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Who gives the adjectives of beauty?

Fair, slim, slender, beautiful says who?

We have seen dark girls getting married,

We have seen fair girls house being broken,

We have seen short, fat, thin, tall, curly haired, silky haired all getting married with time.

We have also seen girls being victim of defination of beauty.

We have seen Girls being victimized for being ugly at birth,

We have seen plain featured ladies taunting and finding faults in young girls.

We have heard remedies for fairness in turmeric, gram flour, saffron, almonds, potato, lime sandal,

We had heard the stories of Cleopatra and her beauty,

We had seen Rani Padmini dying in fire for beauty that she had,

We had seen girls being victim of acid attacks,

We had seen fights and wars for a beautiful dame,

We had also seen
An unseen beauty of
A five year old
16 year old
50 year old
90 year old
A goat
A cow
Being *****, tortured and killed,

Powder, cream, glow for face, acne on face and scars on face, bloated belly are these adjectives to bringing remedies for beauty correct?
Who gave the right for these even to be labelled?

It's high time we should kick the definitions of beauty.

It's time to change the defination of beauty,

Do what the heart says and create own "defination of beauty".

Sparkle In Wisdom
Kathy Z Aug 2013
Something without a definition, I guess,
is one of the most curious things about this world.

Something that isn't in the dictionary of words that overwhelm and pour
over and over and over again
in your mind, like a water spout
cannot be stopped sometimes-
You just have to accept that

It's amazing, really.
How many words that you cannot simply "define"
Like 'sweet' 'salty'
words that are in your brain, but no matter how you dig and uproot the word
it's not there anymore.

Leaves, trees, and infallible, useless things
they all make up the world as we know it,
millions of little things upon little things
sugar crumbles and salt sprinkles
upon salty and sweet caramel sundaes.
John Mwania Jan 2013
I cant think if am not thinking of you,
I cant live if living is without you
I don't want to wake up tomorrow
If ill wake only to meet my sorrow

I know a man ain't supposed to cry
But all the same i do try
so let my words shed the tears
meant for my eyes
my pen bleed in place of my heart

I cant live if living is without you
You are my definition of life.
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
Now i am beging for life i want to be live,
who will give a right to exist,
human being is a creation of god,
i want to being a human but i am not,
for me stress depress are common words,
these words have great impact on my,
present world;
like all persons i am not,
i have learnt those lessons my life taught,
fighting for love and standing at the edge of death is my present and also my past,
but now i want to live till the world ends and long may i last,
demons be modified with love and patience & if they are not discriminated & blamed,
iamgination is the colourful world we can see,
we an fill our favourite colours and can be  the one we want to be,
cant calculate my problems which i have beacuse i cant remember them and cant judge myself what i am,
Yashika Thareja Jan 2019
From Considering our family members as our family
To considering facebook , Instagram and whatsapp as our family
Teenage has created differences in our families.
From crying over lost pencils and pens
To crying over fake people and friends
Teenage has given us some major teachings and lessons.
From completing assignments on time
To requesting for some extra time
Teenage has made us forget the value of time.
From making time to watch our favourite TV shows
To hardly getting time to watch any show
Teenage has made our lives a puppet show.
From carrying a bag full of books to  school
To carrying only one book to look cool
Teenage has given us it's own defination of how to become cool.
From saving money in our piggy banks
To making Zero balance in our banks
Teenage has made us apart from our lovely piggy banks.
From dying to go to family get togethers
To finding excuses to avoid these get togethers
Teenage has separated us from our lovely get together.
From having a huge friend circle
To having only a genuine friend circle
Teenage has taught us the value of having a good friend circle.
From completing syllabus a month before exam
To opening syllabus a night before exam
Teenage has ruined the results of our exams.
Oh Teenage !
Oh Teenage! You are incredibly incredible,
But please be safe to us so that we too can become Incredible.
It's a fun to enjoy your loving years,
But please make sure that you won't left us in tears.
Our journey with you will always  be remembered ,
Afterall You are a phase to be always remembered.!!
Sjr1000 Feb 2018
It's very uninformed
It thought

It always has a destination
Always needs directions

Meets the defination
of a paraplegic

"Lights on, Molly"
"Lights off Molly"
"TV on"

"Toast crisp, dear Mollie
"Slow cooker four hours"

It's always very disconnected

Cassie calling

Blood pressure warning
Heart rate 135
Oxygen 8%

Cassie disconnected

Molle is never alone
always connected to the
neural net
Every device on planet Earth,
Traveling with New Horizon
until the end of time

Ron calling
Volume down
Bluetooth off
Ron disconnected

"Search divorce attorney "
"Search mortuary"
"Search cyanide purchases"

"Bluetooth on"
"Tears of rage
Tears of grief
turn on, M

"Search best way to cook
brussel sprouts"
"Search beano"

Battery 15%


Molee powering  off.
Born Jul 2014
i never paid much attention
i practice things i'll never say
Still rewriting defination of audacity
Head on the pillow
in my dreams
i never spoke until you died
in my dreams
I feel the earth move beneath me.

