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Diska Kurniawan Apr 2016
Pernahkah terlintas dalam pikiranmu,
tentang seseorang yang hadir di beranda?
Dialah yang menangkap setiap
perasaan bimbang dan cemasmu
Pernahkah engkau benar-benar merasa takjub,
ketika ia mengatakan: "Burung kolibri merah dadu itu kuterbangkan dari hatiku, hanya untukmu. Sungguh." Lalu kaucuri sepasang bintang dari tatapannya yang amat cemerlang. Pernahkah?
Kef. Tak terasa bertahun-tahun telah bertemu dia.
Ivy Mukherjee Feb 2015
And, you left me all alone,
left in such a silence that
I could't even believe you are about to leave.

You left an undefined scar in my soul and
my teardrops enchanted those memories we shared together
and laughed over them hours.

You went away in such silence
that all I could do is just NOTHING
but hearing you to mourn in such dogma.

Tears just drop by my cheeks and I just
wish you to come down and tell me,
              "I am here, my darling,
               Don't you worry child....
               I can't ever leave you alone."

They said, life isn't fair, life is never trustworthy.
Now I see an feel that hard every night.
I never felt that I can't hear your voice anymore anytime sooner or later.

It all comes and goes....
what matters is the in-between time
you spend together by thick and thin holding on to each other.

You were lying on the bed when
I last saw you and there also you were fighting
to get over that period.

Remember? We laughed there too when you said
you had 26 milk pies and I strictly said,
"Get well soon Dadu. After you go home you will be having curd-rice and "Khichudi".
..... And God never wanted that to happen maybe.
After that you couldn't go back home,
you left this virtual world that very night after suffering so profusely.

You were 72 and I was 22;
but we never bothered about this algorithm.

There were healthy talks over he sunsets, over the pages of my sketchbooks.
You were my biggest inspiration and critique for every work; cause you
always questioned their existence and morality.
You always chanted honesty throughout your life and give me
strength, so that I can follow your path.

One day, you will be a proud grandfather who will be seeing my works getting recognised all around the world and then we will laugh together...

Me, from the terrace and
You, from that sky.

Come soon,
come in a disguise,
come as my soulmate,
come as my midnight friend.....
....... but come back, please.
because Payel misses your presence and laughter.

I will weep and bawl on my bed some nights,
knowing I can't see you anytime ever.

That heart-wrenching pain and undefined scar in my lotus-heart will bloom someday with your desired presence in my success and failure both....    I believe so.

I believe in you,
I believe in us.
Because, God snatched one of my biggest possession without even asking for it.
You have to come back.....
... and you will.

To those talks and platonic love,
you are being missed Dadu.

I wish, I had some digits to call you up just to ask,
if they are providing you with some spicy food or not.

Rip Dadu(grandfather).
nobody can replace that emptiness which you made by going away.
laugh harder than ever and will try to cheers on life with that thought.
Shivani Mar 2016
Brown specs on eyes,There on the rocking chair,
You usually read the news,Brushing your black-grey hair.

Sipping a cup of tea,You waited for the breakfast,
And tried to wake me up,Which was a morning fuss.

Chanting my name,Thousand times a day,
Bring me a pencil,***** or nut,Was what you used to say.

Painting your face in green and blue,And colors which are very rare,
As you woke in the morning hue,The mirror would make you scare.

Request for movies,parks and restaurants,Were some of my daily affairs,
You were there to take me out,Even if no one cared.

You were the one who taught me how,To make the first cup of tea in my life,
And after every cup you were the one,Who gifted me a penny or five.

I really miss those days,When i was little kid,
Because there were so many things,Which we together did.

