ... WHAT ... " Fo' REAL "...
Matters ....  " To YOU " .... !!!!!
cos' ... This is ... CLEAR ...
I'm NOT ... " Tom Cruise " ... !!!
or .... " DENZEL " .... !!!!!
They're ... NOT ...
in ... " My Shoes " ... !!!!
I wear ... SIZE TWELVE ... !!!!!
So ... You can ... " Choose " ...
Whose bedroom .....
You Should ..........
Come .... " INTO " .... !!!! ....
Not for... *** !!!!!!
But Some ... " Sweet Music " ....
On ... " My Decks " ..... !!!!! .....
Maybe Later ... ???
We Can ... FLEX ... !?!
Our ... " Mental Muscles " ....
Then have ... " *** " .... !!!! ....
So ....
To .... You Girls ....
Who ...
DON'T LIKE ... My Views ...
CHECK YOURSELF .... !!!!!!
Do I ... " Hate You " ... ???
or am I Simply ... saying things ...
" That " ... In Your Heart ...
You KNOW  ... Are .... " True "  .... ?!?
I Don't ...
Hate Women ... !!!! ...
I Don't ...
Believe in ... HATE .... !!!
But Girls' ... ATTITUDES NOW ...
I Must .... " BERATE " .... !!!!! ....
Oh well ... I Guess ...
It's Now ... " TOO LATE "  ... !!!
For me to ... Ask You ...
On a .... " DATE " .... !!!!!
It seems .....
I've got ... TOO MANY LINES ... !!!!
That .... Bypass Girls ....
Who Take .... " COKELINES " .... !!!!
So To ... " Those Ladies " ...
Who Are ... FINE ... !!!!! ...
NOT JUST ... In looks ...
But In  ........
Their ... " Minds " ... !!!!
Will YOU be ............ ?!?
MY VALENTINE ..... ?????? .....
Peace y'all

and to all those couples still in the love boat
Keep that Chit Afloat !!!
cos' it's a  ... BEAUTIFUL THING ... !!!
Don't let your ship sink !!!!
Lois May 2020
The first time I met you, I felt like in a grayscale movie. Hell, your feed was in black and white. I remember our conversation about it the first time we met. You told me it was pictures with souls. I found the idea of it corny but intriguing and I seem to cannot bring myself to stop thinking about it.
Every single second spent with you, I began to notice every hue that comes with your smile.
especially with that big heart of yours that comes with your bones that quite feels like home.
it had hit me like a hurricane when I came to the conclusion that you are everything but monochrome.
You fill all the empty spots in me with shades of all our favorite colors.
You color the darkest parts of me in shades of yellow that I didn’t even think was possible.
You were so contagious, that you literally just have to smile and my amygdala would suddenly have an esplosion of colors as I act so nonchalant about it.  
You are everything I hoped for but more.
I met the person who gave me all the brightest of colors in a single second.
It intrigued me to the very core.
because at first it was just
vibing to the same music
holding hands
the jitters
more memes
but as this gets deeper
it was the state of comfort
i seem to cannot get enough of.
long *** naps
naked bodies
syncronized breathing
more holding hands
long pauses and comfortable silence
not seeing each other for weeks
future plans
long hugs
goodbye kisses
it was the right kind of intimacy that was enough.
Don’t get me wrong,
I’m used to excessive emotions and feeling too much.
But loving you is the most profound I have ever been.
You take me to all the brightest places and to absolute euphoria.
The world would never be the same for me after meeting you.

Descovia Jan 2021
For copyright protection. I DON'T OWN RIGHTS TO THE FOLLOWING SONG OR LYRICS COMPOSED IN IT. It was used as inspiration and with that I ended up composing a piece related to being an addict, using my own style to compose this similar to  the hook from the song itself. Due to inspiration from a loved one! Denzel Curry, I appreciate you and honor you for all you do for people all over the world that enjoy your music! You are more than an entertainer, your safety, lessons and teachings will always be appreciated and welcomed by me!!

My world never stop reversing
Even the pain couldn't numb me now
Rewind the good back
to the worst things
Even my love destroys me now
For, I cannot love 'cause it hurts me
I will be happy
When the sun burns out
I have transformed to the worst me
Your words couldn't curse me now

Escaping the pain
Breaking the needle off into my vein
Remembering how it good it felt
To satisfy the parts of me without a name
Being able to detach myself from all
Living sources, my very being is interconnected to
Forbidden Memories stories within the quantum
My life is nothing without you!!!

