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oh my stars May 2015
You are not a teacher.
You are a:
A friend.
You are not a teacher.
I don't think people realise how much of an impact a teacher can have on the life of a self-conscious, self-loathing teenager with excruciatingly low self-esteem. This poem is dedicated to my wonderful GCSE English teacher who has helped me immensely over the last two years. I wouldn't be me without her. Thanks Miss :)
Paul d'Aubin May 2016
Le manifestant

Il avait manifesté, tant et plus.
Dans l'après 68, casqué,
parmi tant de jeunes copines et copains.
Il courait vite alors et cela valait mieux.
Car la police n'était pas tendre.
Mais c'était comme un rituel
de courses, de lacrymos
et de chevelures dénouées.
L'époque semblait alors grand ouverte,
à la jeunesse, aux guitares et aux robes à fleurs.
Tandis que les posters du «Che» régnaient sur les murs des chambres d'adolescents.
Lorsque Franco, le cacochyme, l’infâme,
voulut, avant de mourir, accroître sa moisson de victimes.
Cela chauffa fort devant le consulat
Espagnol, à Toulouse.
Il fallait maîtriser la peur des détonations,
et se tenir bien droit dans la chaîne,
lorsque les hommes casqués qui
avaient aussi peur que nous,
reçurent l'ordre de charger.
Sales moments pour les services d'ordre,
Entre chocs de casques contre casques,
Tels des chevaliers des temps jadis,
avec leurs heaumes.
Puis les années passèrent, les copains s'égayèrent.
La venue de l'âge adulte déboulait dans nos vies,
avec sa part de réalisations et d'oublis des serments.
Certains tournèrent complètement casaque,
et commencèrent à se prendre au sérieux,
en jouant aux patrons branches ou aux conseilleurs officieux.
D'autres furent laissés pour compte.
et s'en prirent aux plus faibles qu'eux,
votèrent pour le borgne et sa fille
qui leur promettaient de rendre de
rebâtir la France en rendant la vie
plus dure a de pauvres hères basanés.
qu'ils suspectaient si sottement
de réduire leur part de droits sociaux.
C'était des temps bien médiocres à
l'haleine fétide.
Dans les cafés, les propos volaient bas,
Comme des projectiles
et les plus hargneux régnaient par leurs outrances,
comme le loup cervier sur la meute apeurée.
Et puis, fut élu, François Hollande, non par son charisme mais surtout par défaut.
Il avait l'air bonhomme paraissait bienveillant.
Et puis Sarko nous avait épuisés
et exaspères,
par son ego de montgolfière, son agitation incessante,
et sa manie de dresser les uns contre les autres,
et de courir sus aux boucs émissaires.
Nous n'attendions pas un Zorro, mais nous eûmes droit au sergent Garcia,
Et funeste erreur, ce Président apaisé, trop tranquille,
fit appel à Manuel Valls, ce querelleur, cet hidalgo ombrageux.
Alors s'instaura le temps des reniements et des provocations répétées,
ou il fallait battre sa coulpe et ne plus prononcer le mot «socialisme».
C’était l’éternelle fable du nouveau et des vieux !
Mais ce nouveau avait un air et un goût de ranci et de Finances aussi.
Comme comme une cerise bien amère sur le gâteau et ces goûts d'alcool frelaté,
surgit la «loi Travail» comme un pied de nez
fait à celles et ceux qui en manquaient
Et dont le cout baissait incessamment
Nous fumes beaucoup à nous réveiller hagards,
et à reprendre le chemin des manifs,
Ou nous virent des «robocops» super équipés,
nous serrer de trop près; ambiance détestable,
pendant que nos mandants, élus pour faire tout autre chose.
S'efforçaient de nous enfumer et de créer maintes diversions.
C'était moins marrant qu'en notre jeunesse.
Mais il fallait ne pas lâcher, pour transmettre l'Esprit et la Flamme.
Nous avions quand même, la gorge serrée,
de voir d'ancien amis raconter des salades,
et se battre désormais pour la préservation de leurs postes,
Et de quelques prébendes.
Mais comment était-ce arrive ?
Comment avaient-ils pu oublier ce qu'ils avaient été !
Et venir défendre ce qu'ils avaient combattu ?
L'histoire est bien cyclique et l'être fragile comme un roseau.
Ça ne fait rien, j'étais redevenu manifestant, opposant.
Je gardais comme l'oiseau bleu ma conscience pour moi.
Et je pourrais dire un Jour à mon enfant,
«Le plus beau diamant est ta vérité intérieure et ta conscience
Maintien ton Esprit pur avant que de prétendre changer le Monde.»