The countless activities included,Tons and tons of funny things,
Shall we remember each day,On the face it happiness brings...
A poem dedicated to my grandpa on his 75th b'day.
D Apr 2019
"Dalam segala manis dan tragisnya perkawinan,
Kami sebagai perempuan, mati berkali-kali
Dan lahir pula kembali—
Tentu juga berkali-kali

Disaat kau menyaksikan puluhan katup bibir yang mengatakan “Sah.”
Disaat itu pula,
Kau seakan disadarkan
Bahwa kau tak lebih dari pisau yang harus terus diasah

Bukan supaya tajam untuk dapat menikam,
Namun supaya siap mencacah manis-pahitnya peristiwa kehidupan menjadi dadu-dadu kecil
Lalu menanyakan untuk menyerapnya kembali
Untuk diri sendiri

Mati dan lahir lagi,
Bukan sebagai isteri,
Namun seutuhnya sebagai wanita yang mengayomi
Sampai akhirnya kematian itu berdiri di depan pintu
Untuk menjemputmu lagi

Disaat kau duduk dan melihat pandangan puluhan manusia
Yang seakan-akan mengatakan,
“Berpandailah dengan urusan dapur.”
Mereka dengan bodohnya menutup mata kepada fakta

Bahwa sekarang, kau adalah busur
Yang dengan senantiasa akan mengarahkan kemana anak-anak panahmu melaju
Kau, bertulang rusuk dan adalah tulang rusuk
Bukan tulang rusuk dari lanangmu,
Namun dari rumah segala rumah

Disaat insan keci itu menangis lahir,
Disitulah Tuhan dengan segala kuasa-Nya menyemukakanmu
Dengan kelahiran yang absolut.
Mutlak. Nyata. Tanpa majas atau embel-embel.

Kau, bukan hanya wanita bersusu yang menyusui;
Walau serapanmu terhadap puji-kejinya kehidupan
Akan juga diserap oleh ‘anak panah’ mu
Melalui air susu dan tutur katamu

Disaat kau melahirkan anak manusia,
Tentunya tanpa tanda tanya,
Kau betul-betul
Lahir kembali."
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2019
When there were no T.V's or cell phones,
When the sky was sequined with stars.
After dinner,family members and neighbours would gather outside on stone benches and chairs,
News and gossip would be shared with keen interest......
Whose wife ran away with whom,
Who delivered a baby,
Who was getting married.
Songs from the latest movie would be sung,
Stories and anecdotes  related,
It was fun.
We shared one apple and drank from the same bottle,
Are  fruits like mangoes and guavas from the fruitcarts without washing them,
Nothing happened to us.
We never went to a playground,
We played football,cricket, marbles, seven stones  and other games on the streets,
And if broke a window, we would run for our life.
We just popped in at our friends' house and shared their food,ate what was cooking in the kitchen,opened their fridges,
No formalities,
You didn't need a nanny to look after your children,
Extended family and neighbours helped out.
Everybody called the grandparents dadi or dadu,
The whole neighbourhood was one big happy family,
Those were the times.
In those days in the 50s 60s life was fun in E.Africa
Safira Azizah Apr 2021
Sukab yang naif dan tidak tahu diri,
aku masih hidup dan terpaksa
melayangkan surat ini kepadamu.

Aku mengelayap, mencari jalan pulang dengan nyawa yang sudah tak menempel di badan. Semenjak air bah tumpah ruah dari atas bukit kapur, nyawaku entah tersangkut di mana.

Mengapa aku masih hidup itu misteri. Mungkin karena cintamu yang sialan itu. Idih, menyatakannya saja membuatku mual dan jijik.

Akibat cintamu, hidupku terselaput kegelapan. Tapi lihatlah, bintang jatuh bertebaran di atas gelombang laut dan bayangannya terpantul-pantul, berbinar dan indah. Aku melihat wajahku dan bola mata yang tampak terang di antara kelegaman malam.

Apakah, akhir-akhir ini, batinmu kalut juga, Sukab?

Pemandangan di samudera membuat manusia menerawang jauh ke masa lalu dan sempurna melemparkan pikiran kepada dekapan kenangan. Persis seperti omong kosong yang kau selalu bicarakan dulu.

Bagaimana tentang akhir  hidup? Surga manakah yang sudi menerima kita? Akankah kita kembali atau mengembara lebih jauh lagi? Bisakah kau hitung dan bertaruh dengan dadu tentang nasib?

Aku tidak suka kira-kira,
aku mau jawaban yang pasti.

Jawab aku, Sukab.

— The End —