I am calm, I am content.
Jimmy Desire Sep 2011
I’m trying to find substance in something that’s transparent
But it seems to elude me before I get the chance
Like the wind,
It comes and goes as it pleases
And leaves its mark on the hearts of men
Uncertainty fills their mind as they attempt to remember when
they were consumed by it's affliction
and what it's done to them.

the memory flies by quick
but in the moment its timeless
its the simple things that make it all worth it
but in the end
those are the hardest to remember
what was it that i was feeling?
and when can i feel it again?
because like a drug im addicted to the amount of satisification
it brings
better yet i guess i'm addicted to the kinda person she is

love has no defination
so even if i cant tell you what it is exactly
let me descibe it in my words...
it's wanting to wake up next to you
to catch you at your most peaceful
its having you by my side
with interlocking fingers exploring the world
its being stingy and incredibily unreasonable about the time you spent without me
its something you never expected
but a feeling you never want to go away.
its letting go even you dont want to
its discovering that they mean more to you than u thought.
Akash mazumdar Sep 2014
You know this who i am.
And i am just lookin at you,
fire burning in my heart my life is only for you,
when you smile,
whole world stops and stand for a while,
the secret of defination of my happiness,
it's all about you love's bless,
what i see in your eyes,
it's the place where my all imaginations flies,
all moments which i spend with you,
that's the favourite thing that i want to to,
concluding all this words written below is true
i love you
Grace Thaba Sep 2019
Maybe it's the way that I catch you staring when I open my eyes and the sunlight has come alive
Or it might be the fact that you smile,and my whole world catches fire
They told us love is an imagination
But everytime you hold me near it becomes certain, you can't really give love a defination
They can't solve it- it's a feeling not a calculation
I know a place where we can be
A place where lovers are soaring free
Where you can be mine and I'll be yours
Where loving you becomes a way of life
I know a place where heartbeats race
A place Where cupid's grinning late at night
Where you'll be my knight and I your light
And loving you is just a way of life
When someone gives you that feeling you can't usually put to words,stop trana explain it and let yourself feel free-make loving a way of life
Henry Akeru Feb 2018
The smile you have
Is the 8th color of the rainbow;
The main essence of the rain!

The smile you have
Is  the patterns on the peacock;
The defination of grace and reign!

The Smile you have
Is the music in the waterfall;
The Majesty and grace of its name!

The smile You have
Can heal a broken heart;
Soft and silky like a lions royal mane!

The Smile you have 
To me is treasure at sea
I shall set sail to famous glory and fame!
Aayush Vasudeva May 2018
Lets take a trip to the past,
At a point in our lives where we were cast upon,
An enchanting and mesmerising spell,
By now,i am sure you can tell

A dimension in our time in this universe,
In which we could be free, no responsibilities,
An absence of the curse of maturity
That we have all been afflicted by,
But perhaps, we should try
To be more enthusiastic, a bit more jovial,
As we bid our childhood goodbye and put on a mask of righteousness, oh how we fell

Do what is necessary, do what is possible,
They say that is the defination of impossible,
But the child inside only has but one request,
To embrace enjoying life, cessating seriousness,
To not be a workaholic, or an alcoholic under stress,
But to see all with the eyes of an adolescent, perharps that is truly is for the best,
I guess the impossible lies in never saying goodbye to your inner child.
joel jokonia Feb 2018
Sometimes we tend to define some things in a whole lot of words
When only a few are needed
Like 'i love you'
Doesnt need further defination
Plain and simple to describe a feel thats not as plain and simple

I am Jae
I am a poet
ALINA Nov 2018
Shoot an arrow at bulls eye
One Quick fall made her fly
Glowing the same way
Red blue green yellow
Candles On cake
Only One special She wanted to Blow....
Randoms were beautiful
That One defined her age
Artist Singing on stage Would be of no Use
Without the Background Music From Backstage....
Unjustified Secrets deep
Nightmares during sleep
Beauty Is beauty cause
Of An Ugly One
Even Is Even cause of
That ODD One !

Imagin Defination of Healthy Life Without a bit of FuN !!
misterN Aug 2020
After laying Eyes on you
Beauty has a new Defination

— The End —