Even your words couldn't **** me now....
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2018
****... i was just thinking about porridge...
no... not Fletcher, Ronnie Barker...
****... what was i thinking of?
Quaker Oats?
  it's not even funny... what was it?
         black Hollywood taking over...
Denzel doing his Zen and D-end ****...
Black Panther...
               Black Panther?!
ha ha... is that some sort of Pink Panther
  the Prodigy did a song for a movie...
one man army...
oh... right... you've forgotten its existence...
now we're getting all the activism revival
    Black Panther is like Pink Panther....
a ******* joke....
                        does anyone even begin
to comprehend... Spawn?!
Spawn is the reason why Batman became
                       honest to god,
scouts' honor...
                 wait wait... so Spawn is bleak?
you know, that Lethal Weapon II South Africa
exchange... but but.. you're bleak!
or whatever the best coordinate association is...
with the mister-race...
            who the **** wants to be
the Black Panther?!
all the crumpets / chiseled retrograde
      guess it's good i'm not slang
for milk0boy... ****** lactose intolerant?
too bad...
how about i **** off your ma ma?
                Black Panther is *******...
who wants to be Black Panther?
probably some educated counter to a Kanye West
Spawn... all d-way...
              v-way... but you know...
we figured: difference are so that we get a chance
to matter...
          minstrel does the shuffle...
Black Panther my ***...
compared to Spawn?
            looks like...
the KKK embarked on an appeasement
                compared to Spawn,
Black Panther,
it makes Dave Chappelle              
   look like, ******* michael mcintyre...
which is funny... funny...
only when eating chips
and being attacked by a flock
of seagulls...

oi... watch this... Black Panther
   who've never seen a minute's worth
of the film Spawn,
which could make any white boy say...
**** Batman, i wanna be Spawn.

there's no culture war to be spoken of...
given that the said victories and losses
are so banal...
the, "war" hasn't even started...
and said people are claiming
either victories or losses...
            we haven't even started!
Oculi Nov 2017
Sunlight, San Francisco, what a beautiful scene.
I was the talk of the town, I was awfully mean.
A time well before those new types sipping lean.
She was nineteen, but it was alright.
I took her out and had her all night.
When together, we were such a sight.

Everything went stale when the gaucho showed up.
His idiotic favors were just without a stop.
But it was alright, I loved you enough.
When you hung yourself, it was pretty tough.
Strangling that ***** was good for me though.
And after that, it all seemed so slow.

Drinking a forty with Travis and Denzel.
Skipping town so I don't stay in the cell.
Buying a ****** just to finally feel.
Took me two decades to finally heal.

But that's all so long ago now...
I thought to myself as I crossed that line.
I closed my eyes for a last time, entering the blue.
I opened them much later, in a white room.
She was standing over me, blue hair, red eyes.
The end of the world. My world.
Big Virge Jun 2021
Waiting Waiting..........
Always WAITING.... !!!

After A While...
Becomes FRUSTRATING... !!!!!

Like Waiting For A Train...
That’s Gonna Make You LATE... !!!
Because It’s Been............. DELAYED...

Or... Waiting For The Day...
When Girlies Play STRAIGHT...
Instead of... Playing Games...
When It Comes To Getting Laid... !!!!

Ya See Waiting Is A Game...
That ISN’T Fun To Play... !!!

If What You’re Waiting For...
DOESN'T Guarantee Rewards... !!!

Like Music From Producers...
Who Have ALL The Excuses...

For Why It Takes SO LONG...
For Them To Finish Songs... !!!

To Me These Guys Act FUNNY...
When It Comes To Getting MONEY... !!!!!

“We need to be paid,
before we play a single note !
That’s it okay, no time to wait,
or for debate !
If you want your stuff,
to really sound tough !
Pay us up front,
and you’ll get what you want !”

That’s How It STARTS...

But Then You're Left....
WAITING............................ ..

Waiting... WAITING.... !!!!!

And Then You're Left Stationed...
Unable To... “Move”... !!!!!
Just Like Black Nations....
... Requiring FOOD... !!!

STARVED of Information...
About Your Tunes... ?!?!?

Waiting Like SATAN...
With A Darkened Mood...

Because You Want CLOSURE.
Before Your Composure...
Gets Lost And Confused...

Because These Guys...
... AREN’T Telling You...
When Things Are FINALISED...
... Which Is NOT COOL.... !!!!!

Because INDUSTRY Types....
AREN’T Known For The Truth... !!!!!

Or For Doing What’s RIGHT... !!!
By Artists... Who....
Place TRUST In Them... !!!

These Industry Heads...
Who... Play The FOOL... !?!

But Walk Away PAID...
Even If Your Tunes...
Don’t Sell Or Get Played...
Like... Biebers' Do.... !!!!!

I Guess It’s Like Blacks...
Waiting For Reparations... !?!

Because Your Track’s...
Getting NO Rotation... !!!!

... ON Radio... ???
Or... In Your Own Home... !?!

It’s True.... White Folks...
Play The Same Old Role...

NO Getting Past GO...
Until THEY SAY SO.... !!!

Its The Same Old Story....
WITHOUT Denzel...
Or A Film Called... " Glory "... !!!

