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Lou Mar 2018
My anger is a gift.
My anger is a gift

And for, that you will not acquit me.

So judge me.

I get it,
You wanna stick up for the little man
But what are the terms and conditions
you got written on your hand?

Is that freedom?
Determined to rid the vermin
Hatreds poisonous venom
Annihilation of oppression
By concreting a standard that fits your balance?

Disguised by liberal ways.
Cause the left won the culture war
And we must fulfill the agenda to save the day.

Or is it about the money?
With a buck in my right hand
And my left fist full of pills grasping in half prayer for rehab

They say I need help.
My mental status is high on bad health
I'm caged in my brain,
All 9 circles of hell
With no guiding light,
I'm always told to tread light
My heart beats questions,
my words start fights.

I am the snow storm of Capricorn
Loose chains around my neck


Astro-Tarot cross burns with no exhaust
At the bottom of the gate,
You can see my bones in Lucifer's mouth.

So why do I feel angelic?
My anger is prolific
Biblical scriptures leave me destined for heathen obsessions.

I am the division
No balance without permission
My air fuels fires and creates unison.

I am destruction
But  rebirth in the same phase.
Cycling the celestial waives
Swearing in God's name.

I can't be the only one
Who feels that condescending thumb
We must create a stage to fit the population
who wants to express their pain to his son.

But its crowded,
About to cave.
The weight of the world will be best defined in mass graves.

And here comes my gift.
My anger is my bliss.
I can't come to grips on why the world is the way it is.
I respect this age for hands raised in rage.
But I will be quick to slap down others who think they are center stage.
I'll break anyone's four walls and follow Shakespeare in a Socratic annoyance.

This is a moment of clairvoyance

Repeat these words with me and find a voice;



Dissolve the paradigm
To form a new life



My gift to the world
Is written on my arms.
kind of a mind dump, haven't written much lately so i decided to just try instead of festering. This is about frustration of knowing who I am and dealing with social Olympics of others and the political landscape. The "in the moment philosophy", most seem to indulge on when arguing to be right, but really the point has been agreed on, just like to hear themselves talk.
Anger is a gift that triumphs over subordination of current status. If you're unhappy and oppressed, dismissed, this maybe for you.
Samantha Cunha Jan 2019
et coagula
the ego
the mind,
& soul
Connor Smith Apr 2014
He wrote sigils of the world with air.

Pursued upon every street and grove,
attempts to writhe free are unwarranted;
Though in what way could escape mean separation?

Cast over rifts like a falling mist,
paradigms lay sedimentary
mediating sight as a membranous
pseudo preface to the essential.

This alluvium breathes, drawing inward
consecrating the dreaming idol;

We had found a stitch in space
where mortals wield no bodies.
Now subtle coagula are vessels enough
So temporal wills decay.

Join the aether;
Through the high cascade
some remember first knowing Self
akin to parting breaths in absentia.

This is our amniotic solvent;

The cycle stops repeating;  
A ceaseless inception
compressed upon Eternity.  

Our beginning remembers the end.
We found the gold in October.
To thirst for the infinite
Only proves infinity.
As I try to fight this feeling
I know all things must end

I dream of the Serpent
That I've slain the Mighty Lion,
Solved the Mystery
of all mysteries
Just to set this world on fire

What occurs above
so reflects below
Knuckle under thumb
Hand across your throat

I dreamt an angel sounded his trumpet
A great star, blazing like a torch
fell from the sky to poison the water.
And its name is Wormwood.
And the waters turned to bitter,
People dying from the thirst
I sat in judgment Heart unmoving
Sipping bitters of wormwood
Wormwood ×3

Sit and watch as the world burns
Seas are boiling as they churn
Like the bile deep inside
Ashes falling before my eyes
In the streets people cry
On their knees looking to the sky
All around their churches burning
Wormwood set their world afire
Am I awake
or really dreaming
Am I alive
Or Am I deceased
Have I succomed
To this believing
That all beginnings
Must have  an end
Am I here now
In this void
Or home safe
Asleep in bed
This nightmare
Feels so real
Fogging up my head
All this suffering
Pain and Gore
As five points
Become one
I stand now
On the shore
A sea of madness
I've come undone
I've come undone
I've come undone
I've come undone

Awaken in the dark
Struggling to breath
Heart racing
Thumping pulse
Terrible thoughts
And lack of sleep
Blinded by dark
You control your panic
As you gain your faculties
You hear your own voice whispering

You are not alone.
Rococo Aug 2022
Tegucigalpa, orquídea marchita,
de suelos polutos por plata y sangre,
cosecha de sueños malogrados y maltrechos,
irrigados por los cauces desbordantes de ríos negros.