Paul Daubin
Had I devoted my lifetime writing on her
I wouldn’t have gone far.

*The loveliest woman she’s calm and quiet
Endures the tantrums of a none-too-good poet
She speaks so little her eyes are oceans
Silent demonstrator of the deepest emotions!

She is hardly heard on her demands are hard
Her secret dreams get no fanciful word
Isn’t a wife a mother she is beyond and more
A balm of burned heart a smile at the door!

She is the evening in the deep summer noon
Quench of soul’s thirst mind’s melodious tune
The rain on parched earth scent of the soil
The priceless fruit best reward of God’s toil!

She is the harbinger of all aspirations’ seeds
The carer the giver the nourisher of needs
She stands where seems the end of the road
Makes a life full a home love’s abode!
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Cat-like lotto being scratched off
Shades dressed to the nines
Cat Women whites and Gray's
Pulling out her men's hairballs

Chatty Patty pancakes hearts
online more calcium her
bone Inn limit
Thank God! its' Friday
However, did it come to
the number 13 Orange
Pumpkin heads
Minus the 4 days she
needed her nine lives
back in bed

So finicky to test our time
Pulling all strings her nose cute
as a  black spot button,
Beguiled black baby cat on
her futon Miss pretty Kitty

He's the Navy Seal
The coach sealing the deal
Having *** appeal from
Heaven to earth 4 For 4
Wendy Tuna smells
Fortune tells the Luna
Cat on hot tin roof tiger print tabby,
The Egyptian Robbie dancer
starry eye glancer in the long
narrow alley Maggie May
The heating cooking up his
finicky paw the last
religious supper huge day
The black cat she's got 
 hot legs I love you honey

Rod Stewart forever young
On the ladder kitten gloves of money

Lady in cat print what
Cat's meow man handlers
Not one flaw over her dresser
Becoming the cat calculator

Fiddler on Roof Lechaim
to Life maybe it's not what
it seems
Hollywood Stray Cats big
bang theory what priority
Black Coach  secrets Victoria
Women like cats in her diary
Windmills of the Gods

The Hail Mary mastery
Tell me your dreams
Don't spill the milk
How love drops sewed me
in silk thread the test of time
We shouldn't test ourselves
like an unfortunate crime
About time knowing oneself
Well the cat got your tongue
Chosen one shelf

Like a book  going stale
We need them
Cat Coach matchmaker
You're the miracle worker
The book speaks without
being told
But how quickly our hearts
could be sold now taking
the bar exam
And your "Miss Kitty"
making her best-baked yams
So illegally you stoled all the pink
His smile is playing on me
His tiger eyes  Cat Coach so tempted
And like hot shepherds pie flicked
It's not bad luck to see a cat
when you had lied
You get what you give
Something gives how fate pulls

Dreaming/Cat fusion/Cat Valley-pay
Just love the way he makes you feel
Not in harm's way home cooked meal
Like Independence day cool

Kissing your money goodbye
Two glasses of wine Athens
Bigger than life Black cat
Demonstrator making her
own world of peace
German tour bus
Sparkling beer and good
cheer black cat like a
good soldier
under the chair
Dark blue sailor
He was in the alley
With cans and faded glory
You would never realize
he had a cat story
The ancient days of Gladiators
All imitators full moon black cat