BIG WIGS Turn Tricks...
More Than They Make HITS... !!!

And The OTHERS Try To Smother...
By Pulling STROKES Like BUTTER...

When THEY TOO Are...
..... BLOODSUCKERS..... !!!

SICK ******* Type HUNTERS... !!!

Just Waiting For Young Prey...
To ABUSE While They Make HAY... !!!

They Say It’s Just A Game...
That You Have GOT TO PLAY... !!!
If You Want To GET PAID... !!!!

But... Waiting In Vain...
Holds Weight TODAY...
In... Different Ways...
To Bob Marley’s Day.... !!!

Or Maybe Just MAYBE... ?
Things Just WON'T Change....

It’s A STRAIN On The Brain...
For Those... " In The Game "...

Who Play It... STRAIGHT... !!!!!

From Those Who ENTERTAIN...
To Those WAITING For THAT TRAIN  ... !!!!!


...... “ Waiting “...... ???
It's a tough old road, the artistic one, however, it's not always down to you, where it takes you !
Classy J Jun 2021
My words be plenty wise,
Yet people only wanna listen to garbage,
Like lil skies.
Afterall, the rap game has shown it hates logic.
Maybe I’d be rich,
If I bragged that I could have plenty wives.
Maybe you’d ******* listen,
If my words were sadistic like pennywise.
Maybe I’d be signed,
If I sold my soul to the demon goat with three eyes.
However, with fame comes leeches,
That tell pretty lies.
Getting hooked to the fiction,
Compromising morality to get between some thighs,
As well as wine and dined,
With bells come the whistles for the blind.
The frame of mind,
Through space and time,
Has begun to unwind,
With evolution on the decline.

What was once filled with clarity,
Is now filled with mumbling.
What once expressed challenging themes,
Now all sounds the same to me.
It’s so sad to see,
A Grammy list that nominated lil baby,
But not Denzel Curry, now that’s a tragedy.

I think I need to down me some communion wine,
Cause people have lost they minds,
Acting gangster but we know they lying,
Pulling a gunna out from behind,
Yet if caught, pull a 6ix9ine,
****, I swear music is confined,
Instead of bumping to Tech N9ne,
They pop lil xan’s while watching drumline,
Makes me wishing I could reincarnate as a slime,
Because it’s just so uninspiring,
Young wannabe thugs thinking they lions,
Are just lying to themselves,
Wanting be like ***,
But ending up a body full of gun shells,
Can’t you see the parallels?
Too busy believing in the fairytale,
Thinking ya can set sail,
Like a lil yachty boat,
But even the titanic thought it could float,
It’s funny that these SoundCloud rappers,
Think they the goat,
Trying so hard to attain some cloat,
By calling Eminem a joke.
But the only joke I see,
Is you folk.

What was once filled with clarity,
Is now filled with mumbling.
What once expressed challenging themes,
Now all sounds the same to me.
It’s so sad to see,
A Grammy list that nominated lil baby,
But not Denzel Curry, now that’s a tragedy.
Classy J Sep 2022
Verse 1:
Spending a million days chilling like a baller, but I’m still a bachelor,
I’m the master *****, the funk villian,
Killing these ill feelings, like a *******.
Call me Captain Picard, galaxy speeding.
Bumping to tunes, in my Lincoln Navigator.
Living fate with taro cards, ***** bussing.
Cussing out haters, phonies is paper weight.
Knock ‘em out, let me demonstrate.

Verse 2:
Demonstrating, how to knock ‘em out,
These paperweight phonies, and haters imma cuss em out.
Buss em ****, using taro cards, living out fate,
Navigating while linking my tunes, to start bumping.
Speeding through galaxies, like Captain Picard.
I’m a *******, feelings so ill I could ****.
Got that villain funk, ******* call me master.
Balling like a bachelor, just chilling each day spending millions.

Verse 3:
Game has changed, so has the times.
Instead of writing rhymes, peoples is snorting em.
Deranged turn coats full of phlegm.
Instead of pronouncing vowels, they’s mumbling.
Music has become the chum bucket,
With occasional golden gems.
Shout out Denzel, Joey, Johnson, kaan, and Williams.
And I’ll be ****** like a John ham mad man,
If I start shooting up drugs and end up in neverland.
Flying, off the handle, like a dysfunctional Peter Pan.

Verse 4:
I’ve seen dysfunctional Peter’s, plan not pan out,
So, many times they’s handles have fallen off.
Going off to neverland, because them drugs shoot ‘em up.
**** man these kids madder than John Ham.
Why can’t they be more creative like, Williams, kaan, Johnson, Joey, and Denzel man?
I guess not every gems golden,
Like expecting a bucket of chum producing good music.
With many mumbling vowels, bet they can’t even pronounce phlegm.
Fulls coats turned red, feel betrayed, because the sounds turned deranged.
With rappers snorting lines, instead of writing them.
I guess the times has changed, and I guess so too must the game.