Tegucigalpa, ciudad de esquinas opuestas
y avenidas perforadas por el tiempo.
Urbe de aceras estrechas
y de violencia que deambula.

Tegucigalpa, narcisista sedentaria,
que cada día se enamora ante el espejo de su cielo,
que cada noche duerme en una cuna de cerros.

Tegucigalpa escandalosa y bulliciosa,
de estruendos que arrullan y susurros que matan.

Tegucigalpa, te veo y una tristeza me asalta,
entre tus calles coagula un caudal escarlata.

Tegucigalpa, te sueño y el corazón me resalta,
ante el recuerdo glorioso de tu pasado esmeralda.
Esa palabra que jamás asoma
a tu idioma cantado de preguntas,
esa, desfalleciente,
que se hiela en el aire de tu voz,
sí, como una respiración de flautas
contra un aire de vidrio evaporada,
¡mírala, ay, tócala!
¡mírala ahora!
en esta exangüe bruma de magnolias,
en esta nimia floración de vaho
que -ensombrecido en luz el ojo agónico
y a funestos pestillos
anclado el tenue ruido de las alas-
guarda un ángel de sueño en la ventana.
¡Qué muros de cristal, amor, qué muros!
Ay ¿para qué silencios de agua?
Esa palabra, sí, esa palabra
que se coagula en la garganta
como un grito de ámbar
¡Mírala, ay, tócala!
¡mírala ahora!
Mira que, noche a noche, decantada
en el filtro de un áspero silencio,
quedóse a tanto enmudecer desnuda,
hiriente e inequívoca
-así en la entraña de un reloj la muerte,
así la claridad en una cifra-
para gestar este lenguaje nuestro,
que se abre al tacto insomne
en la arena, en el pájaro, en la nube,
cuando ***** de oráculos retruena
el panorama de la profecía.
¿Quién, si ella no,
pudo fraguar este universo insigne
que nace como un héroe en tu boca?
¡Mírala, ay, tócala,
mírala ahora,
incendiada en un eco de nenúfares!
¿No aquí su angustia asume la inocencia
de una hueca retórica de lianas?
Aquí, entre líquenes de orfebrería
que arrancan de minúsculos canales
¿no echó a tañer al aire
sus cándidas mariposas de escarcha?
Qué, en lugar de esa fe que la consume
hasta la transparencia del destino
¿no aquí -escapada al dardo
tenaz de la estatura-
se remonta insensata una palmera
para estallar en su ficción de cielo,
maestra en fuegos no,
mas en puros deleites de artificio?
Esa palabra, sí, esa palabra,
esa, desfalleciente,
que se ahoga en el humo de una sombra,
esa que gira -como un soplo- cauta
sobre bisagras de secreta lama,
esa en que el aura de la voz se astilla,
como si rebotara
en una bella úlcera de plata,
esa que baña sus vocales ácidas
en la espuma de las palomas sacrificadas,
esa que se congela hasta la fiebre
cuando no, ensimismada, se calcina
en la brusca intemperie de una lágrima,
¡mírala, ay, tócala!
¡mírala ahora!
¡mírala, ausente toda de palabra,
sin voz, sin eco, sin idioma, exacta,
mírala cómo traza
en muros de cristal amores de agua!
aurora kastanias Oct 2017
Fertile precincts of toxic air, colourless
And unstable create, inexistent boundaries
Of oxygen *****, by electrical discharges
Ultraviolet caress. An atom more turns

The unscented scent into a pungent odour,
Pale blue molecules high temperatures detonate
While low ones, solidify in violet black coagula,
Generous enough to retain, for humanity

And wildlife and all beneath, a gaseous form
Up high to shield, the delicate planet hosting
Sparkles of consciousness from its star’s deadly
Compromising radiations, absorbing them to grant

A frail, balance through its presence in stratosphere
We know, as our fragile sheltering ozone layer,
Descending just a little lower to become once more,
Breathable life bearing oxygen penetrating

Our lungs inundating a system, flowing through
Veins where the pale blue molecules spring only,
Every now and then in white blood cells, fighting
Illful intruders ensuring, survival of amazing wonders.
On Ozone

— The End —