Came way too soon
Bodies of the women
were sold
Roman EmpireTrump
got hired play trumpets
But darkness prevails
Like the treachery
The California dreaming
but the truth primary
Love wilderness or blind love
wildfire but brings tenderness
She said, my husband,
died happily and the other lady
told her___?
But he was happy to die
From the old world or new
We get cat licked
New world marries right away
An old world  it takes 1 to 2 years
But cats life will be even better
Nine lives you could wait
Are defeat you fall into
his bait
__tails Cat dynasty
Spartacus like bonafide
Princesses in the Coach
Teaching at the college
Taking a long tree ride
Get roared out Big Tigers
coach Please Papa Preach
About Cats, I wanted to jazz this up I hope you love milk and even silk we need new threads lets dream on or go the alley make an undescribable supper maybe a little Dr. Seuss in my poem
Cedric McClester May 2015
By: Cedric McClester

If I may, let me give you the nexus
Of five biker gangs in Waco Texas
Clearly with super fast reflexes
Who became deadly as well as reckless
They shot up Twin Peaks, their recruitment place
Nine of ‘em were killed in any case
And just as you might have assumed it
Many more were seriously wounded

But unarmed demonstrator’s chants
Of no justice no peace
Calls for volleys of tear gas at the very least
And tanks to move in along with the police
But not in Waco where the violence increased
I don’t get it, but am I suppose to
Why the system does the things that it do
But that doesn’t mean I don’t wish I knew

If you’re looking for
Any semblance of sameness
Pursuing that end would only be aimless
Until recently all five were nameless
Despite identifiers on the back of their vests
Now on the other hand, if they were black
They’d be called nothing short of a mad wolf pack
And the National Guard would have had to react

The Cossacks and Banditos
Are two names that emerged
Now there are fewer of ‘em  
Since they’ve been purged
It became very clear that they were on the verge
Of reeking all out havoc and mayhem
Forcing the cop to arrest and slay ‘em
As they ferociously tried to somehow delay ‘em

Copyright © 2015  Cedric McClester.   All rights reserved.
No Semblance Of Sameness points to the dichotomy between how peaceful black demonstrators are treated, as opposed to violent armed biker gangs.
Ken Pepiton Mar 2023
let us,
sets the scene, be willing as one,
let us, parlay
vou and us, a we of two, me'n'sie, du,
oui, yes us a we of Bully good,
no, not bully ******,
but good you know
the adjective, no, no, never, we are sheep.
- the code of the mission positioned

We come among you who live among lions,
to promise, we shall **** all your lions,
and your unicorns, and any other trophy,
we wish,
and impress upon our soldiers, to wish for,
wish to me becoming a mighty hunter,
take pride good boy being,
in serving sons
of kings wives
in Prussia, two centuries back.

Slave or serf, or local peasant, miner son,
after the mines killed all the grandfathers.
- we went to Texas

Faith of those fathers who learned to read,
decidedly different,
- then to Arizona, back to Arkansas
then back
then back and forth, to California,
2023… core levant in our mindshare,
place of peace and clean sweet water

a code, acquired from a conversation,
with my second granddaughter,
as she played at playing the old piano,
demonstrator of deep
infinity, from the left most key and pedal

til I hurt myself

I grinned until it hurt, at coknowing
snowflakes are never the same,
in any given snowstorm,
she has seen, close up,
she has watched a snowflake form,

and she agrees when I say, something must know.
That no two use the exact same pattern,
regulation snow rules must apply to each flake.
Real time.
Three parts of a mighty fine day.
Warmth passed when the flame was taken from light
The chills of quite hours
the beat that  is communication and song, in sound,  my heart..
it's the only voice  
that ever  speaks to me.
My breaths are  the only additional voices that I hear
That are  steady and bright

Blood flows through my veins
The draft of the fall weather flows from the cracks in the windows

These things are guaranteed and something you can depend on..
When everyone else seem to  be  way too important
over you
Pain remains in the heart....deep stains.