Verse 5:
Asked to choose between a beemer, Benz, or Bentley.
All the same when I’m drinking henny on the highway.
Swerving on them fools, than repent on Sunday.
Attempting not to catch a fine, at least till payday.
Spiralling downhill, mayday mayday.
Declining like the popularity of Spyro.
My internal plains a pyro, La lumbre, lumbre.
Think I need a vk, chilling in the jungle with dk.

Verse 6:
Go bananas in the jungle like Dk,
Just swinging, chilling, relaxing like it’s a vk.
Dancing with La lumbre, lumbre,
No fly zone during the eternal pyro.
**** popularity, imma burn down this ***** like I’m Spyro.
Imma never decline someone screaming, mayday, mayday.
If I did I know that would be a downhill spiral.
Where payday just another day,
But I pretend things are fine,
Attempting smiles, whilst receiving a sundae.
Only fools repent, can’t swerve me compadre.
Doing things my way,
Getting drunk and high,
Addictions are all the same.
Numbing the pain, by paying for fancy cars like Bentley’s, Benz’s, and beemers.
Because to choose between would be insane.
Inspired by Joyner Lucas’s rap song Backwards.
thetimeisnow Nov 2015
Listen to me when I say that we have a choice
There was a time in my life I dreamed of my own bleeding heart
Spurting insignificant blood, just another body on this planet, just another ****** watery existence soaking up Earth’s resources, love from others like a water bottle with no bottom where everything just feels empty at the end of the day, being idle and quiet on the outside with a storm raging on the inside, unable to make sense of everything- so incredibly overwhelmed by the immense pain surrounding me and so incredibly disconnected from the person I used to be- one who truly believed in her own power and the power of those around her.
When I lost my strength and my belief, I lost my understanding that I can make a difference
Who I am today is different than the person I was a year ago, and while that shakes my bones
What keeps me alive is knowing that for every bad thing I have done, there is more good
For every mistake I have made, there are successes
We can’t live our lives focused on our downfalls
Or we will only fall down
We must as Denzel says “fall forward”
I spent too much time allowing thoughts like I didn’t deserve a place on this earth to win over all good thoughts
Triumphed in the battle of wits
All mixed up and twisted in my mind
Chasing momentary happiness and fulfillment, never finding it in smiles and moments of joy because a  heavy cloud was drowning my head with rain....but ive always loved rain
In the chaos of a world filled with turmoil, chaos, injustice, and fear
We live in between each other
Avoiding stares
Avoiding each other
Unless we need something from another
In the margins of each other’s lives
And here, in a country where we have the money and the time and the energy to make a difference
We drain ourselves emotionally down black holes of our own worlds
It’s amazing the way that movements are sparked based on one root idea
It spreads like fire and in so many directions
From one original piece
Like the “all you need is love” and you may say im a dreamer but im not the only one
Dreams are incredible things, if only we use them to create a better tomorrow
Instead of hoplessly helplessly waiting for tomorrow to come to us
We all live so selfishly
And I know this from my own selfish beating heart
But my beating heart tells me that I am here for a purpose so far beyond money, success, and even personal growth

Personal is absolutely important, but until we completely forget ourselves
Sacrifice and surrender ourselves to the issues at hand
That is when and only when we can truly make a difference
When we are determined
To take action today, and know that the seeds we plant will not grow those fruits tomorrow
But that we can imagine farther down the line that the world will be a better place
And knowing that future generations can make a bigger impact after that

I believe we are all system busters
There is so much wrong in the way we work
And constant reminders of the pain, suffering, tyranny, and sadness in the world
And if we turn a blind eye to that and continue to be fogged up by our own sadness and pain
We will become walking zombies
We are all walking zombies
Here for a mission
To make our lives mean so much more than individual relationships, control, and power
We are here to love each other, to stand together, to grow community and laugh in the face of despair
The only way we are ever going to get out of this perpetual darkness is if we awaken in ourselves the most positive, the one who believes in every action making a change
For it is only when we believe we are makng a change that we can
It is only when we lose hope that all hopes of change are lost

And I sometimes think I am insignificant
In the sea of voices echoing each other
We need to hear your story,
we need every voice
We need every single heart
For every movement
And you might feel connected to many movements
But the only way to make those movements stay powerful is if your voice is heard
So we want to hear you
and we need your ears to listen
to take a backseat

I know what it feels like to look around east and west and for miles it feels like no one will listen to your truth
Or you feel like your truth is unimportant
Or you feel like giving up all hope in yourself that you can make that difference
But we are only powerful as we
If we can lose ourselves in each other, if we can give to each other the gift of believing

I have been hanging onto negative words and emotions like they are the only things I really have
Facing my demons every single day
Who tell me that my life is not worth living
That my heart is evil
That my words are empty
That my soul is ingenuine and manipulative
Whispers to me that I do not deserve to be here
Whispers to me that no one really likes me
Tells me my mistakes
And yells at me for waking up

So when I finally get some quiet and peace is when I am asleep, then I live in my dreams
I am relieved of the burden of being human
And those aren’t better places but they are escpaes, because no matter what happens there
I do have to face it once I wake up

and here i am, awake, and open, and trying
to face today
with the hope
and the strength to fight
Yea everybody that doubted us
I let the guns bust
I'm talking magnums to artillery cannons who's handin'?
Me the pressure I'll stretcher
Longer than a limousine heads I guillotine
Once they show they face miss the prison place beat the case
Cuz of all the franklins faces
Seen many tastes
Of life luxurious my foes furious
Got critics nervous cuz they know I be serious
Slap a rhyme til ya  delirious
Dangerous trust
Get away clean so **** the must
We stackin cream shatterin dreams
Lock the game like a snake bite
Grab it tight became a hustler overnight
While y'all overwrite with ya overbite
I keep it comin' machine guns lyrics
Like techs is hummin' stunnin'
Opponents til they see trinity visions
Easy decisions you against me
Lets be realistic
I'll make you a early news statistic
Hop off the biscuit
Unless you a chick cuz my ****
Only fits in a ****
All these haters rappin' ain't ****
I'll put em down like Jordan did the Knicks set the pick
My team we never fail and if we see jail will see bail
Countless enemies to sail ya going frail
My pockets never stale only swells
Shot guns shells
Crackin' brains once I set my aim
Verbal assassin so who's passin'?
Me up this is a hold up
Rap game I fold up grab a coca cola and a smile problem child
Since I got stuck in wild
Tears from my mothers when. I was in the womb soon
To come out a punish those whom
Had a problem with the way flip
My words aint script it's encrypt
Knowledge is power devour reign like a shower til the vary hour
My last breath death before dishonor feelin' like Conner
Terminators after me why cuz it's seems like they wanna Punish Me