Another year  and another lost soul
The circle of People's Temporary Presence
Like the clock
It measures time until the end of the day.
A never ending repetitive way
like the spinning of the Earth
where one stays weak and quiet
Years take their toll.
Another fork in the road
leading to another sunny way.

You have no where to go.
If you had a way to get to them or go somewhere
Where would one go?
When the curtain of the act
when you arrive for your part in the play
is already at the end of the show.

Walking down highways
of travels life's souls...
Most you see are able to be together.
Like billboards they advertise their wonderful gift
of love
as you are the loner being advertised a product
One you never seem to have the resources to obtain.. such ..
in no matter of once thought of successful processes
to acquire the needed assets.

The products fail to be affordable in stock or available on the selected love's store  shelves
in what means that are negotiable
for purchase from  the store's stock
or  negotiable for sale's ways.

Trust of the system
which love or friendship is disbursed
is questioned.
Limited quantities or lack of credit obtain such
Beats your knee caps like the baseball bat of misery
Until you need a crutch.

You brave the storms and try again.
It is a demonstrator vehicle
Which you must return to love's dealership
after the timer on the sale's representative's clocks
Marks the end of short lived beloved travels
Walking, once again, nobody gives you the needed credit
because of the fights to survive or the constant
fights to prove you are the brighter one
From which you've travelled such roads and have been.
The way to earn the scores...
The fail to measure such....
As a one sided dice
Such never offers a game
to  ever have been a possible   win ...seen

The successful love economy brokers tell you how it is done
how you must do the steps to earn what you need
You sign the contract
However, the small type, at the bottom of the now signed pages
in the limitation section
and exceptions portion of such
Prevent you from obtaining the credit to earn that special someone.
Bob B Aug 2017
Let's call it what it is
And NOT cater to far-right haters--
Neo-Nazis, white supremacists,
And KKK demonstrators--

Who in polo shirts and carrying
Tiki torches in the night
Proclaim to us that expressing their hatred
And bigotry is their right.

Let's not legitimize
Efforts to take us back in time--
Efforts to recultivate
A prejudicial paradigm.

Trump and his administration
Of nativists and alt-right advisers,
Have openly given a green light to
Racist rally organizers.

Fringe groups that were somewhat obscured,
Have stepped into the light of day,
Emboldened by what irresponsible
Leaders might say or not say.

People were injured in the discord;
A counter demonstrator was killed.
Let's not allow desires for odious
Racial injustice to be fulfilled.

A president who says he wants
To make American great again
Is really much better at
Making America hate again.

-by Bob B (8-16-17)
Ellis Reyes Sep 2020
Who Are You?

You are the illegal alien who burns my country’s flag
You are the teenager who breaks my shop’s windows
You are the one in the hoodie who spat on the Veteran in a wheelchair
You are the **** who hit my daughter, the cop, with a brick
You are the one who firebombed the courthouse
You are the rioter who put me out of a job
You are the ‘demonstrator’ who vandalized my apartment building
You are the activist who looted the stores
You are the gunman who kills dozens of people every week in Chicago
You are the ******* who hobnobs with the rich and famous –
Because you are too.

I don’t care who you vote for.
I despise you for what you do.
A companion to "Who Am I"
Cedric McClester Jun 2020
By: Cedric McClester

Instead of standing in front of a church
With a Bible in his hand
For a photo opportunity
He needs to understand
What’s inside the Bible
Providing that he can
Instead of proving cover
For the Ku klux ****

Instead of going to the shrine
Of Pope John Paul Two
A giant of a man
That you hardly knew
You see the things he stood for
You haven’t got a clue
Or you wouldn’t do
The things that you do

Instead of trying to play the role
Of some kind of dictator
By trying to take control
Of the peaceful demonstrator
Why not promote love?
But, you prefer to be a hater
Throwing  verbal bombs
Separating like a crater

Instead of doing your very best
To sow seeds of discord
So the members of your base
Feel free to jump aboard
Why  not promote a sense
Of common unity
Instead of being on the fence
Whether what I’m saying
To you, makes any sense

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2020.  All rights reserved.

— The End —