Flip through tracks like an acrobat
True aristocrat f the democrats
We all about street stats cheat more than the Pats
Fools say they dogs but scream
Out like ***** cats imagine that?
Me loosin' who ya choosin'?
Me or them other phonies
Worshippers around me
Like I'm the black Madonna
Statue bless you guess whos?
Back again with the blacked Out benz with back tinted lens
We undercover lyrical smugglers
Heavy weight slugger I go for the juglar
Vein til every ounce of blood is drained simple and plain
Go against the grain
I got gangsters who pack the macks so don't turn ya back
Unless ya wanna get burned and turned
Over to the undertaker meet to maker
Word to the Anita Baker
Givin' the best flows I got
Like who shot?
Ya not Chris Wallace but chickas call me big poppa break em off proper
Shoot an 8ball in the bathroom stall
**** I'm fallin' like Denzel
Seen visions of hell as my brain sails
Into another dimension
Tainted reality living life bad as can be
Chainsawin' lyrics causin' massacres
In Texas don't none wanna plex with us
I'm from the 3rd ward born hard
Sniff out fraud
Fools snitchin' for a few grand large take another charge
Of the cannibus plantin' a fist
To adversary who tried to dissed
Dismissed know ya gettin' a kiss
Mothers bending over ya casket
No tears in the end come again
I seen colors blowing with the wind
I'm talkin blood and sin gin
Sippin' No slippin' rippin'
Styles with my vo-cals hit on the dial
If you suspect foul
Play makes for doomsday with the AK pray that I don't find you in a alley
Roamin' alone the dark zone
Death is a ransom
Why all this drama on me
**** it seems like they wanna Punish me?????????
Travis Green Jun 2020
Let’s pay homage to many innocent black lives that were taken by
the corrupt system:  Martin Luther King Jr.  Malcom X.  Emmett Till.  George Stinney.  Will Brown.  Sandra Bland.  Trayvon Martin.  Ahmaud Arbery.  Breonna Taylor. George Floyd.  David McAtee.  Natosha “Tony” McDade.  Yassin Mohamed.  Finan H. Berhe.  Sean Reed.  Steven Demarco Taylor.  Ariane McCree.  Terrance Franklin.  Miles Hall.  Darius Tarver.  William Green.  Samuel David Mallard.  Kwame “KK” Jones.  De’von Bailey.  Christopher Whitfield.  Anthony Hill.  Eric Logan.  Jamarion Robinson.  Gregory Hill Jr.  JaQuavion Slaton.  Ryan Twyman.  Brandon Webber.  Jimmy Atchison.  Willie McCoy.  Emantic “Ej” Fitzgerald Bradford Jr.  D’ettrick Griffin.  Jemel Roberson.  DeAndre Ballard.  Botham Shem Jean.  Robert Lawrence White.  Anthony Lamar Smith.  Ramarley Graham.  Manuel Loggins Jr.  Wendell Allen.  Kendrec McDade.  Larry Jackson Jr.  Jonathan Ferrell.  Jordan Baker.  Victor White III.  Dontre Hamilton.  Eric Garner.  John Crawford III.  Michael Brown.  Ezell Ford.  Dante Parker.  Kajieme Powell.  Laquan McDonald.  Akai Gurley.  Tamir Rice.  Rumain Brisbon.  Tony Robinson.  Mario Woods.  Quintonio LeGrier.  Gregory Gunn.  Akiel Denkins.  Alton Sterling.  Philando Castile.  Terrance Sterling.  Terrence Crutcher.  Keith Lamont Scott.  Alfred Olango.  Jordan Edwards.  Stephon Clark.  Danny Ray Thomas.  Dejuan Guillory.  Patrick Harmon.  Jonathan Hart.  Maurice Granton.  Julius Johnson.  Jamee Johnson.  Michael Dean.  Keith Childress.  Bettie Jones.  Kevin Matthews.  Michael Noel.  Leroy Browning.  Leroy Nelson.  Miguel Espinal.  Nathaniel Pickett.  Tiara Thomas.  Cornelius Brown.  Jamal Clark.  Richard Perkins.  Michael Lee Marshall.  Alonzo Smith.  Anthony Ashford.  Dominic Hutchinson.  Lamontez Jones.  Rayshaun Cole.  Paterson Brown.  Christopher Kimble.  Junior Prosper.  Keith McLeod.  Wayne Wheeler.  Lavante Biggs.  India Kager.  Tyree Crawford.  James Carney.  Felix Kumi.  Asshams Manley.  Christian Taylor.  Troy Robinson.  Brian Day.  Michael Sabbie.  Billy Ray Davis.  Samuel Dubose.  Darrius Stewart.  Albert Davis.  Salvado Ellswood.  George Mann.  Jonathan Sanders.  Freddie Blue.  Victo Larosa.  Spencer McCain.  Kevin Bajoie.  Zamiel Crawford.  Jermaine Benjamin.  Kris Jackson.  Kevin Higgenbotham.  Ross Anthony.  Richard Gregory Davis.  Curtis Jordan.  Markus Clark.  Lorenzo Hayes.  De’Angelo Stallsworth.  Dajuan Graham.  Brandon Glenn.  Reginald Moore.  Nuwnah Laroche.  Jason Champion.  Bryan Overstreet.  David Felix.  Terry Lee Chatman.  William Chapman.  Samuel Harrell.  Freddie Gray.  Norman Cooper.  Brian Acton.  Darrell Brown.  Frank Shephard III.  Walter Scott.  Donald “Dontay” Ivy.  Eric Harris.  Phillip White.  Dominick Wise.  Jason Moland.  Bobby Gross.  Denzel Brown.  Brandon Jones.  Askari Roberts.  Terrance Moxley.  Anthony Hill.  Bernard Moore.  Naeschylus Vinzant.  Tony Robinson.  Charly Leundeu “Africa” Keunang.  Darrell Gatewood.  Deontre Dorsey.  Thomas Allen Jr.  Lavall Hall.  Calvon Reid.  Gerdie Moise.  Terry Price.  Natasha McKenna.  Jeremy Lett.  Kevin Garrett.  Alvin Haynes.  Artago Damon Howard.  Tiano Meton.  Andre Larone Murphy Sr.  Leslie Sapp.  Brian Pickett.  Frank Smart.  Matthew Ajibade.

There are so many more that have died at the hands of the prejudice system.  All of you will never be forgotten.  Your legacy will forever live on.  Rest in Paradise to the fallen angels.
Denzel Zulu Sep 2020
Thank you
For being there for me when I needed you the most

For helping me no matter the cost
for motivating me when I felt lost
Thank you
for the love you gave me
you made a lonely soul like me feel like a king

For picking me up when I fell down
for making me smile when you see me frown

For the memories we shared, for the good times too
I just wanted you to know that I love you

By Denzel Zulu
Yes yes yall yess yes  yall we finna have a ball,,

Yes yes yall yess yes  yall we finna have a ball,,

What's up honey, I see you looking good, love dove, come gather a hug,
Im Not a **** or a bug, I just wanna keep you snugged, tight under my sight,
Pictures of us, family divine chosen, graze for the ozem, til we frozen,
Wealth stance, focus on the skies romance,  take a glance, at the weather,
Clouds speaking, saying let's stay together spiritually sewed, so endeavor,
The free breeze, from the wind talking these,    aired out my poetry, symphony,
Babygirl it's just you and me, we ain't gotta be, each others enemy,
Hair wavy, pretty as can be, love the way your honey buns seats,
Greets, a certain kind of measure, love ya feminine texture, quoted in scripture,
Psalms 31, and I knew this day would come, kiss your tears, sway from the slums,
And baby girl dont play dumb, followed the heartbeats to your drum,
And how come, so many wanna see us, break males out the scenery,
Sweet scent so heavenly, cleverly I sit back and watch the bees, laying honey,
Its funny, these leeches ain't got no heart, stuck with you, from the very start,
Couldn't see us apart, ways everydays I think of new ways, to glaze,
Ya mind shine, like the sun half women half amazing, eyes glaring staring,
Deep into my soul, feel your love losing control, Iet me take steer,
Of ya wheel, give you a feel that you could never feel, true whip appeal,
Baby face, lotions is potent got my nose open, visuals to a scoping,
Slim waist, gave my mental glands a taste, leaning on the tips of faith,
Got me losing hope and, wicked shell, got me looking jealous as hell,
Must a be spell, somewhere I'm fallen like Denzel, will I ever prevail,
They say love and lust, dont go together but I see they love to be severed,
I put my money, over mind and mind over time, chilling in the lights of lime,
Sublime signs, giving to me be the unruly divine, lay my finger tips on ya spine,
Look deep into your eyes, count the sparkle, like the sunrise, hot in your thighs,
Feel your pie, baking soon begins, a vibration, channel the station,
It's just you and me, taking on society quietly, I write so peacefully,
Can you see me, naw dont run from the treasures, of nights in pleasure,
I can tell, ya vibes got alot on ya shell, so just let my love dwell, break ya spell,
Kiss and tell, yo it never fails, let me stand on top, knock out ya knots,
Ya so ****, you could make desert rocks cry, without tears falling, from the sky,
And dont ask why, I feel like this, I m.just letting the spirits walk this,
Talk into your brittle soul, regain the console, from the degrees of your angle, let me untangle, your love bow, I can feel it deeply in a strangle,
Yenson Sep 2018
The East-end Thief Christine Macfatty
she said " We'll use a sledge-hammer to crack a nut"
We have taken a proxy contract out on you
with our mates from the Socialist Left, you're a goner!

So the Red Devils starts their Criminal gangstalking
An insidious campaign of harassment and intimidation
smears, slander, defamation, hounding, provocation,
vilification, obstruction, invasion of privacy, theft,
framing, mobbing, bullying, humiliation  everything possible
that could drive a person insane or to suicide.

These scums were protecting their Crookish mates
They had to ruin and discredit me to cover the guilt
the shame and crime of their fellow scums and guttersnipes.
they gloated ' the best form of defence is attack'
And attack and attack and attack they did, relentlessly.
I have done nothing wrong, I did not steal from no-one
I will not be intimidated by Criminals and lying scums

People they have lied to and fooled are beginning to see
A lot have realize the truth and they are losing mass support
The Red Scums are now bribing people to do their harassment,
be involved in their street theater skits, to join in public mobbing.
They have become desperate because people now know the truth
They don't want you to know, they have lied and hoodwinked

They have pedalled fake news, to rope fooled people into mobbing
and their stupid deluded street theater harassment nuisances.
I don't have a complex about my profile, I have a high forehead
so what, go look Ant of Ant and Dec, go look Christian Benteke,
go look Denzel Washington and thousand other males.
I don't have a complex about break-ins, so leave as many doors
open as you like.
I know I have excellent personal hygiene, so vilify about **** on me
as much as you like and my feet don't smell, so keep that up too.
Yes I am overweight, I am not going to **** myself for that
And I know 100% I am not Gay, if I was I am brave enough to own
and admit it.
You Scums don't intimidate or frighten me one tiny bit, I am not some trembling anxious victim. I will keep on airing the TRUTH.
You are thieves, ******, low life scums, People are seeing it now.
You are the desperate frightened low-life scums.

You now want to drive me away from this site by using your
Cyber-stalkers and asinine Haters to stop my poetry.
Lets see how that goes.....

Your psychotic Sledgehammer still swings as crazy as you all are!
Christine Macafatty and her Gangster Family are THIEVES.
TOM,  JOAN, KELLY are thieves as all their Criminal mates and the Red Socialist militants, helping them.  

Donovan Rooney Jun 2019
Too many Sins, Johnny
Neurons change to Jimmy Neutron
Curry tastes as good as Denzel in my ears
Thank you Mr. West, Stephen
No Kings, solely Kendrick
jeffrey conyers Oct 2021
Don't use the movies to try to make yourself, the perfect man?
Eventually, you come to the realization, they only playing apart.

And in facts and truth, even your perfect man will have faults.

Too many of you want a Gere or Denzel type.
Like, you comprehend everything nice about their lives.

A perfect man falls under the word image.
Then don't most of us?
Presenting a pretense to those, we are trying to win to love.
Raw ******, these  beats,
Like im between sheets,
Ghostface Yosef and Redhead,
Up in the place,
No need to place for a race,
Im taking over the case,
Clientel like Denzel,
Guaranteed youll be fallen well,
Lay the spell,
Cosmic gospels, unvip holy vessel,
Check my rap cathedral,
Unravel the evil,
To enemies playing as needles,
Folks saying, we need you,
Only when its beneficial,
Grand ralley,
Work out this joint like Salley,
Bump the host,
Lets take another champagne,
Bottles to toast,
And none come close,
Let the chickens come home to roost,
All dues paid, i rock a fade,
Never leave home without a burner or a blade,
Faster with the cut, now tell me, how many women wanna shake their ****,
I make classicals, old school bionic, plus the tapes is magical,
Federic gave me the brick,
Made it build well,
You can tell, by smell of my breath,
It's another fish scale,
This aint a fairytales,
We only hold knowledge,
To the Hidden gods, reveal
Hot the mic, tight, and rock the crowds with feel,
Stepped back like Harden,
Fools is finished, once they begin starting,
James Brown protege,
Miss the JBs, funky drummer,
Playing in the days of the hummer,
Hot summer,
Dime singles, looking good, ready  to crack the Pringle,
Catch the girlies in a tingle,
Gold on my wrist,
Watch get 'em to a mingle,
Spiritual dust, pixie wrapped these pale bunnies like dixie,
They love 'em wide and thick,
Tree trunk, heavy as metal punk,
Ill put scabs on ya donk,
As ya mind gets sunk,
Deeper than a ocean, got the potion, to rock the notion,
Three degrees, served haters, like mobs of Genovese,
As i release,
Street poetry, candy land wonder woman fantasy,
I make any beat look easy,
Please believe me,
Peacock feather hat, with the elephant suit to match,
Pour out another batch, space age, renaissance is where its at,
Reality is
most real
at 0300
**** the
Witch of November
that dizzy *****
ain't got ****
on the
titanocunt of the morning
The proverbial Kong
to our collective
That hag
cuts cold
cuts pure
like the
fine Colombian
fabled yore
Cuts deep
through the hazy
procastinatory fog
of the day's
delusional din
Hey Nineteen
I remember you too
Sleep tight
you Simple Minded
don't you
don't you
forget about me
'Cause I'm acomin'
comin' 'round that corner
Krueger claws
and krugerrands
'Cause this old man
is definitely
too old for
this ****

he'd just
like to
Yo, this aint no fantasy scheme,
Or to get, shakes like Hakeem,
Smoke and mirros, coke theme,
Its like Scarface,
Mixed with Wus cream,
Catch my drift, i bet i could make the game shift,
Check it,
All yall hear is murders on the records,
more murders,
But scared to ****, the ones,
Who really murdered us,
Get it, naw forget it,
Ill probably be admitted,
Looked over and *******,
Cuz most aint really with it,
Talking guns,
Like its father and sons,
But get mad,
When the system says they done,
They don't want no fun,
So go ahead, and flash ya gun,
You aint peepin the hungerin',
That the beast,
Loves to feast on,
Aggravated with aggression,
While negative *****,
Seems like, the only ambition,
Spoken true in fruiton,
See the rich, getting richer,
And the poors, aint peepin the picture,
Cant have ties to Christ,
And at the same, try to rock ya ice,
While eating a slice,
Of the devil pie,
See the glare in they eye,
Dark *** ****, like when they got hit,
On some gay, ritual ****,
Ya favorite rapper, ain't really Innocent,
Just look at, how they rise,
And you spitting the real,
Ya wont rise,
I used to wanna be a fly guy,
Roll with my peeps,
In the pinto, of a drive by,
But saw the hurt, in they family eyes,
But saw smiles in the enemies that lied,
Its alot of Denzel, playing with the cartel,
Up the community, but at the same time making hell,
How can i dwell,
In the flames, of earth, if im been cursed since my birth,

I fell in love
with Cary Grant

when I was 9 -
Christmas time.

He was being
an angel.

A celluloid angel
but an angel nonetheless.

It was just after
my sister's death.

I had always hoped
that the Angel Grant would appear

and make her death
go away.

I waited year after year
hoping her death would

but the world

was always
the world

and held her death
within its living.

And here I am again
almost 64




To me this is the essence of my Christmas childhood and I waited each year for it to show and it would invariably do so. I prayed to Cary Grant to come and change my world back again. But it could never be...the same again..

The Bishop's Wife, also known as Cary and the Bishop's Wife, is a Samuel Goldwyn romantic comedy feature film from 1947, starring Cary Grant, Loretta Young, and David Niven in a story about an angel who helps a bishop with his problems.

The film was adapted by Leonardo Bercovici and Robert E. Sherwood from the 1928 novel of the same name by Robert Nathan, and was directed by Henry Koster.

It was remade in 1996 as The Preacher's Wife starring Denzel Washington, Whitney Houston, and Courtney B. Vance.

— The End —